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Monster Hunter 3 Tri |OT| Animal Cruelty Made Fun


Hiltz said:
You'll have to then talk to the Argosy Captain to buy the long sword ticket so you can craft it.
Huh. I talked to him plenty times since then. Maybe I missed it.

In other news, Sharq Attaq is FUCKING AWESOME. Easily my favorite weapon so far. It's so hilarious. Just running towards the screen makes me laugh every time. "Bitch I'm a shark!"
If you have it, try doing the Lament gesture with it on your back. I laughed for a good while.


upandaway said:
I still can't get a LS and I'm about 55 hours in now, so yeah (although the option did become available a little while ago, it just tells me I can't choose to make one for some reason).

Right now the only weapons I really don't like using are the Great Sword and the Bowgun, and I could still hold my own if I choose the Great Sword out of necessity in the Arena.
Really, I wouldn't recommend sticking to one weapon, even when you get the Long Sword. I mainly use the Lance but against some monsters I'd go for a Switch Axe, and when I just wanna go out and quickly gather stuff I have an SnS. And I still use the fire Hammer a lot for two particular monsters, it makes my life much easier.

There's also the idea of whenever you need to kill a monster a lot of times, battle against it once with every weapon. It makes the grinding more enjoyable. And being a jack of all trades is never a bad thing.
I'd always been under the impression that, kind of like a fighting game, the preferred way to progress in this was to focus on learning all the nuances and mastering a particular weapon type, and also having a "backup" style for the cases where you hunt something that your primary style isn't well-suited. Plus that lets you keep a good stock of crafting materials, instead of constantly pouring things into new weapons you may or may not get much use out of.

But, geez...55 hours before it even showed up in your menu? What was the thinking in making it take so long? Long Swords aren't considered some sort of expert-level class, are they?


Long Sword is just a very versatile weapon. It's also the easiest to master. Quite frankly, all you have to typically do with the long sword is use a 3-based combo attack and once you deal enough damage, you can then rely on using the spirit combo to deal higher damage used in a much longer combo. The survival trick is to know when to dodge out of the way and not be greedy when you feel compelled to fill up your spirit gauge (when it is close to being full) and risk being hit by a monster's attack.

The long sword has a pretty fast attack speed (though there is a slight delay after performing each of the 3 basic attacks) , deals moderate damage (but the spirit gauge can temporarily raise your attack power), has decent attack range, and it is very easy to combo with.

If anything, the only thing that sucks about the long sword is that it's not as flashy looking when compared to some of the other weapons like the lance, great sword, and switch axe.


Doorman said:
I'd always been under the impression that, kind of like a fighting game, the preferred way to progress in this was to focus on learning all the nuances and mastering a particular weapon type, and also having a "backup" style for the cases where you hunt something that your primary style isn't well-suited. Plus that lets you keep a good stock of crafting materials, instead of constantly pouring things into new weapons you may or may not get much use out of.

But, geez...55 hours before it even showed up in your menu? What was the thinking in making it take so long? Long Swords aren't considered some sort of expert-level class, are they?
Rather than 55 you should be able to get it at less than 40 (although I don't like talking about MH in terms of hours, it's not that kinda game).

Being somewhat decent at a weapon doesn't take a lot of effort (especially something like the SnS, because you'll be good at it the fastest even if you barely use it, and I heard the LS is pretty easy to master too), but I guess it's perfectly legitimate to stick to two weapons.


upandaway said:
In other news, Sharq Attaq is FUCKING AWESOME. Easily my favorite weapon so far. It's so hilarious. Just running towards the screen makes me laugh every time. "Bitch I'm a shark!"
If you have it, try doing the Lament gesture with it on your back. I laughed for a good while.
I remember back then the japanese were flooding the 12 player/Street with Sharks. A street full of sharks running around and dancing. Those were the days...
Nicktals said:
Actually I think peco summons an Ian. Could be wrong though.

