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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future

I was expecting that answer, I have yet to use a single grenade so I had no idea how effective they were, will start now. Thanks.

Regular grenades have an amazing blast radius in this game. I usually pop one out between AR bursts in lethal firefights. Assault Rifles sometimes are best used to stall someone for a tackle, if you want to use them non-lethaly. (Shoot someone in the arm once in reflex mode, or in the leg, and that should stall them long enough to tackle them if you're too far away, before they can get an alarm off.)
I forget normal lethal grenades but assuming you're looking for non-lethal means.


select and then dismiss them.

I do find it's easier to just keep them and let Miller dismiss them once motherbase is overflowing. That way you don't need to micro-manage people (there isn't really any advantage to doing so in this game anyway), and if some people on your teams die you always have a large number of back-up guys to replace them.


THIS... and besides that, it was weird for me, because I captured the whole outpost, called in the chopper and left the
wounded kid in the chopper, but the other kids where headed downstream the river!!! the chopper was there!!!

I think this is part of the problems the team faced with the open world design, it can hurt sometimes
Not sure what happened but it was really easy for me, I never gave the kids a single instruction, I just went down that river and took out the groups of 2 or 3 guys as I came across them. The kids just naturally followed, I also had the helo scouting as I didn't bring a gun to take it down, plus I tend not to kill anyone, its bed time for all enemies. Never got spotted, I think once I hid in a building when the helo put its spotlight near me and just went straight down the stream to the pickup. Only had to load the kids into the helo at the end but they were all there so it was easy.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I do find it's easier to just keep them and let Miller dismiss them once motherbase is overflowing. That way you don't need to micro-manage people (there isn't really any advantage to doing so in this game anyway), and if some people on your teams die you always have a large number of back-up guys to replace them.

Micromanaging early game is important to get to a level for R&D though sometimes.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Escort mission.
Children, 5 of them. And they don't fucking listen.
And Quiet is nowhere to be fucking found.


I actually loved that mission. XD

The kids do exactly what you say if you stay close, they have a predictable pattern of movement they never deviate from (in my experience, it's short, it's challenging, it feels badass in an 80s/Mad Max kind of way, it mixes things up in a very Metal Gear kind of way, and Quiet can cover your arse there (I think there are three (?) sniper positions she can take).


Regarding the kids:
I just captured the whole outpost and then tranq'd all the kids to put them to sleep, dragged them up to the chopper's landing zone and kept putting them to sleep until the chopper arrived for me to then stick them inside it. Of course, the gunship showed up so I called my chopper away until it was gone again and then called it back to get the last kid in

Did not have to escort them at all. :D
Repetition is up to you.

People don't call a Racing game repetitive even if you have to play the same track over and over. Or a shooter even if you only play one level.

The repetition is because you approach the situation the same way. Try setting some limits for yourself, or challenging yourself. They give you so many tools, but they don't force you to experiment.

Yeah but you actually pick the track before hand so you know exactly what you are doing. This game tells you that your side ops list has been updated with "NEW" missions that end up being the same shit you've done already. I mean they don't even mix up the soldier patrols or change the target NPC locations. Im sure it gets more interesting as you go since more options open to you, but Im still pretty early on, don't have that many gadgets/ weapons at my disposal. Im still enjoying the game but its just kind of a bummer to start a mission and realize that you've basically already done the same shit already 3-4 times before.


Has anyone managed to rescue a Leopard Tortoise? I'm so god damn close to 100% on this game, and I'm being taunted by a fucking tortoise.


Yes, I think you are.

Every mission unlocks gradually depending on how many Side Ops you've done - it's that simple. There is no bizarre "roll 25 times over the helipad on the third R&D platform when the clock strikes noon" requirements to unlock missions.

does it depend on the total number of Side-Ops you've done or does it only matter that you've done the yellow colored ones?


I do find it's easier to just keep them and let Miller dismiss them once motherbase is overflowing. That way you don't need to micro-manage people (there isn't really any advantage to doing so in this game anyway), and if some people on your teams die you always have a large number of back-up guys to replace them.
he will only dismiss the bad ones?
Micromanaging early game is important to get to a level for R&D though sometimes.

always used auto assigment.

one time, I put all my best people in R&D, but only gained 1 level over auto sort.


