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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT| I Mounted It!

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You've twisted my arm. I'll use the Hammer. The spin looks ridiculously fun. I barely know what I'm doing as it is, so having the added problem of logistics makes ranged stuff sub optimal for me.

Careful with that. The main problem I had when learning hammer is accidentally spinning - you usually don't want to do that. So you need the self control to stop moving every time before releasing your charge.

The main use of the spin is that after the first 3 spins but before the last spin, if you press X it does a really, really powerful golf swing. It's situational but will - to put it scientifically - fuck shit up if you manage to land it.

Remember to always dodge after the end of your super pound etc to speed up recovery.



Guys, I can never get the SA sword mode charge attack to go off. And I've watched the gaijin hunter tutorial on it a few times and still can't do it. Any tips?


L'Origine greatsword? That's a horrible GS, let me save you some time, do not craft it. Seregios or Cera are far superior weapons due to the huge difference in raw damage.

I still think I'll craft what I can make for now. Those are way down the line for me right now, so I don't see any point of not making the best weapon I can make for the current moment. I'd rather that then stick to the Thrash Sword I've stuck to for the past 10 hours. When I can I'll swap over to Seregios stuff because affinity I guess.


Guys, I can never get the SA sword mode charge attack to go off. And I've watched the gaijin hunter tutorial on it a few times and still can't do it. Any tips?

Yeah, I had the same problem. It's different from what I remember (in Tri, never played 3U).

Press both X+A to strike, then immediately release A and keep holding X until you exhaust the phial.

Always fun on a sleeping monster


I still think I'll craft what I can make for now. Those are way down the line for me right now, so I don't see any point of not making the best weapon I can make for the current moment. I'd rather that then stick to the Thrash Sword I've stuck to for the past 10 hours. When I can I'll swap over to Seregios stuff because affinity I guess.

Seregios weapons have a unique ability that sharpen your weapon every time you roll. With slow weapons that don't hit a lot (like GS) it basically negates the need for whetstones entirely. That's why it is a popular GS more than anything else. No other weapon can replicate that.


Guys, I can never get the SA sword mode charge attack to go off. And I've watched the gaijin hunter tutorial on it a few times and still can't do it. Any tips?

Yeah, I had the same problem. It's different from what I remember (in Tri, never played 3U).

Press both X+A to strike, then immediately release A and keep holding X until you exhaust the phial.

Always fun on a sleeping monster

I mash the X button instead. Feels more satisfying.

Oh and if anyone is up for helping with the last 3 HR3 quests, that'd be fantastic. I can help with your HR3 quests too naturally. =D

I'll be home in about 20 mins.


Seregios weapons have a unique ability that sharpen your weapon every time you roll. With slow weapons that don't hit a lot (like GS) it basically negates the need for whetstones entirely. That's why it is a popular GS more than anything else. No other weapon can replicate that.

This sounds amazing and makes my decision of what GS to go with incredibly easy. I don't see this on the kiranico site at all when looking at the list of greatswords. Are there other weapons that have a weird property like this, but not necessarily sharpness?


Will QA for food.
This sounds amazing and makes my decision of what GS to go with incredibly easy. I don't see this on the kiranico site at all when looking at the list of greatswords. Are there other weapons that have a weird property like this, but not necessarily sharpness?

Seregios LBG basically plays like a completely different weapon because instead of sharpness, it reloads a single shot every time you evade.


Just started using the charge blade and my god is this weapon versatile. The in-game tutorial does absolutely no justice for it. I accidentally charged my shield/axe and didn't even know about the charge attack (hold A) in sword mode. What's more, watching the gaijin video tutorial opened up the weapon so much more. This will definitely take longer to master.

Ricky 7

I think they nerfed the Upwards strike "X+A" but yeah, the shelling is very good now, full bursts do very good damage with Artillery God and Bombardier from the Canteen, it eats through sharpness real quick, but Razor sharp helps with that.
Alright, I knew some upwards attack got nerfed but wasn't sure which one. Kinda annoyed to find out that that move got nerfed. >_< I guess the new ledge attacks make up for it though, Gunlance got 3 ledge attacks which is more than most other weapons.
I attack them while they carve, and then boot them out of the room.
A bit harsh.


Could anyone please help me with my Gogmazios urgent? I would lvoe to stick around afterwards for others quests you guys might need

ID: 29-6439-4026-2544


Guys, I can never get the SA sword mode charge attack to go off. And I've watched the gaijin hunter tutorial on it a few times and still can't do it. Any tips?

Okay my fellow Axe man, there are several reasons the axe may not be detonating...

You may be accidentally canceling it, the detonation can be cancelled by pressing b to dodge out of it before detonation, or pressing a to do a side swing before detonation.

However the most likely cause is that you are running out of Phial energy (The bar in the ax icon at the top left of the screen) before your detonation happens. The discharge and detonation consume a considerable amunt of phial energy, and if you run out before the discharge, you revert to Axe mode.

