Just finished the game yesterday, so I thought I pop into the OT.
Very enjoyable game. Played through the Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3 and 4 this year for the first time. I enjoyed the series a lot more then I expected to, considering I'm not big on stealth or cutscene driven games, but I have a big appreciation for the series now. 3 was my favourite with 2 very close behind. I need some time to think about it but V might have beaten out 3, and probably has beaten 2.
I was mostly on a blackout for the game, but now I've finished it I think I'll go back and watch some trailers, because I've heard how well made they are.
I wasn't too disappointed with the storytelling, it has some pacing problems, but I still enjoyed it. The ending was quite disappointing, though, I wont talk about that here. I liked the open world a lot too, I know some are complaining about it but I think it really compliments the gameplay and isn't to obtrusive, traveling was very enjoyable for me. I think it could have done with some larger industrial style areas. Central Africa has a few of them, but more would be nice. A large indoor area would have been a good change of pace, and I was quite disappointed that it the indoor areas were always very small.
I used D-Dog all the way through, he's one of the reasons I actually caught up on the series all the way through so I could get MGSV, because it has a cute doggy.