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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!

Does the DLC quest A Song of Extremes (dual Gypceros/Stygian Zinogre hunt) have a better chance of dropping a Stygian Skymerald than a normal S. Zinogre hunt? It takes me about 15-20 minutes to do either quest.

EDIT: Got it.


Does anyone want to talk about the names for certain armors and weapons? For example, what does Vangis mean? How does it relate to Deviljho? I mean, Esurient relates to Savage Deviljho because the word means greedy or hungry, but what does Vangis mean? Also, why are most of Zinogre's weapons known as Usurper's something? What has he usurped? Lagiacrus? Feel free to answe my questions and leave your own/add to the conversation.



I am a bit interested in Belobog (the regular Nerscylla CB) and Chernobog (the S.Nerscylla CB). Both are names of Slavic deities, with Belobog means white god, and is the god of light and sun, while Chernobog means black god, the dark and night.

I next look at the Maqam Sedition, the Seregios HH. Maqam looks to be Arabic, basically being "a set of notes with traditions that define relationships between them, habitual patterns, and their melodic development," so makes sense there.

Sedition on the other hand is very interesting and is shared among all the Seregios weapons (final upgrade) it looks like. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. I just wondered about that one especially, buuuuut Sereigos are consider to be hostile usurpers, and they hunt and fight to claim territory, so can fit.


Sedition on the other hand is very interesting and is shared among all the Seregios weapons (final upgrade) it looks like. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. I just wondered about that one especially, buuuuut Sereigos are consider to be hostile usurpers, and they hunt and fight to claim territory, so can fit.
Since Rathalos is the "king of the skies", and one of the first encounters features Seregios tangling with Rathalos, there is a certain logic to it.


I am a bit interested in Belobog (the regular Nerscylla CB) and Chernobog (the S.Nerscylla CB). Both are names of Slavic deities, with Belobog means white god, and is the god of light and sun, while Chernobog means black god, the dark and night.

I next look at the Maqam Sedition, the Seregios HH. Maqam looks to be Arabic, basically being "a set of notes with traditions that define relationships between them, habitual patterns, and their melodic development," so makes sense there.

Sedition on the other hand is very interesting and is shared among all the Seregios weapons (final upgrade) it looks like. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. I just wondered about that one especially, buuuuut Sereigos are consider to be hostile usurpers, and they hunt and fight to claim territory, so can fit.

Simply marvelous! If you or anyone else has more of this, I'd appreciate it! So interesting!

That still has me wondering what Vangis could be...I tried Latin but I seemed to be unsuccessful..

I'm still curious as to why Zinogre's could be a usurper. Does it have to do with the monster itself or does each of his weapons tell a story? Perhaps Zinogre usurped Tigrex's ecological niche?

I'm still curious as to why Zinogre's could be a usurper. Does it have to do with the monster itself or does each of his weapons tell a story? Perhaps Zinogre usurped Tigrex's ecological niche?


According to Reddit:

In P3rd, your hunter was dispatched to Yukumo to fight a Zinogre that had moved into the area, attracted by the storms caused by Amatsumagasuchi.
The problem was, the ecosystem around Yukumo couldn't support it, and it was causing an ecological collapse.
In other words, it had usurped the apex predator spot and was causing significant problems by utterly dominating the environment.
As a nice aside, its Japanese title "thunder wolf dragon" could also be read as "thunder wolf emperor", which nicely complements the usurper/despot/tyrant theme.
In addition, Zinogre gear is specially designed to fight rathalos and rathian, and Stygian zin gear is explicitly mentioned as "anti-elder-dragon gear", gear designed to kill the king of the skies, the queen of the land, and the elder dragons


According to Reddit:

Man that so cool!

Hm I still curious about Belobog and Chernobog's Scythe. They are basically the opposite of each other, light and dark, black and white. Could that be referring to the Nerscyllas? Well Belobog's is light color and Chernobog is dark color, so guess there is that, but I wonder if there more to it.


