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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Visor and Weapon Screens

Basically whats being said is that, you become accustomed to the controls of tradition. Anything that strays away from that tradition is wrong. If its in the first person view it must control like every other game use this camera view.

More than likely if your one of the complainers, first person shooters is your favorite genre. I get the sense that, most are blinded by this mind set. In the third person view you don't here many complaints, its obviously the hardest view to bring to a stable state.

I figured when your a true Metroid fan, you would put certain things aside the love of the game.

Is there some gaming rule or law that state any game in the first person view has to and only use the dual analog control scheme. Or has gamers set this up in their minds as the defacto control scheme.

You have understand that Retro has to support their base, those who want dual analog may not be the main target. True Metroid fans want things that have exsisted in the series to be included this title that just wouldn't work in dual analog control.

So the question for Retro becomes, do you satsfiy your base or do you take the risk of alienating your base by trying to satisfy the casual.


OG_Original Gamer said:
Basically whats being said is that, you become accustomed to the controls of tradition. Anything that strays away from that tradition is wrong. If its in the first person view it must control like every other game use this camera view.

More than likely if your one of the complainers, first person shooters is your favorite genre. I get the sense that, most are blinded by this mind set. In the third person view you don't here many complaints, its obviously the hardest view to bring to a stable state.

I figured when your a true Metroid fan, you would put certain things aside the love of the game.

Is there some gaming rule or law that state any game in the first person view has to and only use the dual analog control scheme. Or has gamers set this up in their minds as the defacto control scheme.

You have understand that Retro has to support their base, those who want dual analog may not be the main target. True Metroid fans want things that have exsisted in the series to be included this title that just wouldn't work in dual analog control.

So the question for Retro becomes, do you satsfiy your base or do you take the risk of alienating your base by trying to satisfy the casual.

Exactly. I can't believe that some people want Metroid to play more like a traditional fps than its current state.

I enjoy Metroid because of the adventure elements, backtracking and the mysterious enviroments. I am glad Retro stays true to the franchise and don't give a shit that it's not Halo2 or doom3, or any other run and gun fps.

Justin Bailey

------ ------

@_@ Wow. I am now officially hyped for this game.


OG_Original Gamer said:
Basically whats being said is that, you become accustomed to the controls of tradition. Anything that strays away from that tradition is wrong. If its in the first person view it must control like every other game use this camera view.

Although to be fair, different doesn't neccessarily make it good either.
MightyHedgehog said:
I <3 Shogmaster and his thoughts and analysis on MP1. MP's controls are fucking ridiculously and abitrarily foisted on people. Sure, you can get into the game and play it fine with them, but not everyone appreciates the forced nature of the setup. I certainly didn't. It felt too constrictive and, well, contrived, IMHO. That's all I'm going to say. I'll just have to rent MP2E to find out if my opinion has changed.

*salutes Mightyhedgehog*

OG_Original Gamer said:
Basically whats being said is that, you become accustomed to the controls of tradition. Anything that strays away from that tradition is wrong. If its in the first person view it must control like every other game use this camera view.

Basically you are way off base. The reason games like Halo and just about every other modern console FPS employ the dual analog method control is because it's the best scheme so far for first person perspective! It is superior to anything else that has come before it for FPS besides keyboard and mouse.

Comparing your freedom of movement in Halo to something like Jumping Flash pre dual shock is like night and day. Ever since Turok/Goldeneye control revolution of N64, anything else just seems rediculous for console FPS. I'd say even the DC layout for Quake 3 Arena, Outtriggers and MDK is inferior to Turok and GE on the N64 controller since with DC, I have to use my left hand to do the looking around with the analog stick. Being a righty, it was a real struggle to play well.

I honestly can't think of a better method than the XBox Halo/CS contols for console FPS. If there's a better scheme that you know of, let me know and amaze me.

More than likely if your one of the complainers, first person shooters is your favorite genre.

Sorry but no. Fighting games are my fav genre. I am very good at FPS though. So that might make a better point than "favorite".

I get the sense that, most are blinded by this mind set. In the third person view you don't here many complaints, its obviously the hardest view to bring to a stable state.

BS. Splinter Cell and many other games have shown that 3rd person can be done really well.

I figured when your a true Metroid fan, you would put certain things aside the love of the game.

Congnitive dissonance is more like it.

Is there some gaming rule or law that state any game in the first person view has to and only use the dual analog control scheme. Or has gamers set this up in their minds as the defacto control scheme.

