I'd say around 4 times as tough, regardless of player count.Hero of Legend said:Are monsters even tougher online due to the ability for 4 people to take them on at once?
RuneFactoryFanboy said:Ok so run through some examples with me.
I fight Barioth and he does that aggravating multi-lunge hop and plows me over. Is that blunt physical damage or ice damage?
I fight Diablos and he hits me with his new leap out and claw attack, is that dragon element since it's a claw?
I fight Deviljo and he tail swipes me. Was that a dragon elemental attack?
I fight Jehn and he launches his rocks at me, is that dragon element?
Some things like a Rathalos fireball are common sense, but a majority of the attacks I'm hit with are not to me.
Haunted said:I'd say around 4 times as tough, regardless of player count.
It certainly deserves the push it's getting - I hope it translates into wider success.oracrest said:You guys put too much stock in first month NPD numbers. MH3 should have strong legs for the length of the console. It is only getting more popular in the states with each iteration, and that at least is a good sign. Thank god it's multiplayer online. Thank god japan knows enough about gaming to keep the franchise profitable. I just hope capcom keeps supporting the us and European version to expand the fanbase.
mclem said:(Lights the EU-GAFsignal)
Right, I've not had much opportunity to play these last few days, but I've got free time this evening - with a break for Ashes to Ashes - so I'll probably stick my head in Wisdom1:Gate40 from 7pm UK time to see if there's any action on.
I'm interested in 2* stuff for progression, but quite happy to help out with 1* content too; the more people we can get *up* to 2*, the better for all of us!
sillymonkey321 said:Does it also only heal people depending on how much it heals myself? For instance, if i have full health and my teammates don't, will it heal them if i use a potion? I tried to do that but it didnt seem to work.
selig said:haha, wow. helped a friend to beat the HR9-urgent quest Barroth. Some other beginners that joined kept dying, and it took like forever to beat him. Sorry, but Im a SnS-user, im not there to make heavy damage XD
And right afterwards, someone starts an arena-qurupeco, then, after it starts, leaves me alone. Well, I didnt want to give up and beat that online-qurupeco alone, ha!![]()
_tetsuo_ said:3 times tonight we got Barroth limping. 3 times someone died after we had gotten that far. Hunter Rank 8 really loves me![]()
Hmm, I really need to be skimming through this thread when I'm playing. I usually wait till the next day.Nicktals said:LanceBP, Jason said he was leaving after this one, so we'll have an opening.
john tv said:Fighting bugs for sprks' amusement. Come be bored with me! We need a fourth.
john tv said:Kyoufu, come in our lobby -- we're in a quest but I'll keep it for ya soon as we get out.
john tv said:Fighting bugs for sprks' amusement. Come be bored with me! We need a fourth.
john tv said:If you come right now, we're there and have an open slot~
Edit: gone! taken by Lonely1
john tv said:Man taking down Diablos and Uragaan in that event quest...what a rush!
Hah.Kyoufu said:Man, we rocked Diablos/Uragaan event twice in a row, got the plans I needed then I realised I need another 6 for the upgrade! Guess I know what we're farming sprsk/jtv!
Gigginox is overly cartoony for my tastes. Khezu was in need of some updating since the electric shock attack is a kind of boring to wait through.FootNinja said:I think if this game just had a spiced up khezu, it would feel so much better. I miss that fat, slow moving, trick you into thinking you cant be killed, blob. Giggi is cool, but no one likes fighting him. I would have chosen nargacuga over barioth, but the rest of mh tri's monsters really shine.
edit: I'm not a fan of agnaktor either. I think I would choose an updated gravios over him.
FootNinja said:I think if this game just had a spiced up khezu, it would feel so much better. I miss that fat, slow moving, trick you into thinking you cant be killed, blob.
I'm really looking forward to "Alluring Dress". I've been wanting to get into the Lance but haven't put forth enough effort into deciding which one to start off with. Having the option to use a frickin' shark as a weapon made that decision quite simple...Lance Bone Path said:So today's the last day for the current event quests. According to the wiki, there will be two different quests that yield special stuff up tomorrow.
I've got my blood sport tickets, but I'll help out anyone who wants to do blood sport later this evening. (I'm not that good at that quest, though).
Lance Bone Path said:So today's the last day for the current event quests. According to the wiki, there will be two different quests that yield special stuff up tomorrow.
I've got my blood sport tickets, but I'll help out anyone who wants to do blood sport later this evening. (I'm not that good at that quest, though).
What is your ava from?Dreavus said:hmm, last day? I have gotten enough for the first weapon iteration but lack enough for an upgrade. I kind of want to stock up a bit for later, but I've been having shit luck with the incomplete plans.
Apenheul said:Finally I had completed my Lagiacrus armor-set, got all excited and wanted to help a low-HR hunter with Rathian and before I knew it Rathian killed me in 2 seconds with a wingclap and then immediately rushing over me....
Better than players that rush in to get killedselig said:Wow, just played with the worst MH3-player so far
First, he absolutely wants to kill a Diablos. Well, okay. There´s another guy who wanted to do Barioth, but then this guy (and a fellow German, too) insisted on doing the Diablos by telling the other guy "I helped you" - which most likely means that he coincidentially tagged along. So, the other guy joins the Diablos-quest. Then...waiting for a 4th player. Finally, someone joins. Someone from my friendslist. Im glad to see a familiar player and we start.
RIGHT AFTER we´re at the base camp, the fellow German, who called himself "killa", writes "oh, birthday, have to eat", and just leaves his character be.
Well, I know that Im not too bad, and the guy from my friendslist is good, too, so we start the hunt.
We´re inmidst the desert and fight, when the other player dies. I write "np", as in no problem. He returns to the point of action, and then suddenly quits the game. Yeah...
Still, I´m confident to make it with my friend´s help.
After like 10 minutes of fighting and using up a lot of potions, killa returns to the Wii.
"Mhm, pizza" are his first and only words. :|
He comes running to the Diablos and...keeps running in circles. The smartass he is, he writes "to the rocks!", where he keeps waiting, far away from where we´re fighting the monster.
At some point, I run out of potions and my stamina is dead, so I have to return to the base camp for health regeneration. I do so and meanwhile, my friend manages to cut off the Diablo´s tail. Yay!
From here on out, it´s a drawn-out battle, with me running between Diablos and base camp. For some reason, Im the only one who has to get to the base camp for health regen. Well, my friend is just good, and killa? AH RIGHT, he´s hardly fighting AND has all his potions from letting us fight alone for 10 minutes. :|
In the end, my friend beat the Diablos...while Im midway to the base camp for regen, as I keep an eye on not dying. The best part was, when killa got all the Diablos stuff, and I was too far away from the monster´s corpse.
Yeah, thank you, killa. Removed from friendslist (where he added me instantly before the whole quest).
players like these are an exception, though, gladly
Bisnic said:Is there any tricks against Barioth? This fucker is fast and have long range attacks, hate him! I know he always do that little jump before charging me with his fangs, but i never have enough time to sheathe my weapon and do a run + evade move which seems to be the best way to avoid his fast attacks.
Great Baggi armor isnt really helping i think, he only have 1 ice special attack and it's easy to avoid. Maybe my Lagiacrius set with better defense would be more helpful. Anything else im missing?
Also, is there any skill that stop your hunter from doing this stupid animation everytime i use a potion or ration? I get hit waaaay too many times because my retard hunter was all "YAY I USED A POTION! Look at my strong arms!" while Barioth turned around, charged me, stunned me in the process, and proceed to kill me.