Whats the best way with dealing with Quiet on Extreme?
Call in a supply drop on her. Just make sure to go out of cover for a second when the supply drop is closer than 10 meters so she will be stuck on the reload animation when it drops (otherwise she will jump out of the way)

thats........so, so, so, so, dumb.
It really is. I always go full stealth/non-lethal for my first playthrough, and I was planning to replay some missions Rambo style
with Quiet
after I had 100% completion. I didn't get a chance to try the
Sinful Butterfly rifle
and I barely had time to try the
Sniper Wolf costume.
I feel robbed, honestly.

They really should
patch her back into the game,


Quick question on bond levels. Im about to max out ddog and was going to try quiet next to see if I like her. Thing is, I really really like using ddog but from what I gather you really need to bond with quiet at least halfway before shes semi useful. So heres my question. If I put ddog on the sidelines for a few main missions to bond woth quiet, will I lose bond level with ddog at all? Or any adverse effects?



Quick question on bond levels. Im about to max out ddog and was going to try quiet next to see if I like her. Thing is, I really really like using ddog but from what I gather you really need to bond with quiet at least halfway before shes semi useful. So heres my question. If I put ddog on the sidelines for a few main missions to bond woth quiet, will I lose bond level with ddog at all? Or any adverse effects?


No, at least in my experience. The only time bond goes down is if adverse shit happens to your buddy during a mission.


It would've been great to have D-Dog constantly call you up to spend time with him after ignoring him for awhile. Like in GTA.


Damn I've played 25 hours in 3 days, have done 3 side ops and am only on mission 8. Reading some of the progress you guys have made is a little depressing. Looks like I'll be putting in at least 300 hours into this game. Gonna try to 100% which is something I haven't done in years.


Gold Member
does it depend on the total number of Side-Ops you've done or does it only matter that you've done the yellow colored ones?

The yellow-marked missions are essential story-related missions, so doing those is absolutely necessary.

Similarly, the yellow-marked cassette tapes have plot-related content.
Just beat Chapter 1. I enjoyed it but that game has problems preventing it from being my GOTY. and it's specifically with the Enemy Ai. This was something I feared Ground Zero had and hoped to fix. Instead of the way it's done in the previous games, it's done backwards. It's baffling having a soldier who is across the mission area calling in without witnessing what happened after I taking an enemy down after reflex mode before he could do anything. Then you have sniping, Whenever I use one or have Quiet with a suppressor, Helicopters and mortar strikes will go after me even though I'm undetected. They shoot at me and follow me where I go while still undetected. How? It's not until I shoot without a suppressor is when the entire base goes into alert.

And finally the enemies' vision. They can't see shit whats in front of them. They point a flashlight at me from 5-10ft and they just walk off without raising suspicion that I'm there. Then there are times where they just see me through walls. It only happened to me like 4 times throughout the game but it infuriated me when it happened. I wasn't even running and standing up for that to happen.

I feel like the behavior on the enemy AI was the last thing on KojiPro's mind when making MGS5.


Quick question on bond levels. Im about to max out ddog and was going to try quiet next to see if I like her. Thing is, I really really like using ddog but from what I gather you really need to bond with quiet at least halfway before shes semi useful. So heres my question. If I put ddog on the sidelines for a few main missions to bond woth quiet, will I lose bond level with ddog at all? Or any adverse effects?


Use Quiet on easier sideops, like Eliminate the Heavy Infantry or Armored Vehicle Unit (assuming you can fulton vehicles at this point). Her bond maxed out after not too many side-ops. And that tranq rifle with the suppressor is a game-changer :)


Regarding the kids:
I just captured the whole outpost and then tranq'd all the kids to put them to sleep, dragged them up to the chopper's landing zone and kept putting them to sleep until the chopper arrived for me to then stick them inside it. Of course, the gunship showed up so I called my chopper away until it was gone again and then called it back to get the last kid in

Did not have to escort them at all. :D


The yellow-marked missions are essential story-related missions, so doing those is absolutely necessary.