Maybe some gamers demand the best. Ever think of that?

You have understand that Retro has to support their base, those who want dual analog may not be the main target. True Metroid fans want things that have exsisted in the series to be included this title that just wouldn't work in dual analog control.

Then they shouldn't have done the game in 1st person.

So the question for Retro becomes, do you satsfiy your base or do you take the risk of alienating your base by trying to satisfy the casual.

WTF, dude. If anything, Retro's decision WAS to satisfy the casuals with that lame auto aim BS.


Shogmaster really needs to get off of his high horse here. Haughty Helga held horrible hedgehogs!
The control scheme is perfect for a game of this nature and dual analog controls would only hinder the wonderful gameplay of Metroid Prime. Retro is made up of some talented FPS guys and if they didn't think Dual Analog was good for this game I trust their decision. Hell, I've seen for myself that the controls work wonderfully.
olimario said:
Shogmaster really needs to get off of his high horse here. Haughty Helga held horrible hedgehogs!
The control scheme is perfect for a game of this nature and dual analog controls would only hinder the wonderful gameplay of Metroid Prime. Retro is made up of some talented FPS guys and if they didn't think Dual Analog was good for this game I trust their decision. Hell, I've seen for myself that the controls work wonderfully.

Fistful of denial. Really sad to witness.


olimario said:
Shogmaster really needs to get off of his high horse here. Haughty Helga held horrible hedgehogs!
The control scheme is perfect for a game of this nature and dual analog controls would only hinder the wonderful gameplay of Metroid Prime. Retro is made up of some talented FPS guys and if they didn't think Dual Analog was good for this game I trust their decision. Hell, I've seen for myself that the controls work wonderfully.

IAWTP. The controls worked great in Prime, and they will work in Prime 2.


Shogmaster said:
I didn't know that was a bad thing.

Painfully obvious to me now.

Don't let it bother you, friend. I enjoy the controls in Metroid Prime and I enjoy the DA controls in Halo. It's you I feel sorry for not being able to adapt and branch out to experience what is best for a particular game.


Buggy Loop said:

I cant believe i even have to explain this, the sole purpose of a first person VIEW is for character immersion. It worked for old D&D games, for PC adventure games, PC puzzle games ala myst, racing games, RPGs like morrowind/everquest and the list goes on and on.

First person view =\ First person shooter, its only a freaking camera point of view. A logical camera view you say? Whats the difference between a camera 1 feet and a half behind her head and actually seeing throught her eyes? Does it REALLY matter in a visual sense? Peoples are so quick to jump on the "3rd person" bandwagon without even thinking for a moment, how would it have controlled? I'll give you two options, ala RE4 which is basicly metroid prime in 3rd person or gunvalkyrie, which i dont think i have to remind you how well it was received gameplay mechanic wise. Mario/zelda type of control? No, DMC? Hell no. Should have been like zelda you say? Are you forgetting that 3/4 of the time in 3d zelda games you play as a young link who barely takes any space on the screen? And when he's adult, he's not really that big either since he's a flimsy elf anyway. Samus is much bigger. Not to mention that zelda always takes place in vast environments, even the claustrophobic places in oot are 2 times larger and taller than MP's typical hall.

But why the fuck should i care about naysayers anyway, there were thousands like you when metroid prime was announced that it would be a first person, and retro pretty much bitchslapped 99% of them when they released the game. Of course, there's always someone that will bitch, someone that will make a huge deal out of a game they supposedly "dont care about", there's peoples that always need something to bitch about, if retro would have changed the controls, some would have bitched, if they would have made it in 3rd person, they would bitch, they were bitching that it didnt have multiplayer, now that its there in mp2, they bitch about it, see a pattern? While the majority of the media will score MP as one of this gen's best and the majority of gamers enjoy this gem, having a blast playing it.

Great post. I totally agree with you.


olimario said:
Shogmaster really needs to get off of his high horse here. Haughty Helga held horrible hedgehogs!
The control scheme is perfect for a game of this nature and dual analog controls would only hinder the wonderful gameplay of Metroid Prime. Retro is made up of some talented FPS guys and if they didn't think Dual Analog was good for this game I trust their decision. Hell, I've seen for myself that the controls work wonderfully.
I agree. In fact I would say the control setup they chose actually makes MP better than it would have been with dual analogue.
It's like I stepped into a Scientology meeting by mistake. The amount of Nintendo brainwashing displayed here is positively awe inspiring. Hats off to you, Nintendo.


olimario said:
Don't let it bother you, friend. I enjoy the controls in Metroid Prime and I enjoy the DA controls in Halo. It's you I feel sorry for not being able to adapt and branch out to experience what is best for a particular game.

