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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!

Damn. I wish I would find one all ready.

EDIT: What do you guys think; should I go for the Fencing skill or the handicraft skill? (I'm wearing the full Storge S set)

EDIT #2: Wait scratch that...I can't go for handicraft since I don't have any talismans with that skill on it and it's not available in my decoration menu.

Ok I have opened up a room.

Pass: 1111
I think that that firedrill G2 quest is the one I have failed the most so far.
Lots of triple carts with randoms (I am to blame too).
Anyway, I manage to reach G3. Checked new quests: OMG !!!


I think that that firedrill G2 quest is the one I have failed the most so far.
Lots of triple carts with randoms (I am to blame too).
Anyway, I manage to reach G3. Checked new quests: OMG !!!
Let's do some?

Edit: Nevermind. I'll just go to bed. Sleepy thread.


Im 3 garuga cortexes from making an armor set with Razor Sharp, Crit Draw, Focus, Quick Sheath and HG earplugs. I effin hate Garuga.

Are EX kushala tickets from a JPN DLC quest?


Im 3 garuga cortexes from making an armor set with Razor Sharp, Crit Draw, Focus, Quick Sheath and HG earplugs. I effin hate Garuga.

Are EX kushala tickets from a JPN DLC quest?
Should drop from HR/lower GR Kushy Guild Quests.


I was more just introducing myself than anything. I really didn't know how to just say Hi. I'm both new to MH and to this community in general. Sorry for the confusion.
Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions, the MH community is pretty cool.

There are a couple of good videos on Mh etiquette for when playing online, they are worth a watch if you don't play online much but want to start doing so.


Hey all. I've been playing this game for a few weeks now, and yes, it is my first MH experience. I've played a bit through some online quests with Seraphiscain and I'm about 30 or so hour in, just getting into the 4 Star rank stuff and just started HR 2 quests.

I'm interested in learning as much as I can with this game, and I love playing online... but I have yet to try playing with rando's. Any help anyone is willing to give would be much appreciated, either verbal or in game. Seraphiscain said you guys were all great, so i thought I'd post here. Thanks for you time!

I was more just introducing myself than anything. I really didn't know how to just say Hi. I'm both new to MH and to this community in general. Sorry for the confusion.
Welcome to the community.

If you're looking for general info about the game, Gaijin Hunter's videos (and his blog) are really excellent resources. They have been widely distributed, so I apologize if you already know about them. You should at the very least check out the tutorial videos for whatever weapons you are trying out.

I personally have only ever played with randoms online. I wouldn't be afraid of trying that route.


Woah! I really appreciate the thoughtful response (and to everyone who responded). It is my first Monster Hunter game, yes. It sounds like my main problem is that I spend way too much time on the single player mode, which is getting to be pretty lonely/repetitive experience. My tendency to play SP over MP has a lot to do with the fact that I perceive myself as having less time than I actually do.

That all being said, I started focusing on MP today and I think the love is back. I really wish I was working toward a new armor set, though...

And I think I still like the Hammer! Using it alone was getting boring; there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your comrades taking advantage of a dazed monster. I love it.
I typed that out on my ipad and I had no idea what a voluminous wall of text that post had grown into, lol.

I'm glad you are enjoying playing online. As someone who also spent too long offline, I totally get what you're describing.


Hey fellas, any tips for Teostra? I'm trying to beat it with my RARE4 armor but it's no joke :/ I know I could forge a better armor but I'm too proud, it kicked my ass and now I wanna kill it with the stuff I have.

I like the hunting horn with it but I'm open to try something else if you know better, I must be very defensive, really I can't afford to take hits with my gear. Suggestions?

Sticking to my R4 armor has made high rank a long and compelling trip, it's April and I still have to hit G. xD
Hey fellas, any tips for Teostra? I'm trying to beat it with my RARE4 armor but it's no joke :/ I know I could forge a better armor but I'm too proud, it kicked my ass and now I wanna kill it with the stuff I have.

I like the hunting horn with it but I'm open to try something else if you know better, I must be very defensive, really I can't afford to take hits with my gear. Suggestions?

Sticking to my R4 armor has made high rank a long and compelling trip, it's April and I still have to hit G. xD

If you can manage something that has Evade Distance, I've found that continually sticking nearby him while rolling to the other end of his body tends to work. He'll wind up for an attack on the side opposite from where you are, and you'll be able to get a free hit in.

This is also manageable using the IG's jump attack, and where I've found the most success baiting. Just hopping over him, slashing, turning around and repeating.


Thanks guys! Everyone here is great with answering questions, I appreciate it, especially since this game is pretty nebulous sometimes.

