I have some issues with the controls/UI here. Why do they make it so you can switch ZR and ZL to just do the same thing as L and R instead of flipping them? If you use type 2 so you can run with center the camera with with ZL and ZR when playing with the Pro controller, you lose your monster target switch! Epic fail indeed.
Also, why does the d-pad still just move the camera? Is anyone moving the camera with the d-pad? Are we playing PSP here? The d-pad would be better used for an item shortcut or to scroll through items. Which reminds me, putting the item bar on the touchscreen seems kind of stupid. You still have to scroll through it and holding the L button still brings it up. I don't see the point of that. Why can't I just put a shortcut to an item there? I think it would be much more useful to be able to put a potion or sonic bomb button or whatever there and use it with just one touch. I don't know, most of it seems poorly thought out. I can just press select to open my item pouch and do a combo, I don't need it on the touch screen. It's actually easier to reach for select than the touchscreen.