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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |OT| If at first you don't succeed, try Tri again!

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Yeah, that Rathalos (which I thought was Diablos) was easily the most annoying so far (through Low Rank).
I wasted 40 of those 50 minutes just trying to chase it down, and got timed out for it.

At least I know where it goes now.

I should probably start carrying around Psychoserums.
rathalos is too free man.


Yeah, that Rathalos (which I thought was Diablos) was easily the most annoying so far (through Low Rank).
I wasted 40 of those 50 minutes just trying to chase it down, and got timed out for it.

At least I know where it goes now.

I should probably start carrying around Psychoserums.

Fluffy Mask for Cha Cha is a godsend. Just tap the Cha Cha signal button and instant monster location.


Yeah, that Rathalos (which I thought was Diablos) was easily the most annoying so far (through Low Rank).
I wasted 40 of those 50 minutes just trying to chase it down, and got timed out for it.

At least I know where it goes now.

I should probably start carrying around Psychoserums.

ChaCha + Bunny Mask. Just signal him and he will point out the monsters.

Edit: Beaten like a hungry Nibblesnarf.


Been playing a good bit of the wii u version with 3DS friends locally. I've been running into a problem when we start a multiplayer hunt where the Wii U version takes longer to load the the new zone, and I get booted from the game. It happens seemingly inconsistently, sometimes occurring multiple times in a row.

As a 'Well, let's see what happens' measure, I deleted the wifi connection information from my WiiU, and I haven't had a disconnect since. I'm not all that confident this has actually solved the problem, even though it has been behaving since the change.

Has anyone experienced this/does anyone have input on it? When I tried googling for it, I mostly found talk about the WiiU version losing connection online, which isn't the same issue.

Barring the minor frustration, having a blast. Managed to get a bunch of friends hooked, put 70 hours in already, already further along than I got in Tri.


Any of the regions or specific regions?
I can't fully confirm(at work at the moment),but I found some in the Flooded Forest,D.Island and Toundra too.@Hoodbury:I should change the language settings to english in game to avoid confusion,but if it is for the ancients weapons,it should be this item.
I see this hasn't been brought up =P:
@NintendoUK: [Shibata] I'd like to apologise for the current stock shortage due to high demand of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate at retail. (1/3)
@NintendoUK: [Shibata] New #MH3U stock will hopefully be available in shops next week for Wii U and mid April for Nintendo 3DS. (2/3)
@NintendoUK: [Shibata] Both versions of #MH3U are also available on Nintendo eShop. Again, I sincerely apologise for causing any inconvenience. (3/3)
Is Carbalite Ore High Rank?
Yeah, that Rathalos (which I thought was Diablos) was easily the most annoying so far (through Low Rank).
I wasted 40 of those 50 minutes just trying to chase it down, and got timed out for it.

At least I know where it goes now.

I should probably start carrying around Psychoserums.

I was afraid of this fight, but then, I took him down with ease in about 20 minutes on my first try.

Thank you, Bolt Axe.

Of course, I needed to get Webbing, and I ended up getting none, despite breaking his wings and tail.


Junior Member

this game is full of asshole creatures!

sent dude limping away to the sleep den 4 times

why? First time I cleared all the little dino assholes out, retreated with bear dude kept hitting him slowly one hit at a time since my dual blades kept killing him for hours failing this capture quest (my first experience with this game)

sent him limping back to sleeping den I wait outside to give him time to reach his sleep spot

walk in one sole dino asshole is guarding him facing me
I want to get to him to use Ez Shock Trap

dino asshole turns around does a smash side bump attack on bear dude's butt waking him up!

After hours of failing that pissed me off went after jerk douche ass dino bunghole killing him

now I know I am going to fail if I shred Bear dude up so I love tap attack him again slowly because he is no longer limping

he exist I follow tap tap tap he limps home again

I give him time to reach his sleep spot

walk in later

Again!? Another single douche dino dunghole is looking me dead in the eyes turns runs and chomp chomp bites sleepy dude in the ass waking him up WTF

now I am about to throw my gamepad, I click HOME and walk away get a drink

continue later.

