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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


Ok, but...isn't that exactly what I said? :lol If you're pouring tons and tons of hours into the game, and increasing the length between story missions (especially if you won't even move on to the next one without S ranking), then of course the story will look light.
Umh, yes and no. Because in the game there are actually only a few missions providing bits of the story, while a good 80% of them are just "fillers", throwing something in the way that is not really usefull (ie rescue that dude because he has some info we need).

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Umh, yes and no. Because in the game there are actually only a few missions providing bits of the story, while a good 80% of them are just "fillers", throwing something in the way that is not really usefull (ie rescue that dude because he has some info we need).

...and then during the debriefing you get story info. I think the poster's right, the pacing is very much dictated by the player's choices.


Umh, yes and no. Because in the game there are actually only a few missions providing bits of the story, while a good 80% of them are just "fillers", throwing something in the way that is not really usefull (ie rescue that dude because he has some info we need).

I did missions 20-29 all over the last two days and felt nearly all of them were pretty story-focused.
Well like I said I'm about to start mission 30, and maybe there's a huge difficulty spike coming after this, but up until now there have only been two missions (8 and 16) where I felt like I had fucked myself over by not spending a lot of time grinding side ops, recruiting scores of people and developing more stuff -- and I ended up completing these missions without needing to grind anyway.

Sure you miss out on a lot by sticking mainly to the story missions, but that's the case with any video game -- if you're not missing out on anything by not pursuing the side stuff, then why would the side stuff be there at all? I've yet to feel that the main game is forcing me to do side missions to proceed (and I know that in chapter 2
you do have to do side ops to unlock more story missions, but they're story-related side ops aren't they?
), so as of now at least, sticking to mostly story missions, I feel like the way the plot unspools in this game is not any different from MGS3.

20 hours in you would have gotten a ton of story development and beaten the previous MGS games. 20 hrs in, not much actually happens in TPP even if you stick to mostly story missions. It's the padding in even the main missions which makes the whole game feel like it's just so full of excess side content. Even the main story missions are not really much of a story mission at all, they are just generic missions that sometimes will unlock a little snippet of a cutscene, usually with no bearing to the overall story, but some random motherbase interaction.
I mean, the last cutscene I just saw (post-mission 29 spoilers)
was Ocelot leaving Huey teetering over a needle of metallic archea that would eat into and break his bones if he leaned too closely to the side. And he did it after Huey already spilled everything and Kaz had left

none of this made sense to me! i mean,
why in the hell was huey unwilling to just freely share this info at this point?!...


Episode 46
Disappointed with it, i don't know why Kojima make us play the same sequence again, i admit it's a good intro but barely gameplay in it, he could throw cutscenes in this episode. And fuck Konami for cutting out contents, i had to look at episode 51 in spoiler thread, that was a true final boss for a perfect final episode, not this lame. Oh, and i really don't want to talk about the twist. FUCKING AWFUL.

Yeah episode 46 isn't all that great from gameplay perspective. As a intro sequence the hospital is really good but I don't think it is good idea to make the player go through it again. Would rather have it as cutscenes or something aswell. The twist was good IMO even if it was rather clear from the start that it was going to be the thing.

Cutting episode 51 is probably the worst thing about this game. It seems like it would have been really good gameplaywise and it had little more closure than what we got.
Hey guys, I just completed mission 32 and was told to return to MB. I then saw a cutscene where
walks away in a suspicious way. Am I supposed to find him somewhere now? If so, where?


20 hours in you would have gotten a ton of story development and beaten the previous MGS games. 20 hrs in, not much actually happens in TPP even if you stick to mostly story missions. It's the padding in even the main missions which makes the whole game feel like it's just so full of excess side content. Even the main story missions are not really much of a story mission at all, they are just generic missions that sometimes will unlock a little snippet of a cutscene, usually with no bearing to the overall story, but some random motherbase interaction.

I'm only up to 24, but what amazes me is how little of the story actually plays out during the missions themselves. Since so many significant characters are physically distant from where the action is happening (on MB, not in the field) you are limited to small tidbits of info when you leave/come back. Few of the story missions themselves, between the point where you get off the chopper to the point where you get back on, play any different than many different categories of side ops. The characters you do take with you, have little capability to actually do much with the story so far. You have a dog, a horse, a mute, and a robot. Not a lot of opportunity for interesting dialogue, though I guess more will happen in regards to Quiet later.

