this game is full of asshole creatures!
sent dude limping away to the sleep den 4 times
why? First time I cleared all the little dino assholes out, retreated with bear dude kept hitting him slowly one hit at a time since my dual blades kept killing him for hours failing this capture quest (my first experience with this game)
sent him limping back to sleeping den I wait outside to give him time to reach his sleep spot
walk in one sole dino asshole is guarding him facing me
I want to get to him to use Ez Shock Trap
dino asshole turns around does a smash side bump attack on bear dude's butt waking him up!
After hours of failing that pissed me off went after jerk douche ass dino bunghole killing him
now I know I am going to fail if I shred Bear dude up so I love tap attack him again slowly because he is no longer limping
he exist I follow tap tap tap he limps home again
I give him time to reach his sleep spot
walk in later
Again!? Another single douche dino dunghole is looking me dead in the eyes turns runs and chomp chomp bites sleepy dude in the ass waking him up WTF
now I am about to throw my gamepad, I click HOME and walk away get a drink
continue later.
I kill dino asshole for that damn alarm clock chomp
tap tap tap at bear dude, he exit, follow tap tap tap so close to killing this bear and fail again I stop... he limps home
I wait set tranqs on Y button
Ez Shock Trap on gamepad menu ready
I run in this time to beat alarm clock dino asshole but he was not there
I get to bear dude's butt hit ezST shock shock double tap Y = 1 tranq / 2 tranq music plays XD
now I understand why some people spend 800+ hours on a single monhun title
someday I will learn the name of dino asshole and sleepy bear butt if two assholes can trigger a store like this on one run
damn I am screwed
I learned a lot from failing I was too aggressive raining dual blade cuts on bear dude for hours
until this final successful run little single taps was an much easier to keep him alive