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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

I've bought three. You gonna get all up in my shit too?

Two of them were Christmas gifts. One was for me. This guy didn't say he was reselling it.

EDIT: I'm not done hunting either. I wanted six of them total, five for gifts. Don't be mad at other people for buying extras when you haven't gotten one yet, be mad at Nintendo for intentionally stifling supply to create demand and mindshare. Nintendo fucked empty handed fans over, nobody else.

I bought six and two controllers. One for myself and one for my wives nephews with the extra controller. The other controller and the other four were sold on eBay.

I'd never waited outside in a line, sending a mother or father home crying. It was all done online when items posted on Twitter I bought online,received it, and sold them online. All in all about an hours worth of work and pretty much paid for my NES classic and the switch when it comes out.

So I must be a horrible person. But if you really think that then you don't understand how capitalism really works. Plus these things are gonna be all over the place in a couple weeks. People are paying a premium to have it sooner for an item that's in demand. America's got to have it now mentality.
Blaming scalpers is really lame, this isn't like a concert venue. This is a product that Nintendo intentionally under shipped like they always do and now customers are turning on each other when they should be blaming Nintendo. Wait till switch comes out and it will be the same thing.


I mean, I did pay a premium to obtain the console. The Target locations don't seem to have any sort of plan or communication with their employees, which makes the process even more frustrating and confusing.

  • I could resell it and make my money back that I lost.
  • I could have two NES Classic consoles.
  • I could throw the fucking console out and use the controller. The last two weeks I've seen zero change in stock on the standalone controller.
  • I could give it to a friend/family for Christmas.
  • I could leave it in the box until I'm dead.
I'm within my right to do any of those things. Based on my experience with Target, waiting from 1:30PM on Wednesday afternoon until 7:00AM on Thursday morning suggested that purchasing a console for $120 on Craigslist seemed like the more reasonable option.

Even the "scalper" was fine. His wife got the Hatchimal, but was also offered the NES Classic. Because she understood from this stupid human test what a hot item it was, she picked up two NES Classics at the same time, because why the fuck not. Only one of the kids wanted one and showed little interest, so the blue collar husband was stuck trying to pawn off this thing he didn't give a shit about. We even got Dunkin Donuts, because it was the traditional Masshole thing to do.
Had zero luck finding one of these things.

Not sure why I want one at the moment. My brother managed to snag one Day 1 only because he had a car service appointment on the way, and I have almost half of these games via VC on my Wii and 3DS.

I guess it's because of the obvious nostalgic design aesthetic that's grabbing me right now.


Had zero luck finding one of these things.

Not sure why I want one at the moment. My brother managed to snag one Day 1 only because he had a car service appointment on the way, and I have almost half of these games via VC on my Wii and 3DS.

I guess it's because of the obvious nostalgic design aesthetic that's grabbing me right now.

You want it because the CRT mode make the games 376% better
AGITΩ;227010397 said:
Camped outside my best buy again. Most stores got another shipment today so another ticketted event in the morning. Super salty i was outside at 4am tuesday and because of folks leaving chairs to "claim their spot" i ended up being 37th out of 36 units.

They weren't even there? Thats BS, I would have just moved the chair to the back.
betcha so many scalpers waited in line. It is bascially a good paying workday/night for them. fuck em

Standing/sitting in the cold for 10 hours to turn 150-200$ profit? Unless you are making 10-15$ hours is that even worth it?

In our line, everyone was there because A) They wanted the NES for themselves or B) They had to get it as a gift.

They ended up getting 20 units in, so anyone after 20 was screwed. I wish the stores were more open about how many units they are getting. essentially all units were spoken for by midnight. Many people got there at 2-3am and they waited in line for 5-6 hours for nothing.
I bought six and two controllers. One for myself and one for my wives nephews with the extra controller. The other controller and the other four were sold on eBay.

I'd never waited outside in a line, sending a mother or father home crying. It was all done online when items posted on Twitter I bought online,received it, and sold them online. All in all about an hours worth of work and pretty much paid for my NES classic and the switch when it comes out.

So I must be a horrible person. But if you really think that then you don't understand how capitalism really works. Plus these things are gonna be all over the place in a couple weeks. People are paying a premium to have it sooner for an item that's in demand. America's got to have it now mentality.

