There is a ton to learn, yes. Don't let that feel overly daunting, though, a lot of it is simply learned through experience and patience. Even people with hundreds of hours poured into previous games in the series constantly find new things to learn. It's a constant process!
If you look around you may be able to find them a hair cheaper. First two I got from amazon and Rathalos from Bigbadtoystore awhile back
I was raging last night trying to capture a Royal Ludroth in the SP quest. I find it really hard to tell if he's ready to be capped when he's in the water most of the time. Even once out of the water he didn't appear to be tired or limping (in Area 12 of D Island) so I kept whacking him and killed him by accident.
What am I looking for? Did I just miss him limping? Should I just go for the cap once he gets to Area 12?
I really wish I could carry more shock traps...
Edit: I had already cut off his tail pretty early on, if that matters.
Thanks! Any tips for someone on their first play? By the time I had the game downloaded/installed/moved over to flash memory last night (which is HOPE is faster than my USB drive) it was 11 PM and I wanted to be able to devote more time to my first outing so I put it off until this afternoon.
Any info would be appreciated!![]()
Man, grinding Bnahabra wings is the most mind-numbing thing ever. Why are there never any in the rewards for the Slay 12 quest?
Not enough man, gotta keep farming.
Ah, I suspected this. Any reason why?They took out subquests in 3U.
Someone is going to need to assist me with Gigginox. I need 3 Nightmarish Maws, but of course no one (random) online uses a hammer to smash his face in. I need at LEAST one, but so far haven't found any, and the game is a dick and has given me a Fearsome Maw or two just to rub it in.
Someone is going to need to assist me with Gigginox. I need 3 Nightmarish Maws, but of course no one (random) online uses a hammer to smash his face in. I need at LEAST one, but so far haven't found any, and the game is a dick and has given me a Fearsome Maw or two just to rub it in.
Fuck. I seriously need the Rhatalos armor figure, but $62 is really expensive for me
Seems like I gotta grind some money!
ILl be on in less than am hour, had to run out. Maybe 30 on right now?
Just remember that the game opens a bit slowly, while the game starts by teaching you about the gathering and crafting mechanics. That's a good opportunity to try practicing with a few different weapon types and start to get an idea of what you'd most like to use.Thanks! Any tips for someone on their first play? By the time I had the game downloaded/installed/moved over to flash memory last night (which is HOPE is faster than my USB drive) it was 11 PM and I wanted to be able to devote more time to my first outing so I put it off until this afternoon.
Any info would be appreciated!![]()
All euroGAF rooms are full
Oh well, time to start farming charms, need an atk +5 or more one.
btw, how do I get the neogaf rooms info?
quote the OP??? it's long and I don't want to quote the whole thing :O
I did the event quest where lagi is one of the monsters and got two gems twice in the rewards back to back. Crazy shit.![]()
had a 3 lagi run. killed one (by accident) and cap 2
1 sapphire from tail and 2 from rewards :O :O :O
trying to quote the OP, and search for the hidden text?
don't see it. now deleting the OP quote ><
You'll need to keep playing single player to either buy enough toadstools, cultivate them in your Moga village farm, or kill Great Wroggi for poison sacs, which also can be used to craft poison smoke bombs.]blacky[;53138733 said:Ah, I suspected this. Any reason why?
I need the Poison Smoke Bomb because I want the Bnahabra wings for the Bnahabra Armor. It is very hard to find Toadstools. Sometimes the old woman in Port Tanzia has some for sell but to find any in the areas is impossible. I tried everything. Any hints?
How about no he didnt? His armor didnt measure up to G rank jho and black blos. A lot of armors dont.... you sucked though![]()
But we still love you bro!!OK guys... sorry bout that. that was pure shit from me tonight. I need more armors. one just won't cut it.
really sorry about all that.
enjoyed playing with you gig l guys anyway. just the monsters suck!
How about no he didnt? His armor didnt measure up to G rank jho and black blos. A lot of armors dont.
But we still love you bro!!
When he goes to area 12, he is definitely ready for capture. He should have swam weirdly and continuously made a distinct sound, you probably just didn't notice it.
After he goes to area 12, wait a minute or so before following him so that he falls asleep. Then just place a trap above him and tranquillize him.
A great tip for capturing monsters is to bring dung bombs. When you think you have done enough damage (I judge it by the parts I have broken) throw them a dung bomb and see if they limp when they move to another area. Prevents accidental kills and wasted traps.
Also, if they start limping it's a good idea to wait for them to go to their ''sleep zone''. Sometimes they will briefly go to another zone and then quickly leave just as you have set down your trap and then you will have to dung bomb them and hope they return to the area you set the trap in. Different monsters sleep in different areas, so you will have to look that up or figure it out yourself.
We're doing HR6 key quest with faust, come back dude!
Hahaha! Ok! Bon appétit!nah, I'm really not in the mood now.
I'm gonna take a shower and have dinner with my wife then.
those fucking dragons!
but I'm calm again now.
We're doing HR6 key quest with faust, come back dude!
Someone is going to need to assist me with Gigginox. I need 3 Nightmarish Maws, but of course no one (random) online uses a hammer to smash his face in. I need at LEAST one, but so far haven't found any, and the game is a dick and has given me a Fearsome Maw or two just to rub it in.
I'm sensitive like that!! ;DObviously you didn't suck, that wasn't meant to be taken seriously fest, I'm the first to blame regarding weak armor.
How about no he didnt? His armor didnt measure up to G rank jho and black blos. A lot of armors dont.
But we still love you bro!!
That is because all los armor except silver has Dragon weakness. I can't believe all the people I see going info every fight with the same armor. It makes me nervous, especially when I see that they could be dam near one shotted if they aren't carefulI can confirm this, G-rank Jho 1-shots me with upgraded HR los armor![]()
Damn, Brachydios is kicking my ass. got the HR3 Urgent and I just cannot down him fast enough pr survive getting slime-punched in the face.
I play hammer onlineYou should pick up every shiny that it drops. I've picked up two or three maws that way. Oh, you said Nightmarish. Never mind.
I will help you both clear it tonight if you haven't done so by then. Send me a pm with details.That's how it is for me too. I tried a couple nights ago online for it, but one dude just kept getting practically one-shot cause he kept standing in shit and trying to get spirit slashes off.
I play hammer online
I go right for the face and get those sweet stuns off.
I will help you both clear it tonight if you haven't done so by then. Send me a pm with details.