Simply marvelous! If you or anyone else has more of this, I'd appreciate it! So interesting!

That still has me wondering what Vangis could be...I tried Latin but I seemed to be unsuccessful..


It seems vangis is a conjugation form of the verb vangare, which is an italian word that means "to dig." I'm not really sure if that's what they intended with the word. There's also the verb vanga in latin, which means "a spade with a crossbar for applying the foot." I have absolutely no idea what that means.


It seems vangis is a conjugation form of the verb vangare, which is an italian word that means "to dig." I'm not really sure if that's what they intended with the word. There's also the verb vanga in latin, which means "a spade with a crossbar for applying the foot." I have absolutely no idea what that means.

Maybe it's referencing his strong jaw that allows him to dig and his powerful feet capable of shaking the ground?

Honestly Chernoblog and Belobog (sorry if I butchered the names) would make a lot more sense if Chernoblog was a Ukanlos Charge Blade and Belobog was an Akantor Charge Blade, seeing as how the game refers to Akantor as the black God and Ukanlos as the white God.

Aside from Shrouded Nerscylla being black and the regular one being white, perhaps it is due to how and what they hunt? A gypceros produces a huge amount of light (Chernoblog) as self-defense, and that is the skin the regular Nerscylla uses for protection. Meanwhile, Shrouded Nerscylla uses the skin of Khenzu, and as we all know, Khenzu prefer to be in the deepest, darkest corner of caves (dark for Chernoblog). Also, the regular Nerscylla seems to have a fair and clean fighting style, it's just you and him with the occasional poison (we'll get to that later). Meanwhile, the shrouded one fights during, getting in swift, curved hits, burrowing and surprise attacking, and paralyzing you to leave you defenseless.

On to statuses, all the regular Netscylla uses is poison, which I suppose represents that since you're being poison, you're panicking, your eyes open, and let more light in.

The Shrouded one, in my opinion, doesn't use poison as much, only when it surprises you. Maybe that signifies something?

Anyway, it uses paralysis, it shuts you down, shuts everything down, what happens when you shut down a machine or life? Darkness. You also always face downward when paralyzed, and at night, I assume you'll only see more darkness.

Furthermore, the element on the weapon, sleep, makes things worse. It puts you to sleep, a temporary death, making you see darkness.

That's as much info as I could extract xD

How does the DLC work in this game? Is it all on the cartridge and gets unlocked every month or do they create the new quests that get downloaded onto the game?
Also has it been confirmed how long the DLC will continue being released for?


Daredevil runs never cease to fascinate. It's no Brachydios, but Teo still has enough to poke you that a run like in the video is highly impressive.

I've always wondered, should I use Dragon against Teostra? Frankly, I've always used water against him. It just seems right, I suppose.

You have to download the DLC. There's a place in the game that allows you to quickly and easily download all the available DLC, which is everything that came out since the game released.


I've always wondered, should I use Dragon against Teostra? Frankly, I've always used water against him. It just seems right, I suppose.

You have to download the DLC. There's a place in the game that allows you to quickly and easily download all the available DLC, which is everything that came out since the game released.

I guess Dragon is better on the head if its used in speed runs, but I like Water more as well. It seems more fitting.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I just got the M.Tiggy rare during the tail carve of my first kill. I'm whoopin RNGs ass today. Too bad I need 6 more of his fangs. Now I gotta try and convince pubs to let me capture this pain in the ass...


Does anyone want to talk about the names for certain armors and weapons?

Being an HH fan, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of a full line of horns called with music dynamics words: Forte, Accelerando, Crescendo... yeah I know we get some of those names in the metal bagpipe line but there are just three/four of them and Fortissimo is like Rare3 while it has the best name in the line. ( ._.)

