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More bad behavior at Yellowstone - man walks off boardwalk and dies in hot spring

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That must have been a brutal way to die. A singular negative decision leads to your body dropping in fucking BOILING ACID.
Like a real life Choose your own Adventure novel.

" do you: walk down the path knowing it's tbe safervway or take a shortcut across the geyser field?"

Option... B.

" you walk along the shortened path and... fall into a pit of acid. The end."

What a way to go. People stay out of zoo enclosures and Do Not get off the path in Yellowstone or any geyser park!!
I do wonder what the YouTube idiots (high on life) will have to say about this. I'm not deflecting that guy's responsibility but their initial fuckery might have had some effect.

"Man, 32, falls off the Eiffel Tower"

That's what railway unions are there for, though.


not licensed in your state
What a way to go. Like a Mortal Kombat stage fatality I imagine.


same image popped into my head



Anyone know how long this guy would have suffered for before his nerves just shut off/got destroyed? I assume it happened quickly since there's nothing in the article about the kid trying to save himself/thrash his way out.

qcf x2

Feel bad for his family and anybody else who was close enough to witness this idiocy.

Yeah, I usually feel bad for anybody who gets the ultimate penalty, but the only people I feel bad for here are the ones this guy affected. Daredevils, attention whores and others who do objectively dumb shit because they feel entitled are the ones I struggle to feel any sympathy for when they get their comeuppances.


Anyone know how long this guy would have suffered for before his nerves just shut off/got destroyed? I assume it happened quickly since there's nothing in the article about the kid trying to save himself/thrash his way out.

Surely the severity of the pain would cause you to faint almost immediately?
Surely the severity of the pain would cause you to faint almost immediately?

Nah, the adrenaline would have flowed. It wouldn't have been quick (enough) sadly. He would have swallowed some of that terrible shit before the end. It's really not worth considering what he went through.

Terrible way to go. RIP


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Anyone know how long this guy would have suffered for before his nerves just shut off/got destroyed? I assume it happened quickly since there's nothing in the article about the kid trying to save himself/thrash his way out.
Too long.


Junior Member
Having been to Yellowstone as a kid and now knowing way more about science and physics, it wholly ironic that people think that they are safe on those board walks.


Ah yes, David Allen Kirwan...let's remember this from way back in 81...

On July 20th 1981, 24 year-old David Allen Kirwan from La Canada, California, was driving through Yellowstone’s Fountain Paint Pot thermal area with his friend Ronald Ratliff and Ratliff’s dog Moosie. At about 1:00 P.M. they parked their truck to get out and take a closer look at the hot springs; Moosie escaped from the truck, ran towards nearby Celestine Pool (a thermal spring whose water temperature has been measured at over 200°), jumped in, and began yelping.

Kirwan and Ratliff rushed over to the pool to aid the terrified dog, and Kirwan’s attitude indicated he was about to go into the spring after it. According to bystanders, several people tried to warn Kirwan off by yelling at him not to jump in, but he shouted “Like hell I won’t!” back at them, took two steps into the pool, and then dove head-first into the boiling spring.

Kirwan swam out to the dog and attempted to take it to shore; he then disappeared underwater, let go of the dog, and tried to climb out of the pool. Ratliff helped pull Kirwan out of the hot spring (resulting in second-degree burns to his own feet), and another visitor led Kirwan to the sidewalk as he reportedly muttered, “That was stupid. How bad am I? That was a stupid thing I did.”

Kirwan was indeed in very bad shape. He was blind, and when another park visitor tried to remove one of his shoes, his skin (which was already peeling everywhere) came off with it. He sustained third-degree burns to 100% of his body, including his head, and died the following morning at a Salt Lake City hospital. (Moosie did not survive, either.)
When I was a kid my mother did this exact thing and survived (i.e., didn't fall in) at exactly that boardwalk. A hat she had bought for me at some other tourist attraction blew off my head and flew out onto the flat, she went after it (and got it) while my dad lost his fucking mind. He knew the risks.

When she got back my mom told him to not be such a baby, or something similar. It's worth noting that my mom is a lunatic. On the same trip she also took me to the edge of the grand canyon while dad yelled at her and I nearly panicked. I was 8.