One minor thing that I'd be surprised if it ever bugged anyone else: I can't believe how dopey your hunter is in the a-new-monster-appears cutscenes. For someone who is saving the world, you'd think they'd be able to be a little more stylish.
A G. Plesioth finally showed up last night!!
...and it didn't give me a fin. lfaksjdfl;askjdfl;kajsdflj

What's the bed for when you're out on the field?
I like to use it if I have very low health and don't feel like blowing 3 Mega Pots or a Max Pot to get back to full. I'll farcaster, heal up, then head out again.


If you can manage something that has Evade Distance, I've found that continually sticking nearby him while rolling to the other end of his body tends to work. He'll wind up for an attack on the side opposite from where you are, and you'll be able to get a free hit in.

This is also manageable using the IG's jump attack, and where I've found the most success baiting. Just hopping over him, slashing, turning around and repeating.

Thanks, I'll try staying more focused but I can't afford many hits and when I need healing I must find a safe spot, it's like boom-boom-rawr and I'm dead ^^ I'll be back with the corpse. I guess I also need new Palico gear, they kinda spend the entire hunt being dead.

Rawk Hawk

Thanks to Tuffy, burned through G2 this weekend. Since getting G3, I've just done Moving Mountains 5 to get tickets for Hawk X set, now it's time to farm Rath Gleam for jewels, with my Talisman (Charmer+7 and 2 slots) I can get Gathering and Charm God both.

But did something extremely foolish last night and wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I was mining G Rank Expeditions for distorted fragments, since you need 2 for the armor, would just rush through hitting all nodes and leaving once I got done. Somewhere in the middle of my runs I started talking to Veggie Elder for free stuff, figure why not right? Then I get the second fragment, finally I can make the armor! I rush to the end without hitting any nodes, chat a couple times with Veggie Elder quickly and end expedition, rush to The Man to make the last piece of Hawk set and.. I don't have enough fragments.. how can this be? Well, turns out Veggie Elder took it for a Mega Dash Juice in exchange.

I have since found another, but that was the worst feeling so far in MH, so as a PSA to other hunters, beware of the Veggie Elder and his tricky ways.


Junior Member
Thanks to Tuffy, burned through G2 this weekend. Since getting G3, I've just done Moving Mountains 5 to get tickets for Hawk X set, now it's time to farm Rath Gleam for jewels, with my Talisman (Charmer+7 and 2 slots) I can get Gathering and Charm God both.

But did something extremely foolish last night and wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I was mining G Rank Expeditions for distorted fragments, since you need 2 for the armor, would just rush through hitting all nodes and leaving once I got done. Somewhere in the middle of my runs I started talking to Veggie Elder for free stuff, figure why not right? Then I get the second fragment, finally I can make the armor! I rush to the end without hitting any nodes, chat a couple times with Veggie Elder quickly and end expedition, rush to The Man to make the last piece of Hawk set and.. I don't have enough fragments.. how can this be? Well, turns out Veggie Elder took it for a Mega Dash Juice in exchange.

I have since found another, but that was the worst feeling so far in MH, so as a PSA to other hunters, beware of the Veggie Elder and his tricky ways.
If you ever get the chance, talk to him early. And you lose out on opportunities to talk to him if you have something he wants.

Not looking forward to the grind of G rank but had a hell of a time getting thru HR 4 and some of 5 last night with randoms. God tier. I haven't used the insect glaive but seeing those fuckers jump around, trying to mount? That shit, with the 4 combo GS is almost overpowered. But I'll take it.

Someone clowned me for only using GS. I'm feeling I'm just getting used to it. I know others love to jump around but I want to finish this game, then I'll consider using some range weapons. Depends on how much I can do online. Online makes everything quicker. 10 minute hunts, some 5 minutes.

But there is something about doing solo hunts and getting better. Saw a guy standing while gathering. Did Mohren and just gave him kind advice to squat. I love this game. Doesn't really affect you except in a few places. Then it hits you upside your head something fierce until you learn.

I think I might be ready to use evade more often. I've seen a few videos of guys using evade to dodge attacks, even roars. I couldn't do it last year but my timing is infinitely better. Is it easier or just experience? About 200 hours on 3U and now about 100 hours on 4U.

Rawk Hawk

Anybody happen to have G Silver Los by chance?

I'm not sure this exists yet, if so then I need to farm him for some weapons. I believe he was an event quest in Japan? Been a while, but remember looking for him to upgrade a switch axe a while ago and it not being available yet.
I'm not sure this exists yet, if so then I need to farm him for some weapons. I believe he was an event quest in Japan? Been a while, but remember looking for him to upgrade a switch axe a while ago and it not being available yet.
True but I know I did a G one once with those proxy jpn quests but I don't remember who had it.