I need a Crescendo HH really!
I just got the M.Tiggy rare during the tail carve of my first kill. I'm whoopin RNGs ass today. Too bad I need 6 more of his fangs. Now I gotta try and convince pubs to let me capture this pain in the ass...
I got a Dire Blastheart from my first (and so far only) G-Rank M. Tigrex. I had a lot of good luck with rare drops as I was making my way through late High Rank and G Rank. Unfortunately, my luck seems to have run out lately, specifically after I got a Gore Magala Mangle in one try the other day. That's when the RNG decided it had enough. It took me an entire day of farming to get a Shagaru Magala mantle, and then an entire afternoon to get a Stygian Zinogre Skymerald.

EDIT: Does Honed Blade give Attack Up Large or Extra Large? I have the White Fatalis Armor and was able to get Honed Blade, Critical God, Constitution +2, and NO Bad/Horrible Luck (I was lucky to have a Constitution+8/Fate+6 Talisman lying around).


EDIT: Does Honed Blade give Attack Up Large or Extra Large? I have the White Fatalis Armor and was able to get Honed Blade, Critical God, Constitution +2, and NO Bad/Horrible Luck (I was lucky to have a Constitution+8/Fate+6 Talisman lying around).
Honed Blade is Attack Up Large along with Sharpness +1.



I was able to finally find someone with a speed run with my lovely weapon! Witness the true power of the Monad.....I mean Insect Glaive! I've been meaning to find a video which showcases the strength of my lovely weapon. This is how most solo quests for me go, except usually I get more DPS in via all my mounts.



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
It would seem elder dragon bones are going to be required to level up every glaive. This is going to be a big hurdle in my getting all the glaives I want... I farmed chameleos and kushala daora for a loooong time to get their armor sets and had only gotten enough bones to max out 2 glaives. Good thing I have friends that still need sets from these dudes. Now I just hope that desire sensor doesn't kick in.


That was actually his less optimal Master's Test run! Here's a faster how-to version. All weapons have something they're really good against, and it seems the Glaive really shines against top-heavy ones like Diablos and Deviljho.

Frankly, there's not really a monster that I find difficult when using the IG. I mean, I pretty much do what he does, I make them trip and mount and repeat. They don't take long to die, and even speedy monsters like Zinogre or Garuga are still vulnerable to this. I mean, I still make silly mistakes sometimes and faint when it's not necessary, but that I blame on myself, as I tend to not always be completely serious in a hunt all the time (besides, I don't mind fainting because most of the time the quest succeeds anyway).

Although I'm curious, what do you mean by Top Heavy?



Although I'm curious, what do you mean by Top Heavy?
I just mean monsters whose big bodies are suspended high in the air by a couple of legs. Things like Diablos, Deviljho, Cephadrome, Gravios and so on. They seem more susceptible to tripping than monsters whose main bodies hug the ground most of the time like Tigrex, Hermitaur or Najarala.
I just mean monsters whose big bodies are suspended high in the air by a couple of legs. Things like Diablos, Deviljho, Cephadrome, Gravios and so on. They seem more susceptible to tripping than monsters whose main bodies hug the ground most of the time like Tigrex, Hermitaur or Najarala.
Tripping najarala doesn't even make sense


It would seem elder dragon bones are going to be required to level up every glaive. This is going to be a big hurdle in my getting all the glaives I want... I farmed chameleos and kushala daora for a loooong time to get their armor sets and had only gotten enough bones to max out 2 glaives. Good thing I have friends that still need sets from these dudes. Now I just hope that desire sensor doesn't kick in.
Regular Elder Dragon Bone dropped by HR Daora and Teostra. G Rank Elder Dragon drops Large Elder Dragon Bone instead.
Frankly, there's not really a monster that I find difficult when using the IG.


Try consistently mount Kirin, and Rajang then you can brag all you want.


Regular Elder Dragon Bone dropped by HR Daora and Teostra. G Rank Elder Dragon drops Large Elder Dragon Bone instead.

Try consistently mount Kirin, and Rajang then you can brag all you want.

NormalFish can vouch for me (or whoever it was that needed Kirin, perhaps it was Liquid). Kirin is actually relatively easy to mount because he has like two attacks that, upon execution, leave it standing still for a while. I remember one of them is when he summons the huge circle of lightning, he stands still after that. I just need to move back a little so he's at the end of my jump's arc. This leads to two-three Kirin mounts before he dies.

