plagiarize said:honestly, i think that's probably fair enough, but you must have genres that you play more than others. for me adventure games and horror games don't need as good a review score as a racing game or a fighting game do to be worth my time.
i love horror and adventure, so i buy most of the ones that come in above 8 and a lot of the ones that come in between 7 and 8.
would you skip Silent Hill 2 and Max Payne 2 cause of the review scores? if so... why were you interested in Alan Wake in the first place out of interest?
horror games all tend to be around 10 hours. they all tend to be linear. they all tend to have little replay insentive beyond reliving the experience.
that doesn't mean they have to be that way, or you have to like them that way of course, but it shouldn't be a huge surprise to you that people that loved your Resident Evils and your Silent Hills and your Dead Spaces would be just fine with a game being linear and 10 hours long.
True true. But... and i refrain from typing some brash statements here about games with high reviews and huge followings and which, imho, are rubbish (i say after having played them)...
I place no value in reviews these days. There's no standard to adhere to so the review scores, like many of the games are rubbish.
I suppose though the old adage of ignorance being bliss holds out now more than ever. After all if your standards are low you'll be impressed by and enjoy anything. So perhaps having standards is the curse and our biases are our only relief