Decided I'm buying an N3DS and MH4U because I can't stand playing MHFU solo anymore on my Vita. The hitbox issues are just winding me up, especially when one hit at G rank means I'm highly likely to get carted by that hit, or subsequent chaining.
Are the hitboxes any better on monsters in 4U? I'll find the entire QA team and hang them if not.
For the most part, they're pretty solid. If you get hit, you definitely could see it coming and it was your fault, you know when you mess up and when you're about to be punished.
Some monsters like Rajang have certain charge attacks that feel like they have an unfair hit box, but frankly I feel that my experience with this is either poor evasion timing on my part or just the speed of the charge itself.
Definitely no Plesioth tail whip here.
Anyway, I think you'll love MH4U. New weapons, new monsters, new mechanics, new lands, you'll be like a kid in a candy store. So far this iteration has monsters from almost every game (or at least comes close). It may be a little weird at first since the areas are centered on verticality and are quite large, but if you've played monster hunter before, you'll love this one. Plus you'll have us to play with! If you have any questions about the game at all before or after purchasing, feel free to ask us!