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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe


Nintendo just needs to stop with the bullshit. Like I've said in this thread before. They are a video game company and console maker. This isn't their first rodeo. They should have had preorders for GameStop, BB and Amazon for this thing.

I could understand the amiibo situation. It was a new thing they were trying and all that jazz. Eventually they got production up.

But something like this?! they should have known it would have been a hot item simply because of the price. They haven't lost me as a customer, but this better not be pulled with the Switch.

It's also absolutely bullshit if Best Buy isn't expecting any until the end of January. That's a colossal fuck up and failure.


Pizza Dog
Do people seriously think that Nintendo is going to adopt the exact same strategy for the Switch as they are for a toy that plays 30 NES games? Come on.


Do people seriously think that Nintendo is going to adopt the exact same strategy for the Switch as they are for a toy that plays 30 NES games? Come on.

While I don't think so. I don't blame people for at least having the thought. I mean they've done it with the Wii, Amiibo and now this as well.

I mean suspect things will be smoother for Switch as they'll have preorders open for major retailers.


so my grrl got one from her secret santa! seems cool so far, i'm guessing you reset to get to the OS? that's how i found the savestates anyway

1) gamestop has the edge/whatever NES advantage thing for $25 on their site. do they stock those locally as well? ive a $5 reward coupon expiring at the end of the year but it's gotta be used offline!

2) are there cord extenders cause i mean damn


so my grrl got one from her secret santa! seems cool so far, i'm guessing you reset to get to the OS? that's how i found the savestates anyway

1) gamestop has the edge/whatever NES advantage thing for $25 on their site. do they stock those locally as well? ive a $5 reward coupon expiring at the end of the year but it's gotta be used offline!

2) are there cord extenders cause i mean damn

Congrats on your system and enjoy it!

0) Yes, you do

1) If you search the item on their website they should show whether it's in your local stores

2) yeah there are but if you want to use the save states often, in conjunction with an NES classic controller (as opposed to the Wii Classic Controller which includes a home button that acts like a reset button on NES classic), you may find you prefer the default length with the system next to you to be easier, so you can hit the reset anytime


While I don't think so. I don't blame people for at least having the thought. I mean they've done it with the Wii, Amiibo and now this as well.

I mean suspect things will be smoother for Switch as they'll have preorders open for major retailers.

not releasing on the holidays alone should make Switch waaay more available. i think that was a factor in releasing in Q1, just to get it in as many hands possible without a fuss

who knows what they were smoking and/or conniving with NES classic but a console release is a completely different ballgame. wii is the outlier because nobody knew it'd take off like it did

Fox Mulder

Do people seriously think that Nintendo is going to adopt the exact same strategy for the Switch as they are for a toy that plays 30 NES games? Come on.

I'm tired of constantly being fucked around with.

I grew up on Nintendo and have my childhood nes sitting on a shelf in my living room, but Nintendo's bullshit is really souring me on them.

I don't even want to buy the switch after the wiiu.


1) If you search the item on their website they should show whether it's in your local stores

2) yeah there are but if you want to use the save states often, in conjunction with an NES classic controller (as opposed to the Wii Classic Controller which includes a home button that acts like a reset button on NES classic), you may find you prefer the default length with the system next to you to be easier, so you can hit the reset anytime

usually yeah but im just not seeing that at gamestop.com like i do for other products, ill try again. i was reading they're made of sanwa parts so i really want one now!

and cool, didn't even know a wii classic controller would work - totally using that next!
yeah id keep the system nearby but i'm out of HDMI's so it's taking turns with the WU, which is sadly on a very short one haha


Ugh, getting one of these things is such a pain. I had a feeling these shortages would happen, so I was prepared when Amazon did their orders around launch time. Of course, the moment orders went live, I get a call on my mobile device that prevents me from ordering in time; and casually browsing stores between then and now has gotten me nowhere...any ideas on when (if ever) this thing will be in abundant supply?

Also, I went to Fry's Electronics today to see if they had any in stock, and, interestingly, their website displays a price of $99.99. I asked an employee why the high price, and he claimed that Nintendo "raised the price" to $99.99. That doesn't sound right to me...


Ugh, getting one of these things is such a pain. I had a feeling these shortages would happen, so I was prepared when Amazon did their orders around launch time. Of course, the moment orders went live, I get a call on my mobile device that prevents me from ordering in time...