Similarly, the yellow-marked cassette tapes have plot-related content.

but as far as getting more Missions to show up in the Main Mission list once you start Chapter 2, all that matters is doing the yellow colored ones right (Side-Ops and Main Missions)?


The mission tasks in MGS5 are incredibly buggy. You can do the task 100% to the t and it still doesn't unlock, but play a random stage and it'll unlock the task automatically. Alrighty then.


Just beat Chapter 1. I enjoyed it but that game has problems preventing it from being my GOTY. and it's specifically with the Enemy Ai. This was something I feared Ground Zero had and hoped to fix. Instead of the way it's done in the previous games, it's done backwards. It's baffling having a soldier who is across the mission area calling in without witnessing what happened after I taking an enemy down after reflex mode before he could do anything. Then you have sniping, Whenever I use one or have Quiet with a suppressor, Helicopters and mortar strikes will go after me even though I'm undetected. They shoot at me and follow me where I go while still undetected. How? It's not until I shoot without a suppressor is when the entire base goes into alert.

And finally the enemies' vision. They can't see shit whats in front of them. They point a flashlight at me from 5-10ft and they just walk off without raising suspicion that I'm there. Then there are times where they just see me through walls. It only happened to me like 4 times throughout the game but it infuriated me when it happened. I wasn't even running and standing up for that to happen.

I feel like the behavior on the enemy AI was the last thing on KojiPro's mind when making MGS5.

I strongly disagree with you, the AI in this game is magnificent imo..

what you are describing in the AI alerting without much is something they should do normally if they hear a gunshot or a sound out of the normal, they are really careful in their actions and while they do that, it never becomes an actual alert until they see you. sometimes they discover what you do if they see you at distance wile head shotting someone on reflex mode.

and also is worth to note that the sigh of the enemy is affected by its rank, the higher it is, the further they will see you, that's why some E ranks sometimes doesn't see shit, while others A or S ranks see you at 100m

of course there are hiccups here and there, for example it is usual that even when a guard is shot on reflex mode, the whole outpost goes into alert without being never notified, or that they see through walls on very usual occasions, but in majority for me the AI is one of the smartest parts of the game
Ugh my bond rating with Quiet is only 41. This is gonna be so fucking grindy. Is there any way to increase bond other than doing missions?

Can I unlock 46 without doing 45? I just want to see the ending

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Just watched the infamous rain scene.
The creepiest thing of everything was how Code Talker was looking from the distace.
Also from chapter 2
Quiet recovers damn quickly from jumping into the chlorine tank.


Yeah but you actually pick the track before hand so you know exactly what you are doing. This game tells you that your side ops list has been updated with "NEW" missions that end up being the same shit you've done already. I mean they don't even mix up the soldier patrols or change the target NPC locations. Im sure it gets more interesting as you go since more options open to you, but Im still pretty early on, don't have that many gadgets/ weapons at my disposal. Im still enjoying the game but its just kind of a bummer to start a mission and realize that you've basically already done the same shit already 3-4 times before.

The side ops are intended to be done in open world exploration too. Sometimes I'll drop myself into the open world, mark abunch of side ops on my map, and then drive around doing them all while blowing up outposts along the way. They're not missions, for the most part, and you don't even need to play most of them to progress the story.


The side ops are intended to be done in open world exploration too. Sometimes I'll drop myself into the open world, mark abunch of side ops on my map, and then drive around doing them all while blowing up outposts along the way. They're not missions, for the most part, and you don't even need to play most of them to progress the story.
Yeah, doing a bunch of side-ops in a row in free-roam is one of the most enjoyable things to do in the game IMO. Great way to rise the bond level with your buddies too.

Ah OK sweet. So I can do 46, then go back and do 45 later once it unlocks?


Gold Member
Ah OK sweet. So I can do 46, then go back and do 45 later once it unlocks?

Well you could, but not without consequence.

All these questions... It's hard to answer without spoiling anything. There are way too many people in this thread asking questions they really shouldn't want the answer to. Just play the game.


