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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!

I'm sitting close to the end of caravan, but I haven't really hunted Deviljho alone. The caravan 9 quest is a frenzied Deviljho and I'd like some tips on beating this guy. Had a somewhat of a tough time with a frenzied Brachydios even with the level 1 wystone...

What weapon are you using? Generally you can stay under Jho's legs and be fine until he does his spin. Depending on where he is to you when he does his breath attack either run towards his face and out of the way or run away. You CAN roll through his breath but its timing can be a pain and its easier to just run backwards.


I'm going to lose it(not seriously)! I have helped seven different people beat Dalamadur and when my turn comes up everyone dies. It is so frustrating watching other people basically do "One and Done" and really want to get to G rank and I am stuck at work for another 3hrs(Veeery slow day) just waiting to go home and try again.



Damn, guess I missed that. But people who unlocked the quest still have it right? So couldn't someone from GAF just post the quest and help the rest of us get the set?

This would also be a very nice gesture.
What weapon are you using? Generally you can stay under Jho's legs and be fine until he does his spin. Depending on where he is to you when he does his breath attack either run towards his face and out of the way or run away. You CAN roll through his breath but its timing can be a pain and its easier to just run backwards.

Sorry, I should mention I am using a Great Sword with the Lagiacrus set gemmed for both half-stun and CritDraw.
Ok thanks, That's a good idea. I know how to use a CB as I've watched Gaijin etc but a specific Khuzu video might help.

I don't even feel that I'm playing that badly against him, he...just...doesn't...die...

Try using an elemental CB instead. Getting the KO on Khezu isn't as beneficial in my opinion as he is kind of stationary. Hammer hard and use the focus on your A attacks, along with the shield bash to put element damage on him. To be honestly, I don't even usually aim much on him, just beat whatever area is closest, and drop the super on him and he goes down in 6-8 minutes.


I'm going to lose it(not seriously)! I have helped seven different people beat Dalamadur and when my turn comes up everyone dies. It is so frustrating watching other people basically do "One and Done" and really want to get to G rank and I am stuck at work for another 3hrs(Veeery slow day) just waiting to go home and try again.

Try asking people here or post a room here and you'll most likely find people willing to help you with the urgent.


Bought this game recently. I'm currently only doing single player stuff, since I heard I should focus on that first. At what point would you guys recommend tackling multiplayer stuff? I'm currently at the point in the story where I've reached Cathar, fought the first frenzied monster, and battled a Rathalos

Honestly, as soon as you get the hang of the mechanics, how to effectively use your weapon and basic monster fighting strategy, you should be good to hop online. Better to learn how to fight in a team environment early on then come in later and disrupt teammates with bad decisions, attacks, etc.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Bought this game recently. I'm currently only doing single player stuff, since I heard I should focus on that first. At what point would you guys recommend tackling multiplayer stuff? I'm currently at the point in the story where I've reached Cathar, fought the first frenzied monster, and battled a Rathalos
After you've watched this


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm a gunlance usere.

Just got a talisman with Guard Up +6 and 3 slost. What should I fill it with? :)


Do you get better talismans when you rank up in hr? Or does it not matter as long as you do the rathalos g rank farming run?

HR doesn't affect how good talismans you get. There are some skills that can only be found on guild quest charms, like Edgemaster, but enduring charms should be able match or outdo guild quest charms for most skills.


I've had it with this game. I just spent two days farming to improve my armour and CB as hit a wall at 8* Khuzu and I still triple cart after 40 minutes of hacking and slashing his ass with my new 500+ attack CB.

Why won't he die? Failing after forty minutes and 10 megapots is not fun. I have made the high rank tetsu armour as suggested and it was no easier.

I'm officially in a bad mood now.
Pack the bits to make farcasters on the fly (exciteshroom and bomb casing). Set it as a touch shortcut. Instant emergency teleport back to camp for a snooze. That's what I do for tough hunts. Also take the bits to make a couple of extra traps.


I believe armors depend on your charm and the skills you prefer. Below are some skills that I find useful with the horn and setups I use.

Seregios/Gog: Maestro, Attack Up, Challenger 2, Evasion+ (or Fleet Feet), Maestro, HG Earplugs

Grisdrum: Maestro, Awaken, Attack Up, Challenger 2, Evasion+

For Seregios/Gog I use Helios Helm X, Tigrex Mail Z, Nargacuga Braces X, Excello Coil Z, Greaves Z, +14 Attack charm.

