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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!


I'm still hunting for some sort of godly Pierce Up charm, but managed to find a 2 slot, Rapid Fire +3, Dragon Atk +14 charm instead. It's so good I was able to fit Load Up into my Eldaora's Hornet set alongside Bonus Shot, Fleet Feet and Dragon Atk +3.

A Pierce Up+8 OO charm will finally let me use Militant Dalamadur!
But as of now I'm content with my Agnak Scorpion and Destiny's Arm set.
I still find it funny you need HR 7 just to finish up low rank (even though those quests are high rank) :p

yeah I was really confused when I saw that. I heard there was a 6* rajang quest and I need a high rank rajang part or 4, so I looked in to it only to discover that the quest is a low rank quest with a high rank monster that requires g rank.

Who the hell thought that made sense lol.
yeah I was really confused when I saw that. I heard there was a 6* rajang quest and I need a high rank rajang part or 4, so I looked in to it only to discover that the quest is a low rank quest with a high rank monster that requires g rank.

Who the hell thought that made sense lol.

Well the real reason was because it's a hold over from MH4 where there was no G rank. And HR7 is still High Rank. It's once you beat Ukanlos that you hit G1
Anyone up for some peon quests? I'm only HR2 - just jumping online for the first time a week or so ago.


I guess this will be useful if I ever decide to go back to Gun Lance. It's just that Lance is soooo much better.

Still looking for a +14 (element) Atk charm. :(
How did you get such awesome charms?
Well the real reason was because it's a hold over from MH4 where there was no G rank. And HR7 is still High Rank. It's once you beat Ukanlos that you hit G1

Seems like one of those things they should've just changed up. And alright, I wasn't sure if it was the start or end of HR7 that was G


D. Mohran solo isn't that bad. Actually I think Capcom designed D. Mohran to be soloable unlike Jhen, which is why I'm hoping Capcom would brought both in MH5; Jhen for multi, Dahren for solo.


The melder is awesome, I've always used it between quests now and have gotten good talismans.

Favorite one I've gotten so far is a FastCharge +6 CritDraw +7 ooo, especially since GS is one of my favs.
You are terrible

And I thought my FastCharge +5 CritDraw +5 was good, what kind of ridiculous charm is that


Wait, what is this melder and how does it work?
Maximeld XIV in Cathar will take unwanted charms and Frenzy Crystals, then turn them into a fresh batch of random charms a few game days later. You'll get rare charms by giving him rare ones initially. It's an alternative to going out and mining charms out in the field.
If anyone needs them JP DLC, I've got the missing pieces of what we don't already have. You'll just need to help me take down old White Fatalis in between rounds. Put up a room, I seem to be able to keep online more stable if I'm not hosting it.


I have a +14 Elemental Attack for each element with OOO slots.

Some other noticeable charms I have are a Sharpness +8 OOO charm, and Evasion +9 OOO charm, a Fencing +5 and Expert +10 O charm, and I believe a Hearing +6 OOO charm XP

Also, I'll be arriving home rather shortly, meaning I'm available for hunts.

Therefore, the first lobby I see (or the one that needs the most help or ask for people more), I will join once I'm home.

Honestly, I made the Lao-Shan Set and posted the skills it gave me some previous posts ago, and while I'm definitely up for all the JPN DLC that Glitch has, I don't think I'll really do anything with the rewards.

Frankly, I'm perfectly fine with my SK set, and I think by now I already built a reputation as that super useful mounting guy :p

Plus, making a new set from scratch is too time and material consuming, and even then they probably won't feel as good as or fluid with CB or IG as my SK set feels, so yeah *shrugs*

So yeah Glitch, if you're online, post a room and I'll guarantee you some really fast kill times against that white fatalis! With me by your sides, it will appear to be like a great jaggi! :p

Some Savage and other stuff I haven't done would be nice too :3



this game is more difficult than MH3U, i'm already 3 days stuck in High rank 2, i don't remember being stuck in 3U until G rank


this game is more difficult than MH3U, i'm already 3 days stuck in High rank 2, i don't remember being stuck in 3U until G rank

MH3U started you off with 50 defense points.


