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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


um never cause they're paying you to set up that place in order to keep those animals off the battlefield...duhhhhhh

What battlefield? I all I see are soldiers guarding outposts and camps in the open world, there is no indication that any animals are hurt or bothered by either
the soviets or the PF's in angola
. The only thing I can think of that possibly put animals in danger is the
the oil leak when you arrive at angola, but Venom Snake takes care of it it in the first mission there so it wasn't a problem anymore after that

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, more like "We need something to do in those empty zones. We already put flowers in, but they are infinite...what about a new kind of collectibles? We can take out something like 10 hours of gameplay from this if we attach an achievement to this task, otherwise nobody will bother".


I guess the term "open-world" comes with a lot of baggage and expectations, it's just a lot of that doesn't apply here.

Didn't Kojima repeatedly say this was never going to be "true" open-world and that the huge map was to facilitate "free infiltration"? To me, the open world is connective tissue to frame a few key game mechanics (i.e free-infiltration, mission areas, inter-base reinforcement etc.), it is not there to be explored. There are no incentives to traipse around the landscape and I don't think that was by accident. Animals and plants are readily found around landing sites and bases, after all.


I guess the term "open-world" comes with a lot of baggage and expectations, it's just a lot of that doesn't apply here.

Didn't Kojima repeatedly say this was never going to be "true" open-world and that the huge map was to facilitate "free infiltration"? To me, the open world is connective tissue to frame a few key game mechanics (i.e free-infiltration, mission areas, inter-base reinforcement etc.), it is not there to be explored. There are no incentives to traipse around the landscape and I don't think that was by accident. Animals and plants are readily found around landing sites and bases, after all.

Why even make the game open-world if they weren't gonna fully take use of it? Having open but closed off maps for missions like Camp Omega in MGS:GZ would be a better use of resources (and ultimately streamline the campaign much more).

The fact is that is that the intention was an open-world game and that you are supposed to traverse the world to reach mission objectives and find stuff on your own if you want to.


Why even make the game open-world if they weren't gonna fully take use of it? Having open but closed off maps for missions like Camp Omega in MGS:GZ would be a better use of resources and would probably help streamline the game if so.
I like how it is. How mission areas are certain parts of the open world,different mission borders making new experiences. It's nice.


Chico had a jack in his chest in GZ and NOTHING is explained here? Skull Face discovered parasite later, so why Chico had already a jack in his chest :l Another plot hole?

Also when Konami will fix the blueprint bug? Of course I triggered it so I can't 100% the game.


Chico had a jack in his chest in GZ and NOTHING is explained here? Skull Face discovered parasite later, so why Chico had already a jack in his chest :l Another plot hole?

Kojima thought it looked cool, probably.

...no, that's the Phantom of the Opera. The song in MGSV is one of Forssell's original pieces that wasn't on the soundtrack, and doesn't have official lyrics.
The more I play this game, the more I feel fiddled...

i'm convinced that 'round about halfway thru development, for whatever reason (combat fatigue, mgs fatigue, pressure from konami), kojima just ran out of gas, period, & that what we're left with is a game where, graphically & gameplay wise, everything's solidly in place, but everything else (storyline, script, main missions / side missions) is kinda completely hit'n'miss: sometimes it works, sometimes it don't, & sometimes it just ain't there at all...

why are miller & ocelot sooo friggin' tiresome, & useless? where're the awesome villains/bosses? &, most of all, why're the horse, the dog, & the sniper, none of whom say anything, easily the 3 best characters? :) ...


I just got to chapter 2. Love the gameplay but... my god wtf is up with the story.

It's a like a combo of:
- Not enough story
- What's there is confusing
- What's there is also bad
- Snake just stares into the distance not saying shit
- Skull Face is an idiot
- Ocelot and Miller are just two dudes chillin shootin' the shit

What a mess of a plot and characterization.


Gold Member
Chico had a jack in his chest in GZ and NOTHING is explained here? Skull Face discovered parasite later, so why Chico had already a jack in his chest :l Another plot hole?

Also when Konami will fix the blueprint bug? Of course I triggered it so I can't 100% the game.

Because he had to endure brutal mental and pysical torture he's probably fucked in the head.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Why even make the game open-world if they weren't gonna fully take use of it? Having open but closed off maps for missions like Camp Omega in MGS:GZ would be a better use of resources (and ultimately streamline the campaign much more).

Genuinely not trying to be funny with you (honestly, I don't know how to put this more politely), but I explained exactly why I think they went Open World in the post you quoted.

