Just got my dragonmaiden switchaxe, it looks so green and cool, time to farm rathian for my matching armor![]()
Might be possible if you get it via that one skill which combines attack up large and sharpness+1. Used to be called Stellar Hunter, don't know what it is now. It's on abyssal lagi set.
Not sure what its 'downside' skill is though.
At most yes. Some weapons don't even get that.
Coming!Hmm doesn't look like there is a GAF room. So if any European wants to join me:
Free play 3 -> Lobby 7 -> Room: GAF
Quote for the password!
Also someone mentioned I could bring people I've streetpassed with into single player as AIs, how do I do that?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't sword mode the mode that does the most DPS? When I used the swax in Tri I'm always in sword mode practically.
haha yea... sadly that'll take me quite a long while to forge[Great] Inceadeus is where it's at. That weapon is baller, yo.
How would I go about partying up with Gaffers? I'm up to the point of fighting Lagi in single player, so I'm not TERRIBLE, I don't think... But I've actually never played MH online, so ha. Played some local the other day though...
LOL wtf at the Barroth "sword."
Talk to the cat in moga village by the big boat. Select "Network" mode. Quote the OP of this thread to see what world and server we make our rooms at.
Not as AI's, you just kinda send them out on their own quest and they come back with rewards a couple in-game days later. It's kinda similar to how the fishing boats work in a way.
To do it, you have to go online and have some other person send you their guild card. Then you have to go to the offline part of the tanzia port. You will then see their hunter guy/gal standing around the Tavern part and just talk to them. Send them off, and then check back there in a couple in-game days.
Awww I could really use a few other distractions in big fights besides Cha Cha
Also also was there ever a good reason given for why the 3DS version is offline![]()
oh! i didnt know![]()
NA! I'm starting up a server again!
Free Play Server 03 > Lobby 9 > GAF!! >pass:
Hey guys, sorry if this has already been answered, but have they redone the intro to the game? Are you still given those tutorial missions, is the single player "story" goal to restore the village still or is it different? I really hated that hub and found it a little tedious in Tri. Is it the same or different?
Hey guys, sorry if this has already been answered, but have they redone the intro to the game? Are you still given those tutorial missions, is the single player "story" goal to restore the village still or is it different? I really hated that hub and found it a little tedious in Tri. Is it the same or different?
I was hoping to try a new weapon since I was starting to get bored from using the same ol same ol in the last few games, so I tried Light Bowgun this weekend.
Feels like a brand new game
Everything around me is dying at an alarming rate
Feels good man
This is a real weapon? ...wat
Unpacking Wii U
Hell, it's about time !
In one or two hours there'll be a new challenger Eu side. NNID incoming.
Does someone come ?
Does someone come ?
i need buggies
carpenter bug WHERE U AT
So, can we not cultivate these bugs in the farm? It wouldn't let me add one of the 3 CB's that I had in my inventory.. my bug farm is only at level 1, though, so maybe I have to get it to level 2?
So, can we not cultivate these bugs in the farm? It wouldn't let me add one of the 3 CB's that I had in my inventory.. my bug farm is only at level 1, though, so maybe I have to get it to level 2?
Just in case people didn't notice, I'm not bad at grammar, this is the Capcom way of finding fellow hunters !
Just in case people didn't notice, I'm not bad at grammar, this is the Capcom way of finding fellow hunters !
It's insane watching pro bowgun and bow users. I may take the time to learn one of them eventually, but I need to clear some quests and start farming monsters. I get so caught up in little things...
There's a Chacha & Kayamba weapon. I also bought a Felyne bowgun. It's hilarious. :lolIs that Felyne and Melynx weapon in this game.
About to play online for the first time, anyone in NA want to do some HR1 quests with me?
Freeplay 3, Lobby 9, Room gaf, usual pass
Let me know if you want to join, and ill wait
I will, and can right now actually. What's the password? I suppose I can check the OP if that's where it is...
Will join you in the hunt if I finish my assignment before midnight lol, but just add my NNID = same as GAF name. Hopefully I'll finish my assignment lol and be able to help you out or just gather materials =PUnpacking Wii U
Hell, it's about time !
In one or two hours there'll be a new challenger Eu side. NNID incoming.
Does someone come ?