A way to avoid this from happening if you realize youve gone into disharge but dont have enough juice for a detonation, but still want to detonate, is to activate the detonation early by holding down on the analog stick. Its not as powerful as a max discharge, but its better than nothing, and still backs you up and away from the agitated monster instead of standing right next to it while switching to axe.


This sounds amazing and makes my decision of what GS to go with incredibly easy. I don't see this on the kiranico site at all when looking at the list of greatswords. Are there other weapons that have a weird property like this, but not necessarily sharpness?

As someone who has been using it exclusively since I crafted it I can tell you that it is pretty fantastic. Even more so if you can pair it with Razor sharp as that'll keep it at white even longer. It's a damn good sword and, IMO, looks pretty slick as well.

Not sure if any other weapons have weird properties though, the Seregios stuff seems pretty unique.


I kinda regret picking the smug ass face now...it is hilarious in cutscenes but kinda looks silly with Link's outfit. However since the whole tunic changes color with pigments, it is pretty awesome with the rainbow pigment.


Okay my fellow Axe man, there are several reasons the axe may not be detonating...

Speaking of Axe stuff, one of the more damaging combos you can do is to do the discharge grind, cancel it just before it detonates, then do it a second time and detonate. I don't have the damage values handy, but the total from the mini-explosions is actually slightly higher than the final explosion, so if you can pull that combo off on a staggered monster you're basically getting two full final explosions.

Takes a lot of practice to get the timing just right.

Also the R button finisher from the stamina spam A chops hits really hard. Roll, swing into stamina chops, R finisher, transform to sword, grind, detonate. Massive, massive damage.

It's also worth pulling an early detonation if you can't land all the hits, it's still a strong finisher, and you can use the pushback to get yourself out of danger.


So I made another Gore run during my lunch break... and I absolutely stomped him. At least by my standards. I killed him about 15 minutes with no carts. I didn't even use up all my power coatings.

I used power coatings on him right from the start in Area 3. Area 3 is by far the easiest area for me to fight him in. Previously I had been using exhaust coatings to start with.

I then essentially chased him from 3 to 8 to 6 taking very little damage along the way and landing most of my power arrows from critical distance. He then went to 5 (the mountain summit) and the horns came out. I switched to exhaust and kept plugging away. I had saved my mounts, and I was able to mount his successfully on my first jumping attack at him. I then trapped him (easier than I had previously guess) and barrel bombed his head. A few a couple of short minutes he reverted forms and sulked off to 9. At this point I just finished him off with plain arrows.

The downside is, his horns still didn't break. The upside is that I didn't use up many provisions and I didn't cart (meaning more money), so I am in a good position to make more attempts at him. Even though I am still dying to get those feelers for my gore bow, I will need these other parts for his armor so its not like it was a waste of time.

Feels good man.


When monsters shake you off is it random or does their stamina effect it? It seems sometimes they spam shake off moves non-stop, I thought it even happened to me when the monster was fatigued.
Just started using the charge blade and my god is this weapon versatile. The in-game tutorial does absolutely no justice for it. I accidentally charged my shield/axe and didn't even know about the charge attack (hold A) in sword mode. What's more, watching the gaijin video tutorial opened up the weapon so much more. This will definitely take longer to master.
GaijinHunter doesn't even play the weapon optimally in his videos. Try watching some JP superplays and it'll change how you approach the weapon even more.
Eventually all these dual element dual blades I'm making are gonna bite me in the ass. But it's so cool seeing explosive + dragon and explosive + ice.
This sounds amazing and makes my decision of what GS to go with incredibly easy. I don't see this on the kiranico site at all when looking at the list of greatswords. Are there other weapons that have a weird property like this, but not necessarily sharpness?

chaos gore magala weapons begin with minus affinity but get into positive when you overcome the frenzy virus Some give you up to 60 positive affinity if I remember correctly.

GaijinHunter doesn't even play the weapon optimally in his videos..
Of course not, first he does basics and second he doesn't main all of them.

Not Spaceghost

30 A.Raths down, 14 plates, zip rubies. Just need that one more for the Rath Soul Set

Might take a break from this lol but not sure what to do lol. Might just go build lances while actually finishing all of the lower rank quests to get that red check.

Are you breaking the face, back and cutting the tail off before capturing it? Getting rath rubies off azure los got a lot better in MH4U.
Of course not, first he does basics and second he doesn't main all of them.
Maybe I'm just being a grognard but the general impression I get from people who link his videos is that they treat them like bibles when they're better described as "for dummies" books. If all you ever apply to your hunts are the techniques he describes on his tutorial videos you're missing out on a looooot of depth for each weapon.


Alright, I knew some upwards attack got nerfed but wasn't sure which one. Kinda annoyed to find out that that move got nerfed. >_< I guess the new ledge attacks make up for it though, Gunlance got 3 ledge attacks which is more than most other weapons.

A bit harsh.

Wait it has 3? I know the pocking and slam one, which is the third?


