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Military personnel on Xbox One; Microsoft responds


OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?
As immune to caring as high level execs at Microsoft are, this has to be just awful for the troops working in their internal studios.


haha no... ;)

I'm so confused by this again. But I wasn't even referring to this. I think I read a article quote a few days ago that said Microsoft was looking into making special Xbox One's specifically for military members that didn't require the check-in for games.

That was a "Polygon source" a while back when they were in full on damage control mode after their reveal. It might be true, but with those quotes from PR...


Your information is incorrect.

No, it's not. It's been selling significantly higher than the other two consoles for years now and it definitely has much higher software sales.

I don't even own an Xbox 360 but it is the incumbent brand guys.

You're going to get blindsided by this holiday if you think the PS4 is on its way to immediate market leadership.


Same here. I don't want them to fail I just want them to reverse their policies. They do that and I'm in with the Xbone.

I'll still call it an Xbone no matter what though

I'm with you. I primarily prefer the Playstation, but I've had great times with my 360 this generation. There have been some undeniably fantastic games, and having another generation of Xbox games sounds freaking great. But not like this. :(


I'm so confused by this again. But I wasn't even referring to this. I think I read a article quote a few days ago that said Microsoft was looking into making special Xbox One's specifically for military members that didn't require the check-in for games.

I don't think that's possible. It would be a matter of months before those systems got out to the public rendering half of their XBL shit useless.


Unconfirmed Member
says right here they will have a workaround for them to play so long as game is activated once and no subsequent 24 hour check, they are just not giving details
I'm not sure, I read that as MS' rep completely forgetting about the daily check.

As long as I don't see "Xbone won't require an internet connection for the military" written in huge shiny letters on its website, I won't believe it. And then I'll criticize the fact that they won't do it too for non-military guys, until the day that they do.



Offline, small, lightweight, no large required accessories, no powerbrick.

Sony should just donate a ton to the military.

that's true

I'm not sure, I read that as MS' rep completely forgetting about the daily check.

As long as I don't see "Xbone won't require an internet connection for the military" written in huge shiny letters on its website, I won't believe it. And then I'll criticize the fact that they won't do it too for non-military guys, until the day that they do.

someone at MS said as much on reveal week, they just don't have the details of how it will work yet like much of their plans it's 5 mos away, plenty of time


OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

Your point is 100% valid, but look at it this way:

If MS doesn't respect the Americsn military, then who do they respect?

Eric C

I am looking foward to installing my games and - having a nice clean shelf next gen.

If you people stop this, then there will be hell.

You can already do that today if you just buy digital instead of retail.

With no 24 hour "can I please have permission to play my games" BS


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Microsoft survived a scandal of broken consoles to become #1 in the US and selling the lion's share of software.

Tell me what Sony has done between then and now to make this any different.

Not been a year late to the party.
Not been $300 more expensive.
Not pissed in peoples' faces and called it rain.


Not to defend Microsoft, but the military will not be able to play a lot of games on the PS4 either due the industry wide move to online only contents and dedicated servers. Across the board the military WILL be getting a worse experience than last generation.

Military will be able to still play offline content, as well as multiplayer(when allowed) content on the PS4. Sony has stated this is a focus for offline players. That hasn't changed from last generation at all. Military not being able to download DLC,is the same problem they had last gen, or any time without the internet.

Its significantly worse to own a xbone and be in the military, thats not equal across the board. Its heavier, more parts as well.


No, it's not. It's been selling significantly higher than the other two consoles for years now and it definitely has much higher software sales.

I don't even own an Xbox 360 but it is the incumbent brand guys.

You're going to get blindsided by this holiday guys.

Can you talk about what country you're referring to? My understanding is the PS3 has a sight lead worldwide, but not in the US. I don't know software sales.
OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

It's not so much the loss of buyers among the military personnel, but the Image problem this creates. The US has this huge cultural veneration for their (active) troops, so any policy that is perceived as harmful or disrespectful against them is also going to affect buying behaviour in the US.
To help me put this in perspective - how many military personnel does the US have?

Like how many people are MS going to be pissing off here.

Edit: didn't spot the 1.4 million figure, quite a lot of people then.
The whole military angle is pretty much a media shit storm waiting to happen.

