The room's still open. Have you tried to re-join?
yeah just deleted and readded the connection after resetting router.
The room's still open. Have you tried to re-join?
Talk to the Guru. Everyone miss him.
Going to be doing high rank event quests, probably doing them all at least once (mostly on the second page). If anyone wants to join in, ideally HR8 and using HR or early G gear:
Going to be doing high rank event quests, probably doing them all at least once (mostly on the second page). If anyone wants to join in, ideally HR8 and using HR or early G gear:
Nice to finish the session with a Fatalis. Intense shit, he's crawling around the place.
This is really frustrating. According to GameFAQs, you do have to beat Gogmazios before unlocking G3 Shagaru Magala. I was really hoping to get the final Shagaru Magala dual blades in order to beat Gogmazios. Has anyone here soloed Gog, and if so, what weapon did you use? I can't play online due to poor connection where I am.
Anybody doing the new dlc tonight?
Oh is it? I thought it was already out. Ah well, never mind me then.Thought that was this Friday? Although I noticed the preview video did say something like "available now!" in it which I thought was dumb since I didn't think it was out yet.
Out of curiosity I watched the original MH4 TGS 2011 reveal trailer yesterday and boy it looks formidably rough!
Compared to the game we're playing today (three and a half years later!) I found some bits interesting:
- The Tigrex part in the intro video of MH4U and this reveal trailer look quite similar.
- You didn't hit the monster to mount it, simply jumped on it.
- You could mount a flying Rathian.
- There was even more verticality, walls seem higher.
- The tilting terrain was already in place.
Do you see any other details / differences?
I'm surprised by how much of the original concept made it into the final game. The reveal trailer's obviously a bunch of pre-made animations, possibly put together before the actual game mechanics had been finalized. But breakable pillars, quick climbing and long vertical climbs are all there right from the start.Out of curiosity I watched the original MH4 TGS 2011 reveal trailer yesterday and boy it looks formidably rough!
I already unlocked those, and it still took me around 35 minutes to get Gog into the air with the Hazy Caster and Inferno/Paradis. I was really hoping to avoid having to fight Stygian Zinogre, but if it can't be avoided, would the switch axe or the sword and shield be better? I have just one S. Zin Skymerald.I recommend taking the super ballista ammo and dense marcoal with you, which can be bought at the Wyceum once you've upgraded. The former is useful for knocking the Dragonator off Gog's back, the latter is fuel for the Destroyer. As far as dragon weapons go, the Stygian Zinogre switch axe can be fully upgraded before Gog.
I already unlocked those, and it still took me around 35 minutes to get Gog into the air with the Hazy Caster and Inferno/Paradis. I was really hoping to avoid having to fight Stygian Zinogre, but if it can't be avoided, would the switch axe or the sword and shield be better? I have just one S. Zin Skymerald.
I think I'll go SnS, then, since Gog is so weak to Dragon and fast-hitting weapons are better for inflicting elemental damage.Not really sure which of those would get you a faster time, to be honest - it also depends on what you're most comfortable with. For the sake of being able to move quickly, perhaps the sword and shield or dual blades would be better (even though I personally am more comfortable with the SA). Most solo attempts online seem to use the dual blades.
More tips:
- Blast is also a very good type to use
- Bring cleansers to quickly get rid of the tar
- Pick up the shiny drops - these are restraints, which you can use to hold Gog in place
- Might pills are good in a pinch if you think you'll be short on time
I think I'll go SnS, then, since Gog is so weak to Dragon and fast-hitting weapons are better for inflicting elemental damage.
I would use DBs (DBs and Insect Glaives are my main weapons), but the game won't let me fight a G Rank S. Magala yet and the only alternative I can think of is Twinbane Twighlight (Crimson Fatalis), which sounds like an ordeal all on its own. Chaos Gore didn't work for me.
Nice work! I just got to G2 a few days ago.Yeah baby, G2!
Time for some Seregios farming! I need to work on both BM and Gunner armor and 3 weapons as well. Hopefully there will be some rooms up after work when I get home. 201 hours......lord!