Even mission 23:
where you know, based on the trailers who this mission is likely about and in the overall context of the story possibly significant, instead plays out like a "go extract guy x" mission with most of the story details afterwards being that Miller and co. are "looking into it".


Just got to Chapter 2.

People who are saying that there aren't cutscenes or a plot in this game are speaking with some serious hyperbole.

Yup, Hyperbole - the forum
I figured it was hyperbole especially when I ran across an "all cutscenes" videos of MGSV that range from 4-6 hours, and don't include the tapes in that runtime, whereas MGS1-3 totaled about 5 hours each with all the codec conversations as part of it.

What it seems like has happened is that the pacing of the game is effected due to the structure, having so much gameplay in between cutscenes, it seems like there are less cutscenes when in reality it's the ratio that's been effected rather than the cutscene runtime. Also, I heard the story is disappointing in the end so that as well could contribute to the complaints. I'm only at mission 19 right now so I can't make a judgement yet.


I figured it was hyperbole especially when I ran across a "all cutscenes" videos of MGSV that range from 4-6 hours, and don't include the tapes in that runtime, whereas MGS1-3 totaled about 5 hours each with all the codec conversations as part of it.

What it seems like has happened is that the pacing of the game is effected due to the structure, having so much gameplay in between cutscenes, it seems like there are less cutscenes when in reality it's the ratio that's been effected rather than the cutscene runtime. Also, I heard the story is disappointing in the end so that as well could contribute to the bitching. I'm only at mission 19 right now so I can't make a judgement yet.

Given that you can't yet see the whole picture you'll just have to trust that a story can be measured beyond runtime.



I need to finish this goddamn game...
Given that you can't yet see the whole picture you'll just have to trust that a story can be measured beyond runtime.

Yes but they're not talking about the quality of the story but specifically the meme of "there are hardly any cutscenes/story!" which I've certainly seen around here.


Junior Member
Just need an Oriental Rattlesnake for 100% wildlife, it's only supposed to be common uncommon, found anywhere in Afghanistan but it never catches!
Yeah episode 46 isn't all that great from gameplay perspective. As a intro sequence the hospital is really good but I don't think it is good idea to make the player go through it again. Would rather have it as cutscenes or something aswell. The twist was good IMO even if it was rather clear from the start that it was going to be the thing.

Cutting episode 51 is probably the worst thing about this game. It seems like it would have been really good gameplaywise and it had little more closure than what we got.

Yeah, it made me sad when i saw the concept of episode 51, the whole Diamond Dogs soliders fight Sahelanthropus with you sounds wonderful.


Only up to Mission 16, but I put in a lot of hours into the Side Ops.

Unfortunately, as polished as the gameplay is, I'm finding it quite repetitive. Sneak in somewhere, tranquillise the guards until none are left, and move on. And while previous Metal Gear games could get away with this because there was so much story, Metal Gear Solid V doesn't have that going for it.

I really want to continue and finish it, but considering how many hours I had to put in just to get to where I am now, knowing that I'm barely even a third of the way towards beating the main story, and that the gameplay probably won't change much is making it hard to motivate myself to go back to it. It'd be one thing if I didn't have such a huge backlog to get through, but with stuff like Bloodborne, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Witcher 3, and many more sat on my shelf unplayed, the thought of going back to MGSV almost seems like a chore.

At this rate, I might just completely ignore Side Ops, but that seems like a shame.

Take a break and come back to it later. Thankfully MGS V isn't an MMO with a subscription, so there's literally no reason you can't take several months before coming back to it. If you feel like you never want to come back, there's always spoiler threads and such where you can read/watch whatever pieces of the story you might want.

Personally I'm having the same feeling with the game. I was zealous and put in tons of time until around mission 25, where I started feeling the same as you. I don't play every day any more, and only do a mission here and there when I feel like. I did mission 30 on Saturday and then spent Sunday playing other games.

Anyway, a spoilery comment about Mission 30:
It was so unsettling that, during the whole ride in the jeep with Skullface, and his speech and all that, that Big Boss said not a damn thing to him. I wasn't really bothered by the silent Snake until this point.


I have like main mission anxiety. I'm only through mission 17 but have 3/4 platforms on everything on mother base. I just can't bring myself to play a main mission
This is me, stuck at the crossroads of missions 18 & 19. Good to know this is possible as this is my exact situation but I've only got R&D going for its third. I love the MGS story, 1-3 is the cinematic video game trilogy, but I think MGS4 broke me. Too linear, too much looking.