I«m actually desperate right now, three times i almost defeated goggy before the servers went kaput

Could any of you guys please help me? Really strugglin with this one

ID: 00-2277-0926-0716


Maybe I'm just being a grognard but the general impression I get from people who link his videos is that they treat them like bibles when they're better described as "for dummies" books. If all you ever apply to your hunts are the techniques he describes on his tutorial videos you're missing out on a looooot of depth for each weapon.

His IG guide is pretty spot on.


His IG guide is pretty spot on.

There's a lot of extra tricks that you can do with the kinsect that he doesn't go into much detail on, but I think "for dummies primer" is a fair thing to call his weapon videos. It's much more detail than you get from the in-game tutorial plus some real world application of the weapon.

In a couple of the videos he admits that he doesn't play optimally either, so yeah. Hardly the be-all-end-all but an excellent starting resource.


Maybe I'm just being a grognard but the general impression I get from people who link his videos is that they treat them like bibles when they're better described as "for dummies" books. If all you ever apply to your hunts are the techniques he describes on his tutorial videos you're missing out on a looooot of depth for each weapon.
From my perspective it is more that they are accessible than that they are definitive.

Then again, I don't use the charge blade so I don't know if they are actual problems with that one.


I kinda regret picking the smug ass face now...it is hilarious in cutscenes but kinda looks silly with Link's outfit. However since the whole tunic changes color with pigments, it is pretty awesome with the rainbow pigment.

I'm in a similar situation. I made my guy a badass old-man hunter, which is cool in most situations but not for stuff like Link's armor.

I'd end up looking more like Tingle than Link.


Maybe I'm just being a grognard but the general impression I get from people who link his videos is that they treat them like bibles when they're better described as "for dummies" books. If all you ever apply to your hunts are the techniques he describes on his tutorial videos you're missing out on a looooot of depth for each weapon.

well, he was pretty much the only one providing knowledgeable tutorial videos prior to 4U's worldwide release, is in-tune with japan's MH community because he lives there and his guides on tumblr are the most in-depth you can find so far.
he has been a constant voice promoting the game and answering questions long before the game came out in the west, and i think that's why many people treat him like they do.

obviously you can't expect him to be a total pro with every weapon, but they are an excellent starting point regardless.

edit: there is actually something in the game named after him. i can't remember if it was a poogie costume or a palico name, but if you come across something named evanko, that's the MH team acknowledging him.


Anyone want to help me kill High Rank Kushala Daora a couple of times? Just need some parts from it for the Heavy Bowgun.
pass is 1234

edit: Nevermind.


30 A.Raths down, 14 plates, zip rubies. Just need that one more for the Rath Soul Set

Might take a break from this lol but not sure what to do lol. Might just go build lances while actually finishing all of the lower rank quests to get that red check.

It was terrible for me too. I captured a ton of them and broke everything and it too me a hell of a lot more than 30...then I got 2 in a row. Keep the faith.


Only took all day, but I finally got the two Diablos Hardhorns i needed. Urgh, fighting one monster over and over makes you really hate that monster sometimes.


Feeling good today. Got my Tetsucabra S armor made. I've been enjoying my Lobster/Nargacuga Evasion armor, though, but I recognize that where it stands, I am taking too much damage per hit on the Pink Rathian. I guess the next thing to build will be the Zinogre U armor to get that evasion. This Tetsucabra armor takes me from 185 defense to 304, so pretty big jump. Will be interesting to try it out and see if I miss my Evasion stuff.

Also got the polishing materials (so many Guild Quests) to polish a Rare 5 Dragonmaiden SA that has a neat green glow effect. Has a good chunk of blue on it.
That damn Frenzy State! I triple carted on my first two attempts but I beat him on my third. I know there are a lot of veterans here, but I felt a pretty strong sense of accomplishment when I finally saw that mission complete message.

I have now beaten him three times. I'm a bow user, so I need those damn Feelers to get the Entbehrung. I actually broke the Antenna during one of my first failed attempts but I haven't been able to since then. And I am feeling the pain of having to replenish all of my coatings and power potions between fights. I want his armor and his bow, and I am trying to decide whether I should upgrade my equipment in the interim.
trap it, drop barrel bomb L+ x2, barrel bomb S x4, taking yourself with it


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm going have to upgrade into something really badass from Tetsucabra S armor because the gunner set looks sooo cool. I think I'm settling on gunner, since juggling two types just requires way too much grinding for parts and money and flying/wind/tremors/screaming is a lot of hassle I've gotten used to circumventing with range. It ends up taking more time, but I also feel my mistakes more rather than just random stuff I hadn't seen yet and had no chance to because of the shit camera getting me destroyed.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
managed to get a game today, my first monster hunter.

Is there no lock on ?
When you see a large monster, you tap the monster icon on the lower screen. Then every time you tap the L button it focuses on them. I know it is very painful and annoying at first, but it makes sense later on when you're fighting 2-3 monsters at once, sometimes with little monsters and hazards at the same time.

Edit: Gunner would also basically be impossible with a pure lock-on perpetually readjusting orientation.
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