Also, online in general is still pretty good, I believe. Last time I tried playing with randoms I had no problem finding a room for any monster.

Pecco does summon Rathian, but he said brown not green so I'm just guessing.


I remember playing an online match against a high rank Diablos a couple of weeks ago with 2 other players and one dude was like "Diablos can fly?" He said it after watching Diablos fly out of a pitfall trap. I was left speechless.

Anyway, I'll be online today under the same username. I finally got a 2nd stout horn last night! So happy.


Yeah, you're right. To be more exact Diablos can hover for a little bit to get out of traps and stuff, although in the game it counts enough as flying for fun flash bomb moments.
Is the superman dive the only sure way to avoid Diablos' "shoot out of the ground" attack? It nails me even when I'm running constantly. Or do I need to run zig-zags to throw it off?


Little Green Yoda said:
Is the superman dive the only sure way to avoid Diablos' "shoot out of the ground" attack? It nails me even when I'm running constantly. Or do I need to run zig-zags to throw it off?

Lance and SnS can block it. Otherwise, you have to do a move with invincibility frames because it's a massive high speed attack. You can see it coming (dust clouds coming from the ground) but if you're being targeted, you probably can't get out of the way unless you're like a mile away and running perpendicular to his path.
Proven said:
Lance and SnS can block it. Otherwise, you have to do a move with invincibility frames because it's a massive high speed attack. You can see it coming (dust clouds coming from the ground) but if you're being targeted, you probably can't get out of the way unless you're like a mile away and running perpendicular to his path.

But isn't blocking (aka staying in one spot) a big no-no since it could conceivably come out of the ground underneath you? By the time you see the dust clouds heading towards you, you can't come out of the block stance into a running position quickly enough, right?


Little Green Yoda said:
But isn't blocking (aka staying in one spot) a big no-no since it could conceivably come out of the ground underneath you? By the time you see the dust clouds heading towards you, you can't come out of the block stance into a running position quickly enough, right?

He doesn't usually come out underneath you; there's enough of an angle so that as long as you aren't standing over the exact spot he underground, you'll be fine. As for attacking afterward, going from block to running again (if you get bounced a little too far away) is about as fast as getting knocked on your ass and then needing to heal later, and only a little bit slower than having super dived out of the way. Still, I can get a couple hits in, and I always know he'll either end up next to me or a couple feet behind me.

I tend to prefer this method as otherwise when he's in rage and digging and jumping all the time, I essentially have to wait it out. Being able to block lets me get in more hits while healing less often. That said, this advice is from someone that primarily uses a SnS, and then a Hammer otherwise.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So a friend of mine invited me over yesterday with the express purpose of getting me hooked on this game.

He might have succeeded. We spend about an hour trying to hit the 2:30 goal on the Great Jaggi fight, and although it seemed like random hacking and slashing to me at first when he went with the hammer to complement my sword and shield and we started actually suing items the strategy really became apparent. Working with a guy on the couch next to you to make sure that your "stun knives -> barrel bombs -> hammer smash -> tinted meat -> kill" strategy works flawlessly was ridiculously fun. My previous experience with Tri was about two hours of the single player at the beginning and it really turned me off the game. But this? This was awesome.

I'm thinking I'm going to ask for this for Christmas now.


The_Technomancer said:
So a friend of mine invited me over yesterday with the express purpose of getting me hooked on this game.

He might have succeeded. We spend about an hour trying to hit the 2:30 goal on the Great Jaggi fight, and although it seemed like random hacking and slashing to me at first when he went with the hammer to complement my sword and shield and we started actually suing items the strategy really became apparent. Working with a guy on the couch next to you to make sure that your "stun knives -> barrel bombs -> hammer smash -> tinted meat -> kill" strategy works flawlessly was ridiculously fun. My previous experience with Tri was about two hours of the single player at the beginning and it really turned me off the game. But this? This was awesome.

I'm thinking I'm going to ask for this for Christmas now.
Whats this bitch strategy? You are supposed to go in guns blazing.


