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Most Disappointing Game Ending

Since there's similar "best" threads going around, here's mine: what game has the worst ending in your mind? I'm talking about a game you worked your ass off to beat and got some piece of crap ender which almost didn't make the whole effort worth it? For me, it has to be Rygar for the NES. It took forever to beat the final boss, Lygar, and what did I get for my troubles? I got cheesy pic of a rainbow and a bird flying. Lame


When I originally played it, the ending of the first Soulreaver burned me up. I felt like I had been tricked into paying for half of a game (which I had, in a sense). The excellent sequels have largely mitigated that anger, however.
Zelda: tww underwhelmed me greatly, a pretty shitty ending.
in fact, most games end extremely bad, most companies never begin with the end in mind.


i've heard terrible things about the ending of psi-ops. i don't have the game yet, but i'm insanely curious. anyone know how it turns out? spoiler-tag it, of course.


works for Gamestop (lol)
epmode said:
i've heard terrible things about the ending of psi-ops. i don't have the game yet, but i'm insanely curious. anyone know how it turns out? spoiler-tag it, of course.

The thing that sucks about it is that it doesn't resolve anything about the plot. I dont remember exactly but this jet plane comes and attacks you, it has some logo on it I think, I forget...you use your powers to avoid the plane, then the words TO BE CONTINUED are on the screen. This happens in like 30 seconds- 1 minute. WTF?

And yeah, Psi-ops's ending sucks. Worst ending this generation I think


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
The ending of the wind waker was shitty. It was a real shame, considering that the final level (Ganons castle) and the final boss (Ganondorf) were so so good:)

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
TWW had a shitty ending? Ooookay....

I was very disappointed with the ending in Metroid Prime. Very anti-climatic. I didnt even realize the game was over until the credits started rolling.


Karnov i believe

plain black screen with the misspelled word "congladlation" or something like that

Rygar was brilliant in comparison


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Mark of Kri ending just felt like such a ripoff, but there is a sequel so we'll see where it goes. But as a standalone game, that ending was weak.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
FortNinety said:
Since there's similar "best" threads going around, here's mine: what game has the worst ending in your mind? I'm talking about a game you worked your ass off to beat and got some piece of crap ender which almost didn't make the whole effort worth it? For me, it has to be Rygar for the NES. It took forever to beat the final boss, Lygar, and what did I get for my troubles? I got cheesy pic of a rainbow and a bird flying. Lame
Before I even entered this thread I was ready to say NES Rygar. I was so pissed when I left my system on for an hour and nothing changed.
Resident Evil CV
I'm kinda thinking MGs2...not the ending itself, I liked it but it left a lot open, and withthe way MGS3 is going this stuff is still gonna be open.
I believe that the ending of Super Double Dragon has been empirically determined, by a team of experts, to be the worst video game ending ever. Note that the below is the entirety of the ending sequence.






mr driller. i seriously took it back to the store after finishing it within 20 minutes. i think the ending was just a game over screen. either way i git my money back.


Ninja Gaiden's ending was pretty craptacular considering all the crap you had to go through to get there. It's satisfying once you beat it -- as you can wear that like a badge of fucking honor wherever you go -- but it's a pretty shitty ending in retrospect.


Chili Con Carnage!
OoT had a terrible ending sequence, i felt totally let down after id played for 2 weeks solid to complete it, expecting some scene of epic proportions and all i got was this lame wave goodbye from all the characters.
For me, it has to be Rygar for the NES. It took forever to beat the final boss, Lygar, and what did I get for my troubles? I got cheesy pic of a rainbow and a bird flying. Lame

That was sucky, but not as sucky as Ikari Warriors on the NES. Where after what seems like mind numbing hours and hours and hours you get a "typed letter" on the screen. Even though my friend and I used the cheat code to get to the end we still felt ripped off.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Wind Waker.

I finally actually beat it about 2 weeks ago after getting it on release. I wasn't really paying attention at the time as I was getting distracted, but can someone explain what actually happened? Spoiler tagged mind.

