To all pro Hunter Gaffers here, i have been playing MonHun 3 Ult here and maining LS as my main weap.
Now, i am thinking of changing into GS but, i even had difficulties facing Great Wroggi here.T_T(I am on Village HR 7 star already and the Great Wroggi there is lower rank.T_T)
Any tips on using GS or i should just give up using that weapon there as return to LS and Light BG?
1) What Ken said about sheathing/unsheathing.
2) Learn your combos. (see below for a little bit of help)
3) Learn when NOT to attack and when you should be dodging and rolling out of the way after a combo. GS is *all* about knowing when to hit and when not to even try.
4) Learn to dodge/roll instead of block. Blocking can be helpful from time to time but it will degrade your sharpness quickly and sometimes still won't help too much. Not a good habit to get into to block with a GS when your first instinct should almost always be to roll or dodge. Add blocking later *after* you properly learn to roll and dodge (and unsheathe).
5) You don't neet to hit the monster as much with the GS as you do with other weapons (except perhaps some hammers) as each hit can do a TON of damage - especially if charged, but your attacks are slow and you have to time them well.
6) Don't be afraid to get in there and under those monsters! You can't stay away as a GS user and need to stay under or with the monster most of the time, depending on windows of opportunity. Sometimes when a monster is enraged and swinging around too much you may have no choice but to just run around with your sword unsheathed to let the monster calm down, then rush in when its tired and start whaling on it again... Obviously the positioning depends on the monster. I find I can only stay underneath a member of the Rathian family for a very short period of time or I'll get tail-stabbed.

Some monsters (like G. Jaggi's) they don't stay put for very long so simply won't have a lot of time to get into charged attacks - however, they are weaker and go down faster anyway.
7) You probably wont' have to use a whetstone too often as you're simply not hitting as much as other weapons (including LS) - I usually only bother with a whetstone after the monster has run off to a different area and its mainly just to keep my blade sharp. That obviously depends on the actual sharpness level of your weapon and it also depends on how often you block.
8) Although I don't play online (I'm on 3DS

) if you do play online then your job is mainly to concentrate on the tail. Usually its a good idea to try and chop that sucker off anyway but you'll want to break parts like the head or wings when you can later on - especially in High Rank and later.
The main combos I use are:
1) Run up to the monster with weapon sheathed and WHILE STILL MOVING I hit "X" and hold it down to start a charged attack. Depending on the window I think I have I will charge it to 1, 2, (or even 3) levels, then tap and release "X" again to do a quick followup stab.
2) After the first two attacks, you have options:
2a) Roll if you're expecting retaliation.
2b) If you think you can go into a BIG attack then followup with holding the left analog stick in some direction (I usually hold it to the left for whatever reason), and then hold down the "X" button for a third time third and let it charge up as much as you can. You will have a different animation here as you pull the GS way back. If you do that attack then I highly suggest you immediately go into a roll after attacking as I think this is the biggest attack you can do (not 100% sure though but it feels that I do more damage with this attack at the same charge level as the regular "X" unsheath attacks). If you don't roll then you'll just sit there for a moment and you're open then.
2c) If you want to get in one more hit but can't commit to a big attack then I often hit "A" to perform a sweep.
3) End with a roll or ducking to a side. With some monsters you can skip this step and immediately go into another attack but it depends on the monster, what it's doing, etc.
Sometimes I just go straight into a sweep ("A" button) if the monster is passing by me or its a smaller monster like a G. Jaggi.
EDIT: Festwill caught a typo I corrected above.
Three top MH3U weapons for me:
1) GS (almost all of the time)
2) LS (usually only when gathering as my main GS lacks a slot I use with my gathering armor plus the LS has a longer "reach" and is faster overhead versus flying bugs.

3) DS(I crafted Brother Flames solely for the
fight and sometimes mess around with it.)