Shoot dudes in the balls.
No. Just don't press anything afterwards.
Well FUCK...
I've been for about 40 minutes in a fight with buddy:, but there is NOTHING I can do... everytime i get a little close even,Quietsneaks out and leaves a bomb...she
Anyone can help me with a tip to finsih this?
PS4 patch is out, downloading. 435.8 MB, no notes yet.
1.03 just dropped?
Ps4 here.
Well FUCK...
I've been for about 40 minutes in a fight with buddy:, but there is NOTHING I can do... everytime i get a little close even,Quietsneaks out and leaves a bomb...she
Anyone can help me with a tip to finsih this?
Why is there a 5 million gmp cap?
400+ mb update :O
WHY?! Jeezus
I wake up every day wondering the same.There's also a cap for resources BTW.
What is the cap for???resources
What is the cap for???resources
The fabled Chapter 3. Finally.Just fixing pretty big bugs, I guess.
EDIT: Also, 400MB is big? You guys clearly have not played Battlefield. I remember there being a 4GB patch once. Now that's fucking big.
The fabled Chapter 3. Finally.Just fixing pretty big bugs, I guess.
EDIT: Also, 400MB is big? You guys clearly have not played Battlefield. I remember there being a 4GB patch once. Now that's fucking big.
Uh, so Episode 45. I need some help.
I've been stuck on the last checkpoint for two hours and there's no way for me to go back to the ACC to change up my loadout. These tanks that take six rockets and instakill me behind cover are impossible.
Seriously, where the hell can I farm for materials right now? My units are full and i can't expand, feels bad man. I'm at Mission 14.Halp?
You can always restart the mission, which will put you back at the chopper drop off to the start of the zone. I researched the CGM-25 rocket launcher and laid on the ground until it was ready, then had equipment dropoffs for that, a HAIL MGR-4 grenade launcher and a ZORN-KP grenade pistol.
Airstrikes and helicopter support can be called in as well. I'd highly recommend using at least a strike on the tank which one-shots you, if you can manage to get it registered on your scope. That mission's stupid tough!
Lords of the Fallen for PS4. 7GB install. 7GB Day 1 patch.
Yeah, 400mb is on the smaller side these days. Destiny just had an 18gb patch this week.
Mission 30.
How the fuck man
What is the cap for???resources
Mission 30.
How the fuck man
Mission 30.
How the fuck man
What do you mean?
Mission 30.
How the fuck man
Just seems like everyone in the entire fucking place can see me.
Well if you want an easy and hilarious S-rank...
*SPOILERS for mission 30*
Really? I haven't even done thefight yet, but I just got DD after completing Mission 8 and 10 (haven't done 9 yet). My MB is expanded like a mother fucker though.Quiet
Well if you want an easy and hilarious S-rank... and you like Sonic.
*SPOILERS for mission 30*
Just a page before...Anyone know what this update is for?
How do processed and unprocessed materials work? when do they become processed?
Mission 30.
How the fuck man
Just a page before...
When your layabout base development unit, DOES THEIR DAMN JOB GOD I HATE YOU GUYS
So do I have to wait?
You have to wait. It cycles occasionally on in game time.
Just keep playing missions and side oos, materials only get processed while you're in the field, not on MB or ACC.
Just keep playing missions and side oos, materials only get processed while you're in the field, not on MB or ACC.So do I have to wait?