Edit: What do you guys do in terms of skills for the esurgient z set? Not much variety, I'd imagine. I was able to create a quick and simple set:

-Attack up XL
-Speed Eating +2
-Razor Sharp
-(Maybe Artillery Novice)

Would anyone be so kind as to help me and my friend farm some HR Zinogre a few times? My buddy is trying to make his armor.

MH3U started you off with 50 defense points.


Edit: What do you guys do in terms of skills for the esurgient z set? Not much variety, I'd imagine. I was able to create a quick and simple set:

-Attack up XL
-Speed Eating +2
-Razor Sharp
-(Maybe Artillery Novice)


That's not bad but it's a hard set to work with. Especially since the slots it has are terrible.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I haven't checked in in a while. With the help of 3 of my friends I've gotten to HR3 and got a full set of the ridiculous Gore Medala set! First couple of fights against Gore I was getting spanked so bad. A few times it would breath the explody crap on me and then trample me to death before I could even move, but after a couple hunts we were getting feeler and tail breaks pretty consistently. I need another kill with the feeler break to get the glaive made from him and my friend told me that was dragon elemental so I'm gonna take some care in leveling that bug up and use that full time for a while. Looks pretty neat too!

I've actually progressed so far in the multiplayer stuff I've been completely neglecting the single player stuff so I'm going to be facerolling the hell out of it when I eventually get back to it I think.

So in case anybody was wondering, the entire path for me from being a total hater-ass skeptic that only bought this game because he got talked into it to being a full blown addict was less than a week.
I haven't checked in in a while. With the help of 3 of my friends I've gotten to HR3 and got a full set of the ridiculous Gore Medala set! First couple of fights against Gore I was getting spanked so bad. A few times it would breath the explody crap on me and then trample me to death before I could even move, but after a couple hunts we were getting feeler and tail breaks pretty consistently. I need another kill with the feeler break to get the glaive made from him and my friend told me that was dragon elemental so I'm gonna take some care in leveling that bug up and use that full time for a while. Looks pretty neat too!

I've actually progressed so far in the multiplayer stuff I've been completely neglecting the single player stuff so I'm going to be facerolling the hell out of it when I eventually get back to it I think.

So in case anybody was wondering, the entire path for me from being a total hater-ass skeptic that only bought this game because he got talked into it to being a full blown addict was less than a week.

I got into it from the online MH Tri prerelease videos. No, really. Look up Ironbeard. It was the first and only time I ever got a game sold to me through any kind of commercial.

I actually went straight online with a few people I knew first thing. Two of them were also new to the game and one had been playing for a while. Us 3 newbies were getting wrecked by the Great Jaggi of all things. =P Keep in mind that it wasn't as much of a pushover as it is now, but it was the beginning monster, so what can you do? Heh.

The world and gameplay felt so fresh and new to me. I still remember feeling like I was a kid and exploring a new world for the first time. =D

It probably won't happen at all, but I've been occasionally brainstorming how Monster Hunter can be transitioned smoothly into an open world setting, but that's a story for another time unless you guys want to hear my thoughts. =P Yes, I try to address the monster attacks, timer, zones, etc. Throwing MH into an open world design haphazardly is a recipe for disaster.


I haven't checked in in a while. With the help of 3 of my friends I've gotten to HR3 and got a full set of the ridiculous Gore Medala set! First couple of fights against Gore I was getting spanked so bad. A few times it would breath the explody crap on me and then trample me to death before I could even move, but after a couple hunts we were getting feeler and tail breaks pretty consistently. I need another kill with the feeler break to get the glaive made from him and my friend told me that was dragon elemental so I'm gonna take some care in leveling that bug up and use that full time for a while. Looks pretty neat too!

I've actually progressed so far in the multiplayer stuff I've been completely neglecting the single player stuff so I'm going to be facerolling the hell out of it when I eventually get back to it I think.

So in case anybody was wondering, the entire path for me from being a total hater-ass skeptic that only bought this game because he got talked into it to being a full blown addict was less than a week.

