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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|


plagiarize said:
honestly, i think that's probably fair enough, but you must have genres that you play more than others. for me adventure games and horror games don't need as good a review score as a racing game or a fighting game do to be worth my time.

i love horror and adventure, so i buy most of the ones that come in above 8 and a lot of the ones that come in between 7 and 8.

would you skip Silent Hill 2 and Max Payne 2 cause of the review scores? if so... why were you interested in Alan Wake in the first place out of interest?

horror games all tend to be around 10 hours. they all tend to be linear. they all tend to have little replay insentive beyond reliving the experience.

that doesn't mean they have to be that way, or you have to like them that way of course, but it shouldn't be a huge surprise to you that people that loved your Resident Evils and your Silent Hills and your Dead Spaces would be just fine with a game being linear and 10 hours long.

True true. But... and i refrain from typing some brash statements here about games with high reviews and huge followings and which, imho, are rubbish (i say after having played them)...

I place no value in reviews these days. There's no standard to adhere to so the review scores, like many of the games are rubbish.

I suppose though the old adage of ignorance being bliss holds out now more than ever. After all if your standards are low you'll be impressed by and enjoy anything. So perhaps having standards is the curse and our biases are our only relief
Oh shit, the game we are hyping didn't get perfect 10's, oh noes.

Come on, negative or mediocre reviews happen to most games, few get the all 9's-10's treatment. It's not like the game is getting pure 7's, 6's, etc.

True testament to the game will be a in a few weeks go by and we see if we get gaf backlash threads.
miladesn said:
It's getting better scores than FFXIII at least and that had like 6 years of development :lol
Pretty sure FFXIII only had about 2 years of actual development, the rest was creating the engine and such


good to see that the ps3 fanboys and butthurt pc master race are doing their best to shit up an alan wake thread (again).


nelsonroyale said:
Having just completed ME2, I definitely can't see that being the best game released this year...great game, but definitely a very al a carte experience... Alan Wake at least seems to be more seamless... ME2 was split up into so many bite sized chunks...
Pretty sure Alan Wake is split up into bit sized episodes.


Jtyettis said:
The Scores we have so far put in around 88 which is far from what I would call dissapointing;

Without turning this about a debate of reviews i'll just say that if you look at the main sites scores (or at least at the ones i consider more reliable) then they are less of what i expected. 7 from EG, 8 from GB and all the other major ones are around 8 - that's not really an uncommon score for games in this industry and pretty much every 'competent' game achives that.

I had higher hopes out of AW, especially considering the long dev. time, being made by Remedy, a supposed AAA exclusive and one of the most anticipated games in recent years.
But also, i'm not too surprised by the reception because it isn't a secret i had my doubts about the game and was left unconvinced by the gameplay videos.
What i find more alarming is that the story,writing,voice acting and animations are also criticized - integral parts of the 'psychological thriller' that were the selling-points for Alan Wake more than its gameplay mechanics.

Having said that, i do need to give the game the chance to speak for itself and not shut it out based on the reviews.
S1kkZ said:
good to see that the ps3 fanboys and butthurt pc master race are doing their best to shit up an alan wake thread (again).

Looks like every other countless gaf thread where a hyped up game gets a handful of "mediocre" reviews. Shit storms, tears, fanboy lulz, defense forces united, etc.


jeffpm said:
Pretty sure Alan Wake is split up into bit sized episodes.
yeah he said "so many" Alan Wake has six BITE sized chunks. All the years of hype and bullshit and now its just a typical horror game nothing exciting :S
I guess some were expecting 10's cross the boards, just saw the gt review, looks very good to me at least who was never hyped in the first place about the game, will be playing this.


Great scores all around. But I see the usual suspects that didn't post at all in the hype thread coming around as soon as the game doesn't get all 100's. Typical. There are some defensive fans in here but is it really worse that your typical PS3 exclusive thread, not even close.
whoa AW is getting scores mostly in the 8-10 range? just like heavy rain i simply cannot bring myself to buy a game that has a metacritic average below 9.

sorry remedy but i'm canceling my pre-order again and this time it'll stay canceled!


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Truant said:
Damn nazis.