Regarding Rajang, he's a little tougher, but the same rules apply. Whenever he does his laser or his super ground pound, he stands still long enough for mounts to happen.

I'm not trying to brag, though. I'm just stating that with enough practice and if you know the monster well enough, no monster should be considered difficult imo. Again, like I said, I make mistakes, sometimes I'm caught in a combo animation, or just do a simple mistake, and that's fine. I'm not trying to set myself up or anyone else as always being high and mighty.
Super (level 126+) and Ultra (level 136+) G rank Guild Quests. The best providers would be Shagaru Magala and Deviljho (from experience).

Ah, my first and so far only Divine Armor Sphere came from a level 120 (now level 123) Deviljho. Does it take long to get armor up to 800+ defense?
Ah, my first and so far only Divine Armor Sphere came from a level 120 (now level 123) Deviljho. Does it take long to get armor up to 800+ defense?

In theory, Wikia should tell you exactly how many Divine spheres you need for each armor upgrade, but the information for MH4U is a bit sparse. Anecdotally, it took 2-3 spheres per piece for Gunner armor. Lol, I have bad memory. Get farming, I guess.


Ah, my first and so far only Divine Armor Sphere came from a level 120 (now level 123) Deviljho. Does it take long to get armor up to 800+ defense?

Yeah, it's possible to get them at quests which are 120 (although I don't think anything lower than that will provide them), but they are relatively more rare and tend to come from the 6* monsters (Elder Dragons, Jho, Rajang).

Once you reach the 126+/136+ mark, they'll become more plentiful and very rarely do you get quests without at least one or a couple of them dropping. Although again, they're more plentiful from 6* monsters.

That depends on the armor. Most rare 10 armor with high defense from the start (100 or more I'd say), is usually maxed upgraded at around 150 defense, some more, some less (the Max I've seen is 156 from the Fatalis armors). Most of the time the final upgrade level of a piece of armor is mid-high teens. Considering you start using divine spheres at around level 8, you'll probably need 8 or more divine spheres per armor piece fully max out that piece (more or less, I'm speaking in general terms).

Keep in mind that the only armors I have seen with natural 800+ defense is anything that has a starting defense around 120. This includes Crimson and White Fatalis (though Crimson has the Defense Down skill). However, their final defense without a defense honed weapon is around 806-811 defense (I'm taking into account both armor charms and talons, also keep in mind the reason I say 806-811 is because I don't have the exact number. The math may be a few points more or less so forgive me).

So, my tip to you, to broaden your horizons and have a large, reliable amount of 800+ defense, is to definitely hone your weapon for defense. You get +60 points and divine blessing. Secondly, you seriously want to make sure that every piece of armor is rare 10 with a base defense of at least 100 defense, or preferably more. More base defense may mean less divine spheres used depending on the armor. Rare 9 armor probably can't reach very high into the 800 mark or even reach 800 at all, depending on the armor. So yeah, definitely stick to rare 10.

When you're finished upgrading a full set of rare ten armors, I've made these observations:

-Armor from Elder Dragons that can leave areas (Shagaru, Teostra, Kushala, etc.), as well as the Star Knight armor, maxes out at around 152 defense.
-Armor from incredibly powerful creatures that aren't Elder Dragons (Savage Jho, Akantor, Ukanlos, Molten Tigrex, Golden Rajang) usually max out at around 150 defense.
-Armor from the Fatalis Trio maxes out at 156 defense.

(I am only referring to rare 10 armors obtainable from monsters you can hunt. Armor you get from trading can be a bit weird. For example, Ceadeus armor maxes out at 150 defense)

Therefore, I can give you these numbers. Assuming that you have a defense honed weapon, armor charms and armor talons, but have NOT eaten for defense, you'll get this:

-A full set of 150 defense armor will give about 836 defense
-A full set of 152 defense armor will give about 846 defense.
-A full set of 156 defense armor will give around 866 defense.