Glad to hear it! I love hearing you check in!

Sounds like you've got your own little group started and everything.

However, if you're ever missing a friend who can't be online or are just alone for whatever reason, remember to call on us.

Ah, so you're now full on IG? Great choice!

Be wary of the Gore Magala armor. It's a great set, I used it myself for quite awhile until I found that high rank was getting a tad too difficult. I'd say the only thing bad about it is the negative fire resistance skill, which I believe make you 45% more damage from fire attacks (-45 resistance means you take 45% more damage). My advice is to gem out the skill by adding fire resistance decorations on the available slots your armor and talisman have. Decorations Allow you to gain skills it remove unwanted ones. You can create them at the smithy (under the decorations option).

However, even when you get rid of the negative fire resistance skill (as long as it's anything higher than -10, like -9, -8, -7, etc., then the skill won't be active), the armor itself still naturally is weak to fire. To combat that, you can get rid of the rest of the elemental weakness by eating in the kitchen, eating bread and vegetables, and eating for the element you're weak to (in your case the skill should be called Felyne Firestarter, which will make your negative resistance become positive 3 resistance). Eating bread and vegetables give you a defense buff and a guaranteed elemental resistance buff based on how you prepare the food (fire, thunder, water, and ice, to get dragon resistance you need to eat a different food combination. If you want to know, just ask), as well as any daily skills at the bottom (depending on how fresh and high quality the ingredients are).

Also, in case you didn't know, you can check your armor skill numbers by going to the start menu, going to status, and flipping the page until you reach a skill chart. Skills only activate when they reach a threshold of +/-10. Therefore, I believe putting one fire resistance decoration on one of your armor slots (represented by a black circle on your armor information), will make the skill go up to become -9, thus deactivating the skill.

If you want a more elaborate explanation on skills, just ask. I think what I said what straightforward though.

You can check skill details by pressing Y over the skill you selected over the skill chart too. Some skills, like attack, have multiple thresholds.

Therefore, when someone gets something like +10 attack on their armor (Attack Up S), they'll want to use any talisman they have (if applicable, you may not always have talismans that help you improve skills or get new ones altogether) as well as decorations to increase that number. If the person manages to increase it to +15, for example, they'll gain Attack Up M. +20 is attack up L and +25 is attack up XL.

Was that easy enough to understand? Forgive me if it wasn't.

Also, yeah, that gore Magala insect glaive because an EXTREMELY good end tier weapon if you reach the end of its upgrade path. The dragon element is really useful on a lot of monsters, and the fully upgraded version of that glaive is super good. I highly reccomend you do the steps GH taught and try to go for the ultimate kinsect if you can.

Dragon element for the most part is best used against enemies that look like dragons and dinosaurs (for the most part, there are exceptions). However, I highly reccomend that you get a glaive with ever element (fire, water, ice, thunder, dragon) as soon as you can do that when you face off against a new monster, you can either ask your pals or the internet what the monster is weak to and using the glaive with the element a monster is weak to will already make the fight a ton easier and makes a huge difference.

Okay, so the blade master Gore set comes with:

Challenger +1 (attack and affinity increase when a monster in the same area is enraged, shown by a red light on your left arm when it is active). The armor comes with +12 spirit, meaning if you're able to make it go to +15, you'll get the Challenger +2 skill, one of the best skills in the game.

It also comes with Bio Researcher, which makes dung bombs more efficient, prevents your items from being blocked off to use due to bad odor/uncleanliness, and makes you immune to blast blight. Which is over all a great skill, especially against some specific monsters. It's more situational, really. This skill could be increased to +15 to gain Bio Master, but the only difference is that it delays the frenzy, not really worth it in my opinion.

Finally, it has the negative fire resistance. Sadly, the skill is all the way down to -15, meaning you'll have to make it at least -9 somehow to deactivate the skill, which could proven troublesome. You can eat for the fire resistance like I said, but with this skill activated you'll always have negative fire resistance.



So are you able to send guild quests while in an online room? Does anyone have a Kirin quest they can send me (preferably low rank)?

