a psycho duck you say?

i have a couple of their album: Djupa Skogen and Efter Allt.
second option it is.
even better.
a psycho duck you say?
According to neogaf user Verendus, Sega is prepping two titles for PS4 (I think he said they were exclusive). Apparently Sony let the new Sonic go for a new project...
in wanna see Hunt vs Reem
in wanna see Hunt vs Reem
Now this would be very interesting. I cant even guess at the outcome.
Now this would be very interesting. I cant even guess at the outcome.
Two things to take away:
1) Mark Hunt's shorts were awesome.
2) The uploader's avatar is awesome too.
OK I need to plug Shingeki no Kyojin aka Attack on Titan again, 8th episode just dropped and the show is getting really good.
It's Yakuza 17 and Yakuza Samurais 12, don't delude yourself.
I've never played Yakuza, but Shenmue sucks so you're probably right.
Edit: Heel, you're a free man now. Let's see were your allegiances lie.
You know those really awesome 70's Yakuza films? Imagine if someone turned them into a video game but amped up the Japanese craziness by 100x. In the second game you cage fight a tiger.
Japanese wackiness doesn't make good gameplay.
It isn't limited to japanese games, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon has is aesthetically interesting and occasionally funny, however, the boring Far Cry 3 gameplay is still there so it's not a good game.
it's stuff like that that made me change your theme to this:
Can someone make a gif of the guy nodding approvingly about 25 seconds in?
You know those really awesome 70's Yakuza films? Imagine if someone turned them into a video game but amped up the Japanese craziness by 100x. In the second game you cage fight a tiger.
Yakuza 2 is best Yakuza.
Sorry for getting all kideo on yall, but does anyone want my Hotline Miami stm key?
You bought the latest Humble Bundle?
PS: Dear Esther is arse.
I buy every one of them because I have a sad, pathological need to be surprised with gifts, and I am addicted to the feeling I get from the "we've added more games" thing they do.
I enjoyed it a bit, but I have a hard time really calling it a game. Not something you go through more than once
I was just about to edit to say that only Good Friends need apply. PMing!
You walk, recite some poetry and stare at the pretty scenery. Not something you should go through, ever.
I was just about to edit to say that only Good Friends need apply. PMing!
This is pretty much my real life.
Don't be a negative nancy, Chits. Narrative uber alles.
I'm afraid there aren't any latina milfs in Dear Esther. A shame as it'd have made it a lot more interesting.
I really did like it, and I suppose I should be more open minded about it. It is an interesting take on the visual novel idea![]()
AgreeJapanese wackiness doesn't make good gameplay.
DisagreeGameplay over narrative, always.
I'm pretty much done with latina chicks. I'm tired of being asked to go to Mass with them.
I'm glad I've never been dragged to church by a girl I was dating.