The first mission in the second world really shows what Kojima was trying to accomplish in MGS3, as even MGS3 felt like a well designed funnel. I don't think it's a bad thing I'm not actively seeing story, and when I do crave it, I listen to a block of tapes while doing side ops and deployments.
Welp, I finally lowered my demon status. Horn is back to its original size. Took awhile, but I really do enjoy all the killing. :(

Is it just the feel of going loud with a rifle? If so, just develop the stun rifle. I don't have a silence for mine yet, but I only use it when discovered anyways. But it gets rid of that urge to squeeze the trigger. Riot smg isn't bad either.The emp mine is great for tanks, and I'm currently working on developing sleep gas grenade launchers.

Overall the only major sin I can find with the game so far is that rocket man isn't on the soundtrack. For fucking shame, Kojima.


20 hours in you would have gotten a ton of story development and beaten the previous MGS games. 20 hrs in, not much actually happens in TPP even if you stick to mostly story missions.

20 hours in I would've already finished every other MGS game twice over. :p

anyway, I just disagree. You can keep saying how little story there is at 20 hours in and maybe that was true for your experience and others'. But I've literally clocked in at little over 20 hours, am nearly finished with chapter 1, and at this point feel like there's been plenty of shit happening -- certainly more than MGS3's actually at this relative point in the game (I've always thought MGS3 was fairly light on story up until its infodump ending).

I can see how if someone had clocked in 20 hours and were only at mission 10 or something, they'd be disappointed with the story output. Or if they'd finished the game at over 50 hours, they'd be disappointed with the ratio of gameplay to story. But the way I've been playing it has kept up a lot of momentum for me plot-wise.
Anyway, a spoilery comment about Mission 30:
It was so unsettling that, during the whole ride in the jeep with Skullface, and his speech and all that, that Big Boss said not a damn thing to him. I wasn't really bothered by the silent Snake until this point.

Really, the biggest problem with that scene is the free camera. If it was more directed, a simple 5 second shot Snake giving Skullface a deep scowl would've totally worked. It would've made it clear that it was a motivated silence on Snake's part to refuse to engage with Skullface (Which is how I read the scene anyways), giving the player free reign of the camera that defaults to over Snake's shoulder makes it hard to communicate that, if that was indeed the intent.
FOBs are still utterly fucked on PC. Whenever I come across some cheating asshole who can take a rocket to the eyeballs without flinching, I just end up using a trainer as well when I retaliate.
Oh yeah, discovered the Final Countdown cassette tape. Perfect chopper landing music.

Just last night I remarked to my brother that I wished this song was in the game.


Really, the biggest problem with that scene is the free camera. If it was more directed, a simple 5 second shot Snake giving Skullface a deep scowl would've totally worked. It would've made it clear that it was a motivated silence on Snake's part to refuse to engage with Skullface (Which is how I read the scene anyways), giving the player free reign of the camera that defaults to over Snake's shoulder makes it hard to communicate that, if that was indeed the intent.

I didn't really get that feelong, Snake just seemed really awkward, especially once his idle animation starts playing. He doesn't look at Skullface with a determined animosity, instead he just looks around and enjoys the scenery the way bored kids do on road trips.

Yeah, it made me sad when i saw the concept of episode 51, the whole Diamond Dogs soliders fight Sahelanthropus with you sounds wonderful.

Well, I feel like the Diamond Dogs fight with you against Sahelanthropus was supposed to be in the first fight too. When the fight begins, Miller says something about going back to base to bring Diamond Digs to help, but the only one that comes is Pequod. And he doesn't even use all the expensive rockets I gave him :p


Anyway, a spoilery comment about Mission 30:
It was so unsettling that, during the whole ride in the jeep with Skullface, and his speech and all that, that Big Boss said not a damn thing to him. I wasn't really bothered by the silent Snake until this point.

Felt the same, and it seems most people do. If you have to think of a reason why it's like that I guess
BB is thinking, "ugh spare me the cheesy monologue, just want to go back to base and shower". Or maybe BB is a representation of the player and how much he cares about the plot. Or, maybe it makes more sense after the real ending.. Haven't finished the game yet.


FOBs are still utterly fucked on PC. Whenever I come across some cheating asshole who can take a rocket to the eyeballs without flinching, I just end up using a trainer as well when I retaliate.
I know it's not planned, but this sounds so thematically relevant, and I don't see Konami going after cheaters to complete the circle.


