Man, mining for Firestones in low rank is the worst...
On the bright side, piling up rustshards and charms!
On the bright side, piling up rustshards and charms!
Dumb question: I just got the 3ds version and I want to transfer my save from the WiiU version.
I see Data Transfer on the WiiU version, bit how do I get it to see my 3DS?
How do I delete the 3ds save?
Strange beak is a very rare quest reward but a crazy easy break item. Break the quropeco's beak in the quest. 100% chance to get it in rewards with break.
I'm going to be online completing HR1 quests I haven't done yet.
room name GAFQuestng in the usual location with the usual password
what are steel eggs for? Are they important at all? I'm trying to get funds to bolster my SnS collection
Acquiring this super sized dung is confusing me. It says that herbivores mate today but I can't find any super huge An-thingy.
It's a reward for free hunting. After you kill a big Aptonoth talk to the Chief's Son, redeem your kills for resource points, and collect the rewards.
Acquiring this super sized dung is confusing me. It says that herbivores mate today but I can't find any super huge An-thingy.
Hmm, only got to make three out of five pieces of the Rath Soul set after all those runs. I still need another ruby and two more tails...
Man, mining for Firestones in low rank is the worst...
On the bright side, piling up rustshards and charms!
Apparently the max number of rustshards you can collect at once is three? I don't ever remember that being the case before but the number in my inventory was reddened-out at that point. Too bad all three of them were pointless beginner weapons. Sigh.
Apparently the max number of rustshards you can collect at once is three? I don't ever remember that being the case before but the number in my inventory was reddened-out at that point. Too bad all three of them were pointless beginner weapons. Sigh.
Sorry for continually asking but is anyone doing HR3? I'd just rather hunt with gaf than random people.![]()
EU or US?
I'm holding out for G rank A. Los!
Eggs like that are just for selling.
The only use I've found for them is for selling.
I can't make the Jaggi S boots. What item do I need for it?
Guide sez...
Jaggi Scale+ x4, Jaggi Hide x4, Avian Finebone x7, Dragonite Ore x2
What is the armor on the box cover?
What is the armor on the box cover?
Looks like the Azure Rathalos/Rath Soul set.
Not sure if already posted, but found a newly made Fish Finder made by Athena, looks like I got Table 10.
Tell me about it. After slugging it out with Duramboros for 50 minutes and losing I was so drained. Thankfully I got him down in around 20 the second time sucks to fail a quest right at the end.
Ok seriously, how many battles do I need to do to get out of HR1? I feel like I've been in a ton of them yet no movement.
Not sure if already posted, but found a newly made Fish Finder made by Athena, looks like I got Table 10.
Does "Haul 1" mean the first haul you EVER get in the game or just any old haul as long as it's the first of the set you're entering? Cause I got my first haul a while ago and didn't write it down or anything.
Does "Haul 1" mean the first haul you EVER get in the game or just any old haul as long as it's the first of the set you're entering? Cause I got my first haul a while ago and didn't write it down or anything.
Any haul. The more you enter, the more it's narrowed down.
There are two schools of thought on that, most seem to think it can be any however....
Real newbie question...but where do i go to watch all those "monster introduction cutscenes" ?
I think i remember Tri having a Theater mode or something like that...
Real newbie question...but where do i go to watch all those "monster introduction cutscenes" ?
I think i remember Tri having a Theater mode or something like that...
Not sure if already posted, but found a newly made Fish Finder made by Athena, looks like I got Table 10.
I downloaded one of those Charm Table things, and it looks like I'm on Table 8.
Is that good for a Switch Axe user?
Familar Stranger via GameFAQS made an updated post on the charms list. This one is supposed to be more accurate as it seems he has a better grasp of the Japanese language.
A more accurate version of the table koyori posted:
T1: Contains a nice balance of Blademaster and Gunner charms with high stats/many slots, but lacks good Awakening charms and doesn't excel at any one thing.
T2: Feels like an inferior version of T1. Lacks any amazing charms unique to this table, not much to talk about.
T3: All-purpose table. Especially rich in good evasion charms, but has the possibility for many skill setups with a Handicraft +4 OOO charm (with Sharpener -3).
T4: Good for Blademasters. Has the most charms suited for Lancers, but also contains a Handicraft +4 OOO charm and is good for other Blademasters as well.
T5: Good Evasion Distance and Earplug charms, great for Switch Axe and Heavy Bowgun users. Most of the good charms are Dragon Talismans though, so grinding for them may be a chore.
T6: Leaning towards Blademasters. Has both Handicraft +5 OO and Handicraft +4 OOO. Contains great charms for Evasion and Awakening with other useful skills.
T7: Most plentiful in Evasion charms. If you want Evasion +2 regardless of your weapon, this table has good unique charms.
T8: Above average Evasion and Guard type charms, but slightly lacking in other areas. Its Dragon Talismans tend to be good.
T9: Somewhat geared towards Gunners. Has plenty of charms with a gunner skill combined with Attack +10 or Expert +10. Does have excellent charms for Blademasters but its Handicraft charms are the worst of all tables.
T:10 Extremely good charms that combine Handicraft with another skill, such as Handicraft +5 Free Element +7. Is also plentiful in Edgemaster charms and probably gives the highest possible power with pretty much any Blademaster weapon. It does seem to be somewhat lacking in Good Evasion distance charms.
T13: No unique godly charm, but does have a wide variety of good charms in most areas.
T:14 Slightly geared towards Blademasters. Many great charms such as Sharpness +4 Free Element +7 and Handicraft +4 Expert +10. Rapid Fire +5 Expert +10 is great for Light Gunners as well.
Keep in mind this information was written months ago (maybe as early as February 2012), and the general consensus may have changed.
Time for me to find out. I'm scared.
Wait, how do I know what tables are cursed and what not?