His LBG list is pretty good too, though I actually prefer the Battalion Strafer slightly over the Plesioth Drencher. A bit more attack power, a little bit more defense, and rapid-fire poison lv. 1 instead of sleep lv. 2. Plus it looks cooler. It's also worth noting that the Rathalos LBG rapid-fires 4 normal lv. 2 shots instead of the Seregios LBG's 3, which is another power/danger trade-off.Gaijin just put up his top 5 bows and LBG. So I think that leaves just the Gunlances?
And he's done the Gunlances already. I remember grabbing some off his video when making a weapon crafting to-do list for the awards.
I'm not familiar with Guild Quests too much because I don't play them often. If I load them up during a multiplayer session, does it increase in level each time we successfully eliminate the monster?
For example, Tuffy sent me a level 120 Orochi Kirin. Just wondering if it'll level on my end.
I'm not familiar with Guild Quests too much because I don't play them often. If I load them up during a multiplayer session, does it increase in level each time we successfully eliminate the monster?
For example, Tuffy sent me a level 120 Orochi Kirin. Just wondering if it'll level on my end.
What worries me is fighting Crimson Fatalis. I haven't done it in this game yet. In Freedom Unite, I used the Akantor bow, but I've read that the Fatalis trio has been revamped.The good thing about Crimson Fatalis is that all of its parts drop pretty easily once the monster is down - the rare things, like Teostra Gem and Large Elder Dragon Gem, are acquired from other monsters.
There is also a dragon Dual Blade formed from Lao Shen parts - you get those by trading parts at the Wycoon.
What worries me is fighting Crimson Fatalis. I haven't done it in this game yet. In Freedom Unite, I used the Akantor bow, but I've read that the Fatalis trio has been revamped.
Is there a G Rank Crimson Fatalis available before the "Super Crimson Fatalis" in the final scroll quest? I really want those Dragon/Blast dual blades.
Ah, that's a good point...there's a Crimson Fatalis quest available in solo mode (Advanced: Red Dragon's Dawn), but this gives High Rank materials, not G rank, so no, unfortunately you wouldn't be able to upgrade all the way to the highest level without taking out Gog first.
I have fought Crimson Fatalis in G rank, and didn't find it as bad as expected, although it does hit really hard. The key for me was to stay around its hind legs, and also to jump on it from a ledge wherever possible to get a mounted attack.
Still doing the relic thing, what's the ideal def number I should be looking for from the relics before polishing them up?
You still hunting? I'll be home in about 15 minutes.Anyone wants to do some HR/Event quests?
34-3598-3778-4705 / 1111
Minimum for G rank sets is like 92 or something, right? I'd say aim at that.
Out of curiosity I watched the original MH4 TGS 2011 reveal trailer yesterday and boy it looks formidably rough!
Compared to the game we're playing today (three and a half years later!) I found some bits interesting:
- The Tigrex part in the intro video of MH4U and this reveal trailer look quite similar.
- You didn't hit the monster to mount it, simply jumped on it.
- You could mount a flying Rathian.
- There was even more verticality, walls seem higher.
- The tilting terrain was already in place.
Do you see any other details / differences?
I was up until a bit ago, not anymore. It was just me and ArcYou still hunting? I'll be home in about 15 minutes.
Doing some G rank hunts for material trading. We'll be taking turns. I'll remove password about 15 minutes after this post if no one's around.
42-8466-9317-4675 Pass: 1234
That pillar area where the Tigrex is knocking them down as the hunter jumps across them is in the game. Unfortunately it's only in expeditions and you never fight a large monster in there anyways.
so.. with the new game announced i could not help but to think..
Is my stuff going to get carried over ? Im just now reaching "leet" status
Do you usually get a bonus or something from playing prior games?
Nothing carried over going from 3 Ultimate to 4 Ultimate other than the basic knowledge of how Monster Hunter works and how some of the older monsters behaved (which is quite helpful, actually). I'm not expecting anything to carry over to Monster Hunter X either, but I don't think anybody knows for with the new game announced i could not help but to think..
Is my stuff going to get carried over ? Im just now reaching "leet" status
Do you usually get a bonus or something from playing prior games?