MS would do well to nip that in the bud pretty quickly - maybe offer hardware that doesn't require the check-in and whatnot for military bases?


OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

1.4M military
3M their friends & family
20M people without internet
xM people put off by draconian DRM
And all their friends...

it adds up.
OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

It could be 500 people. Actual servicemen saying "Company X doesn't care about the military" is a huge blow from a PR standpoint. And their weak response doesn't help matters.


There is this security guard I always bump into at the Post Office. Casual gamer, always asking me stuff because he's not in the know.

Today he told me there is no way he his getting an Xbox One.
This time it's a little different. Xbox One does not have the benefit of having comparable hardware like 360 against PS3. For PS3's $599 issue, they introduced the blu-ray format that outperformed most standalones back in the day. Even if Xbox One strips all of their "anti-consumer" features we're still left with a piece of hardware with significantly lower specs and it being more expensive than PS4. The 360 also released 1 full year ahead of the PS3 which meant it had a lot more exclusives and a larger userbase to play against compared to the first 2-3 years of PS3's lifespan.

Good points, but I do think the opporunity is there for them to come back from the brink. A price cut or value added along with a firm commitment to remove the 24hr check in would see the backlash soften, but it won't repair the significant damage that's already been done.

I'm not sure what they could do to repair that, perhaps give everyone a year of free gold along with a game of their choice? Would it work? People can be very forgiving when they are given free shit...
Sony should donate some launch units to the military. It'd be great PR.

Oh, and fuck MS if they make exceptions for anyone else and screw normal people. They can go to hell even harder.


OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

I think you underestimate America's "support the troops" attitude. If word spreads that Microsoft is basically telling the military "sucks to be you", I can see a lot of civilians unwilling to support an anti-military company.

I'm not even in the military anymore, so technically a civilian, and I'm not getting one for this very reason.


Can you talk about what country you're referring to? My understanding is the PS3 has a sight lead worldwide, but not in the US. I don't know software sales.

Yes, I referred to the US market several times, which is the market that determines significant Western developer support.

More specifically, it determines the developer support that drives Microsoft's business.
This train don't stop

You know Microsoft might be the best company at tanking the press relations for their own product ever

I mean maybe the X1 isn't evil incarnate but damn if they don't just keep making bad press

How can it can even worse press at this point?


OK, going to voice a question...

1.4 million...in the grand scheme of console sales, will it really matter? Does the military really add that much to their overall sales to make this anything other than another PR mess-up?

It's a perception issue. The continued negativity can cost them far more sales than that.
This is pretty much a hit straight to the jugular for Microsoft. This can't be good PR.

I'm sorry, I just have to point out that's it's already funny to say that a woman "has balls", but saying that a lesbian "has balls" just cracks me up. Whose balls does she have??

Microsoft's, I guess.

She may not have literal balls, but she has figurative ones, lol.

Except, as a few pointed out, I guess MSNBC is now Microsoft-free as of just about a year ago (after looking it up). They should change the channel's name to NBC News, but evidently they already have with their website, apps etc. So I bet it's only a matter of time before they do.


The region locks and the 24hr authentication requirement are not the only issues for service men and women.

As others have mentioned, the the requirement to always have the kinnect camera/mic system on would most likely not be allowed on military facilites, ships, or subs where there is a risk of sensitive data spillage.
Saw this coming a mile away. It's pretty shocking how much gaming goes on in the military and (especially) the Navy. Sony should literally just send free PS4s to various US and EU bases.

I'm a PC master race gamer so I won't be buying either of the two next gen systems this gen, and normally don't pay much attention to consoles...but I must say I'm shocked at how MS has handled this. This rollout is already being discussed in business schools, and I'm sure many papers will be written about it in the coming years (assuming MS doesn't retreat). They have basically created an America Box, and even that name isn't completely accurate considering there are tons of areas throughout the US with limited internet (especially during the winter).
I'm talking about the Xbox brand when I refer to Microsoft.

Their console is what's driving the console industry right now.

You're kidding right?

XBL may set the standard for what speed and connectivity within the console market should be but to think the 360 is, "driving the industry" is laughable.
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