Well, I got my copy today at GameStop after the whole NewEgg debacle. I went in and the girl behind the register was trying to tell me that it wasn't supposed to be out until April 1st. I told her it was out today, at which point the manager overheard our exchange and let her know where they were. I must have had a look on my face, something akin to panic I would imagine, because the manager came over, looked at me and assured me, "Don't worry, we have a copy of Monster Hunter for you." What a day.
Anyways, I know I mostly lurk around here and nobody really knows me, but I wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to add me for some online play. I'm not super versed in Monster Hunter, but I did play through a good chunk of Tri, so I'm not a total noob or anything. NNID is TheLegendOfJosh for interested parties.