Smooth Operator
EU version here, some sounds are missing (Voice samples during character creation, few sounds ingame...) Looks like some people having that issue too on GF forums.
Question. Where are the single player quests? I think I'm doing the online quests solo on my 3ds. The equipment chests have items for 4 people and I don't have any helpers. Am I in the right spot? Or is it in the first original village ? I also can't find where to get my helpers.
Can you turn off the blood in both the Wii U and 3DS versions?
This game is saikou! Saikou means excellent.
What do you recommend as a web resource / wiki that would have some decent newbie starter strategies and information?
This game is saikou! Saikou means excellent.
Check the game's settings.
Can you turn off the blood in both the Wii U and 3DS versions?
Quest girl in the original village (Moga), just beside the cat chef.
Marina is for the multiplayer/guild quests.
I just wish the text was a bit more legible. =x I guess a bigger screen would help, though.That guy is the reason why 8-4 is the best localization company ever.
Yes you can.
EU version here, some sounds are missing (Voice samples during character creation, few sounds ingame...) Looks like some people having that issue too on GF forums.
I just wish the text was a bit more legible. =x I guess a bigger screen would help, though.
He's my new favorite character, haha. What was he like in the original version?
I had some missing voice dialog in AC3, and the problem was that I had surround sound set in my wiiU setting. Maybe check that and switch it to stereo.
Oh, god. Don't kill me. Newb question. Are there some commodities that are good to keep and others that should be used for just converting to resources? So far it's the only thing I'm on the fence about.
And which ones are good to sell?
Got the last Wii U copy at my local Target. Also got Mario Wii U and MH 3DS as the free game. Hooray!
Got the last Wii U copy at my local Target. Also got Mario Wii U and MH 3DS as the free game. Hooray!
Monster Hunter Wikia is OK.
The Teamwork Guys:
Their site. Join it, post hunts, and ask questions. It's all put together by the indie developer that did Trauma. Then there's the other main guy from there, SocialDissonance, who has mentioned he will do an in depth LP of the game from G-rank on. He did one for Tri where he did every quest with every available weapon class, right through the single player. Very informative.
Also, here's a sweet armor generator/calculator from a Capcom Unity member.
Yayz! UPS guy pulled through the storm. 7 minutes left on the update (which I am aware I can skip). Anyone know what it does?
auto-power down?Does anyone know if the system's auto-power down affect the download?
Should I disable it?
And I doubt it will affect anything; it should be cancelled by the ongoing download.
Oh, god. Don't kill me. Newb question. Are there some commodities that are good to keep and others that should be used for just converting to resources? So far it's the only thing I'm on the fence about.
And which ones are good to sell?
You are probably clicking on the wrong link. Sent you a PM.Can someone add me to the Google spreadsheet for me? NNID: fireflys545 Region/TZ- NA/Eastern. I would appreciate it, cause I keep getting view only for the document.
Ok I went back to moga and everyone is sitting around in a circle. No one provides quests. Not sure which npc I was suppose to go visit. I talked to everyone.![]()
Yes gerl give them all your money.Aw my estimated time remaining is going up
Much appreciated. I didn't find a lot of beginner level content on the Wiki but I'll read up on all of this and see what I find.
Did you get it figured out? There's gotta be someone to talk to to advance the story. You don't just start off doing quests like in the online part. You have to participate in the story in the offline mode.
If it's like Tri, the person to advance the story has a yellow icon above their head.
I can't hear any of the voice type samples. Anyone else having this problem?
I had some missing voice dialog in AC3, and the problem was that I had surround sound set in my wiiU setting. Maybe check that and switch it to stereo.