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NBA 2k10 official thread of git your ass back on the ship!

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speculawyer said:
Awww, WTF, Amazon. I used super-saver, so I'm fine with waiting 5 to 7 days for the USPS to deliver. But why does it take you 9 days to drop the fucking package in the mail? That's bullshit.

Mine said Oct 13th delivery as well but the tracking says tomorrow. Check your tracking info :D

i dont care what teams you are using, but there is one rule to abide by.
50 Points in the paint is the maximum allowed if you score less than 100.
If it goes to OT, the max is 60.
if another OT, its 70.
also, 9mins quarters.
if a player goes over the threshold. thats automatic loss.


I love the game...My Player is going to own me. I got drafted to the Bucks ( hey i got a shot to make the team ) Lots to love about the game but the slowdown blows and the help D is fucking retarded. I gotta wait and see if someone out there has some decent sliders to make this game perfect.

wtf, the lakers cut adam morrison? he's on contract.

oh 2k10, its ok though, cause they didn't cut me yet! im fuckin owning in training camp.


Steroid Distributor
Played two online games against DCX.

Game ran pretty bad in the Q. I will need to play more people to figure out if that is my connection or just the arena like Shawn told us earlier.

There were times in the game where everything ran really smoothly and I was comfortable with the game. Then there were times where it just felt "off". Things like slow reaction times to button presses when guarding the ball. I could come weakside and go for a block and get a nice quick animation but, if I was locked onto a man playing defense, hitting the Y button didn't result in a quick response.

I'm indifferent at this point. I need to play more to learn the nuances of the game.

I went into the dunk contest and was hugely disappointed. Not only is it not improved, it didn't even get updated. Bobbito is even wearing the same shirt as 2k9. Everything is the same, the crowd, the controls. Disappointed even if it's a just a side activity.


I'm really enjoying the game so far, but christ, what is with all the alley-oop passes from the CPU? I find myself defending against the alley-oop more than anything. They really need to patch the hell out of this game.



chaoticprout said:


so i created a new gamertag for crew team.
please add this gamertag to your friends list.

i can't add some of you cocksuckers because your friendslist is full, so add me yourselves.

BTW, its unanimous. Gaf team name is "Gaf Prisoners":lol


Quick first impression (PS3 version). Colors look desaturated, but that may be due to my display.

I immediately noticed the poor framerate problem on the first freethrow that seems to happen every year. It's almost like every time 2k cranks out a new revision of the game they go back to the same codebase with that very same freethrow glitch that happens in each year.

T-macs jumper looks like he's channeling his inner Steve Francis, since it looks like it's the same animation Francis had from previous NBA 2k games. Which is kind of sad since I liked Tmac's old jumper in game.


EekTheKat said:
I immediately noticed the poor framerate problem on the first freethrow that seems to happen every year. It's almost like every time 2k cranks out a new revision of the game they go back to the same codebase with that very same freethrow glitch that happens in each year.

I found a temporary fix for this (they better patch this soon). Press pause on the first free throw and the camera will go back to the wide, side angle which allows for the proper framerate.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
I don't know if they've been posted yet, but here's some sliders that people on OS are saying are a good base:


All-Star Difficulty
42 Inside Shots
43 Close Shots
47 Mid-Range Shots
48 3 Pt. Shots

Also, if you're looking for player vs. player stats, those are a nice baseline as well.

I'm not posting user sliders because I can't predict how you guys play the game. Some people try to spam it in the paint, some like to take what the defense gives them, etc.

If you enjoy running a basic offense using plays and trying to play the game realistically, these should be set up to allow you to do that. I would say you have to drop your own shooting sliders to compensate as well, depending on your skill level.

Hope this helps.


Adding Foul settings. These are a must as well.

72 Charging Fouls
72 Blocking Fouls
80 Reach-In Fouls
80 Shooting Fouls
100 Loose Ball Fouls

I think those are the correct names. Don't have the names of each at the moment, just set them up going downward.
The fact that a 2k developer on the forums asked what the frame-rate problems where and when they happened makes me sick. Did they even QA the fucking game? The 360 version runs like absolute DOGSHIT and makes my eyes hurt and stomach crawl in the paint. It's pretty inexcusable and makes me not want to play until its patched. Also, my team NEVER rebounds on offense and falls for screens every. single. play. Ugh. Plus the huge amount of glitches I've encountered.
The framerate issues sound disgusting. Considering that NBA Live isn't quite there yet (IMO), I'm waiting for word of a great patch, or sitting out this year, and having hope for NBA2K11.