The fact is that is that the intention was an open-world game and that you are supposed to traverse the world to reach mission objectives and find stuff on your own if you want to.

Again, I don't think that was Kojima's intention. What you're saying is exactly the sort of baggage that comes with the term "open-world" and that probably accounts for a lot of complaints. The main reason they went this way was to facilitate freedom. From the man himself:

"With MGS up to now," he explained, "we could only build the interior of wherever you were infiltrating. How you got there was shown in a cutscene, and the player would just suddenly be in front of the entrance. Once you finished the mission, there'd be another cutscene, a helicopter or whatever would come by, and you'd escape."

I think of two things. First, Metal Gear was originally a very simple game. You infiltrate somewhere, you accomplish a mission, and you get out. I’ve tried to put this in my games over these 20-plus years. Originally, a huge part of the fun is just looking at the map and thinking, “How do I get in here? Would daytime be better, or nighttime? What route should I take?” That was a huge part of the fun of the game, and it’s something I’ve been using in all my games so far. It’s an element I’m definitely trying to put in this game.

“The term ‘open world’ is often misunderstood by people,” says Kojima. “[Metal Gear Solid V] won’t be a game where you can spend an entire day fishing with Snake, or one that allows him to change his career in order to start a new life, or anything like that. Rather, while the fields will be in an open world, and you’ll have plenty of freedom, in Metal Gear Solid V it will always be clear when it comes to knowing what you need to do,” he elaborates. “For example, you’ll have things such as ‘help this person,’ ‘destroy ____,’ ‘gather information here,’ and so on. There will also be missions with time limits. I think that being able to check the infiltration map, then listening to the mission’s details, deciding when to go, what to equip, and then how to take on the mission, will be a fun way of thinking of things, “You can compare it to making a survival game,” continues Kojima. “While it is fun to shoot in survival games, it’s also fun to split into teams and think about ways to overcome enemies and strategize, which I believe is just as fun. That’s the kind of play we’re aiming for while making Metal Gear Solid V.”

Even GZ doesn't quite allow this; we need a few square miles around Camp Omega to do that. Then you'd have to add in other bases and outposts to get the whole inter-base reinforcement system going, which would require another few miles around each to get that whole "free-infiltration" deal going. Why make totally new satellite outposts to bases when you can connect them up? You'd also have to have specific instances of open areas around the bases and outposts for escapes. Some of those areas would also need to double up as in field missions, for those eliminating armoured divisions side-ops and so forth. Again, it would make sense to connect those up than have specific instances for every single new map. Then you'd want to add maybe a sense of immersion by being able to see other bases in the distance rather than have every instance as an island or blocked by mountains...

...connecting this all up into one map makes a lot of sense. It looks great, feels great, you feel a little less bad for reusing levels, you can connect up outposts so you don't have to have new instances for every map...



I'm doing all missions, and I move on only when I S rank my current mission, I'm on mission 40 (but I need to do mission 38), with some side-ops left.
And I find the story is very lacking.
EDIT:Around 80 hours in.

Ok, but...isn't that exactly what I said? :lol If you're pouring tons and tons of hours into the game, and increasing the length between story missions (especially if you won't even move on to the next one without S ranking), then of course the story will look light.

The main story missions get increasingly hard and you miss out on alot if you stick to just doing nothing but the story missions. So much important gear and useful items and abilities are locked behind doing side ops, getting recruits, and motherbase stuff. Players feel forced into doing all the extra stuff. A person can focus on the story mainly but it really feels like you are missing out, and it just increases the games difficulty by alot as you are missing so many items that a very helpful or almost essential.

Like need some heavy weapons to take gears and vehicles head on? You wont get them for a long time if you skip doing lot of side stuff, so any encounters with them you are at a disadvantage. Lot of shortcuts or fun things are also not available.

Well like I said I'm about to start mission 30, and maybe there's a huge difficulty spike coming after this, but up until now there have only been two missions (8 and 16) where I felt like I had fucked myself over by not spending a lot of time grinding side ops, recruiting scores of people and developing more stuff -- and I ended up completing these missions without needing to grind anyway.

Sure you miss out on a lot by sticking mainly to the story missions, but that's the case with any video game -- if you're not missing out on anything by not pursuing the side stuff, then why would the side stuff be there at all? I've yet to feel that the main game is forcing me to do side missions to proceed (and I know that in chapter 2
you do have to do side ops to unlock more story missions, but they're story-related side ops aren't they?
), so as of now at least, sticking to mostly story missions, I feel like the way the plot unspools in this game is not any different from MGS3.
So without being spoilery, chapter 2 is just a big filler? That would be disappointing, I'm at mission 23 and loving everything in this game, even the open world approach.


without spoiling the story, the game essentially adds old missions to the main missions list in a sort of new game+ type of way BUT then sprinkled within those missions are actual story related missions that are new and different. BUTTTTTTT then there are also side ops that are story related BUTTTT they're mostly brief and not hard at all.