It would have done you no good unless you had a bot set up. Most of us walked away with nothing even as we added to cart immediately, just to get errors.

Buy it when Nintendo decides to increase supply to cover the demand of scalpers. All my local stores are hounded by only people wanting to flip the fucking things. Only when they scalper demand is met and their profit reduced we will see the stuff, and at that point it will be Amiibo country again, with shelves overstocked for months.
I'm tired of constantly being fucked around with.

I grew up on Nintendo and have my childhood nes sitting on a shelf in my living room, but Nintendo's bullshit is really souring me on them.

I don't even want to buy the switch after the wiiu.
Exactly. I don't care if stores are overflowing with the Switch. I'm not going to reward Nintendo for being such shits about the NES Classic.


Got a NES Classic for x-mas. Turns out I also have an AVS from Retro USB and an RGB modded AV Famicom. So I can compare a little bit. Posting this in the hopes that it's helpful to some folks.

Long story short, input lag is a huge issue on the NES classic. Totally fine if you want to play some old NES games for some nostalgia, but... NES games are no joke. Playing games like SMB, Ninja Gaiden or Punch-Out at a high level is pretty much not possible on the Classic.

Sure not everyone speed runs so maybe it doesn't matter so much, but let's be honest-- NES games often require seriously accurate timing. Doing so on the NES classic is not easy. If you wanted an experience that's the same as back in the day, this sadly isn't it.

I noticed it immediately on SMB 1 (a game I can speed run not so impressively in around 6 minutes). Noticed it again on Zelda, another game I casually speed run.

Point is, it's a big issue. Switching from the AVS to the NES classic the difference was huge.

I like my RGB Famicom AV, but using a framemeister adds lag of its own and adds setup complexity as well as $400.

For now the cheapest, best way to play NES on a modern HDTV in my opinion is the AVS without question. I use mine with an Everdrive and it works great.

So for those of you who missed out on getting a Classic, honestly you can do better. AVS in on sale for $170 and plays everything. Sure it's way more than $60, but you can buy an Everdrive for $120 and for-- way more than 60 at $300 total-- be able to play literally every game with no lag. Or, if you have some old NES games already lets you play everything you have. To me its a no brainer, especially if you can't find a Classic. Throw down the $170 and be happy knowing you can play it all.


could you try a pi 3 with emulationstation ?

If you're asking me, unfortunately I can't. I do plan to build out an emulation console at some point but haven't done that yet, been really happy with upgrading/modding real hardware to play my stuff, using Everdrives where convenient.

If I could recommend any path that would be it-- real hardware, RGB modded, with an Everdrive. I might be weird because I'm a retro gamer versus a retro collector... I just want to be able to play whatever game it is that I want to play with the best quality possible, but really am not a fan of emulation (for whatever reason).


Got a NES Classic for x-mas. Turns out I also have an AVS from Retro USB and an RGB modded AV Famicom. So I can compare a little bit. Posting this in the hopes that it's helpful to some folks.

Long story short, input lag is a huge issue on the NES classic. Totally fine if you want to play some old NES games for some nostalgia, but... NES games are no joke. Playing games like SMB, Ninja Gaiden or Punch-Out at a high level is pretty much not possible on the Classic.

Sure not everyone speed runs so maybe it doesn't matter so much, but let's be honest-- NES games often require seriously accurate timing. Doing so on the NES classic is not easy. If you wanted an experience that's the same as back in the day, this sadly isn't it.

I noticed it immediately on SMB 1 (a game I can speed run not so impressively in around 6 minutes). Noticed it again on Zelda, another game I casually speed run.

Point is, it's a big issue. Switching from the AVS to the NES classic the difference was huge.

I like my RGB Famicom AV, but using a framemeister adds lag of its own and adds setup complexity as well as $400.

For now the cheapest, best way to play NES on a modern HDTV in my opinion is the AVS without question. I use mine with an Everdrive and it works great.

So for those of you who missed out on getting a Classic, honestly you can do better. AVS in on sale for $170 and plays everything. Sure it's way more than $60, but you can buy an Everdrive for $120 and for-- way more than 60 at $300 total-- be able to play literally every game with no lag. Or, if you have some old NES games already lets you play everything you have. To me its a no brainer, especially if you can't find a Classic. Throw down the $170 and be happy knowing you can play it all.