Smart move putting it on Steam. I was tempted to cancel but with the $10 gift card at Amazon with purchase it's essentially getting the game for $10 and I just can't pass that offer up.


So... either the Help Defense AI has gotten a lot worse, or the Off-Ball movement has been retooled and tears me up constantly.


CartridgeBlower said:
Do most of you guys turn off "Clutch Factor?" Seeing a ton of 4th quarter comebacks, even with hands in the face, double teams, etc.

that's the first thing I always turn off and you'll see a lot of ppl do the samething when they release their sliders.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Alright, first impressions .. while most of them are negative dont fret! Im having fun. I also realize a lot of these flaws must be old, but hey, whatevs. I'll be modding sliders like crazy to fix most of these things

- The slowdown is annoying and unforgivable. Sports games should be flawless in frames per second.

-Its a VERY VERY ANNOYING feeling that I'm playing good D with my player only to have my AI defenders fuck around constantly, leaving other defenders open consistently

-Does the AI make every fucking shot? One quarter against the Thunder they made 100% of their shots, wtf. They werent easy shots either! I know this is a recurring problem and I understand that the AI tries to make up for the shorter quarter time, but if I play good D I need to be rewarded and not feel cheated when I block a shot, somehow Bibby gets a rebound over Oden and kicks back to Joe Johnson for a 3

-On the other side, my shots are not held to the same standard. My guys cant hit shit for shit even if theyre wiiide fucking open or have full bars at the spot theyre in ... actually scratch that, stats wise I shoot a realistic 40-50 percent, but that doesn't matter when the comp always shoots 80 percent. In5 games played Steve Blake nor Rudy Fernandez have made a 3 pointer yet ... and its not for lack of looks ... Only Roy has made any.

-Some pretty glaring presentation issues. For instance: Im about to inbound the ball and I press up on the d-pad, so the heat check thing comes up, I spend a little bit of time to look at it and when Im trying to figure out how to exit the screen (since it covers a good chunk of screen real state) but there isnt an indication of how to do so and the game penalizes me for taking too long to inbound and gives the ball away. This is fucked up in MANY levels because the game never indicates how to exit these screens and it keeps the time running when youre in an out of bounds situation, which isnt cool (if I had the ball in motion I would understand) Perfect example of how baid UI or bad design can negatively fuck the game up.

-Inbound passing after a made basket is fucked up. The "choose the player to pass it to" button does not work when I try to inbound (as far as I can tell, the icons come up above the players heads, but pressing the buttons does nothing) so in order to inbound the ball to my PG I have to aim at him with the analog and pass it to him ... thats not good! Many times my inbounder tries a half court pass that costs me a turnover. The game should be smarter and know better than to punish me for bullshit like this.

-Anybody get to transfer their Draf Combine player? How do you do it? The game has not helped me out at ALL in this aspect.


Newsguy's freethrow fix works great, though it's a bit annoying having to pause to fix it. It's a nice workaround if and until 2k fixes it though.

Okay Tmac's standing jumper looks normal, it's his running jumper that looks weird. It's a weird slouched over animation for a jumper.

Been going back and forth on both games this year, and it's sort of scrambling the circuits a bit in that I find myself trying to play 2k like Live and Live like 2k :lol

The amount of jacked up shots I've thrown up from half court in both games have been astounding.

I *think* I like 2k slightly better though, but it's really close this year.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
aznpxdd said:
Play team up with us next time Spaniard!

Im still a noob compared to you guys, I need more time in.

Oh yeah also, I love the idea of running plays but they make it too complicated to follow and pick, like, I dont speak NBAnese so if I want a play that opens up my SG for a corner 3, couldnt you just name it that? Unfortunately I have no fucking clue what "Iso pick 3H overhead Pop" means


2K10 is pretty disappointing.

