H3rTz DoNuT
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
Well, GS is about as opposite of SnS as you can get. So if you're looking to go from one end of the spectrum to the other(weak and fast to slow and powerful) then GS would be it.
If you're looking for a bit more of a gradual change, LS or Switch Axe would be good too.
Based on your hit and run playstyle, I'd probably recommend the Longsword, the directional sweep attack (X+A+direction) is a great way to get out of harm's way quickly. The best tip, as usual, is to try out all the weapons you're considering for a leisurely hunt or two and just go with what feels good.![]()
if you're using an sns you should create more opportunities to attack instead of hit and running. Take advantage of the mobility, blocking, and item usage while weapon is drawn to do so. SnS is my favorite weapon and I used it since monster hunter.
I think you should try hammer however since you still haven't mobility with it but you're attacks are strong albeit a bit slower than SnS
Due to the lack of range of the sns, it's kind of hard to hit weak points on a lot of monsters, and if it isn't paired with the right elemental weakness that the monster has, then you'll be in for a long fight. Sounds like you're still new too and don't have monsters patterns to a tee yet. The Sns is meant to fight circles around most monsters. Get in, hit it 4-6 times, roll away, rinse and repeat. I had your problem when I started this game too, and abandoned the sns for the GS. After about 1000 hours of playtime in Tri, I'm only respectable with it. Goes to show how difficult a weapon it is to use right. If you're willing to just stick with it though, go for it. Watch videos and don't be afraid to ask us for some pointers. My advice to a beginner using a GS? Don't walk to monsters with the weapon out, and stay away from super long combos. You'll be wanting to try and land lvl 2 and 3 charges as much as possible. Thing is, for a beginner that's really tough lol. Try and play hit and run with the GS at first(run up to a monster and press X and roll away) and learn when you can land a charge on it. Generally to reach a lvl 3 charge it takes about 3 seconds, so don't get too greedy either. If you predict the monster is gonna move before a lvl3 just settle for the lvl2.
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
Forget trying to reach tails, try doing this. =U
Just got my first armout set rhenoplos, since it was easy to farm.
Im a hammer users and this has knockout king skill, does that mean it should be easier to get knockouts?, or is this more for ranged classes as I noticed it has an artillery skill to.
Just got cha-cha to woot![]()
What's the maximum sharpness of your weapon? Quru has areas on his body that bounce if it's only yellow, and I think his flints will also bounce on green sharpness if you hit them from certain angles. Hell, his TAIL bounces on some things. He's a deceptively heavily armored bird.
This is probably one of the most NOOBish questions...but how do I save my game? Does it auto-save or something?
Sorry again, and thanks for any help!
So i tried to do some local coop with a 3DS and a wii u, we both went to the multi tavern, sounded the gong thing, but we were never able to connect. is there something i am doing wrong?
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
This is probably one of the most NOOBish questions...but how do I save my game? Does it auto-save or something?
Sorry again, and thanks for any help!
Anyone able to help me? Been trying to figure this one out for a while
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
The GS sounds like a blast to use but difficult to master. I might be into that.
The GS sounds like a blast to use but difficult to master. I might be into that.
Hm, damn, that's....dangerous but I'll see what I can do.
So what's your weapon of choice guys? What do you mostly use? I use dual swords but not sure if it's gonna get me far (never used them before).
This is probably one of the most NOOBish questions...but how do I save my game? Does it auto-save or something?
Sorry again, and thanks for any help!
So I just fought the Qurupeco with a SwitchAxe, I can't belive most of my attacks bounced off him. That explains why my Bow run took too much time, I kept hitting wrong places. Anyways, I got him again, it was easier to break his beak and stop his attacks. And I got the Great Jaggi pretty fast too! I love this game.
Razor Sharp and immune to poison and it looks awesome.What is Wroggi armor really good for again? Sharpness right?
What's a good, early sharp blade? I see that only Rugged Blade has green sharpness.
What is Wroggi armor really good for again? Sharpness right?
What's a good, early sharp blade? I see that only Rugged Blade has green sharpness.
So I just fought the Qurupeco with a SwitchAxe, I can't belive most of my attacks bounced off him. That explains why my Bow run took too much time, I kept hitting wrong places. Anyways, I got him again, it was easier to break his beak and stop his attacks. And I got the Great Jaggi pretty fast too! I love this game.
Sharpness and immune to poison and it looks awesome.
Not Sharpness, but razor sharp. Means it won't dull as fast. Not to be picky but when there is an actual skill called "sharpness" we don't want people to get confused now.
When fighting Peeko with the switch axe try going mostly sword mode. You can unsheath straight to sword with R+X+A. Sword mode has built in ESP and will never bounce. Makes breaking his flint and beak a breeze.
Damn straight.
Oh I see... what's sharpness then?![]()
The skill Sharpness will up the color of your sharpness one level. Razor Sharp skill just makes it so you dull your blade slower.
Damn straight.
Oh I see... what's sharpness then?![]()
Damn straight.
Oh I see... what's sharpness then?![]()
Oh nice advice. I only used the sword mode when he was on the ground, or limping.
So... with both I'd never have to use a Whetstone again? :O
Your weapons dull at half the rate.
No. So take this table again for example: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/MH3U:_Great_Sword_Weapon_Tree
Look at the High Siegmund sword. If you used Sharpness with it, you would from a fat green bar to a sliver of blue bar. So you would still lose that blue sharpness pretty quickly.
And you can't have both Razor sharp and Sharpness at the same time if I recall.
No. So take this table again for example: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/MH3U:_Great_Sword_Weapon_Tree
Look at the High Siegmund sword. If you used Sharpness with it, you would from a fat green bar to a sliver of blue bar. So you would still lose that blue sharpness pretty quickly.
And you can't have both Razor sharp and Sharpness at the same time if I recall.
So sharpness only boosts you to the minimum of the next bar?