The_Technomancer said:
So a friend of mine invited me over yesterday with the express purpose of getting me hooked on this game.

He might have succeeded. We spend about an hour trying to hit the 2:30 goal on the Great Jaggi fight, and although it seemed like random hacking and slashing to me at first when he went with the hammer to complement my sword and shield and we started actually suing items the strategy really became apparent. Working with a guy on the couch next to you to make sure that your "stun knives -> barrel bombs -> hammer smash -> tinted meat -> kill" strategy works flawlessly was ridiculously fun. My previous experience with Tri was about two hours of the single player at the beginning and it really turned me off the game. But this? This was awesome.

I'm thinking I'm going to ask for this for Christmas now.
Yeah...having someone just start the game from the beginning who's never played before is probably a terrible strategy for generating interest. The 1-player mode starts out with a lot of tutorial stuff and really basic missions...I was actually surprised by how long it took just to get to the first Great Jaggi fight. But, once you get into a grove and you get the hang of quickly gathering resources, things do pick up.

I dropped my first Qurupeco a few minutes ago, although I do have to give an assist to the Great Jaggi. In two different locations Qurupeco summoned him into the fight only to have him go traitor. :lol Now to beat him a bajillion more times so I can put together that armor set.

By now I'm probably more than together enough that I should give the online mode a shot...I just wonder if anybody's even doing the low-level quests anymore.
I got this when Amazon had it on sale a week or so ago, and I'm disappointed with how bad it looks on my Sony Bravia. The IQ looks worse than a PS2 game, and the text is a pain to read. I'm playing it on a 46 inch, and I'm not exactly sitting that far away from the screen. Is there anything I can do make it look better? :\ I noticed in the OP that it mentions that it looks blurry on some HD TVs.


I usually see around 1,100 players online at the most during the evening and night times. This is for the North American version by the way.

I always hate fighting Diablos with his annoying underground attack. A few times I was the unfortunate target to be hit 3 times in a row by that move, unable to recover from each previous hit.

I'll gladly help anyone online for low or high rank missions... Unless it is Alatreon. It just takes too long to fight him unless there's at least one bowgunner to put him to sleep. The other day, I watched in amazement as two 300 high rank level bowgunners completely beat the crap out of Alatreon in under 8 minutes using cluster shots. Another time my party and I used ice-based weapons and killed it with 25 minutes left on the clock. Still, the sleep bomb strategy is better since we only managed to break its tail and feet talons. Just need 2 skypiercers to upgrade to the Dark Harvest Switch Axe.

I play all of my Wii games on a Sony Wega 34 inch HDtv. I don't have any problems with blurriness, but Monster Hunter Tri's text is indeed too small.
It looks like you won't be seeing me online for at least this week and next. My wii is giving me an "error has occurred" message every time I try to start a game. I'm sure it's related to the disc drive because of the loud repetitive clicking it's making. I'm sending it in for repairs on Monday and I'm optimistic it will come back with all my save data soon enough.

I hope everyone who plays on the weekends can get by without one of the usual residents of gate 40 for a while. I know it's sometimes just two of us on during the weekend.


Yeah your drive is screwed. The same happens to me but I am using USB loader now as am left with no choice and I can't send it for repairs over here.


I thought I hit a pretty tough wall when I died to Gigginox and Lagiacrus on their first tries... so I ended up procrastinating, a ton. 20 hours of playing passed before I even TRIED again. Meanwhile I got the Barroth and Qurupeco sets done, my money jumped to the 5 digits, and I'm close to cleaning the Argosy of the essential items.

When I finally ran out of excuses to procrastinate, I reluctantly tried Gigginox and beat him first try without dying :lol then I did the same with Lagiacrus. Both with the Lance. It made me feel really awkward.

Lagiacrus is actually not as big a deal as I thought. I can do him with 3 weapons I have now, Lance, Hammer and Switch Axe. Later I'll also try to beat him with the SnS and LS. Looks like I won't be sticking to one or two weapons because I love all 5.


