I can play if you want. No way I'm gonna try this Dire Moralis with randoms :lol
Oh fuck.
I can play if you want. No way I'm gonna try this Dire Moralis with randoms :lol
I can play if you want. No way I'm gonna try this Dire Moralis with randoms :lol
I just remembered something, people should read quest descriptions for some good laughs.
My only problem with Dire Miralis was how unclear it is what exactly I'm supposed to be hitting. I ended up breaking everything, but it seems like his chest takes less damage after breaking? He doesn't have an entry in the guide so I was just kinda going off which parts felt 'meatier'.
He pretty much only has one remotely threatening attack, although that big nuke fireball is evil underwater where you can't superman.
Now I understand why people say that Qurupeco (especially Crimson) is a huge asshole. Just hunted one that went as far as running up a corner I couldn't reach with my hammer when he had 3 FUCKING HITS LEFT just to summon a Pink Rathian and both gangbanged me without any chance to run away so I had to go back on the kitty cart.
And luckily for earlier same fight, I have the Jaggi S armour that nulifies Stun because it started spamming the flash attack literally nonstop when the Pink Rathian appeared.
Edit: is there any way to fight a Hi-Rank normal Peco? I need some "+" pieces that I guess the low rank ones won't drop.
I saw a guy with 2 pages of skill points but 0 active skills. Was amazing.
Ha, just turned off my 3DS after he escaped my trap. I finally upgraded my weapon to "green" so now my hits don't deflect on his wing, but when I expected for him to summon a G. Jaggi or whatever he summons a freaking Rathian, which I even haven't fought officially.
Fucking hate this guy
Whoa If I hadn't researched after your post, I would probably do the same.
so its either 10/15/20 or nothing right?
I can play if you want. No way I'm gonna try this Dire Moralis with randoms :lol
They give you supplies in low rank quests so you should have a few dung bombs to throw at the Rathian when she comes.Ha, just turned off my 3DS after he escaped my trap. I finally upgraded my weapon to "green" so now my hits don't deflect on his wing, but when I expected for him to summon a G. Jaggi or whatever he summons a freaking Rathian, which I even haven't fought officially.
Fucking hate this guy
Ha, just turned off my 3DS after he escaped my trap. I finally upgraded my weapon to "green" so now my hits don't deflect on his wing, but when I expected for him to summon a G. Jaggi or whatever he summons a freaking Rathian, which I even haven't fought officially.
Fucking hate this guy
My only problem with Dire Miralis was how unclear it is what exactly I'm supposed to be hitting. I ended up breaking everything, but it seems like his chest takes less damage after breaking? He doesn't have an entry in the guide so I was just kinda going off which parts felt 'meatier'.
He pretty much only has one remotely threatening attack, although that big nuke fireball is evil underwater where you can't superman.
I'll be on tonight to clear out the rest of the HR7 stuff I need for him to show up. That fight certainly wasn't what I expected it to be when we did it with those two guys last night.
Still around? Was grinding for Voltstones.
One step closer to Lagia Fulmination! (Now upgrading to Lagiacrus Blade+)
Off TV one I think, but I think it also has unified servers...
finally ... don't ask how much i farmed for pumpkins -.-
:lolI saw a guy with 2 pages of skill points but 0 active skills. Was amazing.
That's a great screencap, what capture device are you using?
Ugh, I fucking hate Rathalos... why am I doing so much for this damned armor?
I just defeated the white lagiacrus in moga village, and deviljho after that. And I am kinda puzzled... I expected some G Rank quests to follow...
aren't there any in moga village?
I just defeated the white lagiacrus in moga village, and deviljho after that. And I am kinda puzzled... I expected some G Rank quests to follow...
aren't there any in moga village?
I just defeated the white lagiacrus in moga village, and deviljho after that. And I am kinda puzzled... I expected some G Rank quests to follow...
aren't there any in moga village?
I just defeated the white lagiacrus in moga village, and deviljho after that. And I am kinda puzzled... I expected some G Rank quests to follow...
aren't there any in moga village?
Nope. If you want to do G you have to go to Tanzia port.
Nope. If you want to do G you have to go to Tanzia port.
Finish all the village quests, high and low rank then you'll unlock two additional quests.
There are 2 "G-Rank" quests after you beat all of the quests in the village. In order to do normal G-Rank, then you have to go through Tanzia Solo/Multi quests.
In order to get the second one, you have to beat the first one.
There is one G rank quest in Moga ("Mark of a Hero") and to unlock it you have to beat every other quest.
when I go to tanzia for g rank quests (solo mode), are those quests scaled up for multiplayer? (monster hp...)
Um. So does Crazy Lucky Cat remove my ability to carve after a hunt? I used it on the Jhen fight thinking "sure, more money", and the game skipped right to the rewards screen after I killed him.
Also, desire sensor has given me 4 Earth Dragongems and no Elder Dragonbloods in the last 5 kills. -_-
MH3U is the first game in the series I've played.
I just hit the 40 hour mark last night on my 3DS. I know that isn't shit compared to what some of you have, but man, did that 40 hours go by real quick.
Finally made a set of Barroth armor with the mace weapon too. Looking forward to moving onto some other quests now in the four star range.
Is the bear-like creature's armor and Quirepico (sp?) armor worth farming for?