Not all Nazis are bad :(

EagleEyes said:
Great scores all around. But I see the usual suspects that didn't post at all in the hype thread coming around as soon as the game doesn't get all 100's. Typical. There are some defensive fans in here but is it really worse that your typical PS3 exclusive thread, not even close.
i'm defensive of the notion that it's getting bad reviews because it isn't. it's getting very good scores, if not excellent scores.

i'll decide what i think of it for when I actually get to play it, but a game in a genre with subject matter i find compelling scoring around 8.5... well that's not something that makes me think 'ah well. guess i'll skip it'.

when MANY games in the horror genre score 8.5 and we go through this nonsense every time it gets pretty tired.

if you aren't into the genre, then yeah, Alan Wake isn't going to be the game for you based on these reviews, clearly. you'll have to wait for another horror game to score like Resident Evil 4 did to find one that'll be your cup of tea.

but if you like story driven action adventure horror stuff, then you definately want to pick this one up.

8.5 isn't mediocre in any sense of the word. it may be below where you can justify buying a game. i don't know your income. if you can only afford to buy all the 9 and up rated games that appeal to you, then yeah, fair enough... but that doesn't make the ones that score less bad.

Alan Wake is scoring the same as Remedy's last two games which remain highly thought of after all these years. It is scoring the same as the first three games in the much loved Silent Hill series, which is clearly an inspiration and is clearly going to appeal to a lot of the same people.

So yeah, maybe you can't afford to buy every game that gets 8 and up. Oh well, you're missing out on a lot of awesome games that often only lose points due to flaws that won't bother everyone and might not bother you.
This is getting retarded. Hopefully there will be some actual game impressions from gaffers rather than omg it scored less than 95 garbage confirmed. I base my purchase decisions on actual impressions from real people I can relate to.

Heck...what is just Cause 2's meta? I bought that based on wom and not shitty rag mag reviews and regret nothing.
metareferential said:
Pc nazis.

Germany is a nation of PC gamers. People were pissed when MS/Remedy announced that Alan wouldn't make it to PC.

If 360/PC games are reviewed the reviewers always mention the differences. It's quite common that the 360 version receives a lower score as a result.
Can we now lay the myth to rest that the media is "teh bias" and scores 360 exclusives higher than PS3 exclusives?

Also I will never trust the gaming media on judging a good story. Especially "negatives" like this one from 1up: a script that mocks the viewer even more than Lost or Twin Peaks

Linearity and graphical problems are indeed disappointing though. (Tearing + Blurry textures, as I expected)

EagleEyes said:
Great scores all around. But I see the usual suspects that didn't post at all in the hype thread coming around as soon as the game doesn't get all 100's. Typical. There are some defensive fans in here but is it really worse that your typical PS3 exclusive thread, not even close.

My fanboys are better than yours!


somehow disappointing reviews, i guess this game is another victim of excessive hype. However i will buy it, there are not many 'horror/survival' games out there and this one i am sure it will be a nice experience.


Fortinbras said:
Germany is a nation of PC gamers. People were pissed when MS/Remedy announced that Alan wouldn't make it to PC.

If 360/PC games are reviewed the reviewers always mention the differences. It's quite common that the 360 version receives a lower score as a result.
Funny that eurogamer.de gave it a 9/10 then ;)

fastford58 said:
This is getting retarded. Hopefully there will be some actual game impressions from gaffers rather than omg it scored less than 95 garbage confirmed. I base my purchase decisions on actual impressions from real people I can relate to.

Heck...what is just Cause 2's meta? I bought that based on wom and not shitty rag mag reviews and regret nothing.
I can agree with this. Looking forward to read impressions next week.

edit: oh wait, I am going to play it myself (if shop holds the schedule) :D


It's not that I expected so many 10's as much as I didn't expect as many 7's...espeically from Eurogamer who IMO has the most fair and honest reviews in the business.

I tend to lower the grade of ign by one number most of the time. God o war 3 was an 8.0 experience to me.
Fortinbras said:
Germany is a nation of PC gamers. People were pissed when MS/Remedy announced that Alan wouldn't make it to PC.

If 360/PC games are reviewed the reviewers always mention the differences. It's quite common that the 360 version receives a lower score as a result.

I know.

I was just joking, take it easy.


mack said:
Not shit, average. First post I saw over at Gamefaqs

'My hype for this game is gone.. The review gave it all 8/10 .. Average score..'

sometimes I hate this fucking hobby :lol


mack said:
Not shit, average. First post I saw over at Gamefaqs

'My hype for this game is gone.. The review gave it all 8/10 .. Average score..'

:lol The Gamefaqs forums never cease to amuse and despair in equal measure.
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