To be fair, one can understand how "capitalism works" and still think you're a horrible person.
Woah, I didn't realize the demand for this stuff has gotten this crazy. Shame that it has come to this. Nintendo left money on the table imo. Then again Pokemon is busting up the charts still.
I bought six and two controllers. One for myself and one for my wives nephews with the extra controller. The other controller and the other four were sold on eBay.

I'd never waited outside in a line, sending a mother or father home crying. It was all done online when items posted on Twitter I bought online,received it, and sold them online. All in all about an hours worth of work and pretty much paid for my NES classic and the switch when it comes out.

So I must be a horrible person. But if you really think that then you don't understand how capitalism really works. Plus these things are gonna be all over the place in a couple weeks. People are paying a premium to have it sooner for an item that's in demand. America's got to have it now mentality.

Yeah....nah you still suck.
Anyone have a link to a good video of a side by side comparison of the NES Classic running next to Raspberry Pi Retropie setup?

All I can find is people showing one or the other at a time. I'd love to see a direct real time comparison.


Lol I missed two chances at Best Buy to snag one since the original launch and on the 20th. Ended up buying 3* one was for a coworker who was working and couldn't wait in the line.

Already have my original one from Target and my Famicom Mini from Japan.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Went to Gamestop during lunch as they had new unopened boxes. I got there as they were being opened and they has NES Classic...accessories. :mad: *priceisrightfailfanfare*

Oh well just wasn't meant to be.
My GameStop got some in as well this afternoon. Less than a handful.

Called two local GS, associate was rather tired of getting asked about them, they sold out at opening. Sorry GS associate, I'm sure it is uber frustrating to get asked about a product that you know is limited cause Nintendo gonna Nintendo.


Can't really hate on the scalpers here. This is Nintendo's fault. I did my share of waiting in line and reselling (back when I was in college and needed the money).

If people are willing to pay a premium, that's on them.


Yea I don't hate scalpers at all. Yea it's kinda shitty when they try to resell for crazy prices, but people shouldn't turn to them in the first place. If people just ignored the resellers and could hold out that would be awesome.

But this falls on Nintendo. Time and again they "miscalculate" the demand. Come on now. They are game company and console maker. They've been in this business for years. I have a hard time believing it's just incompetence.
Yea I don't hate scalpers at all. Yea it's kinda shitty when they try to resell for crazy prices, but people shouldn't turn to them in the first place. If people just ignored the resellers and could hold out that would be awesome.

But this falls on Nintendo. Time and again they "miscalculate" the demand. Come on now. They are game company and console maker. They've been in this business for years. I have a hard time believing it's just incompetence.

I think reselling for $150-200 is fair play, especially considering what most people are doing to snag these to resell. My time is worth more than sitting in line somewhere for four hours in shit-tier weather.

Nintendo didn't miscalculate anything, this is SOP for them. N3DS was a gold mine because of the stock issue and it sold out everywhere, this is the exact same thing. Guess what will happen when Switch launches? Nintendo does this intentionally to keep up consumer interest in their products. If it was sitting on the shelf everyday people wouldn't feel the need to pick it up instantly. Intentionally shorting supply works in the favor, the issue is many consumers will just walk away and lose interest in their product.

This is what happened for the Wii U for me and I'm sure it is gonna happen for the NES Classic and Switch. I'll move on if I cannot get one in a reasonable amount of time.


So my nephew is trying to get past world 3 on SMB. I just showed him the turtle shell trick on 3-1, his mind is blown.


Have just done the present swapping with the missus before she goes home for Christmas and I must say this thing is amazing. The packaging is solid, the controller (dpad in particular) is sharp as fuck and the emulation quality is impeccable.

I'm excited to see what the emu team do with the N64.
What a well done product and what a shame Nintendo couldnt ensure more people, including a younger generation, would be sharing the experience w their parents over the holidays. I will never believe this was intentional and, if it was, i will never believe it was the right decision
I hate pestering employees at GameStop and Target but man it has been impossible to know if they have any without calling or showing up.

I asked if they would let me write down my info for them to call me, on a list, when they came in, but they said no. So I said well I'll just call every day I guess and contribute to phone line clogging. They said I could check online to see if they had them but they don't update that right away.


