Ollie Pooch
In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Yeah, I ended up switching to a sword for a quest or two to get some Ludroth stuff. I use hammer for everything, but it wasn't working (I believe you had to cut off its tail or something) - i think you actually have to have a 'cutting' weapon to get particular items from him.Proven said:As someone said, capturing increases your chances. What increases your chances even more? Breaking parts. It doesn't sound like you're breaking the Great Jaggi's frill on his face during your fights with him. As for the Royal Ludroth, he has three break points: A face frill (for the crest), the sponge that covers his neck (for the sponge), and then his tail. Lance and Great Sword have the most access and easiest time breaking for the crest and sponge. SnS is pretty good at getting just the sponge, and the Hammer is pretty good for just frill, but you'll need to change weapons or be a surgeon to get both.
I haven't played this in a while and I'm keen to fire it up again - fun reading people freaking out at Jaggi & Qurupeco - they were nightmares for me too once