Jesus christ now that I think about it I have no idea how she's lived as long as she has.


How do people ignore the fact that the ground/water is so hot it is steaming? That should've been clue #1 to stay on the damn boardwalk, and 225 yards?! You have to be trying to kill yourself at that point.

Ah yes, David Allen Kirwan...let's remember this from way back in 81...

That one seems more tragic than anything. Dude saw his dog in danger and panicked.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
When I was a kid my mother did this exact thing and survived at exactly that boardwalk. A hat she had bought for me at some other tourist attraction blew off my head and flew out onto the flat, she went after it (and got it) while my dad lost his fucking mind. He knew the risks.

When she got back my mom told him to not be such a baby, or something similar. It's worth noting that my mom is a lunatic. On the same trip she also took me to the edge of the grand canyon while dad yelled at her and I nearly panicked. I was 8.

Jesus christ now that I think about it I have no idea how she's lived as long as she has.
You should show her this story
I can't say I feel bad for him? How stupid do you have to be, really. At most I feel bad for the financial instability it will cause for others who knew him, hopefully he didn't have a family. Hopefully he didn't pass on those genes either.

When you're told not to fuck with nature there's almost always a good reason.


honestly its incredible how people underestimate nature. its really crazy. You have to respect these areas and believe when people say you will die doing this stuff. They need to post signs everywhere with the list of people who have died in that area being stupid or something. i just dont get it.


i feel sorry for that bison calf. not for the guy.

This is my problem with people. Intellectual/moral superiority leading to a complete lack of empathy.

How are you so conscious you care about animals but so high on that and dumb you don't give a fuck about humans?

Its like you're trying to project that you're better than the guy by displaying you care about the baby bison and he didn't but are showing you're still a shitty human because you don't care about a humans life BECAUSE of your moral superiority to them


Rapid Response Threadmaker
According to the yellowstone website.

He fell into this thing.


I dont think I wanna go swimming in that

Yeah, that is definitely on him. The fence is adequate. The places where there isn't a guard fence are the places where you could trip and not fall into a boiling pit.


When I was a kid my mother did this exact thing and survived (i.e., didn't fall in) at exactly that boardwalk. A hat she had bought for me at some other tourist attraction blew off my head and flew out onto the flat, she went after it (and got it) while my dad lost his fucking mind. He knew the risks.

When she got back my mom told him to not be such a baby, or something similar. It's worth noting that my mom is a lunatic. On the same trip she also took me to the edge of the grand canyon while dad yelled at her and I nearly panicked. I was 8.

Jesus christ now that I think about it I have no idea how she's lived as long as she has.

Man, stories like in the OP and this are what make me so apprehensive about visiting such beautiful, and dangerous places. I visited the Grand Canyon a couple times in 2012, one of which was in December while the park was snow covered. My younger brother was drinking and kept getting close to the canyon edge despite my fiancée and I telling him to stand back. She had to walk away, and I was incredibly stressed since it was ruining my enjoyment. I refuse to take him on vacations.


I am never visiting Yellowstone in my life, that shit is too dangerous. How can people even take their kids there? I'd die of heart attack just thinking about it.
I recommend still visiting if you ever have the chance. Geothermal hot zones are some of the most beautiful places on Earth. I remember walking through Hell's Gate in New Zealand in the early morning and feeling like I had just fallen into another world.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Horrible way to go, but the guy was an idiot too.

Does the park need a "don't step off this path or else you will be boiled alive in acid" sign or something?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Good. He won't be able to procreate anymore. The human race is better off

Really? You read about a guy getting boiled alive while his sister watches and this is what you take away from it. Not singling you out, there a couple more natural selection jokes.

Do people that think like this say the same thing when someone gets hit by a car while wearing headphones or if they die from an inheritable disease?


I feel bad for the family but the guy was a dumbass. Darwin Award material.

The dog story on the other hand is tragic.
What a way to go.

I imagine the shock of not only bathing in but swallowing 200 degree celcius water would pretty much kill your nervous system instantly, so maybe it wasn't too bad.
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