I know it's been said before, but damn is it awesome to go from struggling to kill stuff like Quropeco early on and then coming back later when you just need a feather or something to upgrade a weapon you haven't used in a while and you just FUCKING CRUSH the stupid bird in under 5 minutes never needing potions.
Killing some wroggis and Great Worrgis to get your armour to fight Gigganox and the G. Wroggi can barely leave the first area before getting destroyed. I had to slow down in killing him so I could get mats off of the regular Wroggis. Haha.
It's Dead Rising all over again. What's the problem Capcom?3DS has one of the ugliest fonts ever. Wii U has microscopic text. THE CAPCOM READABILITY CURSE!
That sounds awesome, really hope it sells well and they bring mh4 over quickly. Because I only have a 3ds and no one to play with I decided to skip this one and learn how to play on a used copy of tri, really wished they put online multi into the 3ds version...Dunno if it was posted, but the MH stuff at PAX this weekend was insane.
- First off, there was the world's first Monster Hunter panel (I think, lol) right at 10am on Friday. ("So You Want to be a Monster Hunter?: An Introduction")
- Then there was the fact there was a full fledged Monster Hunter booth, about two "squares" in size (I'm using the comparison of most of the indie booths being one "square.")
- Then there was the fact that there were three places to try the Ultimate demo: Nintendo's booth (one Wii U and four 3DS's), Capcom's booth (one Wii U and two livestreams), and of course the MH booth (four Wii U's and eight 3DS's.)
- Then at the MH booth they had a dedicated sit-down table for players bringing their own games to join up. When I got there, there were four other people (leaving me to do some solo quests); two multiplayer quests later when I left, the crowd around the table had grown to 11/12 people total.
- Tons of people were walking around with paper Cha-Cha and Kayamba masks that were given away at the MH booth. All ages and level of nerdiness. Was awesome. Of course, they also had special Cha-Cha/Kayamba lanyards which you could only get by either beating the demo or showing you had bought the game.
Such an awesome time. Capcom and Nintendo are really putting a lot behind this release and it shows.
Anyone down to do some HR1 quests/farming? I'm up for playing a couple of hours. Damn those Q beaks.
I feel like getting my first thunderbug for my farm is going to be a pain.
I so want to take you up on that offer but I just know I'll end up playing for hours and it's getting late. We should finish up all your HR quests so we can move on to bigger monsters! Maybe tomorrow?
They're actually really easy to find, I got 10 in around 30 minutes and found one outside of moga village just messing a few moments ago.
Gah, hunting and capturing a Qurupeco is so annoying.
The monster itself is pretty simple, but because it travels all over the place, I'm wasting so much time and Energy Juices.
It's times like this I wish I wasn't solo...
That's really far away for a 42. You should at most be 2m away from a 42.
Everything will be smaller in 3U vs Tri though, this game is 1080p I think and Tri was only 480p. It makes a big difference.
What does this even mean?
I have a question for you Monster Hunter fans. I haven't played a MH game yet but I'm really interested in this game. I'm familiar with games like this but the whole no online thing in the 3DS version is sort of a deal breaker for me. However, I'm willing to put down the money if the single player is still fun/long with just me and AI partners. So people who own the 3DS version and have no other friends to play with, is it worth it?
I must have it!This Switch Ax.
It Meows
So Long Swords are supposed to have some sort of special combo system?
How come I've never been able to use it?
I've been using the Canine Katana, but I'm not even seeing any bars or anything.
hey, my setup (+ wireless USB Keyboard)!
the pro is awesome. and the battery life..... unbelievable!
played maaaaany hours of zen pinball 2 and around 50 hrs. MonHun. still two bars left. they weren't really lying about those 80 hours.
while i go to sleep now I copy my game over to the system memory.
I wanna see if there are really some improvments in the lead times after that.
Put them in your item box at home, just take what you need for hunts.Is there a way to edit what appears on your L item scroll bar? Having fossil pieces and other junk I've picked up show really hurts my combat flow.
Yeah seriously the battery life on that thing is INSANE. Haven't charged it either aside from the initial charge and it still has 2 bars as well. Controller is great in all other aspects too. I use it while propping up the gamepad at my sofa table - works great and I can de-clutter the main screen.This is really the part that took me by surprise. I was one of the most vocal cynics about the announced battery life, but holy shitballs, I charged that controller when I unboxed it... haven't done so since and it still has 2 bars out of 4...
If only they would've done something similar for the gamepad. I can't wait for 3rd party batteries like that Nyko one to release in Europe. 10 hours of charge is really the bare minimum.
Btw, I looove the transfer feature. Since my GF likes to play Nintendoland I can just take my save to the 3DS and get on with some gathering and solo quests. Amazing.
Is the 3DS > WiiU save transfer thingy released yet? If so, where do i get it?
Put them in your item box at home, just take what you need for hunts.
On your first few actual hunts, take some time to figure out the monster's patterns (give him some room, circle him at a safe distance). Then try to land hits without him hitting you too much: wait for him to do an attack, go in, cple of hits, then roll out of the way before he recovers.I just started this today and I have no idea what I'm doing. Any beginners tips for the first part of the game that I should concentrate on?
Oh my God, is there any way to change the text size in the 3DS version? Jeez, I feel like everything is so blurry >.<
Yeah seriously the battery life on that thing is INSANE. Haven't charged it either aside from the initial charge and it still has 2 bars as well. Controller is great in all other aspects too. I use it while propping up the gamepad at my sofa table - works great and I can de-clutter the main screen.
I'm playing solo for now until I feel more comfortable but once I do start playing online the virtual keyboard seems a must. I'm playing in the living room and there's usually someone around so I kind of feel the same as you. Seems I shouldn't get too attached to the Pro. I don't mind the lack of analogue personally but I only play arcade racers (pedal to the metal ;-)) so I don't really need them.If it had analog triggers it would be the best standard DA controller I've ever had. The rumble is nuanced and powerfull, the sticks are godly, the ergonomics are flawless and the battery life is just simply unbelievable.
So far I mainly used it for MP (BLOPS Splitscreen or occasionally online when I got fed up with Treyarch botching the Wiimote Lag compensation with a new patch again)
All in all I'd wager that the controller has been in use for about 30 hours now, if it really can put in another 30 till it runs dry, that's a whopping 60 hours. Compare that to the abysmal 20 hours I get from my 360 or the measily 16 from the DS3 of my brother (allthough that might be a defective battery, as it's just so pathethically low.)
I love using the Gamepad for MH though. I'm not really comfortable with Voice chat, as I mostly play with other people around and it tends to get awkward, so having a virtual keyboard on screen is perfect for me.
I love that they really went the extra length with this game, updating textures, incorporating sensible features and tons of options to suit each playstyle. Sure it's just an upresed 3DS game, but they could've just done that, not adding online, not adding Pro Controller support, not adding a virtual keyboard, Voice Chat and soon off Screen play and cross region servers.
I so hope MH4 comes to WiiU as well, as I simply love the transfer feature. I probably spent equal time between both plattforms and it's just a great feature.
BTW, thanks to the awesome hunts to all GAF Members who went on hunting with me yesterday. I had a blast and if it weren't for my idiotic desire to eat once in a while I'd been staying online for much longer lol.
It doesn't matter if you change armor pieces as long as you get those skills points from any source.
I have not been this lucky.
Let's say, that I'm wearing a set which gives me Poison skill. Now, I get rid of that set and I use a new one - are exclusive skills from first set gone?