How ironic and funny! Yeah, you're able to send each other guild quests. If you're Camille, ask your friend Blitz to send you the quests I gave him.

Funny enough, I sent Blitz two quests out of kindness. A level 3 quests to hunt two Kirin, which is low rank, and a level 41 quest to hunt an oroshi Kirin and another monster, which I'm not sure if it is low rank or high rank. Ask blitz to send it to you, and ye shall receive.


Sorry for double post


I hate farming divine armor spheres. The fastest quests are double rajang and double jho, I only have double rajang but once the quest is high enough they go apex and I hate them, I HATE THEM.

Anyone up for farming them in about 8 hours (stuck at work :( )

I wanna fully upgrade my Star Knight armor.
How ironic and funny! Yeah, you're able to send each other guild quests. If you're Camille, ask your friend Blitz to send you the quests I gave him.

Funny enough, I sent Blitz two quests out of kindness. A level 3 quests to hunt two Kirin, which is low rank, and a level 41 quest to hunt an oroshi Kirin and another monster, which I'm not sure if it is low rank or high rank. Ask blitz to send it to you, and ye shall receive.


Sorry for double post

The thing that brought it up was that he got two quests, though he's never had them sent before and I ended up leaving before he got around to figuring out what quests he had gotten. I'll text him real quick.

EDIT: He appears to have gone to bed already. Profound sadness.

He's up, sending them to me now.


The thing that brought it up was that he got two quests, though he's never had them sent before and I ended up leaving before he got around to figuring out what quests he had gotten. I'll text him real quick.

Provided that he didn't delete them, he should be able to send them by first registering them. He registers them by going to the start menu, pressing guild quests, and clicking on the box next to the double Kirin and oroshi Kirin quests I sent, causing the boxes to have a check mark on them. Them, he simply has to click the touchscreen button that says to register the quest.

I believe from there he just has to go press guild quest on the start menu again and click the option that allows him to send the quests, although he may have to do it twice since it is two quests.


Edit: That "profound sadness" though! I felt the feels ;-;

Edit 2: What're you going to do once you get the quests? I thought you called it a night already. :p


Love it how you can wreck a monster over and over in solo hunts, and then go do it again with a friend, and fail miserably. Like, why couldn't you just let me show off? Gosh!


I'm stuck at HR7. The fights take too long to do alone (I just don't have the dps in gear or skill), and every time I find a group, someone carts then leaves, which causes everyone else to ditch. It's so frustrating!
I'm stuck at HR7. The fights take too long to do alone (I just don't have the dps in gear or skill), and every time I find a group, someone carts then leaves, which causes everyone else to ditch. It's so frustrating!

You aren't kidding. HR7 is like a totally different game than any of the other HRs. All the key quests are elders. And they are long, often hard, fights. Dalamadur's laser triple carted my team in one blast even tho we were all at near full health.

I got lucky and made it through last night. I'm Caravan 10 and decided to go online for some HR6 hunts to mix it up. Wound up finding a great group and we cleared HR6 and HR7 together! I'm now G1! This is my first MonHun, so it feels like a great accomplishment.

Here's my question. The set I'm using (shown below) has been fantastic for high rank hunts. How far will it last me in G-rank? Should I power through to G2? or remake immediately? (I only have 4 more armor spheres to upgrade it.)


I appreciate the help!

In the meantime, I'm going to go back to the Caravan and 100% it.


You aren't kidding. HR7 is like a totally different game than any of the other HRs. All the key quests are elders. And they are long, often hard, fights. Dalamadur's laser triple carted my team in one blast even tho we were all at near full health.

I got lucky and made it through last night. I'm Caravan 10 and decided to go online for some HR6 hunts to mix it up. Wound up finding a great group and we cleared HR6 and HR7 together! I'm now G1! This is my first MonHun, so it feels like a great accomplishment.

That's really awesome, I just need to keep trying until I get a good group. I've cleared the 3 caravan 10* quests available to me, but they're not much compared to sheer levels of HP the gathering hall 7* quest monster have.
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