Are you saying the controls in Metroid Prime are the best for that particular game?


Shogmaster said:
It's like I stepped into a Scientology meeting by mistake. The amount of Nintendo brainwashing displayed here is positively awe inspiring. Hats off to you, Nintendo.

It really isn't brainwashing. I'm able to see clearly for myself how great the controls work for everything they wanted to implement into Metroid Prime.
Likewise, I'm able to see how great Dual Analog works for Halo and how great Keyboard and Mouse works for HL2.

If anything you've been brainwashed into thinking DA is the only way to go and anything that strays in the least is clumsy garbage. It saddens me that you, a gamer, are unable to adapt and to branch out.

Kiriku said:
Are you saying the controls in Metroid Prime are the best for that particular game?

*touches nose*
Yes I am.
olimario said:
It really isn't brainwashing. I'm able to see clearly for myself how great the controls work for everything they wanted to implement into Metroid Prime.
Likewise, I'm able to see how great Dual Analog works for Halo and how great Keyboard and Mouse works for HL2.

If anything you've been brainwashed into thinking DA is the only way to go and anything that strays in the least is clumsy garbage. It saddens me that you, a gamer, are unable to adapt and to branch out.

I wonder if you would have been as happy with the controls if it was for some no name XBox 1st person game. Call it a nagging suspicion.


Shogmaster said:
It's like I stepped into a Scientology meeting by mistake. The amount of Nintendo brainwashing displayed here is positively awe inspiring. Hats off to you, Nintendo.

What do you care if people like this control scheme? Stop being a twat.


Shogmaster said:
I wonder if you would have been as happy with the controls if it was for some no name XBox 1st person game. Call it a nagging suspicion.

It depends on the first person game. If it was of the same vein as Metroid Prime then I most likely would have loved them.
I don't like games by association. You assume I like games because they are created by Nintendo or a subsidiary, but that's so far from the truth. It just so happens that a lot of the games I do enjoy are by Nintendo and thus I look to them first when trying to find what to purchase.

Silicon Knights was a Nintendo second party that was heavily praised by and supported fully by Nintendo. I don't like them or their games.


hyperbolically metafictive
Shogmaster said:
...the audience...apparently can't make distinctions between control schemes and game design goals.

exactly. i understand that metroid prime isn't a shooter. i don't want it to be a shooter. but i still find the controls completely unacceptable. if it's a game about exploration, where the primary actions are walking and looking around, wouldn't it be nice to be able to look around while you walk? having to stop cold whenever you want to examine something out of your immediate path is infuriating. it's enough to ruin the game for me. i'm always perplexed and amused when people call metroid prime "immersive" -- between the overbearing hud and the control constraints, it feels more like driving the mars fucking rover than controlling a preternaturally agile spacewoman. that isn't faithful to the metroid franchise at all.
olimario said:
It depends on the first person game. If it was of the same vein as Metroid Prime then I most likely would have loved them.
I don't like games by association. You assume I like games because they are created by Nintendo or a subsidiary, but that's so far from the truth. It just so happens that a lot of the games I do enjoy are by Nintendo and thus I look to them first when trying to find what to purchase.

Silicon Knights was a Nintendo second party that was heavily praised by and supported fully by Nintendo. I don't like them or their games.

If you can sleep soundly with that answer, then I guess it's good enough for me.

drohne said:
exactly. i understand that metroid prime isn't a shooter. i don't want it to be a shooter. but i still find the controls completely unacceptable. if it's a game about exploration, where the primary actions are walking and looking around, wouldn't it be nice to be able to look around while you walk? having to stop cold whenever you want to examine something out of your immediate path is infuriating. it's enough to ruin the game for me. i'm always perplexed and amused when people call metroid prime "immersive" -- between the overbearing hud and the control constraints, it feels more like driving the mars fucking rover than controlling a preternaturally agile spacewoman. that isn't faithful to the metroid franchise at all.

EP has spoken. End of discussion.