So really, the game's structure changes and becomes a bit weird. In reality, Chapter 2 is like 5 real missions, ~ 5 necessary but not super important side ops, and a bunch of NG+ like missions.

I think people would have less issues with chapter 2 if the NG+ missions were in the side ops and the story related side ops were in the missions list.

Mr Git

I've noticed other players with extra security for their FOB, extra UAVs and the like. Is that something you get at the end of the game? Also I stopped someone infiltrating my base last night. Looked at their profile and they had over 1000 S rank staff. Gonna plan my retaliation carefully.


do you get the trophy for merely infiltrating FOB? does it matter if you win or lose?

also, Side Ops have been a joy to play with D-Dog way more than Quiet in certain missions. his ability to mark everything just makes doing them super easy.


That guy was out on a mission during the attack on mother base 9 years ago, Bring him home boss!

He's fallen a long way from the glory days, but.. will he come back to us?

Kaz <3


Just got to Chapter 2.

People who are saying that there aren't cutscenes or a plot in this game are speaking with some serious hyperbole.


If some of you are going to 100% the game you should start with doing all tasks after playing through the game once because you will get many S-rank in doing so.
Horse stealth is OP.

I s-ranked Episode 6 (Where do the Bees sleep) with early-game equipment, only thanks to horse stealth. I saved a video on PS. Might upload it later if it's not too much of a PITA.

The only times I went off my horse were for a bit of rock-climbing at the Relay base and at the very end, when I had entered the cave system at the Fort.
I got screwed over on that mission as well. Perfect Stealth run until I was
escorting those kids through the last outpost
. I placed the injured one down next to the others to clean out the guards ahead, but the kids wouldn't move afterward when I had pick the injured one up again. Brought him all the way to the helicopter, and his little posse were still hanging out at the rocks 142 meters away. No option for "Go" when I was near them again, and reinforcements were sent out to look the "missing prisoners" and found them. Had to restart at the checkpoint and little rugrats finally followed me as they were suppose to do in the first place.

Wow that's even worse. Just a bad mission all around.
Could have been made slightly more tolerable if the kids would just wait when I told them to wait. Though I guess your problem is that they waited too well haha

Escort missions have been a gamer's pain in the ass for a couple decades now, why would any developer choose to include one and then go out of their way to make the targets a huge pain?

I failed the first time right at the tail end of the mission because one of the kids got himself killed and it restarted all the way back at the beginning. That sucked. I was real upset at the end of my second try when after getting two kids on board, the attack chopper showed back up. Told my chopper to get the hell out of there with the two kids, then called it back after the attack chopper left again.


Wow that's even worse. Just a bad mission all around.
Could have been made slightly more tolerable if the kids would just wait when I told them to wait. Though I guess your problem is that they waited too well haha

Escort missions have been a gamer's pain in the ass for a couple decades now, why would any developer choose to include one and then go out of their way to make the targets a huge pain?

I found that if you have them wait, then run away and go back to them you have to reselect wait, then the go option will appear and they will start running.


MGS3 and MGS were pretty similar imo. The gun-twirling, the backstabbing, the getting off on torturing people etc

I mean, the last cutscene I just saw (post-mission 29 spoilers)
was Ocelot leaving Huey teetering over a needle of metallic archea that would eat into and break his bones if he leaned too closely to the side. And he did it after Huey already spilled everything and Kaz had left





And it also explains
Why Eli turned out negative for being a Big Boss clone, God fucking damnit.
I gotta say I am really disappointed with the "boss fights" so far. Even the MGS games I didnt like (MGS4) or the ones I thought were average-ish (MGS2) had some really good bossfights.

Here I am pretty sure I am 2/3 of the way through and there hasnt been one good bossfight. The one against
the 4 Sniper skulls
was decent but not memorable. Nothing else though.
I mean, the last cutscene I just saw (post-mission 29 spoilers)
was Ocelot leaving Huey teetering over a needle of metallic archea that would eat into and break his bones if he leaned too closely to the side. And he did it after Huey already spilled everything and Kaz had left

After seeing how uncharacteristically Lawful Good Ocelot has been up until that point (he even suggested humane treatment towards Quiet at one point, IIRC), that scene ended up feeling tacked on like they just now remembered what he was like in MGS1 so they needed to drop a quick reminder.
After seeing how uncharacteristically Lawful Good Ocelot has been up until that point (he even suggested humane treatment towards Quiet at one point, IIRC), that scene ended up feeling tacked on like they just now remembered what he was like in MGS1 so they needed to drop a quick reminder.