I'm thinking I'll take my first foray online later today, if any other relative newbies are around. I poked through a couple of previous pages in this topic and now I'm paranoid that my team coordination will be off and everyone'll turn into haters if I make a mistake. :lol

Ah well, shouldn't stop me from giving it a shot, at least.


farnham said:
i have a lance and i just cant kill the qurupeco

any suggestions ?
...I'm about to attempt the same thing in a few minutes, so I'll let you know if I figure anything out. :D

EDIT: Well...that went probably a bit better than I thought it would. That was the second time I took on the Qurupeco, the first time being with a sword and shield, and it seemed like this time I encountered a lot more bounce-offs on my hits. I didn't put much focus into breaking his tail or the flints, but it worked best for me to remain primarily in front of him. That way you can block and avoid getting blown away when he takes to the air and it's easy to get multiple hits in on his neck when he attempts to call. The upward-stab was definitely my best friend. There's something weirdly satisfying about watching Qurupeco attempt to turn and run, only to trip and fall flat on his face.

Anyway I know there are better strategies out there, but if you're just trying to clear the quest for the first time, that worked well enough for me.


Qurupeco tip: A very easy way to avoid Qurupeco's multiple flint wing attack (the one where he rubs his wings together to spark a fire) , is to stay near the left side of his body and walk/run to the right to walk around him from behind. Keep doing this until he stops the attack. You'll have no need to block it or dodge out of the way.

He's weak to ice element for those who don't know.


If you master the counter move, Qurupeco any monster becomes a pushover. You can counter whenever he makes wind, you can counter after his third flint spark, and so on.

Whenever I lance I rarely focus on breaking parts unless it has an extremely large hitzone (which Peco obviously doesn't have). But maybe that's because I only ever use Lance as an alternative when I fight Jho and Blos.


farnham said:
i have a lance and i just cant kill the qurupeco

any suggestions ?
Are you using the side dodge a lot? Be in front of him, poke and side dodge the fuck away. And use the diagonal poke more than the straight poke. Also when he does the double tap with his wings, you can dodge into him by looking at the screen and then dodging backwards. Shield Advance forward when he spits at you, and if you're underneath him when he's hovering, try hitting his legs with the diagonal poke to make him fall down. Remember that dodging immediately after the 3-hit combo means you can resume the combo faster than if you just let it finish normally. Sorry if none of this is comprehensible.
You can throw a Sonic Bomb while he sings to make him stop and doze off for a few seconds. You can hit him while he sings to get whatever buff he was going to get. Throw dung bombs at Great Jaggi if he pisses you off and he'll go away. Eat a Might Seed for an attack buff if you need it. And of course shock and pitfall traps.

But really it's about watching him carefully because Qurupeco telegraphs his attacks really nice.

I really need to start using the counter more. I can't use it on monsters I don't know yet, and on monsters I already know, I don't really need it. I'll have to force it into my habits.


upandaway said:
Are you using the side dodge a lot? Be in front of him, poke and side dodge the fuck away. And use the diagonal poke more than the straight poke. Also when he does the double tap with his wings, you can dodge into him by looking at the screen and then dodging backwards. Shield Advance forward when he spits at you, and if you're underneath him when he's hovering, try hitting his legs with the diagonal poke to make him fall down. Remember that dodging immediately after the 3-hit combo means you can resume the combo faster than if you just let it finish normally. Sorry if none of this is comprehensible.
You can throw a Sonic Bomb while he sings to make him stop and doze off for a few seconds. You can hit him while he sings to get whatever buff he was going to get. Throw dung bombs at Great Jaggi if he pisses you off and he'll go away. Eat a Might Seed for an attack buff if you need it. And of course shock and pitfall traps.

But really it's about watching him carefully because Qurupeco telegraphs his attacks really nice.