Just beat Chapter 1. I enjoyed it but that game has problems preventing it from being my GOTY. and it's specifically with the Enemy Ai. This was something I feared Ground Zero had and hoped to fix. Instead of the way it's done in the previous games, it's done backwards. It's baffling having a soldier who is across the mission area calling in without witnessing what happened after I taking an enemy down after reflex mode before he could do anything. Then you have sniping, Whenever I use one or have Quiet with a suppressor, Helicopters and mortar strikes will go after me even though I'm undetected. They shoot at me and follow me where I go while still undetected. How? It's not until I shoot without a suppressor is when the entire base goes into alert.

And finally the enemies' vision. They can't see shit whats in front of them. They point a flashlight at me from 5-10ft and they just walk off without raising suspicion that I'm there. Then there are times where they just see me through walls. It only happened to me like 4 times throughout the game but it infuriated me when it happened. I wasn't even running and standing up for that to happen.

I feel like the behavior on the enemy AI was the last thing on KojiPro's mind when making MGS5.

I think the AI is by and large excellent but I have encountered your issues. In particular, firing mortar shells at your position without you ever having been discovered seems like it must be a bug, and has happened to me twice.

The fact that they can't see 20ft in front of them is also an issue that makes sneaking around too easy, imo. Night vision goggle soldiers tend to have a vision cone that's more realistic while still being fun, say 60ft.


Just beat Chapter 1. I enjoyed it but that game has problems preventing it from being my GOTY. and it's specifically with the Enemy Ai. This was something I feared Ground Zero had and hoped to fix. Instead of the way it's done in the previous games, it's done backwards. It's baffling having a soldier who is across the mission area calling in without witnessing what happened after I taking an enemy down after reflex mode before he could do anything. Then you have sniping, Whenever I use one or have Quiet with a suppressor, Helicopters and mortar strikes will go after me even though I'm undetected. They shoot at me and follow me where I go while still undetected. How? It's not until I shoot without a suppressor is when the entire base goes into alert.

And finally the enemies' vision. They can't see shit whats in front of them. They point a flashlight at me from 5-10ft and they just walk off without raising suspicion that I'm there. Then there are times where they just see me through walls. It only happened to me like 4 times throughout the game but it infuriated me when it happened. I wasn't even running and standing up for that to happen.

I feel like the behavior on the enemy AI was the last thing on KojiPro's mind when making MGS5.

What you might not realize is that they aren't going after you, they're going after a noise. If you get away after a suspicion is raised you can flank enemies while they go ballistic on where they think an intruder MIGHT have been. They operate on sound a lot of the time. If they hear a helmet being shot or an enemy shooting at someone, that will trigger a suspicion alert. Reflex mode is all about preventing that warning cry from going out.

The enemy's vision, for the most part, works on movement. When they're shining the flashlight they're seeing if something moves. It's actually very intricate AI and when you really understand the rules it operates on you can perform some amazing feats.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Well you could, but not without consequence.

All these questions... It's hard to answer without spoiling anything. There are way too many people in this thread asking questions they really shouldn't want the answer to. Just play the game.

There are consequences from doing them in different order?!


how the fuck am I suppossed to beat the guy at the end of misson

and is there any way, to chose which d walker version they will send you, when you call him mid mission?

edit: well, I just changed
the weather
. lol.. -_-


how the fuck am I suppossed to beat the guy at the end of misson

and is there any way, to chose which d walker version they will send you, when you call him mid mission?

You can't really beat the
Man on Fire
in Mission
in a conventional way. I know of the following methods:
waiting ten minutes for it to start raining, cooling him off by knocking him into the reservoir, ramming him off of a cliff with a jeep, and shooting the floating child enough times until he disappears (thus allowing you to fulton the Man on Fire). Splashing him with water from the reservoir or a water tower stuns him for thirty seconds, as does shooting him with the water gun fifty times.
Sorry for all the questions...really trying to finish the game today.

Are there any special requirements for 46? I've done all other important yellow side ops and missions and listened to every cassette, but I'm reading you may need MB upgraded to a certain level as well? Is that true?


Sorry for all the questions...really trying to finish the game today.

Are there any special requirements for 46? I've done all other important yellow side ops and missions and listened to every cassette, but I'm reading you may need MB upgraded to a certain level as well? Is that true?

That is not true.

Just do a few more Side Ops and it should trigger.

What was the last cutscene you saw?
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