I kill dino asshole for that damn alarm clock chomp

tap tap tap at bear dude, he exit, follow tap tap tap so close to killing this bear and fail again I stop... he limps home

I wait set tranqs on Y button

Ez Shock Trap on gamepad menu ready

I run in this time to beat alarm clock dino asshole but he was not there

I get to bear dude's butt hit ezST shock shock double tap Y = 1 tranq / 2 tranq music plays XD


now I understand why some people spend 800+ hours on a single monhun title

someday I will learn the name of dino asshole and sleepy bear butt if two assholes can trigger a store like this on one run o_O damn I am screwed

I learned a lot from failing I was too aggressive raining dual blade cuts on bear dude for hours
until this final successful run little single taps was an much easier to keep him alive

You are going to LOVE Qurupeco. He's your next big monster and he can call out other monsters like "Big Dino asshole" and "Bear dude" to come help him. Oh, and he can heal himself. Go after him with a heavy weapon like a hammer or great sword. Dual blades won't scratch him unless you upgrade them heavily.

BTW, can anyone tell me how many quests I have to do to get out of HR1 and up to HR2?
You are going to LOVE Qurupeco. He's your next big monster and he can call out other monsters like "Big Dino asshole" and "Bear dude" to come help him. Oh, and he can heal himself. Go after him with a heavy weapon like a hammer or great sword. Dual blades won't scratch him unless you upgrade them heavily.
Don't forget getting set on fire XD
And I would love to help you online Smiles and Cries when the cross region online patch comes =D


You are going to LOVE Qurupeco. He's your next big monster and he can call out other monsters like "Big Dino asshole" and "Bear dude" to come help him. Oh, and he can heal himself. Go after him with a heavy weapon like a hammer or great sword. Dual blades won't scratch him unless you upgrade them heavily.

I'm no DS expert but when in demon mode I think if you press A+X the combo it does won't bounce. And once you get green sharpness with anything you're fine.


Junior Member
I'm no DS expert but when in demon mode I think if you press A+X the combo it does won't bounce. And once you get green sharpness with anything you're fine.

That I did not know.

BTW, this game must be selling really well. Nintendo had to put out apologies in Europe because the game keeps selling out and is in short supply. As it is, I'm lucky if I can find a copy at GameStop and the local Toys R Us never seems to have any in stock. Guess demand was higher than expected.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'm up to 40 hours so far and honestly I'm having a hard time getting online- going through the single player seems a lot more rewarding this time around and I'm having a lot of fun just making my way alone.

Hopefully I'll have some uninterrupted time on the weekends to get online, but single player is a lot easier to pick up and play and still progress.


So I went into the Qurepeco(sp?) quest a little underprepared lol. I kicked his ass(not really lol, between the great Jaggi, and the thieving cats I barely won.). Damn cats stole my map, my paintballs. So by the end I was wandering the plains with no cold drinks not knowing where the bird was. I fought that bastard tooth and nail. I remember at one point I had a sliver of health and he started me on fire. I was rolling like a mofo to put it out lol.

The more I play the more I become addicted!
Pretty good article by Patrick Klepek on getting hooked on Monster Hunter:
Eh, I think he needs to get off the "more explanations" crap. Yes, the game is obtuse, but one of the reasons I fell in love with this series is the lack of hand-holding. I've all but lost interest in most modern games because there's too much yap-yap-yap going on. I miss the days of booting up Mario or Zelda and - holy shit - I'm in a level and ready to fight right off the bat! Now, it's not good for every game to be like that, and Monster Hunter benefits from its hub world and gathering aspects, but I sure as hell don't want a Twilight Princess scenario where I spend 2 hours doing nothing in a village before something happens.

We live in a modern world, and people can be bothered to do research. My wife just started playing, and she likes Dual Swords. We looked up Wikia pages and Youtube videos for her to watch, because I'm new to the weapon, too. And we're both okay with that.

If anything, this article shows what is just so wrong with gaming journalists:
So goes the belief that Capcom’s Monster Hunter is an impenetrable game, a series that often invokes eyerolls, sighs, and a quick utterance of “oh, Japan.” I was part of that chorus, one of the players perpetuating the myth.
Ever since XCOM: Enemy Unknown and ZombiU opened my eyes to gameplay experiences that I'd previously shied away from, I've gone down a windy road of games outside of my comfort zone.
So he's a typical, narrow-minded douchebag who shits on a game he has never played, and is just now, at whatever age he is, playing games outside of his comfort zone. An ass like this does not belong in any kind of gaming media.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he gave the game a shot and enjoyed himself, and I'm glad he wrote the article.