Again, keep in mind, the numbers may be slightly more or less, but should definitely be around those points.

Also, if you want to know what the defense would be if you DO eat for defense, assuming you eat for Defense up L, just add 15 points of defense.

Keep in mind your defense can also increase further with defense modifying weapons like the Insect Glaive and Hunting Horn.

Hey alt, since you're such a fan of mounting, have you played SnS much? I get mounts with SnS more than I've ever gotten mounts with anything (though I admit I've never used the IG). Any area with some bumps and ledges allows for tons of back-breaking rodeo action.


Anyone up for a few hunts?


Another 156 def (maxed out) armor is GX Hunter. Not that we have that DLC yet.


Hey alt, since you're such a fan of mounting, have you played SnS much? I get mounts with SnS more than I've ever gotten mounts with anything (though I admit I've never used the IG). Any area with some bumps and ledges allows for tons of back-breaking rodeo action.

I've tried the SnS, and frankly it is not for me. Even when doing the "powerful" combos, I don't feel much force behind my blows. I know a big part of it is using items during a hunt, but I don't find much time for doing that in the heat of battle, outside of using healing items with it drawn. Regarding the mounting, I'm not sure if it is that good for it. For one, you need a ledge. Secondly, if I recall correctly, the jump attack is two hits, but on most monsters the first hit usually hits the belly, giving me only one point of the mounting status as opposed to the IG's two points (the same can be said for the lance's jump attack). Although I may be wrong, maybe those attacks have deceptively more points to the mounting status but I may be wrong.

Really? You've got to try the IG fish! If you'll play it nonchalantly you should just feed the kinsect speed nectar but if you're getting the best glaives and end game stuff, you should definitely look up online how to feed your bug in such a way so it becomes the Ultimate Kinsect with Effect Extender and so many other great Kinsect skills! You won't be sorry! It's just so fast and damaging and has great feedback!

Plus it doesn't really need many skills specifically for the weapon. You could go and get the mounting skills and earplugs to help with mounts, but they aren't needed. Although just like any weapon S+1, Razor Sharp, Mind's Eye and such skills do help.

I've tried the SnS, and frankly it is not for me. Even when doing the "powerful" combos, I don't feel much force behind my blows. I know a big part of it is using items during a hunt, but I don't find much time for doing that in the heat of battle, outside of using healing items with it drawn. Regarding the mounting, I'm not sure if it is that good for it. For one, you need a ledge. Secondly, if I recall correctly, the jump attack is two hits, but on most monsters the first hit usually hits the belly, giving me only one point of the mounting status as opposed to the IG's two points (the same can be said for the lance's jump attack). Although I may be wrong, maybe those attacks have deceptively more points to the mounting status but I may be wrong.

Really? You've got to try the IG fish! If you'll play it nonchalantly you should just feed the kinsect speed nectar but if you're getting the best glaives and end game stuff, you should definitely look up online how to feed your bug in such a way so it becomes the Ultimate Kinsect with Effect Extender and so many other great Kinsect skills! You won't be sorry! It's just so fast and damaging and has great feedback!

I can't tell you the technical side of things, but what I know is that X+A off a ledge is a mount basically every 2-3 times. It's kind of ridiculous. I personally have been abusing the poison battleaxe line for perma poison and then using the item usage abilities to really make use of flash bombs and traps. It's really nice and with evasion+ and/or evasion extender, you're crazy mobile. The combos aren't quite as sexy as the chargeblade, but I am yet to pick up a weapon and get in to it like I have with the SnS. Only issue is that I'm short on materials for weapons haha. I'd really like to get a nice paralysis SnS for online play (probably THIS one), but due to travelling this week I haven't had a ton of time to grind it out.

