It's so, so nice to be able to use Shock Traps whenever you feel like now. Feels good man.
Whoa, what was it like before? Water only or something?
It's so, so nice to be able to use Shock Traps whenever you feel like now. Feels good man.
No one?
Most GAFers look for gaf rooms in Free play 3. I'm at work atm too otherwise I'd join.
They changed the server names :/
Whoa, what was it like before? Water only or something?
my jaws dropped watching this guy wreck Brachy with a hunting horn in under 10 mins. It's certainly ultimately all about skill.
Wha wha what??? That's weird. Time to update the OP then I guess.
Are the servers even up yet? I'm still not able to connect.
I kind of liked the HR lvling in Tri more. Sure, it was a bit of a grind but I feel like you lvl up to fast now. I'm already at the high rank quests after only a couple of hours and haven't even crafted a single complete armor set... I feel that at this rate the low lvl armors aren't even worth going after for.
I kind of liked the HR lvling in Tri more. Sure, it was a bit of a grind but I feel like you lvl up to fast now. I'm already at the high rank quests after only a couple of hours and haven't even crafted a single complete armor set... I feel that at this rate the low lvl armors aren't even worth going after for.
Personally, I hate GS because of the style of play it requires and how slow it is. Lance, on the other hand, is a blast - it's like playing chess with the monster.
First time Monster Hunter player here.
Got it on 3DS. Any tips for a total noobie?
They are for me (NA)
So is Great Sword! A very actiony chess.
First time Monster Hunter player here.
Got it on 3DS. Any tips for a total noobie?
I kind of liked the HR lvling in Tri more. Sure, it was a bit of a grind but I feel like you lvl up to fast now. I'm already at the high rank quests after only a couple of hours and haven't even crafted a single complete armor set... I feel that at this rate the low lvl armors aren't even worth going after for.
I really really dislike this capture quest. He didnt even limp once and died.
Also holy shit killing with switch axe is soo much faster than bow (at killing). Bow is more fun though.
So generally speaking how long am I looking at to take one weapon down a full upgrade path?
It's a long journey, from Low Rank to G Rank mats.So generally speaking how long am I looking at to take one weapon down a full upgrade path?
I was checking the official guide and I have to farm Pawprint and Bnahabra Spine. Oh man. Para weapons are always a pain in the ass. INB4LANTERN+
So generally speaking how long am I looking at to take one weapon down a full upgrade path?
http://www.bradygames.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0744014913There is an official guide? Care to link?
The portable games were all about bum rushing through every key quest and urgent and grinding forever on 2% drops to make the endgame equipment sets. All armor is basically about looks once you're at endgame grinding anyway.
Depends on what you want. You may very well upgrade your lowly bone/metal weapon to an elemental weapon or have enough materials to make a weapon negating the need upgrade from a starter weapon. Then you will start having a weapon's case full of weapons with different status and elemental properties tailored for whatever monster you are going to face on your next hunt.
As soon as I finish up a few more quests in either Moga or the Tavern, I'm going to be at high rank having only made a Chainmail set for my Bows, a Bone set for my Hunting Horn, and an Alloy set for my LS that I never used.
So I was looking at the upgrade path of my Ratholos firesword in-game and I can upgrade it to the Dios Blade which uses basic Brachi parts but no Brachi gem. Or I can forge the Dios Blade from scratch but it requires a Brachi gem. Brachi gems are pretty rare I believe so seems like a pretty good deal to me to just upgrade my Ratholos firesword.
Awesome. An eguide ... do you know what format this is in? Can it load on an iPad or just web browser?
EDIT: NVM, PDF format ... thanks again!
I have the game on Wii U, and I'm considering buying the 3DS version as well for on-the-go play. I got a question though: would my boyfriend be able to start a save file on the 3DS, and play multiplayer with me on the Wii U - while keeping my transferred save file in tact? I heard some conflicting things about this (something about hardlocking the 3DS game if you transferred to Wii U and vice versa?). I'd like to make sure before I double dip.
Also, not sure if this has been mentioned before, but Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate made 7th in the UK charts!This makes me so happy!
Thanks. I've typically ran hammer, GS, switchaxe, and a bit of gun lance, but I'm really looking to branch out now and so many bows look amazing, plus a new play style will really breathe life into a lot of these encounters that I'm alrrwdy well versed in from previous entries.IMO, bows are a magnitude better. Do you like moving out of the way of things?
Bowguns have a bit more "versatility", but so far as I know that's really what they have going for them. With bowguns you swap ammo to swap elements, whereas bows it's tied to the weapon. But bowguns are slow, have to reload, are slow, and typically are slow.
Bows however are nice and fast, only have to worry about hitting a few number of actual shots, and aren't as expensive to maintain if you prefer to have just one. But a bowgun without ammo is like carrying a stick.
Bioshock Infinite is out today and I can't even care when I have monsters to kill.
God damn this game. I'm hovering over the Zombi U Wii U deluxe bundle now to upgrade from my 3DS version...to spend all that dough for this one game...frak!
Additional local players on Wii U will need to play on their 3DS using their own copy of the game, so he wouldn't be able to transfer I don't think.