Yeah that was the first thing I noticed when I was leveling up my armor to the 700's. And seeing people with 800+ as a blademaster and it's wow.
That's a huge jump from my G Rank White Fatalis armor in Freedom Unite.
Yeah that was the first thing I noticed when I was leveling up my armor to the 700's. And seeing people with 800+ as a blademaster and it's wow.
Oye, without the normal cheese to kill Black Diablos, she's much much tougher. Carted twice during an expedition that also included another Savage Jho and regular Jho.
Ouch. What is the normal cheese?
First time Monster Hunter player here.Any tips? I'm just doing quests and trying to upgrade my stuff.
Currently using the steel Greatsword because the bone one seems slower and dulls fast as hell.
You might want to start with a sword and shield weapon, also you want to get a complete armor set.First time Monster Hunter player here.Any tips? I'm just doing quests and trying to upgrade my stuff.
Currently using the steel Greatsword because the bone one seems slower and dulls fast as hell.
You might want to start with a sword and shield weapon, also you want to get a complete armor set.
Ouch. What is the normal cheese?
I'm guessing sonic bomb and then a flash bomb after it flies out?
First time Monster Hunter player here.Any tips? I'm just doing quests and trying to upgrade my stuff.
Currently using the steel Greatsword because the bone one seems slower and dulls fast as hell.
- After you complete the first few tutorial missions, there are a bunch of training missions for each weapon. Those are good quests for trying out weapons to see which ones click with you.
- Try to watch each new monster for a bit so you get used to how they move and what attacks they have. Monsters have "tells" that show you what attacks they're about to use. You have 50 minutes for each quest so don't feel like you need to rush.
- This is a slower-paced, more deliberate action game. You can't go in hacking and slashing and expect to survive. In general, you'll be going in for a couple of hits and then backing out.
- Don't get hit. This is priority #1 when fighting any large monster. Getting hit sucks. First of all monsters just generally hit like a truck, especially as you get farther in the game. Secondly they often inflict all sorts of nasty secondary effects such as blights, defense down, stun, poison, etc. Thirdly, you can't just instantly pop healing or status recovery items. Your weapon must be sheathed (except Sword and Shield) and recovery items have a lengthy animation that leaves you vulnerable.
- Look up Gaijin Hunter's tutorials on Youtube for whatever weapon you want to use.
- Don't confuse a monster being tired with a monster being weak enough to capture. Limping and choosing to go to sleep are the only sure signs it's ready for capture, not drooling, tripping, etc.
- Go to the options menu and set the text to instantly display.
- If the supply box gives you flash bombs, poison throwing knives or other consumable items beyond the usual first aid meds, rations, and such they always give you, that's the game's way of hinting to you that a monster in the quest is weak to it.
Yes, that first point is a similar mindset to Bloodborne (I assume--I've only played Demon's Souls a bit). Except you have to know the enemy better and position yourself smarter because you have even more limited movement, less invincibility frames on dodges, etc.
By all means feel free to ask questions. This is one of those games where you're going to be learning things even 100+ hours in.
Ok this was my first MH ever as well, and now I'm G2 after god knows how many hours (probably over 150 at this point).
One of the first things I wish I had known more about at the start is the lock on system. It's not like Souls. To start, you can't lock on to smaller monsters at all. After a few hours you'll be ignoring the small monsters altogether.
For large monsters, touch the monster icon in the touchscreen to select the large monster, but only if you're in the same area and have both seen each other. Once selected, pressing L will swivel the camera to the monster, but will not lock on. You have to keep hitting L to swivel the camera to the monster. The reason they do this is because you're going to be hitting the monster in specific hitzones (head, leg, tail, etc) for a variety of reasons. If the lock on was like Souls, you'd always be hitting basically the same area, which would be disadvantageous in many situations.
The different hitzones on monsters can be used to either exploit weaknesses (like maybe the head is particularly weak to fire), or to break those parts to get specific materials for your weapon and armor upgrades.
There are no classes or character levels in the game that affect your stats or abilities. There are sort-of-levels called Hunter Ranks but they don't impart any benefit aside from providing access to higher level quests. HR 1-3 is Low Rank, HR 4-7 is High Rank, and HR 8+ is G Rank. HR comes from doing quests in the Gathering Hall (the online part, which you can totally solo if you want). You won't get access to that until a little bit into the game. It's kinda weird but the game is split into Caravan quests (solo only, Caravan 1*-6* is considered Low Rank, 7*-9* is High, and 10* is G, I have no idea why they didn't make it the same as Gathering Hall) and Gathering Hall quests (online or solo). They are similar quests, but not exactly the same. I would start by doing Caravan quests for a while, then jump into the GH once you feel fairly comfortable with your weapon.