I really need to start using the counter more. I can't use it on monsters I don't know yet, and on monsters I already know, I don't really need it. I'll have to force it into my habits.
All I've got to say is that you've got talent for knowing such depth for someone who started playing so recently :)

Once people "understand" this stuff they're true hunters. Until then it's just hitting, getting hit and drinking potions.


So...I bitched out on trying out the online support tonight. :lol Well on the bright side, I lanced the hell out of Royal Ludroth despite him handing me my first on-quest fainting. I wonder how many other people found him to be a lot easier to fight underwater compared to when he was on land, since it definitely felt that way to me. Now I get to fight him and Qurupeco a bajillion more times so I can finally get my gear up to snuff.


Doorman said:
Well on the bright side, I lanced the hell out of Royal Ludroth despite him handing me my first on-quest fainting. I wonder how many other people found him to be a lot easier to fight underwater compared to when he was on land, since it definitely felt that way to me.
As far as the lance goes it feels like home underwater, a lot easier than on land. I'm playing this alongside my friend and he always gets stuck on water monsters and I beat them easily, despite us being roughly the same skill. Hammer is pretty cool underwater too.

Soneet said:
All I've got to say is that you've got talent for knowing such depth for someone who started playing so recently :)

Once people "understand" this stuff they're true hunters. Until then it's just hitting, getting hit and drinking potions.
There's also a difference between understanding all that and actually executing it :lol but it's nice to know I'm getting somewhere considering I still put in ~5 hours every day.


I'm thinking about trying to learn a new weapon, but I can't decide on whether to use the lance or the hammer. So far, the only weapons I know how to use effectively are the long sword, switch axe, and sword and shield.

I'll probably start experimenting with them both tomorrow. The hammer seems like fun since it does high damage and you can pound a monster's face to stun em. Then there's the lance which seems like one of the most complex weapons mainly due to how you move around with it.


Hiltz said:
I'm thinking about trying to learn a new weapon, but I can't decide on whether to use the lance or the hammer. So far, the only weapons I know how to use effectively are the long sword, switch axe, and sword and shield.

I'll probably start experimenting with them both tomorrow. The hammer seems like fun since it does high damage and you can pound a monster's face to stun em. Then there's the lance which seems like one of the most complex weapons mainly due to how you move around with it.

I'd suggest the hammer. It's easier to pick up quickly, although there is a learning period where you have to look at a monster's movements differently if you want to be more precise for super pounds to the head.
Proven said:
That said, this advice is from someone that primarily uses a SnS, and then a Hammer otherwise.
Quite helpful considering I've been using SnS and trying to pick up the Hammer in my spare time. :lol I really should re-incorporate blocking into my game now that I'm no longer using the Autoguard talisman. Without Evasion +1, my rolls don't seem to get me out of harms way with enough frequency. Maybe I need to work on my timing?

Just hit High Rank. So far only tried the Great Jaggi and Qurupecco
Deviljho is an ugly mofo
. Hasn't been too tough yet but I had to burn quite a few potions on those fights so I'm not exactly looking forward to farming Lagi and Rathalos for parts to upgrade my armor. Is the HR exclusive ore only found in those secret Felyne Explorer areas? Or can they be found in the regular spots in HR quests?

Also what is so advanced about the quests with "advanced" in the name? They're still listed under 3* quests and the minimum rank is still HR18 so you don't get high rank mats, right?


Little Green Yoda said:
Quite helpful considering I've been using SnS and trying to pick up the Hammer in my spare time. :lol I really should re-incorporate blocking into my game now that I'm no longer using the Autoguard talisman. Without Evasion +1, my rolls don't seem to get me out of harms way with enough frequency. Maybe I need to work on my timing?

Just hit High Rank. So far only tried the Great Jaggi and Qurupecco
Deviljho is an ugly mofo
. Hasn't been too tough yet but I had to burn quite a few potions on those fights so I'm not exactly looking forward to farming Lagi and Rathalos for parts to upgrade my armor. Is the HR exclusive ore only found in those secret Felyne Explorer areas? Or can they be found in the regular spots in HR quests?