Ganon with a sword in his head was pretty cool though, I actually thought it was kind of violent for teh kiddiez.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Whats with the hate on TWW? I though the ending was one of the highlights of the game.

but can someone explain what actually happened?
Ganon faces off against Link to gain the final piece of the Triforce, and bring Hyrule back. He defeats Link, and uses his piece to form the Triforce. But when the Triforce forms, the king gets to it first and orders the gods to drown Ganon and Hyrule forever. Ganon goes crazy, and then tries to kill Link and Terta/Zelda. Once Link kills Ganon, the King explains why he ordered the drowning of Hyrule.


I've seen loads of crappy game endings, but the only one that actually pissed me off was the "bad" ending to the original Breath of Fire (SNES). I later found out there was a "good" ending, which I went back and got, and that made everything better.
Tales of Destiny 2 (disliked the uncertainly of the ending)
Grandia 2 (traveling with Roan was a bore and the resolution to the Ryudo/Millenia/Elena triangle was stupid)
Final Fantasy 9 (the ending was so predictable)


Sucks at viral marketing
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Whats with the hate on TWW? I though the ending was one of the highlights of the game.
I think part of it may be because of what happens in the end. The entire game is set up as if you were going to defeat Ganon and restore Hyrule. There are parts of the game that speak of the sea being lifeless or how the forest will cause the waters to receed.... But when the game ends, Hyrule is destroyed. A bit of a downer.

Instead, they speak about hope for the future. Not bad, but I doubt most people understand it.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Whats with the hate on TWW? I though the ending was one of the highlights of the game.

Ganon faces off against Link to gain the final piece of the Triforce, and bring Hyrule back. He defeats Link, and uses his piece to form the Triforce. But when the Triforce forms, the king gets to it first and orders the gods to drown Ganon and Hyrule forever. Ganon goes crazy, and then tries to kill Link and Terta/Zelda. Once Link kills Ganon, the King explains why he ordered the drowning of Hyrule.

And his reason was? :p


Sucks at viral marketing
Great King Bowser said:
And his reason was? :p
He realised that his wish to preserve Hyrule was as damning to the land as what Ganon was trying to do. So he wished for them that all three of them (King, Ganon, and Hyrule) be washed away.


Super Mario Bros. 3

Someone tell me how to do the invisitext thing and I'll say why.

My fiancee and I spent weeks working together through the game in the rare moments when we'd both be home, and then...*fume*


Ghost said:
OoT had a terrible ending sequence, i felt totally let down after id played for 2 weeks solid to complete it, expecting some scene of epic proportions and all i got was this lame wave goodbye from all the characters.

Ive never agreed with anyone more.


ChronoCross. No game ending damnit!!! I heard there's an ending if you do some combinations or something but it's too late now.


Doc Holliday said:

"We will meet again in Shadowrun II !"
Wheeeeeeen ????? You f*ckers :D

I remember the ending to the original Phantasy Star being severly disappointing, although I'm pretty sure most "epic" games of that time period had similar endings. It's just that I had a very serious emotional attachment to the game (me being 8 or 9 years old, and spending countless hours on my very first RPG), and when I finally did get to see the end, it just wasn't all that..


Quake for N64 had hands down, the worst ending ever. I beat the end boss and bam, straight to the credits. It didn't even have an ending! All it had were the credits, looping forever, with stupid music to accompany that awesomness.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Defnitely Rampage for the NES. You spend 3 hours smashing buildings and at the end all you get is a stinking "Congratulations".


I cant be the only one who felt like Chronicles of Riddick ended abruptly. I figured they were headed to a new location, but nope that was it, felt completely out of place to me. In other words I had NO idea that was the end untill the credits rolled, and thats not a good thing.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
For me it's Landstalker; the game was just awesome(still the best action RPG EVER imo), and has basically no ending whatsoever after you fight the boss. :\
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