Yes, I cleared the 5 stars quests in Moga and the 6,7,8,9, and 10 stars tiers opened O.O I'm 33 hours in and barely scratching the surface.
Ya, you also have 999 HR ranks to gain.
Yes, I cleared the 5 stars quests in Moga and the 6,7,8,9, and 10 stars tiers opened O.O I'm 33 hours in and barely scratching the surface.
Is Brachydios a dragon type Monster?
Is Brachydios a dragon type Monster?
Is Brachydios a dragon type Monster?
Is Brachydios a dragon type Monster?
Alright, so I don't have to worry about my -15 dragon.![]()
Dragons have 4 limbs and wings. This game only has. The Elder Dragon classification is also used for super weird shit that nobody understands like Kirin and Yamatsukami.two, Alatreon and Dire Miralis
There's some stuff in this series classified as 'wyverns' that really baffled me (Hi Akantor), but there you go.
Oh, you meant the attack type. The funny thing is in past games, some wyverns had physical attacks classified as dragon. Rathalos' charge and almost everything Tigrex did, for example. So people would go into the fight with -25 dragon resist, get nearly one shotted and think HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL.
This game it's usually pretty obvious when it's a dragon attack. Look for purplish dark crap that puts a negative affinity blight on you. It's very rare, but you'll know it when you see it.
How is the 3DS/Wii U co-op? Could my boyfriend and I go through the entire game together like that happily?
Will be our first MH...
So basically the dragon attribute is not that useful in the game?
YeahI was just wondering if we'd get a smooth co-op experience. How does it work, are we both running around in the same world or...?
It's really true. I put in over 300 hours in Tri between two characters, and in neither of them did I even fight Ceadeus and barely got into high rank online. Granted, I did a bunch of free-hunting and worked my way through slowly, but there's no shortage of content here.You mean you get additional quest tiers in the Village (SP) after you beat the five-star stuff? Man I have put about 20 hours in and just barely started. I just got to the 3-star stuff and barely touched the Tavern quests. When people say 100 hours is nothing in this game they aren't joking.
Perfect explanation. Thanks!There are quests for both solo and multiplayer. To play multi you go to the port, to play solo you go to the village. The quests are seperate and generally it's a good idea to do the solo stuff as well to get your farm up and running.
but the online/local multi works like
1. You join the multiplayer area (the port)
2. You create a room
3. Friend joins your room
4. In the lobby area you post a quest, and you can get your equipment/items/buffs set up
5. Do quest
6. Return to lobby and repeat
For clarification the game is not open world, it's mission-based. Think Diablo, or PSO.
FINALLY! the MH is come back...home!!!
My copy just arrived...
MonHun is ultra censored, always....Is it possible that a german copy (with multi-5 language) is censored? The tail cutting and stuff?
Quote the OP.
Welcome to the party.
Is it supposed to take a long time to finish all of the village quests? I'm hearing about all these people who are already in HR offline, and I'm only on 4 star with around 25-30 hours played. Granted this is my first MH game, but still that seems really fast to finish all the monsters that quickly.
profound sadness. :'(
I don't wish this to nobody.![]()
It gets a LOT faster when you've got 4 people per monster. I jumped online the first time ever two days ago and was astonished at how fast we were just absolutely smashing things.
What's the problem?
What's the problem?
You don't need to kill a jho to get a talon. Just make it hungry and wait for it to go eat something and drop a shiny. Those shinies are very frequently talons.The monster was out of reach,I couldn't carve it,I needed its claws to combine it with the power charm and armor charm,it's just like watching a Plesioth dead in the water pre-TriUltimate. :'(
The monster was out of reach,I couldn't carve it,I needed its claws to combine it with the power charm and armor charm,it's just like watching a Plesioth dead in the water pre-TriUltimate. :'(
profound sadness. :'(
I don't wish this to nobody.![]()
MonHun is ultra censored, always....
of you mean content wise? no, not at all.
Did anyone have the weapon charts saved? The one that was hosted on imgur?
Hey weird I think your data was wrong...somebody said Rathalos was wrong and I checked the wikia and it's true, you had ice/water/dragon but it goes dragon/thunder/ice/water.
The weapon trees? They're all here: