Yes, start hammering as soon as you see STARRINGAre there credits after every mission?
Did you hear all the tapes? It should show up after you beat 43. Also, there's really no need to do Side Ops.What do you need to do to unlock 46?
I have 47-50 unlocked, but 46 won't show up. I've just been grinding side ops but nothing's happening.
Yeah, around 280k. Same for me.280K heroism and now S rank are popping up.
Yes, start hammering as soon as you see STARRING
Wow, the positivity in this thread.
If you guys liked theso much, there are a few moments inend of Chapter 1you'll love.Chapter 2
No, you don't have to.This is probably a dumb question but, do you have to fulton back your vehicles that you deploy on a mission with?
What's the point of Bait Bottle?
I've tried to use it several times but nothing happens... :/
So about a story thread involving the medical baseHow many wondering mother base missions are there before the Paz story concludes? I just did the seventh and got a cutscene where she's not reacting to anything and her wound is reopened.
So about a story thread involving the medical baseHow many wondering mother base missions are there before the Paz story concludes? I just did the seventh and got a cutscene where she's not reacting to anything and her wound is reopened.
There aremissions.10 Wandering MSF Soldier
Yesterday I stopped playing just to go outside and have lunch, and then something in the corner of my eye grabbed my attention...
Is there any reliable way to back up and restore save games on PC?
You can duplicate files and save them in another directory, but as the save gets uploaded online, does it then know if you try to revert and override your local save files?
Edit: would first deleting save game data from within TPP work, then replace the files in the Steam directory with backed up save files? Anyone tried?
accidentally ran intowhile fucking around on thepazplatform looking for diamonds. 2 questions, while trying to keep it spoilerish free:medical
1. Are there interiors to every platform?
2. Any major mother base plot points im missing by not exploring?
Shiiit I started Mission 29 with Quiet as my buddy. I realised my mistake straight away and returned to the ACC as soon as I could. Is my game fucked or am I going to be all right? I'm >60 hours into the game....
Going full riot gear is oddly fun. Stun sub machine gun, riot shield, stun shot gun, quiet support with tranq. Let her open fire on the camps and I bust everyone up from the back and extract them all. Complete 180 from crawling with the tranq gun. This keeps you moving using quiets distractions, and since everything is stun base I have to be especially accurate it feels (since I cannot mortally wound)
Duck this games utterly idiotic checkpoint system
Did you go inside and play a certain cassette tape?
Question regarding a certain cutscene I stumbled upon on mother base, mild spoilers I guessSo I triggered the Paz cutscene on top of the medical platform and I didn't even know Paz was here in the first place, did I trigger it early or was this a hidden cutscene? Is there are hidden cutsceness? If so can someone tell me where I can get them without spoiling it please.
It was indeed hidden, and it is the only one.
You can activate it any time.
It's also not the only one as SJRB mentioned. You can keep on getting new cutscenes there by bringing photos.
That is a lot less annoying than I expected. I thought with the online FOB stuff being integrated into offline mode they would try and give you less control over your save.Just copy the save files from the savegame location. Paste the save you want to use. The next time you start the game steam will tell you there's a difference between the savegame on your PC and the one in the cloud and ask you which one to use.
Build FOB to raise maximum amount of Mother Base Soldiers, never go online again. Check.
Did you go inside and play a certain cassette tape?
the cutscenes are incredible.
the lighting, the modelling, the frame rate, the motion blur; this is next-gen.
Mission 29, which begins chapter 2, wtf is my loadout supposed to be?
Honeybee and the grenade launcher ain't doing shit. I call if for supply drops and barely get 2/3rds of the way done.
Yo the story line forPazwas really interesting, didn't expect that out come and the last tape was really great.
the cutscenes are incredible.
the lighting, the modelling, the frame rate, the motion blur; this is next-gen.