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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|


Salacious Crumb said:
To my understanding triple A only refers to a games budget, not its quality.
It really derived itself from triple A credit. Or the cream of the crop with highest returns. The games that sell million{, get 90+ reviews, etc. Games like Gears of war, Modern Warfare 2, Halo, and super mario galaxy. That is what my bet where the term is derived from.


wizword said:
Yes. Is a 89 a B, or an A grade on a test. It is a B. This is what the term is defined as.

Except that's a really bad example seeing as your test results are not going to vary in score depending on who is scoring them. There is no opinion about a test result just a score.

I mean lets say a horror game is currently sitting at a nice 90 on Metacritic and then I come along Mr nameless reviewer who doesn't really like many horror games apart from Bubsy 3D. I decide the game doesn't quite do it for me and award it an 8 because other games in totally different genres have already given us a few things this game has to offer and I would much rather be flicking my bean to Just Dance. I take the review score average down to an 89 and now despite the game receiving a lot of praise and millions in sales IT'S NO LONGER DEEMED AS AAA.......?

Totally stupid.


selig said:

no matter if alan wake is good or not, i HATE how it has become an industry standard that games are hyped for many, many years, and then they´re lousy 10 hour-experiences. I mean, come on!
I´m playing MH3 right now, a game that I wasnt hyped for, kinda bought it on impulse, but now im at 54 hours, and not even close to being finished, and let me tell you: every single hour has been pure fun.

Why am i mentioning this? Because it proves that games CAN be long AND fun for the whole course of the game.

Is it really that graphics that are killing fleshed-out gaming experiences? Because on one hand we have Alan Wake, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MGS4, Halo 3, Gears of War and such, all games around 10 hours, plus minus a few. On the other hand, the Wii´s top games, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, are 20 hours and more.
The only exception on the HD-systems are RPGs, but everything that´s not a RPG is short. And no matter how good a game is, there is some kind of fatal misconception if a 10 hour-game is hyped for many years. Just my 2 cent.

So many illogical arguments in here it makes my head hurt.

Halo can be played for millions of hours if you want to keep on with the MP game. Can you do that in Zelda?

Most of the games you mentioned as being short are either very story driven or action games. How about action games on the Wii, MadWorld for example can be finished in 5 or 6 hours.

Everything that's not an RPG on the HD systems is short huh? I played Castle Crashers for like 20+ hours. SSFIV could last me for hundreds of hours. Clocked something like 40 hours in Just Cause 2, etc.

Finally hype is up to the people waiting for the game in most cases, not the people who make it. Should the developers of the game design the game based on how hyped you are for it? Do you have the same expectations for a linear story driven action game that you do for an RPG? Seems unfair to me to judge them by the same yardstick for things like length.
miladesn said:
Bink, piece of shit video codec :(, totally ruined the otherwise awesome presentation in Spilnter Cell Conviction, blocky pixelated video all over the place.
well it comes close to god damn ruining some of the pacing at times, but i've noticed some cutscenes that are looking a lot healthier-- although they're harshly lit at night or something
derFeef said:
Good to know that there are people like Mr. Spinnington. Thank you sir, great impression so far. Sounds fantastic.
thanks ;D

i'll be putting in a loooot of time with it tomorrow, but it drives me nuts when a game is getting early reviews and people with copies don't at least post SOME impressions


wizword said:
It really derived itself from triple A credit. Or the cream of the crop with highest returns. The games that sell million{, get 90+ reviews, etc. Games like Gears of war, Modern Warfare 2, Halo, and super mario galaxy. That is what my bet where the term is derived from.

it's a useless term that no one has the same definition for. it's intended to define a high quality title, but is often used in the sense that it just has a huge budget.
Shogun PaiN said:
Somebody had a little bit too much time on their hands but here you go - Judge for yourself


She should be happy. She's hotter than over half of the women on whatever that site is :lol

She's not AAA, however.

So I go to sleep for almost eight hours and wake up to find only a few new pages of score bitching, practically no pixel bitching and even some worthy game discussion? You're getting soft, GAF.


Mr. Spinnington said:
... but it drives me nuts when a game is getting early reviews and people with copies don't at least post SOME impressions

Well, right now only the reviewers and the pirates have the game. The reviewers said their piece, and the scum doesn´t want to get banned here.
That leaves just a handfull of people who luckily scored the game early.
Please keep up your impressions, thats a very nice breath of fresh air amidst the trollshit, and shortens the wait for the game to arrive considerably!