I got one from amazon prime now yesterday in Chicago, I was on the site randomly and hit refresh, amazon tweeted it out about 5 minutes later. Got super lucky and am pretty excited to give it to my dad on Sunday.
What a well done product and what a shame Nintendo couldnt ensure more people, including a younger generation, would be sharing the experience w their parents over the holidays. I will never believe this was intentional and, if it was, i will never believe it was the right decision

Nintendo isn't a Mom and Pop operation, they spend millions of dollars on research and marketing. Either they have the worst people in the business (cause this happens with EVERY piece of hardware they sell) or it is intentional; i.e. this is intentional and has been part of their strategy for numerous generations of product. You can believe what you want.


I got one from amazon prime now yesterday in Chicago, I was on the site randomly and hit refresh, amazon tweeted it out about 5 minutes later. Got super lucky and am pretty excited to give it to my dad on Sunday.

Just don't resell that console. Give us visual confirmation of your father getting it, or else! /NintendoWhiteKnightPatrol

The Amazon Prime strategy has been absolutely baffling. The stories from the individuals within the Now areas have been great.


Just don't resell that console. Give us visual confirmation of your father getting it, or else! /NintendoWhiteKnightPatrol

The Amazon Prime strategy has been absolutely baffling. The stories from the individuals within the Now areas have been great.

They need to make the Fall River distribution center a Prime Now location.


the piano man
I need help before the day its over.

So I have a NES mini but it's in its box and I won't open til the 25th. The box does says it doesnt have an AC adapter but also says some USB cables can be used to power the NES...I am not sure what's it that I need..

a cable with USB entries?? an AC adapter? the box aparently has a USB cable.

I don't want to open the thing and not be able to play it on a holiday so I'd could go today to a store whatever is it I need.

can you guys help me out? thanks!
I need help before the day its over.

So I have a NES mini but it's in its box and I won't open til the 25th. The box does says it doesnt have an AC adapter but also says some USB cables can be used to power the NES...I am not sure what's it that I need..

a cable with USB entries?? an AC adapter? the box aparently has a USB cable.

I don't want to open the thing and not be able to play it on a holiday so I'd could go today to a store whatever is it I need.

can you guys help me out? thanks!

You just need a USB power adapter or a close by computer with a free USB port. It uses the same USB cable as most phones now. Mine is being powered through my TV's USB port.


the piano man
You just need a USB power adapter or a close by computer with a free USB port. It uses the same USB cable as most phones now. Mine is being powered through my TV's USB port.

I have and old ass TV but I just looked on its side and and there's a USB port with the "5V 0.5 A" label on it,

am I all set? the NES box includes the USB <-> USB cable, right?
I have and old ass TV but I just looked on its side and and there's a USB port with the "5V 0.5 A" label on it,

am I all set? the NES box includes the USB <-> USB cable, right?

If you have a European NES classic it has just the cable but no power brick. Otherwise if you have it from any other region it has everything you need in the box. My TV is enough to power it. I would look for a cheap USB 2.0 or higher power brick just in case though. After the whole Pokemon Go craze I'm swimming in USB ports.


the piano man
If you have a European NES classic it has just the cable but no power brick. Otherwise if you have it from any other region it has everything you need in the box. My TV is enough to power it. I would look for a cheap USB 2.0 or higher power brick just in case though. After the whole Pokemon Go craze I'm swimming in USB ports.

yes I have the European version... people in amazon buy this thing together with the NES mini,


I wonder if that's enough


I love playing this thing. I just wish there was more sports options. One of the Bases Loaded games or Blades of Steel would have been perfect. Or Tecmo World Wrestling. That game was fantastic.
Standing/sitting in the cold for 10 hours to turn 150-200$ profit? Unless you are making 10-15$ hours is that even worth it?

In our line, everyone was there because A) They wanted the NES for themselves or B) They had to get it as a gift.

They ended up getting 20 units in, so anyone after 20 was screwed. I wish the stores were more open about how many units they are getting. essentially all units were spoken for by midnight. Many people got there at 2-3am and they waited in line for 5-6 hours for nothing.
Half the time they don't know exactly what they are getting or how many they are getting for a variety of products. I was working during the holidays at Target when the XB1 and PS4 first released and PS4s were hard to come by. We never really knew how many we would get on the truck. One day we might get 10, another we might get 2 haha


What a well done product and what a shame Nintendo couldnt ensure more people, including a younger generation, would be sharing the experience w their parents over the holidays. I will never believe this was intentional and, if it was, i will never believe it was the right decision

Nintendo have been doing this for three decades. It was absolutely intentional, and as long as people keep falling for it they will continue to do it. FOMO is a primary driver for Nintendo's actions as their product lineup is actually quite slim nowadays.
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