Room's full. : <
Anyone have a high rank (not G) Yian Kut-ku guild quest they can share with me? Or a Ruby Basarios? I'm so lazy.![]()
I have the Ruby.
Actually, they do stack in terms of determining whether the effect activates.
Actually, they do stack in terms of determining whether the effect activates.Divine Blessing and Felyne Defender don't stack, right?
Anyone on? Warning: I've been carting a bit while I get used to the hammer.
48-3657-1784-7776Post the room. I will join.
I guess double apex rajang gq is too hard for pub![]()
The worst part is that he doesn't respond to dung bombs.Rajang gives me problems as it is, double apex is just the worst.
So ukanlos has beat my ass pretty good a few times. Is he actually tough or do I just suck?
I can get away from the swimming attack about half the time. And for whatever reason, i keep forgetting i can't block his laser. So both I guess.What attacks were giving you the most trouble? The swimming/laser?
I can get away from the swimming attack about half the time. And for whatever reason, i keep forgetting i can't block his laser. So both I guess.
Can i hit him while he's swimming?Run towards him at a 45 degree angle when he swims, turn around once he moves past you and get some free hits in.
Can i hit him while he's swimming?
I have some questions for dual blades users.
Should I get Steady Hand?
If my weapon already has purple sharpness, should Honed Blade be considered?
If my weapon has both elemental and status attack, should I get Enlightened Blade?
I'm considering mixing some relic armors with Shinobi set but damn making choice is hard ;_;
So today learned that you can mount Gravios belly when hes upside down and he does different thrashing animations.
How do I unlock the Crazy Stupid Love quest? I'm working with 6* Caravan quests, but I have a feeling it's only unlockable via quest line I missed.
How do I unlock the Crazy Stupid Love quest? I'm working with 6* Caravan quests, but I have a feeling it's only unlockable via quest line I missed.
Charm farming is sucking the life out of this game for me. Think it's time for me to just stop and maybe something will just drop naturally during a random quest.
Assuming you already completed Advanced: Fleet Action, make sure you spoke to everyone in town. I don't remember who exactly you have to talk to, though.
Christ, I hate that monster. Okay.
Urgent Quests don't count if you're not the one starting them? I just killed a Pink Rathian with someone, and it didn't put me to HR5.
(I have the quest available to me, by the way)
Urgent Quests don't count if you're not the one starting them? I just killed a Pink Rathian with someone, and it didn't put me to HR5.
(I have the quest available to me, by the way)
I got most of my good charms from Felyne Explorer food skill. I can only tolerate charm farming if I've got something on in the background.
Yeah, you have to be the one who posted the urgent in order for it to count.
Nope, they don't. Fine when playing with friends/ GAF, annoying online with randoms.
What's the expected online etiquette during fights like Zam where you might get frozen (or fights where you might get paralyzed, webbed, etc.)? I just had a guy rage pretty hard because I didn't help when Zam froze him. We completed the quest anyway and neither of us died, but was I "supposed" to break off to unfreeze him?
It's good to help somebody stuck in an ice ball if you can, but people need to bring their own cleaners in case that happens. If one happens to forget, it's better to scurry off into a corner until it wears off rather than force others to break away from the fighting to take care of one's own mess. There's no excuse for raging at others about it.What's the expected online etiquette during fights like Zam where you might get frozen (or fights where you might get paralyzed, webbed, etc.)? I just had a guy rage pretty hard because I didn't help when Zam froze him. We completed the quest anyway and neither of us died, but was I "supposed" to break off to unfreeze him?
I just do the classic Sovereign of the Sky trick with my IG. G2, eat for Explorer, hit all the gold mining spots on the map, break Rath back with two mounts or sooner if I can aim the IG right. It's a five minute run, tops.
What's the expected online etiquette during fights like Zam where you might get frozen (or fights where you might get paralyzed, webbed, etc.)? I just had a guy rage pretty hard because I didn't help when Zam froze him. We completed the quest anyway and neither of us died, but was I "supposed" to break off to unfreeze him?
I would've just told him to bring cleanser 'cause it's a pretty cool item to use when you're trapped in a snowball.