First two pieces of DLC DETAILS!

X360A said:
Already announced, the first piece of DLC is called, "The Signal" and if the countdown timer on the content is anything to go by, it should be dropping around June 1st(the countdown currently sits at 27 days).

The description for the first episode states that it "answers many of the questions the end of the game raised," including "what happened to the writer after the dramatic events of Season One?"

Yes, this is the same DLC that all new purchasers of the game will receive with their game.

The second DLC, which is slated as "coming soon," is called "The Writer," with the description noting that we see "Wake struggling to not lose himself in the torrent of nightmares that assault him."

As far as price goes, Microsoft told us earlier that the price hasn't been confirmed yet and is likely to change. Expect some sort of official announcement soon, but in the meantime, just know that Alan Wake's experience will continue long after the game has been completed.

So every new copy of Alan Wake comes packed with the code to download the ''The Signal'' DLC which hits around June 1st. Hopefully the DLC is pretty substantial and not just some fluff that seems to be doing the rounds lately.


schennmu said:
This x 1000

Seriously, an achievement to watch a commercial? Now that's fuckin' horseshit.

This may be the first and last time in AW history I've agreed with you in something.. Developers should lay off this bullshit already.


Shogun PaiN said:
Hopefully the DLC is pretty substantial and not just some fluff that seems to be doing the rounds lately.

I hope each is a full episode of 1hour+ game time. How else would you get back in the games mood every couple of weeks?


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
this is off topic but i dont want to start another thread, i bought a 360 last week for alan wake and i cant find where i can turn full rgb on help me plz


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Impressions + off screen or TV card captured images will be fantastic people who already have the game :D
Shogun PaiN said:
So I ask you the same question - What exactly defines a game as AAA? Budget? Review Scores? Sales? Performance? Hype? Community?

To me AAA is nothing more than a buzz word that needs to be forgotten and fast. Whether or not a game is so called ''AAA'' or not should be down to the players own individual experience with the game and nothing more.

Somebody had a little bit too much time on their hands but here you go - Judge for yourself


She should be happy. She's hotter than over half of the women on whatever that site is :lol

Christ only on gaf would people find the time to search for a pic of her:lol shes wrote for edge in the past and is a respected games reviewer dont see how hot she is has anything to do with it. I forgot all the male games reviews are stunning models.:lol
Shogun PaiN said:
Except that's a really bad example seeing as your test results are not going to vary in score depending on who is scoring them. There is no opinion about a test result just a score.

I mean lets say a horror game is currently sitting at a nice 90 on Metacritic and then I come along Mr nameless reviewer who doesn't really like many horror games apart from Bubsy 3D. I decide the game doesn't quite do it for me and award it an 8 because other games in totally different genres have already given us a few things this game has to offer and I would much rather be flicking my bean to Just Dance. I take the review score average down to an 89 and now despite the game receiving a lot of praise and millions in sales IT'S NO LONGER DEEMED AS AAA.......?

Totally stupid.

Yes, Shogun. But I would take your argument to the council just to be sure.
Hammer24 said:
Well, right now only the reviewers and the pirates have the game. The reviewers said their piece, and the scum doesn´t want to get banned here.
That leaves just a handfull of people who luckily scored the game early.
Please keep up your impressions, thats a very nice breath of fresh air amidst the trollshit, and shortens the wait for the game to arrive considerably!
oh i'm reviewing it, just late to that party thanks to the postal service :lol

i'll be posting impressions for you guys and myself as well, since i'm treating gaf as my scratchpad for notes with this one xD
supermackem said:
Christ only on gaf would people find the time to search for a pic of her:lol shes wrote for edge in the past and is a respected games reviewer dont see how hot she is has anything to do with it. I forgot all the male games reviews are stunning models.:lol

Personally, I think we need to see a photo of 'Shogun' himself to judge the authority of his post. What say you?


supermackem said:
Christ only on gaf would people find the time to search for a pic of her:lol shes wrote for edge in the past and is a respected games reviewer dont see how hot she is has anything to do with it. I forgot all the male games reviews are stunning models.:lol

Of course her looks have nothing to do with the review :lol all part of the joke post above mine and the google search took all of 5 seconds. Moving on - respected games reviewer or not she was still a strange choice to review Alan Wake seeing as she had only reviewed casual games previous and doesn't have a lot of love for the genre. Also I'm sorry but any half decent review doesn't have major plot mistakes only a few paragraphs in. Why bother reviewing a story driven game when you haven't payed attention to the game's story?