Things that would normally come from leveling in other games come from armor in this game. Armor provides both defense and skills. Each piece of armor will have a certain number of points per skill. In most cases, you need a total of 10 points to activate that skill, and in most cases, especially early on, you will only get 10 points in a skill if you have a complete armor set.
Classes come from weapon selection. There are 14 weapon types, so 14 classes. Each weapon has a specific moveset that is 100% unlocked from the start. Upgrading a weapon will only upgrade the damage, not the moveset. I would do all of the weapon tutorials to see what weapon you like best, and stick with it for a while. Learning a weapon's movesets is one of the most important parts of the game.
To create/upgrade weapons and armor, you will need specific monster parts and cash. At this point, I always have kiranico open on my phone when I'm playing so I can reference what parts I need, where to hit the monster to get those parts, what elements monsters are weak to, etc.
I could go on for hours but already have a wall of text so just ask questions and we'll do our best.
Edit: Eat a meal before every quest (I think you need to be a few quests in to unlock the meals).
Thanks guys. That Drone Bug just wouldn't die, wonder if it has to do with how unwieldy that damn Greatsword is. Perhaps I should switch back to knife and shield (isn't that what it's called?).
The hunters should use their carving knives as weapons. Those things can cut through anything instantly!
Does anyone know the skills for the High Rank Seregios Gunner armor? I'm looking for a good set of high rank armor to go with the Seregios bow. Right now, I have a custom set with Load Up and Focus made entirely of Low Rank materials.
Thanks guys. That Drone Bug just wouldn't die, wonder if it has to do with how unwieldy that damn Greatsword is. Perhaps I should switch back to knife and shield (isn't that what it's called?). And by armor sets, you guys mean all pieces with the same prefix? Like Hunter Spaulders, Hunter Helm, etc?
Edit: Thank you beats.
Anyone up for some hunts?
Okay, thanks!Reload Spd -8
Recoil Down +1
Negate Bleeding
Constitution +2
Zinogre U comes with Load Up and you could gem in FastCharge with any 3 slot charm and a 1 slot bow. They're both pretty "expensive" skills in terms of decoration slots, so a good charm for either one would make it easier.So, not spectacular for the bow. I need a high rank set of armor with load up and preferably also focus. Does anybody know of one?
Of course it would come from the monster to give me the most trouble in all of High Rank.Zinogre U comes with Load Up and you could gem in FastCharge with any 3 slot charm and a 1 slot bow. They're both pretty "expensive" skills in terms of decoration slots, so a good charm for either one would make it easier.
The hunters should use their carving knives as weapons. Those things can cut through anything instantly!
Does anyone know the skills for the High Rank Seregios Gunner armor? I'm looking for a good set of high rank armor to go with the Seregios bow. Right now, I have a custom set with Load Up and Focus made entirely of Low Rank materials.
He's on my list, though the room seems to have gone missing.Anyone have the Advanced Quest Fur Fixation for Furious Rajang? Still looking for a heart drop.
He's on my list, though the room seems to have gone missing.
I got him to limp with you guys tips. Eating defender hi. And ditching poison. But the he started doing new Shit. Wind tunnel x2. Pin attack. Fok man.
Got tetsu z armor.
Guard up
Bomb boost
Gemmed out slow sharpening.
Have a 3 slot, 2 slot and a 1 slot left. Could go for hge or gem in something else. Used my talisman for focus. What say you, GAF?
To think those little knives can do better what Greatswords require skill to accomplish...Hunters use it when mounting and stabbing monster's back, that's why monster always writhe in pain when mounting is done.
Got tetsu z armor.
Guard up
Bomb boost
Gemmed out slow sharpening.
Have a 3 slot, 2 slot and a 1 slot left. Could go for hge or gem in something else. Used my talisman for focus. What say you, GAF?
Check the the guy inside the mountain in Cathar.What on God's green earth do I have to do to unlock Crazy Stupid Love? There's no one left to talk to, and I have no 5 or 6-star quests left unfinished!
Check the the guy inside the mountain in Cathar.
Back in 3U and again in this game, I got really good charmer charms while going through village HR."Oh, you want to make an awesome charm farming set? Better get a Charmer +7 OO Talisman!"
"Oh, you need to get a Charmer +7 OO Talisman? Better make an awesome charm farming set!"
This game...
Are you at HR5 online yet?