CPU laser passes every where because the help-d is atrocious... i mean cmon, do the lakers really need to collapse on defense when darko milicic is posted up? really?

and this is a game flaw; i've tested the best defensive teams in the game with help-d set to 0, defensive pressure @ 100 (making guys face guard their man), pressure set to tight, and guys STILL rotate cross court for no fucking reason. this is borderline broken gameplay.

lead pass exploit is even more prominent, they removed some old money shots and added new ones, plays fucking break half the time (WHEN WILL THE PLAYBOOK EVER WORK 2K?????????), there are insane warping issues where all of a sudden your guy and the guy you're guarding warp 5 feet to the left/right, online is horrible, online teamup is broken with the aforementioned bugs OS mentioned, etc.

i thought last year's title was sloppy in terms of serious gameplay and network issues, but 2K definitely took 2K10 to a new level of piss poor QA.

it's sad because some of the gameplay tweaks they made (turbo drain, new tendencies, better release points for all players, etc) have definitely made the gameplay better, but it's impossible to see these changes when they're muddled with absolutely atrocious issues.
so team gaf (team name:Gaf Thuggery) just played and won our first official Crew game.
gonna be an awesome season.:lol

i sent out invites earlier, if you didn't get a team invite, let me know and i'll send one
To check if you have been sent a Crew invitation, from the main menu>>>Team-up>>crew invitations.
I didn't really dig into 2K10 today, but I'm sorry to hear that the issues I mentioned in my write-up are still persistent. While we know better than to expect quick and decisive fixes, let's hope they come soon anyway. : -\

FWIW, I posted some detailed impressions on the other game in the other thread should 2K10 be utterly unacceptable to you this year.


Raging Spaniard said:
Alright, first impressions .. while most of them are negative dont fret! Im having fun. I also realize a lot of these flaws must be old, but hey, whatevs. I'll be modding sliders like crazy to fix most of these things

- The slowdown is annoying and unforgivable. Sports games should be flawless in frames per second.

-Its a VERY VERY ANNOYING feeling that I'm playing good D with my player only to have my AI defenders fuck around constantly, leaving other defenders open consistently

-Does the AI make every fucking shot? One quarter against the Thunder they made 100% of their shots, wtf. They werent easy shots either! I know this is a recurring problem and I understand that the AI tries to make up for the shorter quarter time, but if I play good D I need to be rewarded and not feel cheated when I block a shot, somehow Bibby gets a rebound over Oden and kicks back to Joe Johnson for a 3

-On the other side, my shots are not held to the same standard. My guys cant hit shit for shit even if theyre wiiide fucking open or have full bars at the spot theyre in ... actually scratch that, stats wise I shoot a realistic 40-50 percent, but that doesn't matter when the comp always shoots 80 percent. In5 games played Steve Blake nor Rudy Fernandez have made a 3 pointer yet ... and its not for lack of looks ... Only Roy has made any.

-Some pretty glaring presentation issues. For instance: Im about to inbound the ball and I press up on the d-pad, so the heat check thing comes up, I spend a little bit of time to look at it and when Im trying to figure out how to exit the screen (since it covers a good chunk of screen real state) but there isnt an indication of how to do so and the game penalizes me for taking too long to inbound and gives the ball away. This is fucked up in MANY levels because the game never indicates how to exit these screens and it keeps the time running when youre in an out of bounds situation, which isnt cool (if I had the ball in motion I would understand) Perfect example of how baid UI or bad design can negatively fuck the game up.

-Inbound passing after a made basket is fucked up. The "choose the player to pass it to" button does not work when I try to inbound (as far as I can tell, the icons come up above the players heads, but pressing the buttons does nothing) so in order to inbound the ball to my PG I have to aim at him with the analog and pass it to him ... thats not good! Many times my inbounder tries a half court pass that costs me a turnover. The game should be smarter and know better than to punish me for bullshit like this.

-Anybody get to transfer their Draf Combine player? How do you do it? The game has not helped me out at ALL in this aspect.
All these problems were in last year's 2k. :(
viakado said:
so team gaf (team name:Gaf Thuggery) just played and won our first official Crew game.
gonna be an awesome season.:lol

i sent out invites earlier, if you didn't get a team invite, let me know and i'll send one
To check if you have been sent a Crew invitation, from the main menu>>>Team-up>>crew invitations.

fuck you kado i wanted in on that sweet action!