We live in a modern world, and people can be bothered to do research. My wife just started playing, and she likes Dual Swords. We looked up Wikia pages and Youtube videos for her to watch, because I'm new to the weapon, too. And we're both okay with that.

EVERYONE LIKES DS. Also add me Karst. NNID solune.


I'm up to 40 hours so far and honestly I'm having a hard time getting online- going through the single player seems a lot more rewarding this time around and I'm having a lot of fun just making my way alone.

Hopefully I'll have some uninterrupted time on the weekends to get online, but single player is a lot easier to pick up and play and still progress.
Opposite for me. Ever since I went online I haven't done anything offline. It just doesn't feel right at all playing solo. Main reason I never even gave the 3DS version a glance, just no interest in solo hunts.
EVERYONE LIKES DS. Also add me Karst. NNID solune.
Added. Do we know when the app to let the 3DS + Wii U play online together is coming out? I'll just be playing in a hub with my wife until then.

I tried DS and it was okay. I like the hammer best. Having the monster writhing on the floor in pain while the entire team hacks at it is a great feeling. And I'm a pretty good hammer user, too, and people rarely use hammers (without sucking, at least).

I just got the Peco Flint today, and damn is that good offline. I found a Great Jaggi in a free hunt and super pounded it twice to KO it, and then did two triple pound combos - dead! SO BUFF! I'm taking the same hammer route I took in tri, because having a Rathalos head as a hammer is just too goddamn good.

How far along are you?

Opposite for me. Ever since I went online I haven't done anything offline. It just doesn't feel right at all playing solo. Main reason I never even gave the 3DS version a glance, just no interest in solo hunts.
Once you get reasonably far online, offline goes fast and is worth doing for the farms/boats. I did all like 6 hunts and two gathering quests in 2 hours today, plus minor stuff on the side.


I need one more brachy gem to finish the g rank armor set...ughh I want to go farm for it but I need to focus on school( which I obviously can't)
You can then search "Jellyfish" and it should give you the location.

If you care about drop rates and armor requirements, the guide is a godsend.

I tried searching for Jellyfish and it just returned to the small monster screen withiut location data. I am hoping it is user error. How woukd you search for it?


Fluffy mask doesn't work for me for some reason. I press start then x and it just signals it's own current location. I tried it a ton of times >.<
Plates aren't hard to get, be thankful.

Yep, MH (PS2) on the other hand...

I remember people doing Los tail runs; cut tail, carve and if no plate - abandon quest. You can get a plate carve off a tail and its body, can also get a plate from the tear and at the rewards screen here.

Where can I find Fluttershy insects from? I need 2 for Peco G rank armour.

Flooded Forest or Tundra bug spots.


Now that you got the hang of the capture quests, you really shouldn't have any problem.

Honestly, from reading his story it doesn't sound like to me he has the hang of it. Smiles, you don't need to be waiting for it to sleep, you don't need to keep tapping it and all that. It sounds like you are going through way more trouble than you need to be.

Are you playing on the Wii-U Smiles? If so, it might be good to go online with one of us and have us show and explain how to cap.
You know we need a poll going, like around the 19th/22nd to see what's the weapon MH Gaffer are using =P.
I'm using Switch Axe and see the lack of people talking about it, I would say it's a much improved weapon specially with Brachydios weapon route. (Compared to Tri)
So, between High Rank and G rank armors, do the skills change any? I know that armors can be upgraded into higher ranked equivalents, but the skills stay the same, at least from Low Rank to HR. If HR to G is the same, then that might save me quite a bit of time if the skills are the same.

EDIT: Skils stay the same, meaning that an armor upgraded from LR to HR has the LR skills.
So, between High Rank and G rank armors, do the skills change any? I know that armors can be upgraded into higher ranked equivalents, but the skills stay the same, at least from Low Rank to HR. If HR to G is the same, then that might save me quite a bit of time if the skills are the same.

EDIT: Skils stay the same, meaning that an armor upgraded from LR to HR has the LR skills.

Some skills from high to G rank armor sets are kept, some removed and new ones added. I know that the Wroggi X no longer has Negate Poison compared to its S counterpart, which is a bummer.
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