is there any reason to keep Troublemaker soldiers? I dismissed them all.
Put them on your security team, if someone wants to invade your FOB I guess they are welcome to Fulton them!
is there any reason to keep Troublemaker soldiers? I dismissed them all.
yay, failed the same 3 hour dispatch mission twice in a row now. This is sooooo fun
wait, what?? she never did that when I found her.. lol, wonder how it triggers
That RNG combined with the dispatch time is brutal, don't like that part. Although I personaly got lucky enough to have finished all Dispatch missions before I even got Battle Gear.The peacekeepers one? It's fucking annoying. I failed it once already, the current attempt will expire in another hour of play time. Fingers crossed. 50%!!!
yay, failed the same 3 hour dispatch mission twice in a row now. This is sooooo fun
Not a clue. I hit her twice and she bombed off running, then I followed her to finish her off, when I found her, facing away from me, she was standing in the river, doing a dance, with a rainbow ending at her location. I shit you not. I'm not on drugs either. I actually approached her, thinking that was what happened before you recruit her, but then she saw me and scarpered off again!
So, I'm on mission 17 and I have to ask this to those of you who have beaten the game. Please do not read if you have not beaten the game as I am about to go into speculation
I want to know if there is more to the story than the obvious twist to the game thus far, that being that the character I'm playing is not Big Boss (which was obvious given Keifer's voiceover work for Ishmael in the opening cinematic). What I want to know, if this game somehow ties the Big Boss trilogy and Solid Snake trilogy well. This is my biggest concern because the gameplay is starting to wear on me 17 episodes in and I do not know if plowing through the remaining 30 or so missions will reward me from a narrative standpoint. Thanks.
You gotta build up your army. You do that by fultoning stunned or sleeping soldiers. You may want to try to Fulton the targets in the assassination missions as they tend to have useful skills or good stats.
Every man you need to kill can be captured (fulton is better). They have higher stats and sometime they give you more dialog at the end of a mission.
Fulton can fail only when the weather is bad. Wait until is good and fulton all your objective. More easy and fast than carry everyone to the chopper
One other question post mission 25 pleaseSo i quarantined all Kikongo soldiers but the problem is i did it because i knew about it as soon as it happened.Do i miss anything if the disease doesnt spread?I mean i ma sure a lot if player wouldnt figure t out immediately and i only knew because i saw it here
It is an assassination mission. The idea is to kill your target. Why would I want to take away someone I was paid to kill? Makes no sense.
Besides, I get enough recruits joining me of their own volition so I have no reason to abduct everyone I come across, seems redundant.
The peacekeepers one? It's fucking annoying. I failed it once already, the current attempt will expire in another hour of play time. Fingers crossed. 50%!!!
Diamond Dogs was hired to kill the target yeah, but why not have him join DD and tell the client he was killed?
You're going to come across enemies on the field that will add a lot to your Mother Base team so always be prepared to extract soldiers.
MGSV late game question (mission 37-40)
I got the MOF's remains, watched Quiet's interrogation scene, Code Talker talking to parasite scene and the necklace scene... but I don't have any new missions... how do I continue?
It is an assassination mission. The idea is to kill your target. Why would I want to take away someone I was paid to kill? Makes no sense.
Besides, I get enough recruits joining me of their own volition so I have no reason to abduct everyone I come across, seems redundant.
I just extract the specialists which I am supposed to extract. I don't think I need to recruit rank-and-file Russian soldiers into my base if all they are going to do is take up space for more valuable assets coming later on.
Just grind side ops, the next (yellow) story mission or important side op should pop up this way. Storywise you are done after Mission.46
The last story mission is 46. That's not the mission you completed.
You don't seem to be a person who understands how espionage works, and what "high value targets" mean! Just another soldier who follows orders. How disappointing!
Maybe your mindset will change when you upgrade your binoculars scanner enough and you can actually see how great some of the soldiers on the field are, especially the main targets. Mmmmm. Soldier Pokemon....![]()
They don't permanently take up a slot, you can dismiss people if you run out of room.
Nothing more satisfying then making a ghost town out of a big outpost at night, everyone fultoned with no traces left and with power cut off (+ suprise claymore in front of the generator). The gameplay finally clicked now, everything is second nature and I'm impressed with the shit I can pull out on the fly with my buddies and equipement.
Immaculate conception of a game, that is all.