Did you guys use My Players or Nba players?

Edit: I hear there is a bug for my player mode right now?


Association and My Player keep me sane. If I go deep into my career and have to restart BRICKS WILL BE SHAt.
DCX said:
Wheres my invite you fucks!

i sent invites last night. including you.
there was only a couple of people i didn't send an invitation to only because the game couldn't find the gamer tag.
Dark FaZe said:
fuck you kado i wanted in on that sweet action!

Did you guys use My Players or Nba players?

Edit: I hear there is a bug for my player mode right now?


Association and My Player keep me sane. If I go deep into my career and have to restart BRICKS WILL BE SHAt.
some users are having some issue with importing "myplayer" from the 2k server and we were some of them.


I didn't have a problem importing myplayer to the crew. I actually saw him on the bench. :lol

edit: Damnit!! My player just got cut from Lakers training camp...now he's at D-League.


has anyone managed to get a created player an nba look yet? I didn't do the combine thing, so my undrafted free agent is a 45 rated pf in the d-league right now.


I am Wayne Brady.
yall still got spots on the creeeew?

I typically play big men and i was highly ranked in 2k9.

GT: AFridgeToFar

Ken Masters said:
how the hell is there frame rate issues in a sports game? wasn't this franchise 60fps the past few year

they are trying to figure it out, and some of their requests for feedback imply it has something to do with the fucking game contacting the server CONSTANTLY.

rjcc said:
has anyone managed to get a created player an nba look yet? I didn't do the combine thing, so my undrafted free agent is a 45 rated pf in the d-league right now.

Yeah, I made it through the cuts as a Face Up Center with the Bulls.

I wish I was in the D-League though. Balling in the NBA is massively hard when you're rated 59. I can hardly score on good defenders nor can I really stop good scorers. I get beat on the glass all the time. I get matched up on small forwards all the time (keeping in mind i'm a hacking face up center. You shoulda saw me try to D Labron, it was HILARIOUS). Blocks that were clean throughout the combine, summer league, and team camp are now fouls especially if it's on a star like wade or labron. Not to mention I get less than a quarter's worth of time on the floor unless we are getting stomped (fuck Noah for being able to run a billion miles non stop).

which coincidentally is all the time when you're on the bulls. LULZ.
Sol.. said:
yall still got spots on the creeeew?

I typically play big men and i was highly ranked in 2k9.

GT: AFridgeToFar
Added to list. you will be sent an invite tonight. (around 6pm pst)
we'll have some teamup sessions after that time
Sol.. said:
how the hell is there frame rate issues in a sports game? wasn't this franchise 60fps the past few year
they are trying to figure it out, and some of their requests for feedback imply it has something to do with the fucking game contacting the server CONSTANTLY.
I doubt that is the issue . . . isn't it still an issue if you plan offline by yourself?

I suspect they are just trying to do too much at the same time. They are either going to have to optimize the code or start cutting some bells & whistles. With the latter, they should look for graphical enhancements that they could drop.

Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>> pretty graphics. Always.


Steroid Distributor
Downloaded my created baller from the XBLA game. Put about 5 to 8 hours into that player.
Spent 3 hours today playing in the summer league and doing drills.
Turned the game off.
Came back a half hour later.


He is gone!

The game is doing something constantly. Either uploading the player, or downloading info and I guess it doesn't autosave.

Easy fix though. I will just redownload my player (I mean if all his stat were being uploaded the entire time that would make sense).

Nope. Once you download him he is only on your system.

Stupid game. It even told me when I first booted it up yesterday that it autosaves the game.

BS it does.
Mrbob said:
It is an estimate, they are always off. Amazon does it so you pay money for shipping. Your game should ship in the next day or two.

My copy with free shipping shipped this morning, but I did preorder it over a week ago.
You guys were right . . . they did ship it out pretty quick.
Order Date: October 4, 2009
Order #: XXXX
Recipient: XXXXX
View order
Items shipped on October 6, 2009:
Delivery estimate: October 14, 2009
1 package via USPSTrack your package

They fucked up my Guitar Hero 5, so I was suspecting they'd do the same with this.
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