With this setup I get Attack Up XL, HG Earplugs, Evasion +1, and Maestro (Maestro can be replaced with negate bleed for Seregios quests, tremor resistance for Rajang/Deviljo, or Divine Blessing if you think you'll get hit a lot).

Since the Seregios horn has a couple other decoration slots I also use the following: Helios Helm X, Garuga Mail X, Grand Divine Ire Kote, Excello Coil Z, Excello Greaves Z, +14 Attack Charm and get Attack Up L, Challenger +2, HG Earplugs, Maestro (or replace with any other 5 slot skill as discussed earlier). You can get the same skills by replacing Grand Divine Ire Kote with Miralis Grievers and +10 Maestro charm.

Grisdrum horn is used differently since you can buff in earplugs with a song and has a Blast element that needs the Awaken skill to activate. With this horn I use Kaiser Crown X, Rebellion Mail Z, Miralis Grievers, Excello Coil Z, Kaiser Greaves X, +10 Maestro charm. This gets me Awaken, Attack Up M, Challenger +2, Maestro, and Bio Researcher (not necessary, but only takes one gem and is very useful).

With the Grisdrum I also use Kaiser Crown X, Rebellion Mail Z, Miralis Grievers, Kushala Cocoon X, Kaiser Greaves X with +14 Attack Charm to get Awaken, Attack Up XL, Evasion +1, Maestro, and Bio Researcher. I switch decorations around to swap out evasion or maestro for negate bleed or tremor resistance for specific monsters.

These are late game setups. Early on I used tetsucabra and seregios armor and gemmed in maestro and evasion.

Right now I have Evasion +2, HG Earplugs, Expert +1, Maestro and Razor Sharp. (Razor Sharp really not that good for the Serg horn). I was also thinking of getting Sneak since apparently HH users get more aggro. Do you think getting Challenger +2 is a worth while offensive skill?


Heh I was just in a Seregios room with 2 other players, and a 4th came in a little before we defeated the Seregios. While we were wrapping up, he went to assign the quest for what I think is the Chaotic Gore Magala. Yep just go right ahead doing that type of thing in what was a Seregios room, I shall pass.


Right now I have Evasion +2, HG Earplugs, Expert +1, Maestro and Razor Sharp. (Razor Sharp really not that good for the Serg horn). I was also thinking of getting Sneak since apparently HH users get more aggro. Do you think getting Challenger +2 is a worth while offensive skill?
Challenger 2 is amazing. I believe it's attack XL and added affinity when the monster is enraged, which is almost the entire time in G. I used to use evasion 2, then 1, then dropped it to add more offense (though I hone for defense for divine blessing). I haven't tried sneak since I am not a big fan of the concept for a blademaster. Reduced aggro for you just adds more aggro to the rest of the team, which may upset the team balance. If I choose to use the horn then I accept the added attention, which is sometimes helpful in leading a monster to a trap or getting them away from a teammate with low HP.
Thought I'd move on after hitting G rank but still enjoying it single-player. Nothing too bad really (so far) except for finding out real fast how much one needs to avoid getting stuck in a corner against Berserk Tetsucabra.

Went on a spree against him anyway to get my long-awaited upgrade to the Rattatat Drumcannon HBG, a leap from grade 4 to grade 8 Tetsu Pyrotechnus. Starting to look around for X/Z armor for gunner now.

GS remains by far my preferred weapon. Still managing with the good ol' Garuga S armor brought up to a defense of 481 modded to Critical Eye 2/Peak Performance/Earplugs/Razor Sharp/Palico Rally.

The Silver Sol armor still delivers for Fire-weak enemies (a few more than I realized), now using a Pavaka Blade (912 atk, 920 Fire w/boost). Made a quick Kecha X set for Water element, using Jala Blade (960/920 wtr). Just very satisfying watching the staggered cleave of a great sword smash-slicing though a weak spot with a splash of water lol.


Anyone wanna do some arena quests? I need to do Apex Deviljho and Grudge Match: Triplets

Scratch that, just realized I'm gonna have to put it off for a while, brb.


Took down the scroll Gogmazios. It was shockingly not harder in any way, but at least now I can make Miralis stuff.
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