Also what is so advanced about the quests with "advanced" in the name? They're still listed under 3* quests and the minimum rank is still HR18 so you don't get high rank mats, right?

The ores are equivalent to Machialcite and Pegalcite, basically a rare ore per area that you can get with a lot of Paw Pass farming, but the secret areas you get to visit through Felyne Explorer (or plain luck) increase your chances of getting them. There are also new bugs, so be sure to bring bug nets as well.

Advanced Quests generally give better rewards and have slightly harder versions monsters, or multiple monsters. But yeah, unless you're doing an Advanced Quest that 4* or higher, all you'll be doing is increasing your chances at harder to get low rank rewards.


Little Green Yoda said:
Quite helpful considering I've been using SnS and trying to pick up the Hammer in my spare time. :lol I really should re-incorporate blocking into my game now that I'm no longer using the Autoguard talisman. Without Evasion +1, my rolls don't seem to get me out of harms way with enough frequency. Maybe I need to work on my timing?

Just hit High Rank. So far only tried the Great Jaggi and Qurupecco
Deviljho is an ugly mofo
. Hasn't been too tough yet but I had to burn quite a few potions on those fights so I'm not exactly looking forward to farming Lagi and Rathalos for parts to upgrade my armor. Is the HR exclusive ore only found in those secret Felyne Explorer areas? Or can they be found in the regular spots in HR quests?

Also what is so advanced about the quests with "advanced" in the name? They're still listed under 3* quests and the minimum rank is still HR18 so you don't get high rank mats, right?

If I'm not mistaken, Advanced Quests are unique in that the monsters are slightly stronger and have more health than usual. Depending on the quest, you'll fight one boss monster while at other times you'll have to defeat two monsters. In addition, such quests give you more money, rewards, and hunter rank points.They're generally great for trying to get a better chance of obtaining rare items like Rathalos Rubies and Wyvern Stones among other things. Also, it seems like these quests offer a higher chance of getting better Shards and Charms. Advanced quests can temporarily disappear and reappear from your quest list from time to time in a cycle. I believe these quests start to show up as early as HR 19.


Soneet said:
All I've got to say is that you've got talent for knowing such depth for someone who started playing so recently :)

Once people "understand" this stuff they're true hunters. Until then it's just hitting, getting hit and drinking potions.

It's funny cause it's true :lol

How do you counter anyway?

john tv

Thinkin' of firing up Tri this weekend to warm up for Portable 3rd. Any of my old hunting mates still at it? :) I think I stopped around HR 52 or so.


I need to get back into this game. I've been off it for too long and it's calling to me.

Shame there's no word on portable third for the US yet. :(


Neo Member
I got the game a little while ago but I just beat the Great Jaggi. I think I'm comfortable against the Quropeco as well since that was in the MH3 demo. If any low level hunters want to play, I think I'll be on at least tonight and tomorrow night, my ID is 2GCBWR. I have Wii Speak, but since I've heard that it isn't implemented very well, I'm also cool with Skype if anyone else is. I might also get a USB keyboard down the line.
john tv said:
Thinkin' of firing up Tri this weekend to warm up for Portable 3rd. Any of my old hunting mates still at it? :) I think I stopped around HR 52 or so.
If you announce when you're on, someone will (probably) join. I have some plans this weekend but I should be around at least half this weekend.


Kinosen said:
I got the game a little while ago but I just beat the Great Jaggi. I think I'm comfortable against the Quropeco as well since that was in the MH3 demo. If any low level hunters want to play, I think I'll be on at least tonight and tomorrow night, my ID is 2GCXBR. I have Wii Speak, but since I've heard that it isn't implemented very well, I'm also cool with Skype if anyone else is. I might also get a USB keyboard down the line.
I'll probably be around tomorrow night to play online. Which is good, since I haven't tried out the online mode yet so I too have the lower-rank quests to plow through. I'll get back on here at some point tomorrow with my online ID info and see what comes of it.
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