Buggy Loop

Shogmaster said:
WTF, dude. Immersion?!? That's such a lame reason to do first person post year 2000. Was Splinter cell not "immersive"? Celda? Countless 3rd person PS2 games including MGS? Immersion should come from gameplay in this day and age.


Lets see, stealth genre, between Thief3's 3rd person and first person, ask anyone here who played the game which was more immersive. I didnt say that every other games couldnt be immersive if they werent in first person, im saying that being in the character's point of view is the ~most~ immersive point of view you can have in today's games, why do you think valve wants to always keep the action from gordon's perspective at ALL times, from the dialogues to the cutscenes, you never leave the character. Why do you think retro spent so much time making visor effects such as water splashing on the visor, green goo, her face flashing on it, steam, etc? Because it immersed the character in what samus was going throught, no ammount of arguing on your part will change that, its one of the best part of metroid prime being in 3d, seeing throught the eyes of the bounty hunter.

1st person is best for shooters in 3D space because you have unobstructed view of things you are shooting at. That's the real reason to do 1st person in this day and age. Christ.

That too but but you're delusional if you think that game designers dont lay the plans for the mechanics of the first person shooter without immersion in mind, in fact, they spend huge ammounts of time to make it believable to the player that what they see is the logical thing if the player was in the character's place, visor effects like i said above, totally useless for the gameplay, but its there for immersion, geist's looking at his hands after possesing a person, Breakdown's constant sight of the character's hands, down to opening doors, opening a can of soda and drinking it, fighting with his fists and so on, because its the logical things you would see if YOU were to do these movements. If it was only for having more view space, nobody would bother wasting time on such animations or effects, they would all have a static gun and a crosshair, like the first FPS had.

What's that big honkin thing on the right arm of samus? And what do you do with it? I don't think it's a hair dryer.

What if i decide to master marksmanship in morrowind? You have a weapon held in the right arm, and it shoot "things", the ancestor of guns at the time, i guess that makes morrowind an FPS with that particular way of playing. What about system shock 2 where you can play the game without ever firing a gun?

I'll repeat what i've said numerous times before on this forum, the FPS is not a genre, the media might have categorized it as such but the fundamental genres are action/adventure/puzzle/role playing/strategy/sport/racing and some could even argue stealth is now one of them. You can have a first person shooter which focus on the action genre, such as doom, you can have a first person shooter that focus on adventure, such as metroid, a first person shooter that focus mainly on role playing, such as system shock 2 and to a less extent, deus ex and soon STALKER. AI hasnt come to a point where strategy could work but far cry did a damn good job. Its ONLY a point of view, it doesnt deserve to have its own genre and then categorize every damn games who are in first person and has a gun as "FPS". Metroid's focus, believe it or not is not about shooting, since that has ALWAYS been way too easy in the metroid franchise, samus mows down waves after waves of enemies without getting much of a scratch, metroid is about finding items and new upgrades to go beat the shit out of the next boss, you cant beat boss X or Y without having the required beam, you cant pass certain points on the map unless you get upgrade X or Y, its very much zelda'ish. Shooting is an afterthought, its just to get rid of nuissances. The boss also focus more on strategy than randomly shooting, they have weak spots, you could spend hours shooting the boss, if its at the wrong place it wont do any damage. Contrary to the traditional action focus FPS where as long as you have "something" in the crosshair, it counts as damage, no matter the weapon.

For a platform game, are you kidding me?!?

I could simply refute that argument with "in small corridors and caves, are you kidding me?" but that would be too simple. In case you never noticed, its BECAUSE of platforming that metroid prime's control scheme are as they are and not with dual analogs. Its also because of platforming in a first person that the camera subtly tilt down when you jump. From what i recall in november 2002, the majority of impressions gamers had after playing metroid prime is that platforming was the best that had been done in a first person and that when you got the grip on the controls, it was very very fluid to travel in MP's environments, and i agree entirely with that. In fact i have less problems travelling in MP's world in first person and platforming like mad than make 3rd person platforming games, jak 2 and mario sunshine comes to mind where the character can be too far from the camera and you lose the sense of depth of where he is in the world compared to the platforms, end result, the little circle shadow the character cast when he's jumping is pretty worthless if the height you're jumping from is too big or the camera decide to not tilt down.

That paragraph shows the exact flaw in your thinking. Have you not played Splinter Cell? That game has 3rd person camera, yet employs the "tradtional FPS" controls. The notion that 3rd person or 1st limits you to certain control scheme just shows your limited thinking. Its a seperate issue.

