Ape / monkey comparisons for black people are one of the oldest and most persistent racial demunatives and are actually incredibly close to the core racist belief that black people are less developed humans. Calling cops pigs is an insult, true, but (1) it is not targeted at a immutable property and (2) it does not carry the connotations about intellectual, societal and even physical qualities of the human. While I am critical of the "using make up to change your appearance to be closer to another ethnicity is always racist" line of thought and do think this is a very US-centric view, the same does not hold for the ape/monkey comparison. That is pretty universal in the western world.
I’m of the view that if you want someone else to change their behaviour, the onus is on you to lead by example. Pig vs ape, the magnitude of offence doesn’t need to be the same for that to hold true. Your approach mentally cripples people when you make seeking trigger words their path of least resistance. It’s the easy, feel-good approach, but all it does is compound the problems in the long term.