Thank you for your impressions/comparison. I really wanted a classic at first, but after Nintendo really fucked up the launch of it, I don't want one anymore and plan to get a retroUSB AVS. I didn't know they cost that much. I just thought they were 300 dollars, but I was only looking at Amazon. It'll probably have to wait for February though, since I'm planning on getting a family friend a GSYNC monitor as a late Christmas gift next month
(he plays a lot of CS:GO and TF2, so I think it'll be great for him; a lot better than what I was originally going to get him even if the price delays it a little)
You know, as someone with a NES, an AVS, an Analogue NT, and a Classic NES Mini I'm just not seeing the lag on the Classic NES Mini here.
You know, as someone with a NES, an AVS, an Analogue NT, and a Classic NES Mini I'm just not seeing the lag on the Classic NES Mini here.

It's all about people's perception of lag. Until I see conclusive numbers showing how laggy the thing is I'm not going to worry about it. You would also see lag on a regular NES on a modern tv as the lag is due to the display technology, and not really the console itself.
I'm tired of constantly being fucked around with.

I grew up on Nintendo and have my childhood nes sitting on a shelf in my living room, but Nintendo's bullshit is really souring me on them.

I don't even want to buy the switch after the wiiu.

I really feel the same way. I've been unable to buy most of the things I actually wanted from Nintendo for the past couple of years. I've completely lost interest now. It's like it's not worth the frustration to be a Nintendo fan anymore.


You know, as someone with a NES, an AVS, an Analogue NT, and a Classic NES Mini I'm just not seeing the lag on the Classic NES Mini here.

Yeah, these complaints about input lag on the Classic have to be related to the individual's hardware. I'm quite familiar with the effects of input lag in classic gaming (hello, Wii U VC) and I'm certainly not perceiving it here. The NES Classic has been nothing but perfectly responsive on my display. Certainly no discernible difference between it and my AVS.


LOL@ not getting something you wanted, just because you were unable to get a re-release of a 30 year old system

And not really a re-release since your locked to 30 games, why not wait til they are readily available, heck the system been out for 30 years, whats the rush
You know, as someone with a NES, an AVS, an Analogue NT, and a Classic NES Mini I'm just not seeing the lag on the Classic NES Mini here.

It's all about people's perception of lag. Until I see conclusive numbers showing how laggy the thing is I'm not going to worry about it. You would also see lag on a regular NES on a modern tv as the lag is due to the display technology, and not really the console itself.

I've tried the NES Classic on my Samsung TV in Game Mode and on my PC monitor. There is slight but measurable lag on the TV. It's not as bad as the lag on the Wii / Wii U NES games, but it does make something like the Mr. Dream fight difficult.

The lag is just about non-existent on my Asus PC monitor. I don't think there is any inherent lag in the NES Classic but the games are heavily dependent on instant input response and it's not doing anything to compensate for it, so it really works best on a fast monitor.
I'm tired of constantly being fucked around with.

I grew up on Nintendo and have my childhood nes sitting on a shelf in my living room, but Nintendo's bullshit is really souring me on them.

I don't even want to buy the switch after the wiiu.
You aren't being fucked around with, Nintendo is just incompetent at times. In this case, they didn't think the NES Classic would sell anywhere near as well as it did, possibly due to low Wii U VC sales numbers, so they didn't manufacture hardly any at all, just a couple hundred thousand. They probably thought it was going to be at best a stocking stuffer for a few gamers. If Nintendo was doing this on purpose, they would have flooded the market with them shortly before Christmas to take advantage of the perceived scarcity. But they didn't.


Brickseek showed a couple Targets (a bit too far for my taste) got some restocks last night. Surprisingly, they haven't all sold out yet this morning. I know the store only opened like an hour and a half ago but that means there weren't enough people lined up to wipe them out at opening. Christmas being over should make it a taaaaaaaad bit easier.
Brickseek showed a couple Targets (a bit too far for my taste) got some restocks last night. Surprisingly, they haven't all sold out yet this morning. I know the store only opened like an hour and a half ago but that means there weren't enough people lined up to wipe them out at opening. Christmas being over should make it a taaaaaaaad bit easier.
Unfortunately I'm stuck with BestBuy as I've got a gift card.

Xaero Gravity

No fucking way I'm buying anything Nintendo after this fiasco. Unless they rapidly put out ample stock in the next month they've forever lost me as a customer.
I bought one the day it came out by randomly walking into an EB, but I've been trying to buy one for a co-worker since and not once have I come close. It's ridiculous and frustrating.