My take is more:

Ocelot genuinely has no need to be evil on base and effectivly he his part of this team.

Quiet is the one exception and actually I feel as though he is being a bit of a double agent here and wondering if he can get anything from quiet - so argues to spare her not out of humanity but out of curiosity
Episode 46
Disappointed with it, i don't know why Kojima make us play the same sequence again, i admit it's a good intro but barely gameplay in it, he could throw cutscenes in this episode. And fuck Konami for cutting out contents, i had to look at episode 51 in spoiler thread, that was a true final boss for a perfect final episode, not this lame. Oh, and i really don't want to talk about the twist. FUCKING AWFUL.
Only up to Mission 16, but I put in a lot of hours into the Side Ops.

Unfortunately, as polished as the gameplay is, I'm finding it quite repetitive. Sneak in somewhere, tranquillise the guards until none are left, and move on. And while previous Metal Gear games could get away with this because there was so much story, Metal Gear Solid V doesn't have that going for it.

I really want to continue and finish it, but considering how many hours I had to put in just to get to where I am now, knowing that I'm barely even a third of the way towards beating the main story, and that the gameplay probably won't change much is making it hard to motivate myself to go back to it. It'd be one thing if I didn't have such a huge backlog to get through, but with stuff like Bloodborne, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Witcher 3, and many more sat on my shelf unplayed, the thought of going back to MGSV almost seems like a chore.

At this rate, I might just completely ignore Side Ops, but that seems like a shame.


It is really easy to get burned out on side ops. Some of the story missions might as well been demoted to "important" side ops.

I try to limit myself to 2-3 between story mission tops.

Just got to Chapter 2.

People who are saying that there aren't cutscenes or a plot in this game are speaking with some serious hyperbole.

I dunno, I'm only up to 24 and I don't think it is that hyperbolic. I guess I'm in for a big story dump towards the end of Ch1 but I don't think that can salvage everything up to this point, no matter how good.
What battlefield? I all I see are soldiers guarding outposts and camps in the open world, there is no indication that any animals are hurt or bothered by either
the soviets or the PF's in angola
. The only thing I can think of that possibly put animals in danger is the
the oil leak when you arrive at angola, but Venom Snake takes care of it it in the first mission there so it wasn't a problem anymore after that

They become collateral damage when i'm shooting the shit out of a heavily armored unit or when two sides are fighting each other and a stupid little sheep walks in? are you saying its not even possible? I mean I know its an inane mechanic in there just cuz kojima but doesn't really get in the way and can be justified in his stupid little lore.
Episode 46
Disappointed with it, i don't know why Kojima make us play the same sequence again, i admit it's a good intro but barely gameplay in it, he could throw cutscenes in this episode. And fuck Konami for cutting out contents, i had to look at episode 51 in spoiler thread, that was a true final boss for a perfect final episode, not this lame. Oh, and i really don't want to talk about the twist. FUCKING AWFUL.

Did you watch the cutscenes at the end of the mission, they are different. I skipped them lol


It is really easy to get burned out on side ops. Some of the story missions might as well been demoted to "important" side ops.

I try to limit myself to 2-3 between story mission tops.

this is specially painful when trying to travel from one side op location to another, in Afghanistan, calling the chopper is often a better option, but there is no way to tell it to go to another place in the same area, you must return to ACC to chose another location, a kind of omission that makes the side ops really a drag.

that is my main complain about the side ops
This is what I would like to see from a new Resident Evil game. Just put the story, cut scenes, and qte-s on the backburner, build a huge Raccoon City, let me go out and kill zombies and collect supplies, solve puzzles, etc.
Final MB platform deck is in development but I'm not playing. I have no intention of expanding my FOB until I beat the game which might take me a couple of more days. Only got 40 Side Ops left so I'll be focusing more on the Missions (at 38). Completing Mission 37....glad I got that done, but I'm never doing that again

After listening to the two tapes of
Code Talker and Skull Face having a secret conversation, I wish Code Talker was the one to put the final bullet in that manipulative motherfucker
That's mainly because they're talking about chapter 2.

The cutscene/gameplay ratio is definitely more cutscene heavy in chapter 2 before finishing the final chapters of the game. There is inarguably more cutscenes between
episode 32 and 46
. Especially when you consider that the replay missions are optional
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