Make this bug and you'll be fine.Managed to sneak in tons of charm farming despite it being a WoW raid night. I found a +5 pierce, +5 handicraft, 2 slot charm. 5 handicraft and 2 slots is arguably the best blademaster charm I've ever found since Tri, which is kind of sad. And the random gunner skill on it drives me nuts.
Still, farming using the felyne explorer -> mount rathalos and end via subquest method is actually pretty fun. And I've accidentally learned how to use IG in the process - I can get all 3 essences, mount Rathalos, and break his back pretty fast. I'm using the totally unupgraded Ash Kecha IG since it's the only one I could make at the time.
I'm going to be making a blademaster set soon and since I'm having fun with IG, I might look into those further. Once you upgrade the bug, it flies faster right? That would make things easier. I'm not sure what IG to work towards though. They seem elemental-dependent but I only want to make one.
Just faced Shagaru Magala for the first time before work this morning (yes, my progress has been slow). Carted once but overall it wasn't too bad. Farming Gore for his bow and armor paid off.
Question: I wasn't able to use traps or large bombs. Should I have known this going in? Are there specific mission classifications that prohibit traps and bombs?
Just faced Shagaru Magala for the first time before work this morning (yes, my progress has been slow). Carted once but overall it wasn't too bad. Farming Gore for his bow and armor paid off.
Question: I wasn't able to use traps or large bombs. Should I have known this going in? Are there specific mission classifications that prohibit traps and bombs?
Elder Dragons, and Shagaru Magala is one, cannot be trapped.
Thanks.The area you fight Shaggy in doesn't allow for trap placement. He doesn't get caught in traps anyway so the game saved yourself from wasting one
Make this bug and you'll be fine.
But you'll get reliant on the effect extender so much that you don't want to use an IG without it.
What about the bombs? Those seemed to be exxed out as well during the fight, though I might have just misunderstood something in the confusion of the action. Those would at least be useful if I can put him to sleep.
Cool. Time to equip my sleep coating skill items. I think I'll even bring parts so I can combine more sleeping coatings after the first batch so I can put him to sleep more than once.Yes, Bombs work on Elder Dragons. And you can make it fall asleep too.
Is that using the charmer skill?!Gotta love this:
yeah when I was first making an IG I had no idea about how the bug leveling worked. After spending a gorillion zenny and essences I just quit without saving and vowed not to touch that shit again until I read a guide. I've actually already stockpiled the essences I need in order to make the effect extender bug.
But like I said I only want to make one IG, so I only have to do that once. I just need to find the right one. Maybe something with Blast?
Depends on your Blademaster set. Dalamadur IG the best though if you're looking for blast element. High damage, huge white sharpness, and 1 slot.
yeah when I was first making an IG I had no idea about how the bug leveling worked. After spending a gorillion zenny and essences I just quit without saving and vowed not to touch that shit again until I read a guide. I've actually already stockpiled the essences I need in order to make the effect extender bug.
But like I said I only want to make one IG, so I only have to do that once. I just need to find the right one. Maybe something with Blast?
Gotta love this:
Wha? At best i could get like 8 slots filled... How long is your run?
Evasion +3
HG Earplugs
Status Atk +2
Windproof Hi
Status Crit
not bad actually...
will go nicely with my Paralyze coating boost bow i hope.
Make sure your weapon have affinity. Otherwise, that status crit is useless.
I'd like to know that as well. What I gathered is that it does translate to 240 damage but the elemental damage is often greatly reduced (and the number on kiranico's damage chart would be a percentage I think). First Monter Hunter ever though so I'm not sure.Killed a Great Jaggi, and another Seltas. Hunted the Seltas as I intended to make the Celestial Sword, but a few Jaggis and Gunpreys gave me the materials to make a Viper Bite, which has good sharpness, 140 Damage and 100 Elemental Damage (Thunder?)
Not sure how that works, can't imagine that its like the Souls games and literally translates to 240 damage, since that is far too big a jump from the other weapons available to me.
Killed a Great Jaggi, and another Seltas. Hunted the Seltas as I intended to make the Celestial Sword, but a few Jaggis and Gunpreys gave me the materials to make a Viper Bite, which has good sharpness, 140 Damage and 100 Elemental Damage (Thunder?)
Not sure how that works, can't imagine that its like the Souls games and literally translates to 240 damage, since that is far too big a jump from the other weapons available to me.
Wish the sword didn't clip through the shield. Speaking of which, think I'll have to change my style. I never block with the shield and dodge instead, so I'm basically wasting a lot of potential damage.
Gonna hunt another Seltas I think so I can make a piece of waist armour which would be a big upgrade on the piece I'm wearing now. Doubt I'll get around to making a full set for ages unfortunately.