I excluded dual analog movement for simple reasons, how many of those examples of yours focus on jumping? If you think that a splinter cell camera view and control would fit metroid prime, well i wont even bother to argue with you, i'll let the other readers post judgement and maybe ask you the name of your dealer.

Only in your minds. The rest of us that played PC games like Half Life, and XBox games like Halo, Splinter Cell etc. doesn't think that it's the second coming like you Nintendorks.

sigh, that freaking argument again. I'll just copy and paste "the list". I've played pretty much every PC fps you can think of, going all the way back to catacomb 3d, you know, ID's game they released before wolfeinstein 3d?. Lets see, catacomb 3d, wolfeinstein 3d, blake stone, doom 1 & 2, descent 1/2/3, quake, duke nukem 3d, quake 2, quake 3, unreal tournament/2003/2004, system shock 2, thief 1 & 2, deus ex 1 & 2, delta force, half life and all of its expansions, counterstrike from its beta phase 3 to 1.5, undying, tribes 1 & 2, rainbow 6 and its expansions, operation flashpoint, medal of honor AA, soldier of fortune 1 & 2, NOFL 1 & 2, return to castle wolfeinstein,, etc. Probably forgot some. Basicly, i've stopped playing FPS when my PC couldnt handle them anymore, which are doom3. Played farcry on my bro's PC, along with call of duty, battlefield 1942 and vietnam and some tidbits of doom3. Im probably forgetting a lot of them too.

I wont bother with a console list since im lazy and i dont think it would prove anything further, just know that i've played pretty much all of them, on any platforms.

So then, why do i love metroid prime? And another person on this forum pretty much have the same list and experience with first person shooters as me, with the holy trinity being system shock 2, deus ex 2 and thief 2, namely darkx10, and he also loves metroid prime? Maybe its not because of its shooting elements which have been done way better in other games? Maybe its the immersion, the level design, the puzzles, the item and upgrades you find by exploring ? Yea, i think its because of that. My favorite FPS of all time was and is still system shock 2, and yet i rank metroid prime as one of my favorite game "ever", why? Because i dont value them by a mere camera point of view.

I am being totally honest when I say, I would have played MP all the way through and probably loved it if the controls was fixed. I even dealt with RE Zero on the GC for cryin out loud! Why in the hell wouldn't I have embraced MP? Just because it's on the GC? Fuck no.

Your loss, and i DO think that retro should make 2 control schemes to satisfy everyone, but i aint the complainer here, i adapted to MP's control scheme, it took a while, but by the time i was fighting the incinerator, all was fine with it. You simply have to let go of the mentality that you're playing an fps, stop trying to look up or down as you move, cause honestly, the only reason you have to do that in the game is to target flying pirates or scan something, while moving throught the maps there's not a single time where you have to change the camera view to travel, the level design is made with that in mind.

On that, im throught with this argument, you either agree or not, but my point of view is pretty much fully explained in this post, i dont see any reason to come back here to defend it, its solid in my eyes and no ammount of arguing will change my perception i had with metroid prime anyway so if you think its the biggest pile of shit to ever grace consoles, its your loss.


All round gamers that don't just play Nintendo games aren't happy because Retro succeeded in taking a solid, strong Nintendo franchise in a new direction (FPS/A).

Wonder if Halo 5 will still be a FPS (yes).

Another subject:

MP2:E is just an example of pure gaming greatness and no hype train. There should be no disapointments and is an underdog contender for Game Of The Year, although the competition this year is very tough (Halo 2, Half Life 2).

The game instantly appeals to the buyers of Prime that liked it, and with good reviews should reach out to other Gamecube owners.



Buggy Loop said:
Lots of arguments
I think we share a brain :lol I agree with just about everything. In fact I was arguing with someone that I thought MP 'platformed' better than SMS not too long ago. Uncanny!


Sander said:
I think we share a brain :lol I agree with just about everything. In fact I was arguing with someone that I thought MP 'platformed' better than SMS not too long ago. Uncanny!

That is because Retro compensated for the first person viewpoint by making all platforms to jump on bigger and longer than normal.

I still think MP is better in first person than third person. However, all I want is an alternate control scheme.


Mrbob said:
I still think MP is better in first person than third person. However, all I want is an alternate control scheme.

