And the multI monsters all have more health on top of it.
Quests with more than one monster though have less health than normal though
Ok good to know.
Was seeing if I could run a friend through some missions just me and him but looks like a no go.
Had a great time playing with gaf tonight. Ahh Monster Hunter how I love thee.
The rainy weather kept me indoors the whole day today. It was a productive day, to say the least.
Also, I take back every mean thing I've said about Brachydios; he still looks dumb, but fighting him is absolutely unreal.
I like his color, but that top horn does look a bit silly. Like you said though, fighting him in rage mode is terrifying at times.
Tried to join you guys. Room was full![]()
Brightness is always the killer. If you can live with level 3, I bet you could squeeze another hour
Unless you have very weak equipment, you might be surprised what you can run through with two people.
2 or more players mean one is more likely to be in a position to hit that you arent. More monsters flinching giving you openings. Double the amount of traps or bombs you can bring. While the monster do have more health, it is not dramatically so until you get to high rank stuff. HR2 and below monsters are comparable to single player level.
Monster Hunter was already on the seriously popular PS2 and it didn't really take off anywhere. Building a console-focused MH in this day and age is an exercise of diminishing returns.
Working on my Gobul set now. Two out of five pieces already crafted, and if I could just get a couple of his lanterns I'll be set. I haven't successfully cut one off though. I'm not really sure how to either.
So I'm like ten hours in I'm enjoying it but damn I still feel like a newbie. Even with crafting my own weapons and armor. So many little things that I'm just like "You can do that,"
Working on my Gobul set now. Two out of five pieces already crafted, and if I could just get a couple of his lanterns I'll be set. I haven't successfully cut one off though. I'm not really sure how to either.
I've been playing this way too much! Although I'm pretty miffed at the RNG drop gods right now. I need 4 Rathian Spikes and I've take down Rathian some 16 times *since seeing I needed 4 for a switch axe* -- I already had 1, but I've only gotten 1 more. I'm determined to get them though, dangit!
So, i just downed the Royal Ludroth with relative ease and I just got the Barroth quest. Anything I should know/do before I jump into it?
I still hate Gigginox. Just thought I'd share that.
I'll second this. I was half totally grossed out by Gigginox, and half laughing at Cha-Cha getting poisoned every 2 seconds, while I was totally fine.Wroggi armor helped me a lot this go around.
Saw thunder bugs were on sale so I bought 300 and then forgot I needed money for weapons and armor. Whoops.
There really shouldn't ever be a point where you're buying bugs for anything; the farm is by far the easiest way to get more.
There really shouldn't ever be a point where you're buying bugs for anything; the farm is by far the easiest way to get more.
Too lazy to wait the cycles.![]()
And now you're poor.
So, i just downed the Royal Ludroth with relative ease and I just got the Barroth quest. Anything I should know/do before I jump into it?
Any recommended armor set for dual blades? For early/mid game. I'm currently rocking Barroth still.
Water elemental weapons are your friend.
Wroggi armor helps mitigate the sharpness issues you'll have early on and makes you look like a cowboy.
48 minute hunt! Picked [Canteen] Forecast: Lagombi from the solo menu in the second village. I took in some Jaggi dual blades with only a sliver of green for sharpness. Such a horrible mistake. It was a grudge match too because last time I tried, I forgot wet stones and i ran out of battery.
Did I just gear wrong for this fight or are those quests just 4x harder?
Chronos1 said:Search for "Arzuros" instead.
48 minute hunt! Picked [Canteen] Forecast: Lagombi from the solo menu in the second village. I took in some Jaggi dual blades with only a sliver of green for sharpness. Such a horrible mistake. It was a grudge match too because last time I tried, I forgot wet stones and i ran out of battery.
Did I just gear wrong for this fight or are those quests just 4x harder?
Wroggi armor helps mitigate the sharpness issues you'll have early on and makes you look like a cowboy.
Keep until needed. It helps keep my spending in check.Gotta get those resources though.
Speaking of money, do you guys sell your wyverngold, metal eggs, and other valuable things right away? I usually keep them in reserve and sell them when I feel I need to.
You are so good at this game.Deviljho is still a joke. Too easy.