Finally had a chance to play it and I like it! It really is crazy how small it is. Even if I never play it again, I'll leave it out purely because of how neat it looks. Also, I didn't know that it was USB powered so I just run this thing using my phone cable from my computer. I do kinda wish it was USB C though.


"IMPORTANT: *SOME* Target Stores are NOT selling NES consoles mid-day! This may also apply to hatchimals. *SOME* stores will only sell when they open the following morning. If you see stock, you *MAY* have to wait until the following morning. However there is no guarantee they will be for sale the next morning either, pursue at your own risk! PLEASE be respectful to store employees.



Lol this is posted on Brickseek

So they are gonna hold them until morning even if they have it in stock


Suck, the NES classic doesn't play nice with my denon AVR-2312 Reciever.

Need to plug directly into my TV. Not a happy camper. Haven't had this issue with any other Hdmi device.
They've had over a month to get their asses in gear. We better start to see rapid and ample restocks in January.

It can take longer than that to get an additional manufacturing line going, unless you really pour in the money (speed in setting up manufacturing lines is all about the money, since there's so much competition for their resources). Nintendo could give them enough money for an emergency spike in manufacturing rates, but they may not see it as a good way to spend money, for post-holiday sales.
Played tecmo bowl against my brother and it was so good. Forgot how much fun it is. Used the Wii classic controller too, no issues. He wants one now.


I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Famicom Mini on christmas day and it's really great. I haven't done much more than test a bunch of games - haven't played any through yet. the pixel perfect option (dunno what the NES mini ones are called) looks really nice.


Anyone know what time Brick Seeker usually updates with Target overnight shipments? I'm tempted to wait a couple hours before store open, if only so I can get this thing while I'm still on holiday...


It can take longer than that to get an additional manufacturing line going, unless you really pour in the money (speed in setting up manufacturing lines is all about the money, since there's so much competition for their resources). Nintendo could give them enough money for an emergency spike in manufacturing rates, but they may not see it as a good way to spend money, for post-holiday sales.

Plus their systems are historically shipped in not flown in. For a $60 machine I doubt they are going with anything other than the most cost-efficient route.

The Christmas boat sailed at this point they probably see no reason to rush.

I'm not certain this informs us much of what will happen with the Switch though. They were more than happy to flood the market with Wii U (which of course ended up bombing). The fact that this isn't a holiday launch should alleviate some concerns.


Anyone know what time Brick Seeker usually updates with Target overnight shipments? I'm tempted to wait a couple hours before store open, if only so I can get this thing while I'm still on holiday...

From my experience inventory, at least in my area, would update at midnight. I live in PST (Washington State).


Anyone know what time Brick Seeker usually updates with Target overnight shipments? I'm tempted to wait a couple hours before store open, if only so I can get this thing while I'm still on holiday...

In my experience it has updated about a half hour after any changes to the inventory. I've seen restocks on Brickseek pop-up at different times. Some times around midnight. Sometimes between 2 and 5am. I usually set an alarm to check in the morning.
Yeah, these complaints about input lag on the Classic have to be related to the individual's hardware. I'm quite familiar with the effects of input lag in classic gaming (hello, Wii U VC) and I'm certainly not perceiving it here. The NES Classic has been nothing but perfectly responsive on my display. Certainly no discernible difference between it and my AVS.

I've got an AVFamicom with the HiDefNES kit installed, and I have an NES Classic, and there is definitely a difference. The HiDefNES has confirmed ZERO lag, the NES Classic definitely falls behind it. Fire up the last fight in Punch Out! and you can definitely tell the difference there.


"IMPORTANT: *SOME* Target Stores are NOT selling NES consoles mid-day! This may also apply to hatchimals. *SOME* stores will only sell when they open the following morning. If you see stock, you *MAY* have to wait until the following morning. However there is no guarantee they will be for sale the next morning either, pursue at your own risk! PLEASE be respectful to store employees.



Lol this is posted on Brickseek

So they are gonna hold them until morning even if they have it in stock

And the craziness continues.
I've got an AVFamicom with the HiDefNES kit installed, and I have an NES Classic, and there is definitely a difference. The HiDefNES has confirmed ZERO lag, the NES Classic definitely falls behind it. Fire up the last fight in Punch Out! and you can definitely tell the difference there.

What I find funny is the fact that the NES Classic has been on shelves (well...) since November and there hasn't been a single technical lag test other than "I don't notice it".
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