Oh but wait she's also written for edge and is hotter than 53% of the women on a random site. Review redeemed /end rant.


nelsonroyale said:
Personally, I think we need to see a photo of 'Shogun' himself to judge the authority of his post. What say you?

Anytime you fancy going to half mast let me know. They don't call me The Heartbreaker for nothing son.


Costanza said:
Yeah, I saw one person say the girl at Eurogamer doesn't seem to like story-driven games in general, so I'm just gonna dismiss her opinion.

But yeah, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Day one purchase. :D

Ellie tends not to like clichéd, derivative material from what I glean, hence the scoring.
Shogun PaiN said:
So I ask you the same question - What exactly defines a game as AAA? Budget? Review Scores? Sales? Performance? Hype? Community?

To me AAA is nothing more than a buzz word that needs to be forgotten and fast. Whether or not a game is so called ''AAA'' or not should be down to the players own individual experience with the game and nothing more.

I'm going to go ahead and side-step this whole discussion, since that's just semantics and not very interesting IMO. Regardless of the term I used (AAA), what I meant was that the levels of hype/anticipation/developer talent/budget/time in the oven/etc./etc./etc. were such that people's "standards" for this game were very high in terms of expected critical reception. People (not all of them, of course, but you get the point) were hopeful that this game would get the type of reaction that the top-tier franchises get when executed well. It hasn't happened so far.

That doesn't mean Remedy have failed; after all, it takes two parties (Remedy AND the gamers) to create such expectations. On the other hand, that doesn't mean that those who were expecting a bit more are crazy loons who expect every girl on the street to look like Megan Fox.


Shogun PaiN said:
Yet she lists Uncharted 2 in a positive light in her Alan Wake review.

Her aim is bad :p reminds me of that amazing video of that guy playing section 8.
Your point being?

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
I know this hampers the whole "this game got a 90, therefore it sucks" thing, but after seeing the Giantbomb quicklook, I really think I'm going to pick this up. Looks really cool.


Widge said:
and actual Ellie in motion, she does stuff for the BBC too:

:lol so many gifs in that.

did you see her trying to attempt to PLAY Resistance2....holy shit.

its like she's holding a controller for the first time in her life. who really thought she should review Alan wake, instead of sticking to things that gets her excited like...wii music


Mr. Spinnington said:
oh i'm reviewing it, just late to that party thanks to the postal service :lol

Please tell me you got it delivered by actual snow dogs. Thats the pic I can´t get out of my head since you said you´re in Juneau... :lol
Indiana Jones. The Mummy.
The charismatic, wise cracking adventurer who gets roped into some world-affecting event when they're just after the treasure.

Don't get me wrong, I love Uncharted 2.


That reviewer bashing goes a bit too far. Have a little respect people.
But I agree that she was the wrong person. I do respect her points though, even if they are pure personal opinion.


Widge said:
Ellie tends not to like clichéd, derivative material from what I glean, hence the scoring.

According to that BBC video, she tends to not like games either

give her some project natal minigames, she'll love them


Yoboman said:
Cliched and derivative of what exactly?

''The term is frequently used in modern culture for an action or idea which is expected or predictable''

Sounds exactly like Uncharted 2 :D .

derFeef said:
That reviewer bashing goes a bit too far. Have a little respect people.
But I agree that she was the wrong person. I do respect her points though, even if they are pure personal opinion.

I wasn't bashing as such because the picture was purely a joke response but in terms of the review It's shit :lol.


Zeouterlimits said:
Indiana Jones. The Mummy.
The charismatic, wise cracking adventurer who gets roped into some world-affecting event when they're just after the treasure.

Don't get me wrong, I love Uncharted 2.
That's a trope, not derivative or cliche

Sounds exactly like Uncharted 2 .

Strawman argument. Defining cliche does not make Uncharted 2 cliche.


In spain the game is in stores today. The people is receiving his online preorders and the stores sending the confirmation that they can get it today.


derFeef said:
That reviewer bashing goes a bit too far. Have a little respect people.
But I agree that she was the wrong person. I do respect her points though, even if they are pure personal opinion.

Yeah I agree, enough with the bashing.


Shogun PaiN said:
Yet she lists Uncharted 2 in a positive light in her Alan Wake review.

Which while doing familiar ground (Indy, Romancing The Stone), did it really well. No issue with retreading familiar themes, its all about the style and ability with which it is done.
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