I'll probably try the IG pretty soon. Right now I'm focusing on gearing up and doing some completion stuff, but soon I'll be diversifying my weapon repertoire
Aside, but today I passed 200 hours in the game. Also finished 9*. Thank you folks for making it far more fun.
Shout out to my longsword-loving random groups


I can't tell you the technical side of things, but what I know is that X+A off a ledge is a mount basically every 2-3 times. It's kind of ridiculous. I personally have been abusing the poison battleaxe line for perma poison and then using the item usage abilities to really make use of flash bombs and traps. It's really nice and with evasion+ and/or evasion extender, you're crazy mobile. The combos aren't quite as sexy as the chargeblade, but I am yet to pick up a weapon and get in to it like I have with the SnS. Only issue is that I'm short on materials for weapons haha. I'd really like to get a nice paralysis SnS for online play (probably THIS one), but due to travelling this week I haven't had a ton of time to grind it out.

I'll probably try the IG pretty soon. Right now I'm focusing on gearing up and doing some completion stuff, but soon I'll be diversifying my weapon repertoire

I'm glad you're having fun and enjoying the SnS! Not many people use it, and it is definitely not just a beginner weapon! I'll admit the item usage allows it to be capable of things the IG can't do XP

Try to get the Speed Set Up skill if you can, it lets you plant bombs and traps INSANELY quickly!

Now, if you don't mind, allow me to explain my thoughts with a similar response as yours. Keep in mind every weapon is perfectly usable and that no weapon is superior than any other. I do not say what I am going to say to glorify myself or anyone who uses the weapon. Honestly I'm simply quite the fan of the IG and want its strengths to be known. Thank you.

I'll admit, the SnS can land some crazy mounts, but trust me, you have to feel the IG's capacity. I can jump into the air from anywhere and anytime, and can mount most monsters with a single jump (with Rodeo God), and others sometimes take more. The crazy thing is though, when in the air, if I have red juice, I attack twice, allowing me to hit a monster's back twice as fast as other weapons. All it usually takes is one jump for the first mount.

Personally, I find the IG does a lot more DPS than the SnS (though the SnS has valuable item usage), possibly even outclassing dual blades for DPS once you obtain every juice (even more so with Challenger +2).

The red juice massively increases attack, attack speed, combo length, and makes one hit count as two. You get more attack if you have red and white and even more so if you have all three. You usually get red from the head.

The white juice makes you jump super high, and gives you the highest walking speed in the game (tied with Hunting Horn with movement up), and also acts as a catalyst, boosting the effects of the other juices. You usually get white from limbs like legs and wings.

Orange juice increases your defense. You get more so if you have white and orange and even more with all three (to the point I get 68 more points in defense with all three juices). It also gives you low grade earplugs and a smile at affect to the Rock Steady skill if you have all three juices. You usually get orange from backs.

Plus you can get green juice to heal yourself. You get them from tails.

Regarding the permanent poison, the Chameleos IG, the Hazy Caster, has tons of attack and has 480 points in poison. It is the weapon most people go to when ensuring a monster is always posioned due to the incredibly fast attacks and damage. Plus, a mount means you can add a status easier.

What're your thoughts, Fish?



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Regular Elder Dragon Bone dropped by HR Daora and Teostra. G Rank Elder Dragon drops Large Elder Dragon Bone instead.

Ahhh, THAT explains why I had so few of them, then. I haven't done a lot of HR elder dragon hunting. That actually makes farming up more of them easier too, thanks.

There are a bunch of weapons that I have never even equipped outside of their training missions. SnS, DB, Long Sword, Gunlance, Charge Blade, the Bow Guns... Outside the bow guns (which I think I'll be avoiding because I honestly can't vibe with their control method at all) I don't have a great excuse for not using the others. In particular I really want to try long sword because there are so many that look totally unique and rad, unlike the majority of them which are big, corny looking Sephiroth katanas. I think I'm going to make a rajang halberd. It's so cool looking, and it makes me wish this game had more traditional polearms (ie spears). I've only ever fought 1 rajang tho, and it made me want to cry. I'm sure he'd be easier now that I'm not a noob.
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