Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Unreleased DLCHow do you get Immenseness tickets?
Unreleased DLCHow do you get Immenseness tickets?
There's a G1 advanced quest "Chumming the Waters" that unlocks Green Plesioth. Once the quest is done he'll start showing up randomly at the fishing machine instead of regular Plesioth.Just made Garuga S for Razor Sharp and HG Earplugs, and I look like a silly purple thing. At least I like purple. >.>;;;
How do I get Green Plesioth stuff? Does he appear in the fishing thing like normal Plesioth, and when?
Always have dung bombs.Grrrr that Silver Rathalos *10 quest. What a pain to fight solo and my cats felt so useless for the most part. I especially hate that they don't help at all if you're pinned down, and just stand there doing jack.
It can't be random... damn near every single time I go on 5+ hunts without visiting the island, as soon as I return Green Plesioth is right there on the first net.There's a G1 advanced quest "Chumming the Waters" that unlocks Green Plesioth. Once the quest is done he'll start showing up randomly at the fishing machine instead of regular Plesioth.
I'm imagining a scenario where you're hunting a Seltas Queen and cart to the Seltas because it pinned you and you didn't have dung bombs. lol. Always bring dung bombs.Always have dung bombs.
Well, you can see how many successful hunts on any monster by checking your guild card.Is there a way to see how many times I've fought a monster or attempted a mission?
Going on a week straight now fighting Brachydios for his gem. I cut the tail almost every time too. So frustrating.
Well, you can see how many successful hunts on any monster by checking your guild card.
Rainbow color pigment for your armor.Do you get anything for checking off all the village quests?
Anyone wanna do G1/2/3 random quests turns? I'm down in 30 minutes
Great, a post that will finally make me to choose blademaster over gunner for my Brachydium set.Anyway, hope that helps someone. Not rare knowledge or anything, but something for someone to try out if they haven't.
Eat for felyne foodie (milk+milk) this will keep your health and stamina up
See how much gold checklist you have on your quests. It took me 1-9* Caravan Quests and 1-6* Gathering Hall Quests when finally I got my Rainbow Card while I'm trying to finish the rest if 7* quests.How do I check to see how close I am to getting my rainbow guild card? I keep reading you need g special and 370 quests.
Ah. Well I'm about 100 quests short it looks like.See how much gold checklist you have on your quests. It took me 1-9* Caravan Quests and 1-6* Gathering Hall Quests when finally I got my Rainbow Card while I'm trying to finish the rest if 7* quests.
I really wanna give it a try this game, it sounds like it could be funIncreased evade distance is weird for a lance user.
Increased evade distance is weird for a lance user.
Absolutely true, but sometimes you can bump into really capable hunters too. I was hunting for another Zenith Wyvern Gem L online last night and a random, HR300+ hunter turned up and probably did 3/4 of the damage on his own. What a hero!The problem with playing with randoms is that sometimes it's the only way to hunt (in my case, I don't have a core group of people who can hunt when I'm online), but boy can they just be complete leechers or single handedly fail the hunt.
I had a great hunt this morning, finally took down G3 apex Seregios solo. I was struggling to bring him down in the time limit on my previous attempt due to waiting for the Wystones to recharge and also spending too much time blocking, but it turns out the best way forward (as is often the case in MH) was all-out attack.
I took mega dash juice to stop the massive stamina depletion of blocking his projectiles and multiple air kicks. It was also to help me stay on top of him as he moves around so fast, and the window to get some good combos on him is that you need to be heading (or even diving!) underneath him when he prepares to fling his projectiles. His legs seem to be a weak spot, as I wasn't bouncing too much even without Drive, so I mercilessly stabbed him in the foot until he went down.
When he dropped out of Apex, i even managed to mount him, and the best part was he gave up a Zenith Wyvern Gem L, two seregios lens and a Conqueror's Seal. My Sedition lance isn't too far away now!