I tend to agree here. If they went the dual analogue route, they could instead map the freelook button as a sort of "shift" modifier for the d-pad.

ex: d-pad - change visors
shift-d-pad - change weapons

Mind you, I still like the original controls.
I just thought I would thank Buggy for taking the time to write a detailed post that most will probably not even take the time to read.

He hit more than a few nails square on the head.

Buggy Loop

Thanks, sometimes im worried that peoples will read my posts all wrong since my native language is not english, so i keep reading what i write a couple of times before posting, i had too many displeasures in the past because i rushed my posts, only realizing after re-reading it that its not what i meant.

Beyond the typos i make, im glad when some posters bother to read and agree with my point of views :)
I've played Metroid like i would play a Zelda game, because taking the first person perspective it just plays like a zelda 3d game to me........but its from Nintendo so it must suck......
JasoNsider said:
I just thought I would thank Buggy for taking the time to write a detailed post that most will probably not even take the time to read.

He hit more than a few nails square on the head.

IAWTP. But I don't see a point arguing this. SHogmaster is obviously being a twat/troll/whathave you and MightyHedgehodge has a Xbox2 icon for avatar. It says everything. Don't enjoy it? Don't play/buy the sequel. No need to whinge here. How god damn annoying.

you guys should know better then to hotly debate the issue. Final words on this. I can't wait for MP2E; its going to be sauce.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Shogmaster said:
It's like I stepped into a Scientology meeting by mistake. The amount of Nintendo brainwashing displayed here is positively awe inspiring. Hats off to you, Nintendo.
Its kinda funny how Shogmaster has to resort to insults when people don't accept his opinion.


Mrbob said:
That is because Retro compensated for the first person viewpoint by making all platforms to jump on bigger and longer than normal.
True, however what I mean is the jump mechanics itself. MP's control is much more precise than what SMS offers. You can adjust midair, left, right, even back - there is total control over your jumps. Especially with the double jump MP is a joy to platform with.


TheGreenGiant said:
MightyHedgehodge has a Xbox2 icon for avatar. It says everything.

I'm not neccessarily saying you're wrong in your judgement, but I don't think it's a good idea to judge people by their avatars. I mean, there are users with Nintendo avatars in this thread too.


Kiriku said:
I'm not neccessarily saying you're wrong in your judgement, but I don't think it's a good idea to judge people by their avatars. I mean, there are users with Nintendo avatars in this thread too.

Back on topic. Maybe some people actually enjoy the Metroid Prime controls? It seems that we aren't allowed to do that according to shogmaster.
Yeah good post B.L. Halo controls I love them to, but I will not let that fact stop me from enjoying MP1/2. I also think Retro should provide an alternate control scheme, if they don't so be it.

I'm hyped for this game, Halo2 hyped aswell. I just have to look at the content differences compared to your average first person shooter.

Samus= Grappling beam, jump, double jump, dash, screw attack, morphball, combo beam. etc

Average First Person Shooter= shoot, reload, opening doors, cycle through weapons, jump, melee attack.

Now think about how these are mapped to a controller.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hey guys Metroid is an FPS cause it's first person and you shoot things.

Hey guys Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a first person shooter cause you shoot things in first person with arrows and/or slingshots. It's also a puzzle game cause you solve puzzles. It's an action game cause you swing a sword. It's a racer cause you race around a horse track. It's a platformer cause you jump. It's an RPG cause you can increase your health, your attack strength, and defense.



Shogmaster said:
You guys are hopeless. Enjoy the sand in your ears.

Who's being closed-minded? The people who are able to adjust to a new control scheme without raising hell, or the people who refuse to play one of the best games to come out of this generation because they might need to learn some new controls?


Serisouly, bringing up the "IT SHOULD HAVE DUAL ANALOG" argument should be insta-ban worthy. It's been explained over and fucking over again.

Now it's being drug out into actually stating dual analog is more immersive and natural? You know what happens in real life when I look one way and run the other? I RUN INTO A FUCKING TREE! And guess what? In MP you'd run into a damn tree or wall doing that.

king zell

xsarien said:
Who's being closed-minded? The people who are able to adjust to a new control scheme without raising hell, or the people who refuse to play one of the best games to come out of this generation because they might need to learn some new controls?

exactly what I'm thinking ^^


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think you guys can stop trashing Shog. He's successfully pwned himself in this thread, and I think/hope he's done with it.

Free shipping and horrible t-shirt = i preordered.
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