did they fixed it already in the last patch? didn't read that
yup, patch came out last night
did they fixed it already in the last patch? didn't read that
Ah okay! Thx!!Oh, pardon me. I misrembered. I took a peak into the guide again and it states only negative GMP balance as negative factor. So, keep beating them up, it doesn't strenghen moral, but it doesn't hurt either.
Very happy they fixed Quiet mission bugs quickly. Don't have to worry when I get there.
Man, I can't agree with that at all. No vehicle mission in a prior MGS has every been as exhilarating to me as Mission 9 spoiler. Up through Mission 30 I've had a bunch of other missions with similar, epic moments that matched any of the pre-planned setpieces of prior MGS games. But this time it was pretty mucgalloping across the desert chasing tanks, firing RPGs down on them from atop a ridge.
yup, patch came out last night
Finally got D-Dog. Let's see what this guy can do.
if you wanna be stealthy, best buddy in the game.
Yeah, I prefer silent infiltration to everything else. Sounds like he'll be right up my alley!if you wanna be stealthy, best buddy in the game.
He's really ace, seeing him take out an enemy was a great moment.
Yeah, I prefer silent infiltration to everything else. Sounds like he'll be right up my alley!
when I get spotted, I love. so useful! didn't expect it at all.that the he goes and distracts the guards
Finally got D-Dog. Let's see what this guy can do.
Yeah, I prefer silent infiltration to everything else. Sounds like he'll be right up my alley!
best buddy. just don't blow him up like i did earlier.
Just had my first encounter with Quiet and I'm in a spot of bother.I won the snipe-off but totally can't find where she was sniping from and fell, thus I can't recruit her! Is there any way round this, or is she automatically transported to Mother Base?
Cheers in advance.
For me he got (~Mission 12 spoilers)best buddy. just don't blow him up like i did earlier.
For me he got (~Mission 12 spoilers)stomped on by the Soviet Metal Gear.
I lost Heroism points![]()
Which gear for Boss is the desert one with the cloak over the shoulder and the goggles from the promo pictures (if the goggles are even in)?
Been abusing the GZ sneaking suit too much lately and getting tired of night infiltrations.
When do I get a technospinning specialist or whatever the heck that's needed for DDog's second armor?
Pretty sure she ends up in the center of the ruins out in the open, search near the middle of the area for her.
Thanks I've searched everywhere but can't find her
I'm wondering if I should restart the side mission.
Thanks I've searched everywhere but can't find her
I'm wondering if I should restart the side mission.
Ok thanks.
I dont even need mission 45. I will just YT it after I am done with the story.
I've most recently done mission 12, I guess I have to redo 8...which one is 8 again? I take it this is some random soldier I have to fulton out?I think it's mission 8 or something, check the missions screen in the acc it tells you whoo you can aquire in each mission. It's a guy in a truck unless I'm thinking of the wrong mission/specialist.
isn't that the day one content?
Oh no! Jesus, that was his first mission, the poor pup. It just said that he got "critically injured" or something and he wasn't with me anymore, but he was back at Mother Base when I went back there.Had on, are you saying that killed him forever?
I've most recently done mission 12, I guess I have to redo 8...which one is 8 again? I take it this is some random soldier I have to fulton out?
Oh no! Jesus, that was his first mission, the poor pup. It just said that he got "critically injured" or something and he wasn't with me anymore, but he was back at Mother Base when I went back there.
Is that the one with three tanks and then you have to track them back to the base to destroy the third tank and then kill or extract the commander or is that the other one that I most likely keep avoiding cause it says "recommended weapon missiles" and I'm still holding out on getting the chopper missiles cause that shit is just taking fucking forever to be unlocked. If it's that one would having that recoilless rifle thing and an RPG be enough?The one with lots of vehicles to destroy, there's a couple of trucks with optional people in that Kaz tells you about. I might be wrong about which ones so check the top of the mission select screen to see what specialists appear.
When do you get your security team? I want that non-lethal equipment for d-dog
Is that the one with three tanks and then you have to track them back to the base to destroy the third tank and then kill or extract the commander or is that the other one that I most likely keep avoiding cause it says "recommended weapon missiles" and I'm still holding out on getting the chopper missiles cause that shit is just taking fucking forever to be unlocked. If it's that one would having that recoilless rifle thing and an RPG be enough?
How do I get mission 22? I accidentally cancelled mission 21 and now only have the option to do side ops.
Mission 3 question (eliminate the Spetsnaz commander):
Is it possible tofulton the commander? Attempted an extract by fulton, Miller immediately came over the radio and confirmed the commander had been killed. "Extraction Failed" flashed on the screen. I know fulton isn't a guarantee, but had a 90% success chance - not sure if it was just back luck, or you're not intended to be able to capture him in the first place.
Mission 3 question (eliminate the Spetsnaz commander):
Is it possible tofulton the commander? Attempted an extract by fulton, Miller immediately came over the radio and confirmed the commander had been killed. "Extraction Failed" flashed on the screen. I know fulton isn't a guarantee, but had a 90% success chance - not sure if it was just back luck, or you're not intended to be able to capture him in the first place.
So it's the 3 tank mission then? That actually isn't a hard mission now that I know what to expect from it, plus I've got access to mines now and have the cargo fulton which means I can hopefully fulton a tank. I think I took out the last tank by calling in an airstrike if I'm not mistaken from mother base, it was actually quite fun ducking out after fultoning that commander. So I guess I have to check to see which one I haven't done later this week. I want that battle armor for that dog...and horse and it's probably expensive as fuck now that I'm think about it.I think I used an rpg, c4, and mines. An a horse, of course.
Mission 3 question (eliminate the Spetsnaz commander):
Is it possible tofulton the commander? Attempted an extract by fulton, Miller immediately came over the radio and confirmed the commander had been killed. "Extraction Failed" flashed on the screen. I know fulton isn't a guarantee, but had a 90% success chance - not sure if it was just back luck, or you're not intended to be able to capture him in the first place.
After mission22
Got my very first E yesterday. On Mission. It wasn't that hard, I guess I got spotted a lot.33: EXTREME Back-up, Back down
Just one more S-Rank needed - Episode 42[Extreme] Mettalic Archea - breezed through this first time with D-Walker but so far this is a nightmare - especially considering I don't have Quiet anymore, I was a fool
After mission22
Got my very first E yesterday. On Mission. It wasn't that hard, I guess I got spotted a lot.33: EXTREME Back-up, Back down