How do I get the Seltas Queen quest at HR8? Everyone says talk to the professor, but he doesn't have anything to say?
Did you already get his assistant?
How do I get the Seltas Queen quest at HR8? Everyone says talk to the professor, but he doesn't have anything to say?
Did you already get his assistant?
How do I get the Seltas Queen quest at HR8? Everyone says talk to the professor, but he doesn't have anything to say?
Uh dunno how do I do that?
IDK, I just keep doing missions as they show up. Killed her last night ... ALSO stupidly long battle for me.
Yeah I've done literally every other key quest, no idea what I'm supposed to do now
Well you literally haven't, since she's one of the key quests...
Right but like, I've been to every area and there's no more people with yellow bubbles over their heads anywhere, and I've done every key quest leading up to what should be her quest :/
Expedition? Then it is depends on your luck. But if we're talking about guild quest, worthwhile weapon drops at GQ 126+.When do you start getting decent weapons from G-Rank expeditions? It seems super rare to get a treasure area in G-Rank, and even rarer for a weapon to drop from a mining point. Would I be right in assuming that good weapons mostly drop in the really high-level guild quests?
What hardhorns? Rajang Hardhorns? Yeah they're pretty abundant since people online have tendencies to target its hor. Diablos on the otherhand is different matter...What's the deal with hardhorns? I have like 30 of them sitting in my inventory unused
It's probably worth it to make both. Both the Black Belt helm and vambraces are the few Torso Up pieces that can be worn on the head or arms. So they turn up in all sorts of mixed sets later on.Ok. I'm 2 coins away from making black belt helm/black belt vambrace.
Which is more useful head or hands.. Do heads come with more than 1 slots? Or hands comes with more than one slot later in the game? Is it worth to make both?
And Damn... I put more hours in this than FF tactics.. 192hrs. Only that had more hours now is Dota.
The jumping supernova occurs exactly 100 seconds after he gets enraged. It's possible to reset the timer by knocking him out of rage mode, successfully mounting him, and so on. There's supernova timers available to keep track of it, if necessary.So I fought teostra for the first time, and I'm curious, is that nova on a timer? It seemed like it came at fairly regular intervals. Then again, i could just be imagining it.
So I fought teostra for the first time, and I'm curious, is that nova on a timer? It seemed like it came at fairly regular intervals. Then again, i could just be imagining it.
So I fought teostra for the first time, and I'm curious, is that nova on a timer? It seemed like it came at fairly regular intervals. Then again, i could just be imagining it.
He can wake up into a nova? Damn, that's brutal.The jumping supernova occurs exactly 100 seconds after he gets enraged. It's possible to reset the timer by knocking him out of rage mode, successfully mounting him, and so on. There's supernova timers available to keep track of it, if necessary.
Can anyone weigh in on making a Lagiacrus X set specifically for using my Deified Grisblade? It seems like it would be perfect even for a regular GS.
Edit: G room 19-3188-5382-0965, pass 1111.
2 spots
I'm no regular GS user, but Lagiacrus X is indeed a pretty decent full set for GS. Good number of gem slots, innate crit draw, and Divine Protecion skill which makes a safety for attack honing your weapon if you choose to. Plus, it's a full set so you don't look like a clown when hunting.Can anyone weigh in on making a Lagiacrus X set specifically for using my Deified Grisblade? It seems like it would be perfect even for a regular GS.
I'll be there in 15 minutesRoom???
Edit: G room 19-3188-5382-0965, pass 1111.
2 spots
One spot in above room.
I just left. There may be a spot if they keep going.Dang it's full.
Is there a dedicated G-Rank Deviljho quest?
I need his parts for Vangis X armor; haven't found any guildhall quests for this...yet.
I'm only G-2, though...
I don't suppose anyone happened to acquire a Deviljho guild quest that's level 126+ with Freedom Series C (arms)?
Edit: At this point I'm willing to do or give anything (within reason) in return for such a quest.
I don't suppose anyone happened to acquire a Deviljho guild quest that's level 126+ with Freedom Series C (arms)?
Edit: At this point I'm willing to do or give anything (within reason) in return for such a quest.
So on a scale of 1-10, how insane was this charm run?
Just the one piece of Death Stench I got is more awesome than most of my other armors.Getting the relic armor itch, some of those sets look pretty damn cool.
I need help with my G2 urgent! Randoms are dying like crazy. s_s
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