*edit: I needed 1 Rathian plate and it gave it to me... I should probably be worried right now.


Is anybody interested in doing the HR6 to HR7 quests? I could play with randoms for the few keys I've got left (Brachy, Stygian and Shagaru) but I'd love to try to play with GAF for the first time. :p

EDIT: done.
Oh wow, I really love the dual blades. They get like twice as many hits as the sword and shield and that 'charging up' mechanic is super satisfying. Probably gonna stick with these.


user-friendly man-cashews
Oh wow, I really love the dual blades. They get like twice as many hits as the sword and shield and that 'charging up' mechanic is super satisfying. Probably gonna stick with these.
Brachydios dual blades. Trust me.

Not as broken as in MH3U but still worth it.

Love how DB feels like "removing the limiters" in MH.

Rawk Hawk

DB were my first love as well, I still keep a couple updated and use them, but have sort of got away from hunting with them a lot.. might be time to dust them off.


Will QA for food.
Can't be worst than gunlance.

Yeah, but I see a Gunlance once every twenty hours. They tend not to be terrible either. You'll find an occasional asshat that is firing off Wide charge shots, blowing everyone up, but generally they know what they're doing. It's similar to Switch Axe. I rarely see them in 4U, but in 3U, you would always find one once in a while that just kept discharging over and over, not caring about anyone around them.

Dual Sword, Long Sword and IG are basically 8 out of every 10 weapons. And just given that, the rate at which I run into those weapons where they just spam and trip anyone in their way is much higher than anything else. Doesn't mean there aren't very good, respectful users of the weapons, but they are definitely the ones that make me groan the most.

I've only run into one terrible gunner so far with randoms. One guy that just kept spamming Pellet shots with a full group against Lagombi. Spamming from pretty far, enough to flinch all the hunters, but barely touch the monster at all. Yikes.. people..
G. Plesioth showed up on lunch break and dropped fins! WOOOO DRENCHER! That took about 3 weeks.
Also, almost done with my Ace set (just need one more ticket) and I'll have my Gravios Killa set. It's a set you'd be proud of, tuffy.
Brachydios dual blades. Trust me.

Not as broken as in MH3U but still worth it.

Love how DB feels like "removing the limiters" in MH.

The Chameleos ones are amazing too.

I really need a high rank Yian Kut Ku guild quest.

I'll be checking this thread every 5 minutes, thanks!

I've got a Lv 26 and Lv 117 version. I'm not sure how those levels translate into ranks, but I'd assume those are LR and G?


G. Plesioth showed up on lunch break and dropped fins! WOOOO DRENCHER! That took about 3 weeks.
Also, almost done with my Ace set (just need one more ticket) and I'll have my Gravios Killa set. It's a set you'd be proud of, tuffy.
*so very proud*

All my LBG sets are either full Ace/Sororal, or mixed with it using Torso Up pieces. Even some of my HBG sets use those bits. It's really versatile so I'm glad I spent the time on it. Amassed a small fortune in Shrouded Nerscylla parts too.

Though I'm afraid to mention it, the Battalion Strafer made from Seltas Queen parts is another great water shot gun. Its clip sizes and reload speed aren't as good as Plesioth's, but I love how it looks like a Gatling gun whose barrel keeps spinning even while idle. Either one just rips Gravios to pieces.
Brachydios dual blades. Trust me.

Not as broken as in MH3U but still worth it.

Love how DB feels like "removing the limiters" in MH.

I've been farming for a Brach Gem for the last 3 days for a DB upgrade. Painful.

Biggest downside to the Brach DB is the crap sharpness.

So far I am liking the Seltas line the best. A lot of things are weak to water, they have good raw and elemental, they have slots, AND they have a Def boost.
I've been farming for a Brach Gem for the last 3 days for a DB upgrade. Painful.

Biggest downside to the Brach DB is the crap sharpness.

So far I am liking the Seltas line the best. A lot of things are weak to water, they have good raw and elemental, they have slots, AND they have a Def boost.

Water is a critical weapon to get in every MH game for sure.

I went the Kecha GS since it had 800 water which i brought up to 1000 with the helios set. While normally raw is better i prefer the crazy high elemental weapons + partbreaker for the hit and run fights like super akantor.


God, the sleep charge blade is so powerful. Once I get people to not hit the Monster, I just put it to sleep, let the first hit be the ultra burst, and boom, it makes everything easier. Plus the first two ultras are almost always guaranteed stuns. I'm not going to use it against Jho and Rajang though.

Also the first weapon I own to not fully sharpen up with one whetstone.

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