Personally I would save a chunk of the side ops for later I almost got burned out on them until I said fuck it and just started steaming through story missions. Made the game much more manageable.


Yeah, it made me sad when i saw the concept of episode 51, the whole Diamond Dogs soliders fight Sahelanthropus with you sounds wonderful.

That and how you need to go through traps Eli and his crew had set. It seems to be on so conceptual level though that it might have took really long to get it finished.


I know it's not planned, but this sounds so thematically relevant, and I don't see Konami going after cheaters to complete the circle.

I just came in here to day - it's interesting how the FOB mode naturally facilitates the "cycle of revenge" theme. Every time I see some asshole that invaded, I want to retaliate. Then sometimes I get spotted/defended and I know I can count on a return visit. Then I retaliate again...

It takes somebody saying "eh, I'm done" to end it. Then of course, that means picking on somebody who did nothing if you want to play MP, but this game isn't about the "cycle of bullying" so whatevs.


Is it just the feel of going loud with a rifle? If so, just develop the stun rifle. I don't have a silence for mine yet, but I only use it when discovered anyways. But it gets rid of that urge to squeeze the trigger. Riot smg isn't bad either.The emp mine is great for tanks, and I'm currently working on developing sleep gas grenade launchers.

Overall the only major sin I can find with the game so far is that rocket man isn't on the soundtrack. For fucking shame, Kojima.
It's a combination of things really; going loud, getting caught, enemies hunting me down, receiving contact and returning fire. Then the music changes, adrenaline kicks in..

We have all these lethal weapons at our disposal yet we're punished for using them. hehe


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Is chapter 2 as long as chapter 1? Just finished chapter 1 at about 45 hours. I'm considering just rushing thru the next part as I'm getting a little burned out on the game. Is it mostly just
repeat missions?
Is chapter 2 as long as chapter 1? Just finished chapter 1 at about 45 hours. I'm considering just rushing thru the next part as I'm getting a little burned out on the game. Is it mostly just
repeat missions?

You don't have to do the repeat missions-- as you complete side ops it will unlocked fresh missions


Thanks, is it significantly more difficult, like I said I just want to finish the game now.

It's about the same,
it's much shorter since you don't need to play the recycled missions. The problem is unlocking the next new story mission can be finnicky but the usually way to do it is to play the side ops marked important and play any tapes marked important. The next new mission usually gets unlocked after playing a side op or two.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
You don't have to do the repeat missions-- as you complete side ops it will unlocked fresh missions

It's about the same,
it's much shorter since you don't need to play the recycled missions. The problem is unlocking the next new story mission can be finnicky but the usually way to do it is to play the side ops marked important and play any tapes marked important. The next new mission usually gets unlocked after playing a side op or two.

Excellent, did not know this. Tried the first subsistance one and didn't really have the patience for it.


Excellent, did not know this. Tried the first subsistance one and didn't really have the patience for it.

If you want an easy way to cheese it,
select the LZ right on top of the base (assuming you previously destroyed the anti-air radar) you can destroy all the satellite dishes as you come in. You don't even need to land and takes <3 minutes for an S rank.

What? Post mission 25 spoiler
The disease spread in my base
should I rush to the next story mission?

There is a way
to determine who is vulnerable but personally I found it tedious even when you know what to do. I just powered through. You'll lose a bunch (possibly in the hundreds) but you would have replaced them later with higher rank soldiers anyways.


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if someone already found this out but here is a tip I will share with you guys. Obviously, you receive a penalty for air support to any mission ranking. However, if you destroy the anti air radar near the location you're at, and call in the helicopter for pick up at that location, it will provide air support if there are enemies around at no cost to your ranking. I managed to S a rather difficult mission because I tested this theory out, since the pick up description technically does not say it is supposed to be considered air support.
Early Chapter 2 question/remark (no missions):

Why does doing the legendary Jackal mission randomly unlock the Wormhole fulton upgrade? Not even a key item for it. I would have thought that would be invented by Huey in some wacky cutscene..


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Okay so I bought the American version so I could use my save file, and now it tells me it can't be used because the relevant DLC can't be found.


I was playing the digital Day One edition on my brothers console on my profile.

I uploaded my ground zeroes save file.

Got all my pow's.

I copied the file onto a flash drive.

What am I missing?

I redeemed the DLC code too, but no dice.
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