First off I haven't even seen real confirmation of this rustshard thing and it all sounds like a purplemonkeydishwasher situation to me. Second, rustshard weapons are never that great and I don't even know what armor we're talking about but it probably sucks anyways.
You will never be 'gimped'. At worst you'll be down a skill from the absolute most minmaxed set of armor which would require you to charm hunt for hundreds of hours anyways. And this is a game where armor is optional if you're good enough. I like to wear intentionally bad armor just to mess with people in lobbies and then dominate the monster anyways. This is not WoW.
HOWEVER. I am the kind of person that will charm hunt for hundreds of hours and making ridiculously good armor sets is a fun endgame goal. I got in table 10 easily my first try. Yeah it took a while to test what table I was on, but most of that was Tri's shitty boring intro quests which you need to go through anyways. For the actual testing, spamming the kelbi quest to cycle the boats gets you a butt ton of honey which I'd need to go gather up anyways so it wasn't a waste of time.
and this is all assuming Capcom doesn't patch it. Then again you'd think they would've done that already since the game came out months ago in Japan. To be honest now that I know about this stuff I kinda prefer it this way, since manipulating your table was a way to speed up charm hunting in Tri and you had to do that every time the game launched if you wanted to stay on said table.
Charm tables don't work that way anymore though.
Anyway, the armor in question are the Atea/Atea X armor sets. And on the weapon side, Rustshards give you Dragon element weapons, which is never a bad thing to have.
But really, the whole thing about the charm tables are only really important if you WANT those things. The problem about being undecided is that you can't bloody change your mind later. If you could, then this whole argument is moot to begin with.
Honestly, if you don't want to mess with the charm table hacking, all the power to you, its not that big a deal, unless you actually care, then please, go ahead, hack away.
I like how the piggy shows up at random at the end there.
Its because piggy is the deadliest of all creatures, because he uses DAWWWs and CUDDLES.