Can't believe I've played 13 hours already. Feel like I haven't even scratched the surface.
Shat myself when the 3DS ran out of power while it was saving. Battery seems really inconsisent. Sometimes I can play for hours at a time, sometimes it'll run out of battery after 5 hours of sleep mode.
Why didn't you make the Divine Ire one? That's my favourite set at the moment.Finally made the Grand God armor set with the Demonlord GS! Took a while to get those darn horns, but it was all worth it since Rajang is one of my favorite monsters to hunt.
I'd rather have Focus than Punishing Draw, so it's time to go Charm farming! I ain't all about to mixed set life![]()
Wha? At best i could get like 8 slots filled... How long is your run?
Thankfully the 140 raw damage is as much as I can get from any other S&S anyway, so the Paralysis will be a bonus.
Unfortunately I've lost my active skills as I've been moving on from the starting gear
How does the bar work when you mount a monster? I understand that you hammer X when the monster is stationary, and hold R when it's bucking, but I don't get what the icon and bar means. Wish there was a training tutorial for things like that
That feeling when you join a quest with randoms and that one guy keeps blasting all the blademasters with pellets.
Thankfully the 140 raw damage is as much as I can get from any other S&S anyway, so the Paralysis will be a bonus.
Unfortunately I've lost my active skills as I've been moving on from the starting gear
How does the bar work when you mount a monster? I understand that you hammer X when the monster is stationary, and hold R when it's bucking, but I don't get what the icon and bar means. Wish there was a training tutorial for things like that
this has only happened to me on arena quests. I can sort of understand if they're outta ammo and don't know much about bowguns but jesus christ it's like shooting thousands of tiny longsword users at people.
Oh status effects don't work like elemental damage.
Status effects apply 10% of your status value (so 10 in your case) every third hit (on average). Every monster has a set initial resistance to certain status effects and when that threshold is reached, it gets affected by that status. After that that threshold increases by a set value (up to a certain maximum) and you start again from 0.
What this generally means (and this goes for elemental damage as well) is that weapons that attack quickly (SnS, DB, IG (and CB for a different reason)) are much better than slower hitting ones to apply status effects.
Does that work with Light Bowgun's Rapid Fire as well? Say I have one that fires rapid fire's 3 sleep shots versus one that only shoots 1 sleep shot - are you just saving 3 shells then by using the rapid fire bowgun?
Yo guys, what's a recommended gunner armor for High rank? I'm using heavy bowgun btw.
Status shots are rapid-fired at full strength. That's why LBGs are so incredibly potent at delivering status effects quickly, though the usual monster tolerance rules still apply.Does that work with Light Bowgun's Rapid Fire as well? Say I have one that fires rapid fire's 3 sleep shots versus one that only shoots 1 sleep shot - are you just saving 3 shells then by using the rapid fire bowgun?
The Great Jaggi single player mission should've explained it, I think. If you fill up the bar, then you topple the monster, if the monster icon reaches the end of the bar before that, it knocks you off of it.
The thing that I haven't figured out after doing that mission is _how_ to mount it in the first place. I've run to higher ground and jumped down and ended up landing near it even when it looks like I should have landed _on_ it. What am I missing, is there a button press I need to time just right, or does it need to be facing a certain way? And what restrictions are there on this, or can you mount just about any large monster?
The thing that I haven't figured out after doing that mission is _how_ to mount it in the first place. I've run to higher ground and jumped down and ended up landing near it even when it looks like I should have landed _on_ it. What am I missing, is there a button press I need to time just right, or does it need to be facing a certain way? And what restrictions are there on this, or can you mount just about any large monster?
I'm struggling at gemming sharpness+1, hg earplugs, and critical eye+1. What's even more frustrating is that I'm just one point short from either hg earplugs or critical eye+1 D:I know.
It doesn't have affinity
I'm struggling at gemming sharpness+1, hg earplugs, and critical eye+1. What's even more frustrating is that I'm just one point short from either hg earplugs or critical eye+1 D:
Break heads, carve tails (if applicable) and capture for the best odds of Rathian/Rathalos plates. For Gore Magala Plate, break heads, carve tails and check the shiny drops.I need Rathian, Rathalos and Gore Magala plate. Do I just kill them and hope for the best or is there soemething I need to break for a higher chance?
I've generally had good experiences with randoms online, but last night was dumb. I put up a hall for Gravios. People would come in, do one or two hunts, get what they need and then just leave without saying anything. Also, people coming in and posting non-Gravios quests when everyone else in the hall was there for Gravios.
Generally, when I (and many others I've seen) get what I need from a hall, I stick around and do 2-3 more hunts to help the people who still need stuff. I also always thank people for the hunts.
Am I overly anal about etiquette?