I know, but I enjoy killing them more than collecting them![]()
I got the rain scene last night. Up to now I had no problem withQuiet, but that scene just made me face palm. That was just overdone. Wish that had been cut, because it really is there for no reason other than to turn her into some sexualized object. Her prancing around in less clothes didn't have anything to do with anything.
but the gunplay and the feeling of lining up that perfect shot from a nearby hill is just too much for me to resist. I love that. Or sneak in, do a nice throat slice and sneak out. These activities are so much more fun than collecting portraits.
but the gunplay and the feeling of lining up that perfect shot from a nearby hill is just too much for me to resist. I love that. Or sneak in, do a nice throat slice and sneak out. These activities are so much more fun than collecting portraits.
I know, but I enjoy killing them more than collecting them![]()
but the gunplay and the feeling of lining up that perfect shot from a nearby hill is just too much for me to resist. I love that. Or sneak in, do a nice throat slice and sneak out. These activities are so much more fun than collecting portraits.
I know, but I enjoy killing them more than collecting them
It's not a ghost town if there are no ghosts to haunt the place. That is when the term "to ghost someone" comes into play![]()
but the gunplay and the feeling of lining up that perfect shot from a nearby hill is just too much for me to resist. I love that. Or sneak in, do a nice throat slice and sneak out. These activities are so much more fun than collecting portraits.
I know, but I enjoy killing them more than collecting them
It's not a ghost town if there are no ghosts to haunt the place. That is when the term "to ghost someone" comes into play![]()
You can do this with tranquilizers and rubber bullets though. Your mother base team will begin to suffer later on if you're not capturing some of the elite soldiers you'll encounter in the field. The slower you level up your various teams the slower you'll be able to upgrade and obtain new gear.
But yeah it is hard to resist the guns blazing approach sometimes![]()
Play it the way you want.
When you realise you need to upgrade Mother Base a lot down the line, you're free to re-play those missions again and capture all the HVTs instead of killing them. All the options are still there.
What a game.
I feel like I can do the whole game with just the basic assault rifle, Adam's pistol and C4. I don't feel like I need anything else and if I do, I can just find it in the field.
Did you find it weird that she walks away with her boots as she dissapears, but the boots don't dissapear?
I am afraid to say after that scene i am ashamed of Kojimas words and deeds. Also... Faith restored after i saw that dreamy Ocelit be in that cutscene instead of Quiet.
I had to completely unplug my Xbox for this go away. Oh and it's not saving any of your progress either.So I've been getting an error saying "Failed to Create Save Data". How do I fix this before I continue further? On the Xbox One, btw.
I feel like I can do the whole game with just the basic assault rifle, Adam's pistol and C4. I don't feel like I need anything else and if I do, I can just find it in the field.
You don't seem to be a person who understands how espionage works, and what "high value targets" mean! Just another soldier who follows orders. How disappointing!
Maybe your mindset will change when you upgrade your binoculars scanner enough and you can actually see how great some of the soldiers on the field are, especially the main targets. Mmmmm. Soldier Pokemon....![]()
It might feel like that now but you will struggle. What mission are you at?
The vast, vast majority of equipment in the game cannot be obtained in the field.
I had to completely unplug my Xbox for this go away. Oh and it's not saving any of your progress either.
Not as far as I've heard of. There are point bonuses in the scoring for each mission that reward you for "No Kills" and Also "Full Stealth, No Kills."
However, those are just bonuses. I've certainly S Ranked missions with loud and lethal playstyles.
Yes! So I can kill without any repercussions in side Ops. Thanks for the info guys.Don't think so. And besides there are several missions in which you can't avoid killing
Yes! So I can kill without any repercussions in side Ops. Thanks for the info guys.
Yes! So I can kill without any repercussions in side Ops. Thanks for the info guys.
I dunno, something like 3 or 6
What do you need? A gun and something to take care of armoured targets. Both of these can be found on soldiers. Or at least I hope you can find RPGs on soldiers, I am pretty sure I saw some.
Ranking up the bond with D-Horse seems to take forever.
Do you get anything useful with D-Horse once you level him up? I've been using the others.
I would be interested to know if/when you hit a wall with this strategy. Some upgrades to equpment/tools require teams to be at certain limits, RPGs and the like are not readily available (and some missions will require you to have a plentiful supply, more than 1 can carry at a time).
At some point just waiting on volunteers will require a lot of grinding. It would work most definitely (not sure if some specialties are available to volunteers) but I would think an exorbitant amount of time/side ops/dispatch missions.