Seems like he was immune to my cat's special move in Apex, as well as traps. Dung bombs were essential though, he tried to maul me four times. I also used Lv 2 Force/Drive Wystones, paintballs, mosswine jerky, an ancient potion, two max potions, a demondrug and three disposable earplugs, in addition to cool drinks, potions, mega potions, whetstones, three farcasters (built on the fly) etc etc.
All in all, it took a shade under thirty minutes, and I was on my last life too. Epic battle.What I love about MH is that every time I think I've reached the cap in my ability to progress solo, I persevere, change tactics and kit, and eventually push forwards. I'm using the full range of consumables far more than I ever did in Tri, probably down to the massive range of monsters needing different approaches.
If you're seeking an even more difficult challenge to solo, I recommend that you do all of the high rank village quests (or all village quests, I forgot) to unlock "The Master's Test" in which you must hunt an Apex Seregios, Apex Diablos, and a Apex Deviljho in an arena by yourself (and their damage is still G rank Apex damage) . You must fight two at a time, the first you kill being replaced by deviljho. Do you think this is a quest you can handle? I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.
Really enjoying the Shinobi Sky set. 489 defense after some upgrading, Evade +2, Evade Extender, and Elem Atk Up (after gemming), and it looks great too. Hopefully I can find a better Evade talisman soon. Evade +3 would be great to have.
Farming Fatalis five times for Accolade Gs was a huge pain though. :lol
One of things I have enjoyed the most about being an archer is having a robust arsenal of bows, so I can tailor my weapon selection very specifically for each monster. Beyond raw and element, there are also charge levels and shot types (which have different effective ranges and shot distributions) to consider. I have made it my personal goal to collect every bow as I progress through the game, and have made use of most of them.
For the most part this has worked out fine. But every once in a while there is a bow that requires a gem/plate/jasper, and that is when I become my own worst enemy. Why are there 2% drops?! Ugh!!! I have hunted 20+ high rank Zinogres and no Jasper yet. And I need a Brach Gem for my next upgrade on that line.
Those are both bows that I want to be using at this point in the game, but I really need to force myself to move on. God damn it.
Those Ukanlos attacks are the easiest to dodge. It's understandable that you fail on your first try. These cheap attacks have HUGE windups so just learn.Ukanlos's lock on dive and OHKO beam are fucking bullshit.
And exhale.
I really hate the cheap attacks on some of these monsters. It's especially jarring because the damn snake urgent before this one had the same cheap tricks.
Yeah, he can hit you multiple times with it too, that's what used to catch me out. Getting caught once just meant death. After you fight him a couple of times he becomes easy due to his major attacks having long 'tells' beforehand though.Uka's worst attack his his charging through the ice. Can't outrun it, and if you cut it at the wrong angle, you end up crashing into him as he turns.
His under-the-ice bouncing charge isn't too hard to avoid by continuing to circle around to his backside, so long as your stamina holds out and you can avoid the ice chunks he sends up.Ukanlos's lock on dive and OHKO beam are fucking bullshit.
And exhale.
I really hate the cheap attacks on some of these monsters. It's especially jarring because the damn snake urgent before this one had the same cheap tricks.
It's only OHKO if your defence is really low and you get hit. You can dive through it, block it with skills, evade it, hide from it, use a farcaster to teleport out as it winds up. If you are getting killed straight off maybe you need to make a higher armour set for that fight. If anything in MH is really tough, experimentation usually finds the answer, a lot of the monsters are tough on the first go. I used to find Silver Rath's homing claw strike really annoying, until I realised I was too busy running away to spend time looking at him to the prior animation (he kinda hovers in the sky, looking at you) that says he's about to do it. Eyes on the monster.Ukanlos's lock on dive and OHKO beam are fucking bullshit.
And exhale.
I really hate the cheap attacks on some of these monsters. It's especially jarring because the damn snake urgent before this one had the same cheap tricks.